Power supply of the Alpen Beer brewery in Krasnodar with the development of a water heating device using a heliocollector. Power supply diagram of the enterprise

- Added: 09.07.2014
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Additional information
3.1 Selection of process equipment
3.2 Calculation and selection of ventilation system
3.3 Heating system calculation
4.1 Selection of type and lighting system. Choice of normalized illumination. Selection of type of lighting fixtures
4.2 Calculation of production room lighting
4.3 Calculation of lighting by specific power method
5.1 Calculation of plant loads
5.2 Reactive power compensation
5.3 Selection of TP power and type
5.4 Load calculation for 0.38 kV line sections and selection of wire grades and sections
6.1 Calculation of electrical loads
6.2 Reactive power compensation
6.3 Selection of input cable
7.1 Calculation and selection of wiring of internal group lighting networks
7.2 Calculation and selection of wiring of internal power networks
8.1 Calculation and selection of circuit breakers
8.2 Calculation and selection of magnetic starters and thermal relays
8.3 Selection of power panels
11.1 Heliosets Theory
11.2 Prospects for the application of heliosets
11.3 Types of structures
11.4 Solar collector calculation
11.5 Flat Solar Collector Design
12.1 Calculation and selection of protective grounding
12.2 Calculation and selection of lightning protection
13.1 Technical measures ensuring safety of works and measures for their implementation
13.2 Room classes according to environmental conditions and fire and explosion hazard
13.3 Classes of rooms by electric shock hazard
13.4 Potential Hazard Analysis and Prevention
13.5 Occupational Safety Instruction for Electrician During Brewery Maintenance
13.6 Project Environmental Friendliness
Beer is a sparkling, refreshing drink with a characteristic hop aroma and a pleasant bitter taste. Due to carbon dioxide saturation and the content of a small amount of ethyl alcohol, beer not only quenches thirst, but also increases the overall tone of the body. As a good food emulsifier, it promotes more proper metabolism and increased digestibility of food. The positive effect of barley drink on the restoration of the mucosa in diseases of the stomach and 12 intestine such as gastritis, duodenitis and ulcerative disease was noted. With a certain nutritional value and a pleasant characteristic taste, beer as a drink is very common [19]
At present, much attention is paid to nitrogen compounds in brewing, and primarily proteins, and products of their enzymatic hydrolysis, which largely determine the technical and economic indicators and quality of the finished products.
By color, beer is divided into light and dark, and depending on the type of yeast used, into beer of low and horse fermentation. The qualitative and quantitative composition of barley proteins is complex and unstable. Its change in the process of malting and drying leads to the enrichment of malt with nitrogen substances of various molecular weights, the role of which is ambiguous for brewing purposes. On the one hand, the increased content of protein substances reduces the efficiency of malt processing, can be the cause of colloidal haze and coarse taste of beer. On the other hand, an insufficient amount of low molecular weight nitrogenous substances, primarily amino acids, will hinder the fermentation process, and depletion of wort by medium molecular weight peptides will impair the taste and foam properties of beer [5].
Therefore, brewing has special requirements for both the total content of protein substances and the ratio of individual nitrogen-containing compounds formed from proteins.
In view of the general global trend towards the approximation of beer production to the consumer, the production of complete equipment for breweries has been mastered in many countries of the world over the past decade. low productivity, designed for beer consumption in small settlements in urban areas. The domestic industry for the production of mini and microworks is also developing intensively. Its development requires extraordinary approaches to solving technological problems, but allows you to produce beer with a unique taste and allows you to achieve a balanced chemical composition of beer
11.1 Heliosets Theory
Scientific and technological progress is primarily related to the development of energy. Power plants, internal combustion engines and other sources of energy currently use mainly non-renewable energy resources, which include coal, oil, natural gas, fuel shale, peat. Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages. According to some experts, the most convenient and energy-intensive part of energy resources (oil and gas) will be exhausted in the relatively near future. Other experts estimate that the forecasts are more optimistic. In any case, the issue of alternative energy sources to fossil organic fuels must be addressed. Such sources include renewable energy resources, which are restored during their use. This is direct solar energy, transformed solar energy (river, wind, biomass, ocean energy), gravitational energy in the form of tides and ocean currents, geothermal energy associated with the internal energy of the Earth.
The disadvantage of solar plants is the alienation of large areas and a change in the microclimate due to a decrease in ambient temperature. Other disadvantages can be indicated: the absence of radiation, and therefore the work of the solar plant at night, etc.
11.3 Types of structures
The traditional flat solar collector is a heat insulated box on all sides, inside of which there is a heat receiving metal or plastic panel painted to better absorb solar radiation in a dark color (or coated with a special optical selective coating that absorbs relatively short-wave solar radiation well and emits little in the infrared region) and covered from above by a translucent enclosure (one or two layers of glass or transparent UV resistant plastic). The panel is a heat exchanger through the channels of which heated water is pumped. Water is directed to heat insulated tank hydraulically connected to solar collector. In a day, water from the tank can pass through the collector several times, being heated to the calculated temperature level, depending on the relationship between the volume of the tank and the area of the solar collector, as well as on external conditions. The circulation of water in the closed circuit of the solar collector - tank - solar collector can be carried out forcibly with the help of a small circulation pump or naturally due to the difference in hydrostatic pressures in the columns of cold and heated water. In the latter case, the tank shall be located above the upper elevation of the solar collector.
There are more than 300 schematic solutions of heliosets depending on the purpose, purpose and amount of use. In the simplest embodiment, the plant includes one or more solar heat collectors that are mounted obliquely at an angle, the optimum value of which depends on the geographical latitude in the direction of the jugsever, as well as a storage tank (which is usually located above the collector), corresponding supports, pipelines and shutoff elements.
With a relatively simple heliofield scheme, when the transparent cover of the headers is located in the same plane, the natural circulation of the coolant occurs through channels in the form of a coil. This slightly reduces the heating capacity of the system. More efficient is the heliofield scheme, where collectors are assembled into blocks, each of which has its own slope in the south-north direction. This is a variant of the flowing circulation of the coolant.
Two-circuit heliosets have been developed and are used, in which non-freezing heat carriers are used in the primary circuit (located outside the premises), and in the second - as a rule, water. Such installations can be used all year round. There are installations that can operate in one and two loops.
In Denmark, for example, a typical water heating system for one family has a solar collector with an area of 3-6 square meters. m, with a water tank of 200300 l and costs $2,5005,000. The solar collector saves about 600700 kWh/m2 per year;
In a Phillips house, for example, a solar collector (20m2) collects 3644 GJ of heat per year (with an average efficiency of 50%) stored in a 40m3 tank at a temperature of up to 95 ° C.
Improving the structure of the collector has limitations on the criterion of energy payback. A similar approach is useful for solar plants as a whole.
13.5 Occupational Safety Instruction for Electrician During Brewery Maintenance
13.5.1 Basic requirements
Persons who have passed training and have reached the age of 18 years are allowed to work independently in electrical installations. To fulfill the duties of an electrician, persons who do not have medical contraindications for this profession, have completed theoretical and practical training, are certified by the qualification commission and have a certificate for the right to carry out work.
When moving around the territory of the enterprise, guard against stepping on the covers of hatches and ceilings of pits, canals and pits in order to avoid falling into them.
Do not stand or walk under a moving load or in places where it is possible to fall different objects.
Do not clutter the passages to electrical installations, starters, choppers .
Do not open, switch on or touch electrical devices and electrical equipment with their hands or objects unless they are directly subject to maintenance.
Perform only the work assigned by management, provided you know how to perform it safely.
Do not follow orders if they are contrary to safety rules and their implementation can lead to an accident.
Do not use protective equipment that has not passed the established tests, but if the next test period has expired.
In case of electric shock, first of all, it is necessary to release the victim from the action of electric current by disconnecting the electrical installation from the power supply, and if it is impossible to disconnect, pull it from the current-carrying parts by the clothes or using improvised insulation material.
If the victim does not have breathing and a pulse, it is necessary to perform artificial breathing.
13.5.2 Safety requirements before starting operation
Put in order overalls, overcoats and other personal protective equipment, check their serviceability. Store PPE in special boxes, separate from tools.
Check condition of insulating supports, screens, portable ladders, etc. Serviceability of manual tool
The hand tool should be stored in a portable drawer or tool bag.
If you receive an order or oral order for the upcoming work, you will be instructed on its safe implementation. An oral order to perform the work must be recorded in the operational log, at the same time indicate by whom the order was given, the place and name of the work, the timing of its performance.
View log entries of TB violations, faults, etc. for previous shifts. Make sure that firefighting equipment and first aid are ready.
13.5.3 Safety requirements during operation
Make sure that switching on and off devices, alarms and interlocks are serviceable.
Check serviceability of lighting devices, wiring, lighting fixtures, lamps. Adjust the working lighting so that the working area is sufficiently illuminated and the light does not blind the eyes.
In order to prepare the workplace for partial or fully relieved stress operations, it is necessary to perform the following measures in the specified sequence:
Perform necessary disconnections and take measures preventing the supply of voltage to the place of work due to erroneous or spontaneous switching on of switching equipment (install mechanical locking of actuators of switches, switches and disconnectors)
Display posters "DO NOT TURN ON, PEOPLE WORK," and install fences if necessary
Connect portable earthing to the grounding device.
Make sure that there is no voltage on the current-carrying parts to be grounded.
Apply grounding to the conductive parts (immediately after voltage-free check), i.e. turn on the grounding knives or apply portable grounding.
Shield the workplace and hang posters "stop - high voltage," "do not get in - kill." If necessary, enclose the live parts that remain energized.
Check absence of voltage in electrical installations with voltage indicator or portable voltmeter. The test is carried out by a person who has a qualification group not lower than the third.
In partially relieved operations, when part of the electrical installation is disconnected, but near the other part is energized and accessible to the performer, these works are carried out by two persons.
Replacement of fuse fuses fuses under voltage must be performed in safety glasses, dielectric gloves using insulating ticks. The change of fuse inserts can be made by one person with qualifications not lower than the third group, and when changing at height from stairs - by two persons, of which one must have a qualification group not lower than the third.
It is necessary to immediately turn off the current in case of: breakage of any of the parts, in case of detection of malfunction in the operation of mechanisms, electrical equipment; injury to any of the maintenance personnel; fire in the area of operation.
During operation in the absence of fencing it is necessary to use the protective belt.
It is forbidden to use random objects (boxes, barrels, etc.) for supports. When working with a manual tool, you cannot put it on an electric drive and electrical equipment.
Use an electrified tool (drills, wrenches, throwers, grinding machines, etc.), provided that it is fully serviceable and at a voltage of not more than 220 V. the housing of the power tool operating at a voltage above 42V must be grounded. Rubber gloves shall be used when working with the power tool.
Do not turn on switches and buttons of starters with foreign objects.
The voltage of portable lamps shall not exceed 12V in places of special danger (raw places, mines, wells, metal tanks, etc.).
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