Automatic fire extinguishing system, fire warning and evacuation control system

- Added: 14.08.2014
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The protected rooms are located in a three-story building. On two underground floors (elev. -5.600 and elev. -2.800) there is a parking lot on the first floor (elev.
Project's Content
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Additional information
General part
Automatic fire alarm installation
Evacuation Warning and Management System
4. Selection of automatic fire extinguishing unit
Power supply
Health and Safety
Professional and qualification staff
Two-storey underground garage
1.6. Design stages: project, working draft, work documentation
1.7. Design and estimate documentation design shall be guided by
applicable construction regulations, as well as
departmental and other documents submitted by the customer
1) RD 78. 14593, RD 78. 14392
2) NPB 10403, NPB 11003, NPB 882001 *
3) GOST 21. 10197
1.8. Special construction conditions: no
1.9. Other information: height of protected rooms h = 2.8m.
2.1 Place of system signals output:
1) output the system signals to the fire station room
provided with round-the-clock duty of service personnel
additional data:
3.1. The fire alarm, fire extinguishing and fire warning systems shall be designed according to the drawings attached to this design assignment.
3.2. The design shall be guided by the current regulatory data
3.3. The initial data for the design are the characteristics of protected rooms and fire hazardous materials located in these rooms.
3.4. Vehicles are stored in the protected building.
3.5. Additional Terms
works are carried out - in 1984 prices, the cost of equipment and materials is indicated in current prices.
5.1. The developer organization presents to the customer organization:
1) design and estimate documentation set in accordance with
MN and P 4.02.0185
2) tasks issued by the organization-developer
to the customer.
5.3 Customer:
(name of the contracting authority)
guarantees the performance of work on tasks issued by the organization
developer of the contracting authority.
Explanatory Note
General part
1.1. This project is developed on the basis of contract No. ___________,
construction drawings provided by the customer, pre-design site survey data and current regulatory documents.
1.2. The protected rooms are located in a three-story building. On two underground floors (elev. -5.600 and elev. -2.800) there is a parking lot on the first floor (elev. 000) there is a security room.
Total area of protected parking premises 2268m2; security premises 85m2.
1.3. The building has II degree of fire resistance, functional class
fire hazard of F 5.2 rooms.
1.4. To ensure fire safety of the building, fire-fighting measures are provided, in accordance with the current norms and rules: NPB 882001 * "Fire extinguishing and alarm units. Design standards and rules, "NPB 11003" List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment recommended for protection by automatic fire extinguishing and detection units, "NPB 10403" Warning and evacuation control systems for fires in buildings and structures. "
1.5. Automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing is provided in the parking areas (SNiP 210299 item 6.29). Announcers firefighters thermal by SP 1023A21M isp.2 are applied to fire detection, in the protected rooms of the building.
In the security room (elev. 000) automatic fire alarm is provided (NPB 11003). Smoke fire detectors IPD3.1M are used to detect fire in protected rooms of the building.
The type of fire detectors is selected depending on the purpose of the premises, the type of fire load and the fire factor at the initial stage of fire occurrence.
1.6.To extinguish the fire, WFP "Veer2" powder fire extinguishing modules are used.
1.7. As a fire extinguishing station, the Master receiving and control device was used.
1.8. Parking rooms are divided into fire fighting areas:
- three local fire-fighting areas at elev. -2.800;
- three local fire-fighting areas at elev. -5.600.
1.9. Fire extinguishing is carried out from the control units "Grand Master PU BU," which are connected to the fire extinguishing station "Magistrator" via a four-wire communication line.
1.10. In accordance with the current norms and regulations, these fire safety systems ensure timely detection of a fire, notification of people about a fire and elimination of a fire (parking room).
Automatic fire alarm installation
2.1. Main design solutions.
2.1.1. Automatic installation of fire alarm in the building is intended for fire detection and notification of fire of duty personnel, activation of fire warning system.
2.1.2. Fire alarm loops are connected to control units "Grand Master of CP BP," installed near fire extinguishing zones.
2.1.3. Two fire alarm loops (elev. -5.600 and elev. -2.800), which include three manual fire detectors each, are connected to the "Grand Magister4" acceptance and control device installed in the security room.
2.1.4. Fire alarm loop at el. 000 is connected to PKP "Grand Magister4."
2.2. General information on the principle of work.
2.2.1. The main principle of the manual fire detector is to close the contacts of the internal microswitch, which connects an additional resistor to the fire alarm loop, which causes a change in the resistance of the PSK loop.
2.2.2. The main principle of operation of the smoke detector is the detection of smoke particles in the sensor working chamber due to reflection of light radiation emanating from the LED from smoke particles, which, when processed by the detector circuit, leads to a decrease in the sensor internal resistance to 500 ohms.
2.2.3. The main principle of the operation of the thermal fire detector is the opening of the contacts of the thermally sensitive element when the sensor is heated above 62 ° С.
2.3. Equipment placement.
2.3.1. Smoke fire detectors are installed on the ceiling in accordance with the plans for the placement of equipment, APS and EPSS networks at el. 000 (sheet 14). The distance between smoke detectors shall not exceed the value specified in Table 5 of NPB 8801 *: between detectors not more than 9 m; between the detector and the wall not more than 4.5m. Sensors are connected to each other by KSVV cable.
2.3.2. Thermal fire detectors are placed on the ceiling in accordance with the layout plans of the APS equipment and networks (sheet 2, sheet 4). The distance between thermal fire detectors shall not exceed 1.87 m, and between the detector and the wall shall not exceed 0.93 m (in case of generation of signals for fire extinguishing control, warning of the 3rd type, etc., the distance between detectors shall be not more than half of the normative distance determined as per Table 8 (NPB 8801 p.13.1); if there are protruding parts on the ceiling from 0.08 to 0.4 m, the area controlled by fire detectors specified in Table 8 decreases by 25%).
Sensors are connected to each other by KSVV cable.
2.3.3. If there are boxes, process platforms with a width of 0.75 m and more in the controlled room, which have a continuous structure, which is located along the lower elevation from the ceiling at a distance of more than 0.4 m, fire detectors must be additionally installed under them (NPB 8801 p.12.20).
For air ducts, thermal fire detectors are placed according to plans for placement of equipment and APS networks on air ducts (sheet 3, sheet 5). The distance between thermal fire detectors shall not exceed 2.50m and between the detector and the wall 1.25m
2.3.4. Manual fire detectors are installed on the wall at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level, according to plans for the placement of equipment and APS networks. The trunks are made by the WCS cable.
2.3.5. Devices "Grandee of Magistr8", "Magistrator", the SKAT1200U uninterruptible power supply unit and source of reserve food of "CKAT1200P5" are placed in protection on a wall with the fireproof basis at the height of 1.5 m from floor level.
Evacuation Warning and Management System
3.1. Main design solutions.
3.1.1. The project, in accordance with NPB 10403, provides a type 1 warning system for the security room and a type 3 warning system for the underground parking in accordance with SNiP 210299 (item 6.32).
3.1.2. The type 1 system includes sounders; system of its type includes voice annunciators and "OUTPUT" annunciators.
3.1.4. The tasks of the alert system are as follows:
a) detect the fire using the fire alarm unit; Fire detection by random people or personnel is possible;
b) provide fire warning to people and indicate escape routes;
NBW 1201 are used as "OUTPUT" annunciators, which indicate exits from protected rooms and are constantly ON.
3.2. General information on the principle of work.
3.2.1. Sound annunciator PK1 and voice warning units "Sonata" are connected in parallel and connected to PPK "Master." All voice annunciators (elev. -5.600 and elev. -2.800) and PKI1 sound annunciator (elev. 000).
3.3. Equipment placement, electrical wiring laying.
3.3.1. NBO1201 indicating panels with the inscriptions "EXIT" are placed over doorways at an exit from the room.
3.3.2. The audible annunciator shall be located in accordance with the plans for arrangement of equipment, APS and EPSS networks (sheet 14) at a height of not less than 2.3 m from the floor and not less than 150 mm from the ceiling .
3.3.3. Voice annunciators shall be located according to equipment layout plans, EMSS networks (sheet 10, sheet 11) at a height of not less than 2.3 m from the floor and not less than 150 mm from the ceiling.
3.3.4. The connecting lines are made by 2x0.5 PVC 3x1.5 CVP wires in the RPC metal box according to the plans (sheet 10, sheet 11).
3.4. Calculation of sound pressure.
Technical specifications for annunciators are given
sound signal level at a distance of 1 m (Sop), which should be in
ranges from 85 to 110 dB (A). At the request of item 3.15. NPS 10403, to ensure clear audibility, EMSS audio signals shall provide a sound level not less than 15 dB above the permissible sound level of constant noise in the protected room .
Sp + = Sp + 15dB,
Sp is the average sound level of constant noise in the premises.
Determination of signal level at arbitrary distance SPL is performed by addition of signalling signal passport value (at 1 meter) with signal attenuation value (with minus sign) for given distance.
SPL = Sop++ r
The dependence of signal level reduction on the distance to the alert is calculated by the formula:
where, L is the distance from the alert to the design point (m),
r is the attenuation of the sound signal (dB) when the distance L.
For the required SSE 10403 audibility of SSE audio signals, the condition Sp + < SPL is met.
Selection of automatic fire extinguishing unit
4.1. In accordance with the current: SNiP 210299 "Car parking," NPB 882001 * "Fire fighting and alarm systems. Design Standards and Rules "and NPB 11003" List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment recommended for protection by automatic fire fighting and detection units, "a powder fire extinguishing system is used in this room.
4.2. Calculation of the system.
4.2.1. The following initial data were used to calculate the powder fire extinguishing system of parking spaces:
(elev. -5.600)
- area of the 1st local fire-fighting zone (height h = 2.8m): S = 351.6 m ².
- area of the 2nd local fire-fighting zone (height h = 2.8 m): S = 410.7 m ²
- area of the 3rd local fire-fighting zone (height h = 2.8 m): S = 321.6 m ²
(elev. -2.800)
- area of the 4th local fire-fighting zone (height h = 2.8 m): S = 351.6 m ²
- area of the 5th local fire-fighting zone (height h = 2.8 m): S = 410.7 m ²
- area of the 6th local fire-fighting zone (height h = 2.8 m): S = 321.6 m ²
4.2.2. Automatic powder fire extinguishing system shall be calculated in accordance with NPB 882001 * Annex 9.
When using automatic powder fire extinguishing plants, the number of modules for protection of the room area is determined by the formula
where N is the number of modules required to protect the room, pcs.;
Sn - area of the protected room, m ³ ;
SH - area protected by one module of the selected type,
is determined by the technical documentation for the module ;
= 1 - non-uniformity coefficient of powder spraying;
= 1.24 - safety factor, which takes into account the shading of the possible fire source.
- a factor that takes into account the change in the fire extinguishing efficiency of the powder used with respect to the combustible substance in the protected zone compared to gasoline A76. It is determined by the table and is equal to 1.
- a factor that takes into account the degree of non-tightness of the room;
where is the ratio of the total area of non-tightness (openings, slots) to the total surface of the room, coefficient B is determined as per the figure of Annex 9 of NPB 882001 *.
- area of non-tightness in the lower part of the room; - area of non-tightness in the upper part of the room, F - total area of non-tightness (openings, slots).
For pulse fire extinguishing units the factor B is determined by documentation and equal to 1.
In case of local fire extinguishing, the protected area Sn is defined as the area of the object, increased by 10% (NPB 8801 Appendix 9 p.2.2).
- for 1st local fire-fighting area S = 351.6 m ²:
WFP "Veer1" = 20 pcs.;
- for 2nd local fire-fighting area S = 410.7 m ²:
WFP Veer1 = 24pc;
- for the 3rd local fire-fighting area S = 351.6 m ²:
WFP Veer1 = 19pc;
- for 4th local fire-fighting area S = 351.6 m ²:
WFP "Veer1" = 20 pcs.;
- for the 5th local fire fighting area of the car dealership hall (height h = 6 m) S = 410.7 m ²:
WFP Veer1 = 24pc;
- for 6th local fire-fighting area S = 351.6 m ²:
WFP Veer1 = 19pc;
4.2.3. In order to determine the delay time of the powdered fire extinguishing module (PWP), the process of spreading fire hazards (FPF) and the calculation of the process of evacuation of people are analyzed and calculated, as a result of which the time of blocking of escape routes and the time of safe evacuation of people are determined. The calculation was made depending on the nature of the interaction of the three processes: the movement of human flows, the spread of CRF and includes:
- place of fire occurrence in the most fire hazardous room;
- the maximum number of people in the premises - 36 people;
- parking area on one floor - 1134 m ²;
- maximum length of escape routes 26 m (based on design features).
4.2.5. Time for safe evacuation of people:,
where l is the reduced track length, m., V is the speed of movement m/s.
With a known number of evacuees and passage area, taking the average area occupied by one person (0.1 = 0.125) x 0.5 = 0.113 m ², we determine the density of human flow
D = N x f/l x δ, where N is the number of people; f is the average area occupied by one person; l - length of escape route; δ is the width of the escape route.
D = 20 x 0,113/26 x 1.2 = 0,044 (people/m ²)
According to Table 2 of manual 4.91 to SNiP 2.04.0591, by interpolation we determine the speed of human flow:
V = 0.61 m/s, then the time for safe evacuation of people is
The time for blocking escape routes in the initial stage of fire is determined by the formula:
A - room area;
Y is the minimum average level of standing of the lower boundary of smoke from the floor, accepted for premises equal to 2.5 m;
- room height, m;
- perimeter of fire center, m.
because the floors are the same (elev. -2.800 and elev. -5.600) in terms of the number of cars and areas, then the calculation results will be the same.
CONCLUSION: the time for blocking evacuation routes is 253 seconds, and the time for safe evacuation of people is 42.6 seconds, the time for evacuation of people is sufficient. The delay time on the system startup control device is provided - the nearest sample of the device is 45sec, for the security response.
4.3. Main design solutions.
4.3.1. The automatic fire extinguishing system generates commands based on the "fire" signal:
- activation of the warning system;
- actuation of light signalling ("Leave powder," "Do not enter powder" annunciator);
- shutdown of ventilation;
- start of fire extinguishing system.
4.3.2. "BU Grand Master PU," "RN Grand Master PU" are powered from uninterruptible power supply SCAT1200U.
4.4. General information on the principle of work.
4.4.1. At operation of two fire detectors, the system sets to "fire" mode, the warning system is activated, light alarm ("Powder leave," "Powder do not enter" annunciator), air overpressure to the lock vestibule; ventilation is switched off and the countdown for starting fire extinguishing begins. Fire fighting will not start unless all doors are closed.
4.4.2. Fire extinguishing can be started remotely from the security post from the Master control device.
4.4.3. The "Veer2" WFP is started as follows: when an electric pulse is supplied to the electric igniter, the gas-generating element is started, as a result of this, an intensive gas release occurs inside the aerator chamber. Gas flows through the aerator valves to the module housing. Under gas pressure, outlet valve is opened and fire-extinguishing powder is discharged through sprayer into combustion zone.
4.5. Equipment placement.
4.5.1. Control units "BU Grand Master PU" and "RN Grand Master PU" are located on the wall in protected rooms.
Annunciators NBO1201 with inscriptions "Powder - leave!" are placed above door openings when leaving the room.
Annunciators NBO1201 with inscriptions "Powder - do not enter!" are placed above the doorways at the entrance to the room.
Annunciators NBO1201 with inscriptions "Automatic - disconnected!" are placed above the doorways at the entrance to the room.
WFP is located on the condition that the room is uniformly filled with fire-extinguishing powder. The installation of WFP is carried out on the supporting structures of the room on the bracket, which are fixed in such a way as to ensure the vertical location of the module.
4.5.2. Connecting lines of light annunciators are performed according to equipment layout plans, EMSS networks by 12x0.5 KSVV wire in RTsX metal tank.
4.5.3. Magnetic contact detectors are installed on all doors leading to the extinguishing zone. Interlocking loop is made with KSVV cable .
4.5.3. Connecting lines of modules with "Grand Master of RN CP" instrument are performed according to the layout plans of equipment and APST networks by 2x0.5 KSVV wire.
Power supply
According to PUE, fire alarms in terms of power supply are classified as electrical receivers of the 1st category. Therefore, the power supply of the plant must be provided from two independent AC sources with a voltage of 220 V. The frequency is 50 Hz and not less than 1.0 kW each, or from one AC source with automatic switching in emergency mode to backup power from batteries.
Backup power supply shall ensure normal operation of the plant within 24 hours in standby mode and not less than 3 hours in fire mode.
In the security room on (elev. 000) the SKAT1200U uninterruptible power supply unit with battery 12a*ch and the CKAT1200P5 stand-by power supply with battery 7a*ch, PPKOP Magistrator with battery 7a*ch and PPK "Grandee of Magistr4" with battery 7a*ch is installed.
Technical characteristics of electrical receivers of the plant:
1) operating input voltage - 220V, 50 Hz.
2) power consumption by operating input - not more than 180 VA.
3) voltage deviations from 10% to + 10%.
To ensure the safety of people, all electrical equipment must be reliably grounded in accordance with PUE requirements. Grounding devices shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's technical documentation. The resistance of the grounding device must be not more than 4 ohms. Connection of grounding and zero protective conductors shall be made by bolting. The third core of the power cable is used as the ground conductor.
Health and Safety
Compliance with safety regulations is a prerequisite for safe operation of the plants.
Violation of safety rules can lead to accidents.
Persons who have passed safety training are allowed to service the plant. Passing the briefing is noted in the journal.
All electrical installation, installation and repairs should be carried out only if the voltage is removed and compliance with the "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers" and "Safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers of the USSR State Energy Supervision."
Perform all operations only with serviceable tools, do not use wrenches with extended handles, tool handles must be made of insulating material.
Installation works shall be performed in accordance with RD 78.14593.
Professional and qualification staff
Maintenance and maintenance work is carried out by communication mounts not lower than the 5th category.
The number of communication mounts for maintenance and maintenance of the OS takes into account the necessary time for all components of the installation. Thus, the required number of personnel is involved in the maintenance of the installations: the 5th category communication unit - 2 people.
The calculation was made according to RTM 25.48882 of the Ministry of Environment of the USSR.
The main purpose of maintenance is to carry out measures aimed at maintaining the plants in a ready-for-use state: preventing faults and premature failure of component devices and elements.
Maintenance and repair structure:
-technical maintenance;
- scheduled maintenance;
- planned overhaul;
- unscheduled repair.
When performing maintenance works, refer to the requirements of the "Operating and Maintenance Instructions" of the devices used in the APTA system.
No. P/N
List of works
External inspection of plant components for damages, corrosion, dirt, attachment strength
Check of operating position of switches, light indication, presence of seals
Main and standby power supply monitoring, switching mode
Serviceability check of main units of installation, parameters of WS, UEN, etc.
Preventive work, inspection, inspections
Metrological instrumentation check
Measurement of electrical resistance, protective grounding
Serviceability check of the unit from the console

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