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VK CS Car Maintenance Station and Car Wash

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This project contains solutions for water supply, ventilation and heating of consumers and sewage disposal from consumers of the car maintenance station and car wash.

Project's Content

icon CXEMA-AUTO.dwg
icon Drawing1.dwg
icon Баланс.doc
icon Оч. соор. схема.dwg
icon оч.с. записка.doc
icon ПЗ Авто.doc
icon Принцип.схема2.dwg
icon Расчёт ВД и ПД_AUTO (house).doc
icon Расчет воздухообмена.doc
icon СО.doc
icon Технологическая планировка.dwg
icon Характеристика.doc

Additional information

Wastewater treatment plants from car washing

1. General part

In this project, wastewater treatment plants from car park washing are being developed in order to manage water use and protect the environment.

1.1The following materials served as the basis and initial data for the development of this section:

Terms of Reference for Feasibility Study Development

Job Specification for Development of Section "Water Supply and Sewerage

Architectural and construction drawings of ONTP building 01-91

Sanitary Regulations MoSSP 2.2.01898, Section 2

SNiP 2.04.0185 *. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 2.04.0285 *. Water supply. External networks and structures

1.2 Brief description of the object

In accordance with the technological part of the project, the administrative building provides for the parking of cars and three car washing posts. Car washing is carried out by mobile washing units of the Company "KARCHER" from the system of return water supply of washing areas. It is also envisaged to rinse cars with household drinking water, which is used as a makeup for the recycling system. Car washing mode is continuous for 8 hours.

In the process of car washing, water is carried out, which is compensated from the drinking water supply system in the amount of 10% of the total cooling water flow.

Water requirements for washing machines

According to the job specification, the washing of machines requires water of the following quality:

suspended substances - 40 mg/l

petroleum products 15 mg/l

The BOD is full. - 80 mg/l

PH - 6.5 - 8.5

total stiffness - 18 mg-eq/l

dry residue - 10000 mg/l

iron - 5.0 mg/l

1.4 Design flow rate and effluent composition

The estimated waste water flow rates and contaminants concentrations are taken in accordance with the process specification and comprise:

- 0.6 m3/day from one section 1.8 m3/hour from three sections

The total design wastewater flow rate taking into account continuous washing operation for 10 hours is taken as 14.4 m3/day.

Waste water composition:

suspended substances 700mg/l

petroleum products - 42 mg/l

The BOD is full. - 70 mg/l

PH - 6.5 - 8

salt content - 530 mg/l

Treatment facilities

In order to save water for production needs (washing of machines), the project provides for the construction of treatment facilities with a recycled water supply system for washing sections. "KARCHER" wastewater treatment facilities are used for wastewater treatment. Effluent treatment is carried out by settling, flotation and filtration.

2.1 Cleaning diagram

Contaminated water after the operation of washing the machines with a high-pressure apparatus from each post is drained into its own drain tray with a pit (1), in which a submersible pump (2) is installed. Then contaminated water is pumped by pump to two sectional tank (3, the first section) where heavy suspension and sand are retained and through overflow it enters the second section of tank.

From the second section of tank (3) contaminated water is supplied by submersible pump (4) to treatment plant (5), where various stages of purification pass sequentially. The first stage of wastewater treatment is reagent treatment in a mixer and settling. Then the water passes through special filters. After treatment plant purified water is supplied to clean water tank (6) and then to pump-automatic machines (7) it is supplied to washers.

Makeup of the recycled water supply system of the machine washing sections is made by fresh water from the drinking water supply system due to rinsing of the machines and is 0.18 m3/h, 1.8 m3/day. If necessary, make-up is performed directly into clean water tank.

After cleaning at the plant, waste water is treated by 99% (according to passport data), which will provide residual contamination in the treated water in the following quantities:

suspended substances - 30 mg/l

petroleum products - 2 mg/l

pH -6.5-8.5

The BOD is full. 70 mg/l

Purified water meets the technical requirements for car washing.

The sludge from the treatment plant is withdrawn to the tank (3, first section) and as it accumulates, it is removed by specially equipped vehicles .

After a certain period (up to 50 cycles), waste water from the second section of the tank is also pumped out for subsequent disposal.

Pumping and removal of sediment is carried out by Promothody, Ecoservice Prim, etc., approximately once every 3 days. The amount of precipitation 98% humidity is 0.49 t/day.

During the operation of the treatment plant, water is analyzed for the content of suspended substances and petroleum products in it. Water for analysis is taken from the tank and after the treatment plant.

2.2 Capacity and composition of treatment facilities

The construction of treatment facilities with a capacity of 1.8 m3/h is envisaged.

Treatment facilities include:

water collection trays (1) with submersible pumps (2)

two sectional dirty water tank (3)

KARCHER treatment plant (5) complete with submersible pump (4)

treated water tank (6)

clean water pumps (7)

Catchment tray pos. 1

To collect contaminated water after washing the machines at each area of the wash, a watershed with a size of 0.5 x 5.0 m with pits is provided. The trays are equipped with overflow flanges and have a slope towards the pits.

Pump pos. 2

Three submersible pumps ZVXm 1B, Q = 1.5m3/h, H = 8.5m, N = 0.5 qt are provided to supply contaminated water from the catchment trays to the tank (3). PEDROLLO

Sectional tank pos. 3

To receive contaminated water after washing and sediment from the treatment plant, a sectional tank (pit) with a size of 2.0x1.0 x 1.2 (H) m, a total volume of 2.4 m3, a useful volume of 2.0 m3 is provided..

First pit section with volume of 1.0m3 for reception of contaminated water and sediment. Second 1.0m3 section for clarified water.

Water treatment units pos. 5

For effluent treatment, a comprehensive treatment plant of the Company "KARCHER" type HDS 895 EVRO with a capacity of 16.6 l/min is provided.

Clean water tank pos.6

A 1.27x0.72x1.56 (H) m tank with a useful volume of 1.2 m3, Anion, is provided for receiving the treated water.

Pump pos. 7

Pump-machine PKm1/24 Q = 1.8m3/h, H = 30m, N = 0.37 kw is provided for supply of purified water to washing of machines. PEDROLLO

Layout Solutions

Treatment facilities shall be placed in a separate room measuring 2.5 x 6.0 m per elev. 0.000 in axes 89, E-D, near car washing areas.

This room houses a treatment plant, a 2-section dirty water tank, a clean water tank, pumps.

States, Labour Organization

2 operators are provided for maintenance of treatment facilities. During operation of treatment facilities it is necessary to use the "Safety Rules for Operation of Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities" and the Certificate of Treatment Plant.

The duties of the maintenance personnel include:

- monitoring of equipment technical condition

- periodic maintenance of treatment facilities (monitoring of the presence of sediment in tanks, removal of sediment, repair and flushing of equipment, etc.).

During the operation of treatment facilities, water is analyzed for the content of suspended substances and petroleum products in it.

5. Pipelines

Internal networks are provided from steel electric welded pipes according to GOST 1070491 and for host drinking water from steel water-and-gas galvanized according to GOST 326290.

Effluent treatment effect

Treated effluents after treatment facilities have the following composition :

suspended substances - 10-20 mg/l

petroleum products - 1-2 mg/l

pH -6.5-8.5

The BOD is full. -3.0 mg/l

The remaining substances are present in quantities corresponding to the attached Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion.

Treated effluents are reused for washing machines.

Technical efficiency of treatment facilities

The treatment facilities adopted by the project provide:

reduced consumption of fresh water due to creation of a back-up water supply system of machine washing sections.

the quality of purified water exceeds the requirements for water supplied to washing machines.

no filter elements are required when working on cooling water

easy installation and maintenance of minimum cost of capital and operating costs

Environmental protection

During the development of treatment facilities, the issues of mechanical treatment and post-treatment of wastewater from washing machines were resolved, and therefore, the issues of protecting the water basin from pollution.

The creation of a recirculated water supply system with treatment facilities excludes the discharge of waste water into sewage systems and water bodies.

The sediment generated during the cleaning process is to be removed and removed for disposal outside the enterprise.

The issues of soil protection from pollution in the area of ​ ​ construction of treatment facilities were resolved by waterproofing of their underground structures - a sectional pit.

Industrial emissions to the atmosphere do not have pollution.

Water supply and sewerage

General part

This project contains solutions for consumer water supply and wastewater disposal from consumers of the car maintenance station. The station premises are built into a 5-story open parking lot, at the address: Moscow Region, Khimki, st. Panfilova, st. 19.

The project was developed in accordance with the requirements of the existing norms and rules:

SNiP * Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings;

SNiP 21.0299 "Parking"

MGSN 5.0101 "Car Parking"

Manual to MGSN 5.01-01

VSN 0189 "Departmental building codes. Car Service Enterprises "

The starting materials for the design are:

architectural and planning solutions;

technological solutions.

The designed car maintenance station is built into the above-ground 5-storey open parking lot, with a total volume of 14,987 m3, of which: the volume of the station is 4,000 m3.

The designed car maintenance station is part of an above-ground 5-storey open parking lot. Stations with a total volume of 4,000 m3 are located in rooms at elevations 0.00 and -2.20.

Environmental protection measures

There are no harmful contaminants in domestic waters. The composition of wastewater meets the requirements and rules for receiving wastewater into the sewerage systems of settlements.

Anti-corrosion protection measures

Domestic sewage pipelines (K1) are laid from cast iron sewage pipes as per GOST 694298.

Pipelines of domestic potable water supply and hot water from pipes of steel water-and-gas galvanized as per GOST 326275 * are painted with PF133 synthetic enamel for 2 times under the colour of the room.


Labor organization standards for maintenance of water supply and sewerage systems provide for a shift turnout number of workers to perform the following scope of work:

check of networks and valves condition on pipelines;

elimination of leaks;

lubrication of gate valves and fire cranes;

meter readings;

pressure check;

water temperature measurement;

control of water supply to the process water treatment unit.

Standard number-1 water supply and sewerage engineer for 0.5 shifts and 1 plumber per shift.

Measures to save labor, material and energy resources

The water meter shall be installed at the water supply inlet.

Pipelines are mounted of economical diameters.

A circulating water supply system with water recirculation is provided for car washing.

Explanatory Note

General Data

The project "Heating, Ventilation" was developed on the basis of:

Customer's terms of reference;

technological tasks;

construction drawings.

The project has been completed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

SNiP * "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

SNiP 23.0199 "Construction climatology";

SNiP II379 * "Construction heat engineering";

SNiP 21.0299 "Car parking";

MGSN 5.0194 * "Car parking";

Manual to IGSN 5.0194 *;

VSN 0189 "Car maintenance enterprises."

1.2. Design parameters of outdoor air are taken as follows:

During the cold season:

for heating systems tn - minus 280С;

for ventilation systems tn - minus 280С;

In the warm season:

for ventilation systems tn - plus 22.60С;

1.3. Design parameters of internal air are adopted in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.24.54896.

1.4. Heat supply source of heating and ventilation systems is water with parameters 130700C from control unit located in this housing


In the premises of the car maintenance station, a horizontal double-tube heating system with associated coolant movement is designed.

Registers made of smooth pipes are adopted as local heating devices.

Acoustic events

4.1. The design provides protection against noise and vibration from operating ventilation equipment to the serviced rooms and adjacent buildings.

4.2. The following measures are provided for noise and vibration protection:

installation of noise silencers on air ducts of plenum and exhaust plants;

installation of fans on vibration bases;

fans are connected to air ducts through flexible inserts.

Automation of ventilation systems

5.1. The project provides for automation of ventilation systems.

5.2. Automation of ventilation systems provides monitoring of equipment operation, as well as control of process parameters, control of temperature and pressure of water and air at specified points.

Calculation of the exhaust and plenum ventilation system of smoke protection in case of a fire of an underground parking lot for 296 cars under a residential building at the address: Moscow, st....

Section A. Design model of smoke protection ventilation systems for parking:

Here is the calculation of exhaust smoke protection systems in case of fire (hereinafter, the "smoke removal system") VD4, VD5, VD6 and VD7 of the underground 2-level parking of cars and plenum smoke protection systems of the ramp PD3 and air locks of all exits PD4 - PD9 from the parking lot with unnamed staircases, see diagram 6. When calculating as a floor on which a fire occurred (it is generally accepted that one car caught fire), the lower floor was adopted. When calculating the smoke coming from the fire center, it was accepted that the perimeter of the fire center is 12 m (the maximum recommended in Appendix [11]). Calculation of the amount of smoke is carried out in accordance with [5], item 1.3.

Under the 23x storey residential building there is a 2-level parking lot for 296 cars. Level elevations -6.300 and -9.600. The exit ramp (ramp) has two lanes, in forward and reverse directions, and is equipped with two external gates at the exit at ground level (one external gate for each lane). Tambour lock in front of external exit gate is not provided. Exit gates from each floor to the ramp are alone, and have a sprinkler system for protecting the opening. Exit from the ramp outside is in a separate one-story building (at a distance of 20 m from the residential building, pos. 10, Fig. 1). The area of ​ ​ each floor of the parking lot is 4910 m2, height: lower 2.9 m, upper 2.5 m. In the underground parking lot there are six exits to the outside with 2-story staircases of the H3 type (with floor exits from the floors through air locks). At ground level, the exits of staircases end with one-story headband buildings (located in the courtyard of a residential building). Passenger elevators in the underground parking lot are not provided.

When calculating the ventilation of smoke protection, the outside air temperature and wind speed for the cold and warm period of the year were adopted according to parameters B for Moscow; wind speed is taken equal to 4.9 m/s during the cold season. For smoke removal systems, when determining the gravitational pressure, the outside air temperature was calculated for the warm period of the year. In accordance with the requirements of item 8.15 (a), [1] the calculation of plenum smoke ventilation was carried out for outdoor air temperature and wind speed in the cold period of the year (parameters B).

The fire hazard of passenger car parking rooms is classified as room B, therefore, the calculation takes the temperature of smoke discharged in a fire equal to T = 450 0C according to recommendations [5], and the average specific gravity of smoke is accepted as = 5 N/m3, density 0.51 kg/m3.

In accordance with the requirements of item * 3.18. [3] and [10] the volume of smoke to be removed should be determined for the smoke zone with an area not exceeding 1600 sq.m. Therefore, the floor area of ​ ​ the parking lot was divided into four smoke zones with an area of ​ ​ 11001400 m2 each. As mentioned first, the underground parking lot is served by four smoke removal systems VD4VD7. Each smoke removal system includes two smoke zones - on the first and second floors, lying under each other. Accordingly, each smoke zone is divided into two smoke tanks with an area of ​ ​ 600750m2 (pos. 15). Thus, four tanks of smoke are assigned to each smoke removal system, which is consistent with the recommendations and calculation in paragraphs 1.6, 1.8 of the manual [5]. With an area of up to 700 m2, the time for full filling of each tank with smoke is enough (item 1.5 [5]) to evacuate people through any nearest evacuation exit of the underground parking lot. The maximum distance from any parking point to the nearest exit is not more than 36 m, which at the speed of people according to GOST 12.1.00491 equal to 1.7 m/s gives an evacuation time of 22 seconds (with a relatively low flow density of evacuees (0.05 m2/m2)). Normative 40 m distance to the nearest evacuation exit people must pass for 40/1.7 = 24 s, [5].

Smoke exhaust ventilation is blocked with automatic fire alarm. Automatic remote and manual control of smoke protection ventilation is provided. When one of the cars lights up, the smoke valve in the smoke tank above the car is automatically opened, and the smoke exhaust fan of the corresponding system serving the smoke zone is automatically turned on. When smoke appears in another tank (or tanks), smoke valves are also automatically opened there, connecting branches to the exhaust system (in accordance with paragraph 1.9 [5]).

Fans of systems of smoke removal VD4VD7 (poses. 16) are placed on top of a one-story building (pos. 10), serving for the exit of cars from the parking lot and located at a distance of 20 m from the residential building. The supply air ducts of the smoke removal systems in front of the fans are connected by a header for interchangeability. The connecting manifold is separated by smoke valves to automatically switch on the connected fan of the neighboring system in case of emergency shutdown of the main one (redundancy in accordance with item 1.10 [5]). Check valves are provided in the ducts in front of the fans.

At the request of item * 3.20 [3], the exhaust fans of smoke removal systems adopted in the design remain operational at a temperature of 600 0С for at least 1 hour.

In compliance with the item * 3.20 [3] and item 6.20 [4] each branch of systems of smoke removal of VD4VD7 going to the tank of smoke is equipped with pair of normally closed automatic smoke KDM21000h500MBVNVKR valves (A) of CJSC WINGSM with the section of 2 x 0.44 sq.m through passage = 0.88 sq.m with the Belimo servo and a limit of fire resistance of EI 60 (poses. 13, 14). The number of smoke removal valves is determined below by calculation. Fire resistance rating of smoke removal shafts is provided not less than required fire resistance limits of intersected floors, and floor branches of air ducts from shafts not less than EI 60.

Starting of smoke protection systems in accordance with item * 3.19 [3] is carried out automatically (from automatic fire alarm or automatic fire extinguishing installation) and remotely (from the dispatcher's panel and from buttons installed in fire crane cabinets or at evacuation exits from floors).

To tambours-locks (pos. 5) in front of staircases of the 3rd type of exits from the underground parking lot during a fire (paras. 2.7.4, [7] and paras. 3.17, [5]), the external air inflow for each ventilation system from PD4PD9 is carried out through a vertical header shaft with automatic valves installed on each floor (pos. 11, 12), opened by the signal of the fire alarm system on this floor. Smoke valves are used as supply valves. It is supposed to use smoke removal valves with vertical orientation of the greatest party, the "wall" KDM2900h500MBVNVKR (B) type, (or in the constrained places 1150х400) CJSC WINGSM with a lattice and with the section of Sk through passage = 0.39 sq.m. The valve is installed directly on the vertical channel of steel sheet 1500x550 (dEKV = 805 mm; Seq = 0.509 m2). The valve comes with a Belimo (or Polar Bear) servo motor. A smoke valve with an electromechanical servo drive of section 1100 x 1100 mm is also used as an inlet valve in the channel in front of the axial fan of the overpressure.

According to item * 3.18 [3], in underground multi-storey parking lots, in order to ensure the effective operation of smoke removal systems, shafts should be designed for the natural supply of outdoor air to the fire floor.

To protect escape routes from smoke penetration in case of fire in the underground parking lot, forced plenum ventilation of smoke protection is provided separately for ramp (ramp) PD3 (pos. 17) and separately for plugs-gateways PD4-PD9 (pos. 18) in front of the unlit H3 staircases of all six parking exits. The performance of all 7 pressurized supply systems fully compensates for the amount of air removed by the smoke removal system. For this reason, additional shafts for the natural inflow of external air are not provided.

Plenum smoke ventilation, which serves the ramp and stairwell locks, in accordance with item * 3.21 [3], supplies air through normally closed KDM2 smoke valves of VINGSM CJSC with a fire resistance limit of at least EI 160. Valves are equipped with automatic remote and manual control of actuators. Parameters of plenum smoke ventilation are determined by calculation.

All doors of staircase locks of H3 type of parking exits according to the requirements of 6.18 [2] (see the text of the requirements hereinafter in (l)) shall have automatic devices for their closing. Door finishers (any of DORMA, USAF, ABLOY, ASSA, GEZE, etc.) can be adopted as such devices. For doors up to 1100 mm wide and weighing up to 85 kg according to European standards, the finisher is equipped with an EN4 spring, with which it develops a door closing force of at least 25 Nm, i.e., a force of about 2.53 kg is required to open the door when pressing it near the handle.

In accordance with paragraph 6.18 [2]: "The doors of evacuation exits from floor corridors, halls, lobbies, vestibules and staircases shall not have locks that prevent their free opening from the inside without a key.

Staircase doors leading to common corridors, elevator hall doors and lock doors with constant air overpressure shall have devices for self-closing and sealing in the narrows, and lock doors with air overpressure in case of fire and doors of rooms with forced smoke protection shall have automatic devices for their closing in case of fire. "

According to the requirements of item 8.14 (c) of [1], given in paragraph 6.18 of [2] and in accordance with the recommendations of item 1.11 (c), (d), (e) [5], the following condition of the gates and doors of the underground parking lot in case of fire was adopted for calculation of the plenum ventilation system of smoke protection (see Fig. 1):

- A door leading to the parking lot is opened on the fire floor (lower) in the staircase locks of H3 type and the door leading to the outside is closed;

- Both doors are closed in the air locks of the upper floor exits of the parking lot;

- The flow rate of air supplied to the air locks with one open door should be determined by calculation according to the condition of ensuring the average speed (but not less than 1.3 m/s) of air flow through the open door opening and taking into account the joint action of exhaust smoke ventilation (item 8.14 (c) from [1]).

The flow rate of air supplied to the air locks with closed doors must be calculated for air leaks through the leaks of the door slides. Overpressure value shall be determined relative to adjacent rooms with protected room (item 8.14 (c) [1]).

- The gate for the exit of cars on the ramp on the fire floor is fully open. Sprinkler system of gate opening protection is ON (pos. 8).

- External gates for cars leaving the parking lot are fully open (pos. 10, Fig. 1).

- Car exit gates on the ramp on the other floor of the parking lot are closed.

According to the requirements of item 8.14 (c) of [1] (see the previous item (l)), the flow rate of external supply air of the smoke protection systems of staircase locks on the fire floor (with one open door per floor in each) is determined based on the condition of maintaining the escape rate in the door opening of at least the minimum permissible 1.3 m/s and taking into account the joint action of exhaust smoke ventilation.

Overpressure on closed doors on escape routes (for doors of tambour slides whose opening is prevented by overpressure) shall not exceed 50 Pa (according to item 1.13 [5]), but shall not be less than 20 Pa (see item 8.15 (b), [1]); pressure is controlled by the overpressure valve (door with finisher, M ~ 25 Nm, with spring EN4).

According to subparagraph 1.111.14 [5] and item 2.5.1 [7] and on a condition of gate and doors in the accepted scheme at the fire (see the item (l) above) pressure and the consumption of incoming air given by the system of antismoke protection of a ramp of PD3 calculates on counter-pressure to external air and taking into account joint operation of the exhaust antismoke ventilation and the incoming systems of antismoke protection of platforms locks of staircases PD4PD9 on the floor of the fire.

The entire calculation of the performance of operating smoke protection systems (exhaust and plenum) is controlled by the balance of air exchange on the fire floor.

In this case, it is taken into account, and in full compliance with paragraph 6.18, [4]: "In case of fire, the general ventilation of the underground parking lot should be switched off (pos. 19-22, Fig. 1).

The procedure (sequence) for actuation of smoke protection systems should provide for advance start of exhaust ventilation (earlier than plenum ventilation). "

Air leaks through air ducts should also be taken into account when determining the performance of smoke protection ventilation systems.

Section B. Input:

The number of floors of a residential building is 23 (H = 67m). Under this residential building there is a 2-level parking lot for 296 cars (see the diagram in Figure 1). Level elevations -6.300 and -9.600. The area of ​ ​ each floor of the parking lot is 4910 m2, height: lower 2.9 m, upper 2.5 m. Passenger elevators in the underground parking lot are not provided.

The exit from the ramp outside is in a separate one-story building (at a distance of 20 m from the residential building). The exit ramp (ramp) has two lanes, in the forward and reverse directions. Each lane at the exit at ground level has an external gate: B = 2.8 m; H = 2.7 m. Tambour lock in front of the external exit gate is not provided.

Exit gates from each floor to the ramp are alone (B = 3.3 m, H = 2.7 m), and have a sprinkler system for protecting the opening.

In the underground parking lot there are six exits to the outside with 2-storey staircases of the H3 type (with floor exits from the floors through tambours-locks). At ground level, the exits of staircases end with one-story headband buildings (located in the courtyard of a residential building). Dimensions of entrance doors: B = 0.9 m; H = 2.2 m.

Estimated outside air temperature in the cold season is 28 0С, wind V = 4.9 m/s; in the warm period of the year + 28.5 0C, wind V = 1.0 m/s (parameters B, Moscow).

Drawings content

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