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Automatic fire alarm installation and fire evacuation warning and control system - Y.M.Sverdlov Plant


Explanatory note, calculations, cable journal

Project's Content

icon Л.1.1-1.3_общие данные.doc
icon Л.2.1-2.4_Пояснительная записка.doc
icon Титул ПД.rtf
icon Чертеж1.dwg
icon Л.1.1-1.3_общие данные.doc
icon Л.2.1-2.3_Пояснительная записка.doc
icon Титул ПД.rtf
icon Чертеж1.dwg

Additional information

General provisions

The project documentation is developed on the basis of:

- Architectural and construction layouts of the facility provided by the customer;

- Rules and Regulations for Design and Construction of Communication Systems.

PD provides for:

- Security alarm system.

- Access control and control system

2. Security alarm system

2.1. Security alarm system

Control of a system of the security alarm system is exercised from PPKOP devices "Signal10 and the C2000M remote controller .

Install alarm cables in accordance with PUE and RD 78.14593.

Lay alarm cables in rooms in cable channels and open behind suspended ceilings. Cable passes through walls are made in sections of plastic pipes. ∅20kh3,2

2.2. Operating principle of the system

In the initial state (standby), the "Signal10" device monitors the state of its alarm loops, periodically interrogates detectors, records in its memory all changes in the situation on the object. When a person enters the protected room, security detectors send a signal to the device, which analyzes it and sends an "Alarm" signal to the security post. To remove one of the loops of the device is programmed with a delay in issuing an alarm for the time required to disconnect the device (it is determined and installed during system setup). For protection, the detectors of this loop are put on standby, the device is turned on for protection, but the protection of this loop will occur after a set time, while violations of the loop integrity are not perceived by the device as an alarm. After the specified time, the device automatically takes the loop for protection. All this information is transmitted via RS485 interface to C2000M control panel, stored in memory and displayed on station display.

When the 220V main power supply disappears, the backup power supply connects the batteries and all devices switch to power from them.

In the event of a short circuit in the loop or a break, its device also analyzes the event and generates a fault signal.

2.3. Equipment placement

C2000M control panel is installed on the 1st floor at the entrance. The device is installed at a height of not more than 1800 mm from the floor level and not less than 50 mm from other devices, both vertically and horizontally. Signal control device 10 is placed in the corridor of the 1st floor in the shield under the lock.

2.4 Power supply of the unit.

Power supply of the security alarm system is provided from standby power supply sources RIP12 is.01, with accumulator 17A * h 12V .

3. Access Control and Control System

3.1. Access Control and Control System

Control of a control system of access is exercised from the C20002 controller and the C2000M remote controller.

The access control system is equipped with an entrance door and an iron crack on the 1st floor.

The system includes a lock, contactless reader, EXIT button

Access control system cables shall be laid in accordance with PUE and RD 78.14593. Cable passes through walls are made in sections of plastic pipes. ∅20kh3,2

3.2. Operating principle of the system

Controlled entry to the office premises is made using contactless plastic HIDs. To do this, each working in this building is provided with an individual, contactless HIDaccess card, when presented, the Lock Controller automatically identifies the presented card, matches it with a list of allowed cards and the time of allowed passage. If the presented card meets all conditions, the electromagnetic lock is automatically opened and all information is entered in the event report. If at least one of the conditions is violated, the electromagnetic lock is not opened, and information about unauthorized access is also entered in the event protocol. Return exit from the room is controlled by PRZ system. In addition, the Lock Controller provides independent protection of the monitored door with the appropriate powers of the presented card.

3.3 Power supply of the unit

Food of installation of control of access is carried out from the RIP12 stand-by power supply isp.01 and accumulator 17a*ch .


The cables shall be marked at the points of approach to terminal boxes. Label cable pairs and wires by loop numbers. The marking shall be wear resistant and easy to read.

Drawings content

icon Чертеж1.dwg


icon Чертеж1.dwg


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