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Working automatic fire extinguishing plant and evacuation warning and control system

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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. Design of automatic fire extinguishing and fire warning systems shall be performed as per drawings attached to this design assignment.

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Additional information



1. General part

2. Automatic Fire Fighting Installation

3. Evacuation Warning and Management System

4. Power supply

5. Grounding

6. Health and Safety

7. Professional and qualification staff

8. Maintenance

Terms of Reference

for shutdown of ventilation and actuation of air pressure system

1. Provide for ventilation disconnection and air overpressure system activation using VK 02 CC relay amplifier installed in the ventilation chamber room.

2. Route VVG 2x1.5 cable from ventilation control cabinets to VK 02

3. Parameters of CC relay VK02: 220V, 10A.

General part

1.1. This project is developed on the basis of contract No. ___________ of construction drawings provided by the customer, data of pre-design survey of the facility and current regulatory documents.

1.2. The protected premises of the basement of LLC "" include:

- household appliances warehouses;

- elevator hall;

- tambour.

1.3. The building has II degree of fire resistance, functional class

fire hazard of rooms F 5.2

1.4. To ensure fire safety of the building, fire-fighting measures are provided, in accordance with the current norms and rules: NPB 882001 * "Fire extinguishing and alarm units. Design standards and rules, "NPB 11003" List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment recommended for protection by automatic fire extinguishing and detection units, "NPB 10403" Warning and evacuation control systems for fires in buildings and structures. "

1.5. In the protected rooms, the project provides for a fire extinguishing unit, which includes powder modules "Mongust6I," controlled by the "Master" system.

1.6. The design provides for shutdown of ventilation and activation of the air pressure system in "Fire" mode.

1.7. The building has a warning system of the 2nd type, which includes piezoelectric sirens and "Exit" annunciators.

1.8 Manual fire detectors installed on escape routes are provided.

1.9. In accordance with the current norms and rules, this fire safety system ensures timely detection of a fire, notification of people about a fire at this facility, which is checked by calculations as per GOST 12.1.004. The instruments and equipment used provide signals for timely shutdown of ventilation systems.

Automatic Fire Fighting Installation

2.1. Main design solutions.

2.1.1. Automatic fire extinguishing installation in the basement of LLC "" is designed to detect a fire and notify on-duty personnel about a fire, turn on the fire warning system, and generate a signal for automatic control of ventilation systems. Commands for fire extinguishing system control are not generated from manual fire detectors. Signals from ISP are only displayed on "Master" PCLP.

2.1.2. Smoke fire detectors (PI) of IPD 3.1M are used to detect fire in protected rooms.

2.1.3. The FPs are connected to the control units (CU) "Grand Master of CU CU," which are connected by means of network adapters (CA) to the receiver-control fire protection device (PPKOP) "Master" via a four-wire interface.

2.1.4. If there are more than one fire extinguishing modules in the zone, they are connected to the CU through the "Grand Master of CP LV" launch direction expanders in order to start and monitor the circuits for break and short circuit in turn.

2.1.5. Calculation of the required number of modules was made on the basis of NPB 882001 * Appendix 9 and certificates for modules, taking into account the powder spray diagram, with the increase of the area to be protected by 10% provided for local fire extinguishing, the coefficient k4 is accepted = 1 in accordance with module passports and item 2.2. of Annex 9.

2.1.6. All manual fire detectors are connected to one system unit "Grand Master SB8," which is also connected to PPKOP "Master."

2.2. General information on the principle of work.

2.2.1. At actuation of one FP in the loop the signal "Attention" is generated on "Main" PCLP, with indication of VU number, two - "fire" signal.

2.2.2. When operating in the "fire" mode, the warning system is activated in all rooms, the "Powder drains!" annunciators are activated, and after a delay in evacuating people, the "Powder come in!" annunciator is activated and the fire extinguishing modules are automatically started in the area controlled by this VU. If one of the doors in the fire extinguishing area is opened, the modules start-up is blocked until all doors are closed, and the "Automatic off" annunciator is activated.

2.2.3. VU monitors circuits connected to it for break and

short circuit with issue of notifications to "Main" PCCP and indication on the unit itself.

2.2.4. Manual fire detectors (IPR) are installed on escape routes, at exits, in accordance with plans.

2.3. Equipment placement.

2.3.1. Due to the fact that the signals from the sensors trigger fire extinguishing, the PIs are located on the ceiling at a distance of not more than 4.5 m from each other and 2.25 m from the walls, at least 3 sensors in each room.

2.3.2. Links are routed to walls and ceiling.

2.3.3. IPR are installed according to plans at an altitude of 1.5 meters.

2.3.7. PPKOP "Magistrator" is installed on a wall with a non-burning base at a height of 1.5 meters.

Evacuation Warning and Management System

3.1. The project provides for the type 2 warning system in accordance with NPB 10403.

3.2. The system is designed for audible warning of people about fire in protected rooms in automatic mode by command from "Main" PPKOP.

3.3. The tasks of the warning system are reduced to a notification of a fire of personnel on duty and people in the premises.

3.4. "Output" annunciators are constantly ON.

3.5. The cable of the warning and evacuation control system is laid in the metal box along the main ceiling or walls.

Power supply

According to PUE, fire alarms in terms of power supply are classified as electrical receivers of the 1st category. Therefore, the power supply of the plant should be carried out from two independent AC sources with a voltage of 220 V. The frequency is 50 Hz and at least 1.0 kW each, or from one AC source with automatic switching in emergency mode to backup power from battery batteries.

Backup power supply shall ensure normal operation of the plant within 24 hours in standby mode and not less than 3 hours in fire mode.

Technical characteristics of electrical receivers of the plant:

1) operating input voltage - 220V, 50 Hz.

2) power consumption by operating input - not more than 110 VA.

3) voltage deviations from 10% to + 10%.


To ensure the safety of people, all electrical equipment must be reliably grounded in accordance with PUE requirements. Grounding devices shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's technical documentation. The resistance of the grounding device must be not more than 4 ohms. Connection of grounding and zero protective conductors shall be made by bolting. The third core of the power cable is used as the ground conductor.

Professional and qualification staff

Maintenance and maintenance work is performed by communication mounts not lower than the 5th category.

The number of communication mounts for maintenance and maintenance of the OS takes into account the necessary time for all components of the installation. Thus, the required number of personnel is involved in the maintenance of the installations: the 5th category communication unit - 2 people.

The calculation was made according to RTM 25.48882 of the Ministry of Environment of the USSR.

Drawings content

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