Working power supply design

- Added: 09.07.2014
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Additional information
1 General instructions
1.1 List of accepted abbreviations
1.2 Objectives, Purpose and Areas of ASCUE Use
1.3 Information on the regulatory and technical documents used in the design
1.4 Order of system creation
1.5 Description of Activity Process
2 Basic Technical Solutions
2.1 Decisions on the structure of ASKUE
2.2 Solutions on means and methods of communication between the components of ASCUE
2.3 Solutions on the relationship of ASCUE with related systems, ensuring its compatibility
2.4 System Operation and Diagnostics Solutions
2.5 Decisions on the number, qualifications and functions of the ASKUE personnel, its operating modes, interaction procedure
2.6 Solutions to ensure the specified characteristics of the system. Assignment indicators
2.7 Reliability Solutions
2.8 Safety Solutions
2.9 Ergonomics and Technical Aesthetics Solutions
2.10 Solutions for operation, maintenance, repair and storage of system components
2.11 Solutions to protect information from unauthorized access
2.12 External Impact Protection Solutions
2.13 Composition of functions, tasks implemented by the system
2.14 Solutions for the complex of technical facilities, its placement at the facility
2.15 Decisions on the composition of software tools, languages of activity
3 Description of tasks
3.1 Characteristics of the set of tasks
3.2 Input Information
3.3 Output Information
3.4 Information support
4 Metrological support
4.1 General provisions
4.2 Measuring instruments. Current and Voltage Measuring Transformers
4.3 Power Meters
4.4 DRC
4.5 Operating conditions of measuring instruments
4.6 Calculation of measurement error
4.7 Organizational measures for metrological support
5 Measures for preparation of the automation object for system commissioning
5.1 Measures to create necessary subdivisions and workplaces
5.2 Personnel Training and Qualification Verification Activities
5.3 Measures to change the automation object
5.4 Measures for acceptance of ASKUE for operation
1.2 Objectives, Purpose and Areas of ASCUE Use
The main tasks of the ASKUE implementation are: improving the efficiency of energy resources use, ensuring energy saving and rational use of electricity.
The main objectives of ASCUE implementation are:
- provision of accurate, reliable and timely information on power consumption "GPP4 Yenisei plywood mill" for financial calculations on measurement points;
- Reducing the percentage of power losses and the potential for theft;
- use of ASCUE to control the specified mode of electric power consumption;
- transfer of commercial data on electric energy and power consumption from the measuring system to the information collection point of OJSC Krasnoyarsk Energosbyt.
- execution of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2006 N 530 of Moscow, on the approval of the Rules for the Functioning of Retail Markets of Electric Energy during the Transitional Period of Electricity Reform.
1.3 Information on the regulatory and technical documents used in the design
- GOST 34.20189. Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Types, completeness and identification of documents when creating automated systems.
- GOST 2.102 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents.
- GOST 2.601 Operating documents.
- GOST 21.002 Design documentation system for construction. Standard control of design and estimate documentation.
- GOST 2.10595 ESKD. General requirements for text documents.
- GOST 20.39.10885 Integrated system of general technical requirements. Requirements for ergonomics, habitability and technical aesthetics. Item and selection order.
- GOST 8.25677 GSI Normalization and determination of dynamic characteristics of analog measuring instruments. Main provisions
- GOST 34.60190 Information technology Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems of the creation stage.
- GOST 34.60289. Set of standards for automated systems. Technical assignment for creation of the automated system.
- GOST 34.603 Information technology. Types of tests of automated systems.
- GOST 19832001 Voltage transformers. General technical requirements.
- GOST 77462001 Current transformers. General specifications.
- GOST 12.1.00491 Occupational safety standards system. Fire safety. General requirements.
- GOST Occupational safety standards system. Electrical products. General safety requirements.
- GOST R 5073995 Computing equipment. Protection against unauthorized access to information. General technical requirements.
- GOST 512752006 Information Protection. Object of informatization. Factors affecting information. General provisions.
- GOST R 52069.02003 Information Protection. Standards system. Main provisions.
- GOST R 8.5962002 State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements Metrological support of measuring systems. Main provisions.
- GOST 8.009 GSI. Normalized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments.
- GOST R 523232005 Equipment for measuring AC electric energy. Private requirements. Part 22. Static active energy meters of accuracy classes 0.2S and 0.5S.
- Electrical Installation Rules. - 7th edition. M, 2007.
- M0162001 SWEAT P, RD 15334.0-03.15000 Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rule) at operation of electroinstallations.
- RD 34.09.10194 Standard Instruction for Accounting of Electric Power in its Production, Transmission and Distribution.
- RD 3420501 Rules of technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation.
- RD 5034.698-90 Methodological instructions. Information technology. Set of standards and guidelines for automated systems. Automated systems. Requirements to the content of documents.
- RD 15334.0-03.30100 Fire safety rules for power plants.
Technical documentation on counters of the electric power of the TsE6850M type, Mercury 230ART.
Technical documentation for DRC type Sikon C70.
Instructions for Installation, Configuration and Operation of Pyramid Software. Retail market. "
1.4 Order of system creation
Performance of works, with subsequent commissioning into experimental and continuous operation, shall be carried out in one queue.
The scope of installation of 5 additional GPP4 Venetian Plywood Mill cells includes the following steps:
1. pre-design survey of the automation facility;
2. development and approval of design documentation for installation of 5 additional cells "GPP4 Yenisei plywood mill";
3. supply of necessary equipment;
4. installation works;
5. Commissioning activities;
6. development of operational documentation;
7. commissioning;
8. commissioning.
Installation works include:
1. Installation of 5 power meters on the designed cells at the installation sites provided by the manufacturer;
2. Replacement of the installed DRC overhead cabinet with a floor cabinet, with the possibility of placing 2 Sikon S70 units, ASKUE server, ¼ Switchboard, USV-1 and UPS in it.
3. Installation in an ASCAPC equipment USPD case according to the scheme of equipment installation (see 0660002009AKU sheet 9) with expansion of a system the additional network Sikon industrial controller C70, with association USPD in Profibus network;
4. Connection of current circuits, measurement and power supply circuits in accordance with factory documentation and design solutions;
1.5 Description of Activity Process
The process of activity in the operating conditions of ASKUE "GPP4 Yenisei plywood plant" consists of two main procedures:
- obtaining "GPP4 Yenisei Plywood Plant" data on electric energy (capacity) consumed for production needs;
- submission of the received data to the information system of OJSC Krasnoyarsk Energosbyt.
The procedure for obtaining data on consumed electric energy is completely automatic and consists of interconnected automatic operations of measurement, processing and storage.
The data transmission procedure to OJSC Krasnoyarsk Energosbyt is carried out in an automated manner according to the specified schedule.
The process of activity in the conditions of operation of ASKUE "GPP4 Yenisei Plywood Plant" includes maintenance of ASKUE components, use by GPP4 Yenisei Plywood Plant employees of accounting data provided by ASKUE in their daily activities.
2 main technical solutions
2.1 Decisions on the structure of ASKUE
ASKUE "GPP4 Yenisei Plywood Plant" is created as a hierarchical integrated automated system. ASKUE "GPP4 Yenisei Plywood Plant" includes the following hierarchy levels:
1st level - IIC level: includes 5 CP points and 39 existing TP points, 5 new TP points, as well as channelization equipment;
2nd level - DRC level: includes 1 existing Sikon C70, 1 new Sikon C70, combined with the existing Profibus network, existing Sikon 1 and channelization equipment;
3rd level - ASKUE server level: includes ASKUE server "GPP4 Yenisei plywood plant," channeling equipment.
To obtain reliable information on electricity in ASKUE, the synchronization of the time of the system with astronomical and system-wide clocks is carried out from the reference source of exact time GPS (global positioning system). On the basis of the signal receiver, a time synchronization device (CMS) operating as part of the CMS is made. The Unified Time Management System (SIS) covers all levels of the hierarchy.
All ASKUE equipment is connected to ~ 220V guaranteed power supply from UPS installed in DRC cabinet.
2.2 Solutions on means and methods of communication between the components of ASCUE
As a communication channel between the ASKUE DSS and the server of OJSC Krasnoyarsk Energosbyt, a GSMcommunication network is used.
To communicate Sikon C70 programmable controllers with each other, the Profibus Dual Local Area Network (DIN 19245) protocol is used, providing the ability to maintain common accounting groups. The network complex provides full protection of Profibus LAN at both hardware and software levels. The maximum data reception/transmission rate over the network is 93.7 kBaud.
Dedicated RS485 interface links are used as communication channels between counters and DRC.
Ethernetline connected through Ethernetcommuter is used as communication channel between DRC and ASKUE server.
In the designed ASKUE, system time synchronization is carried out using USV1 manufactured by ZAO ITF Systems and Technologies. Internal clock of DRC Sikon C70 combined into Profibus network, ASKUE server and internal clock of counters are synchronized from ESK1.
2.3 Solutions on the relationship of ASCUE with related systems, ensuring its compatibility
Commercial information is transmitted to OJSC Krasnoyarsk Energosbyt via the GSMcommunication channel.
The information shall be transmitted at least once a day.
2.4 System Operation and Diagnostics Solutions
ASKUE "GPP4 Yenisei Plywood Plant" provides the following modes of operation:
- regular;
- service;
- emergency.
In normal mode, all technical means operate as follows:
- measurement of regulated values and transmission of data between system levels;
- There is a system for ensuring a single time;
- information on commercial accounting is transferred to OJSC Krasnoyarsk Energy Company.
In the service mode of operation, technical equipment is maintained, technical components of the system are added or removed, and equipment is reconfigured.
The complex of technical facilities goes into emergency operation mode in case of equipment failures and failures of communication channels between the system components.
ASKUE "GPP4 Yenisei plywood mill" at all levels has built-in diagnostic functions.
At the IIR level, the counters perform self-diagnostics of the correctness of operation and, if there are causes that may affect its functioning, outputs error or warning codes.
At the DRC level, Sikon S70 performs self-diagnostics and event recording. DRC automatically generates an event log in non-volatile memory for recording:
- measurement registration start date;
- power supply interruptions;
- software and hardware restarts;
- time adjustments in DRC and each counter;
- software changes and DRC re-parameterization.
The content of the log is transmitted at the request of Pyramid Software 2000 to the ASKUE server.
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