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Contents Introduction 3 1. Initial Design Data 4 2. Internal water supply design 4 2.1. Selection of water supply system and diagram 4 2.2. Hydraulic calculation of water mains 6 2.3. Water meter selection 8 2.4. Determination of the required head in the internal water supply network 9 2.5. Description of piping network design with material selection justification, piping routing and connection methods 11 3. Sewerage 13 3.1. Sewerage systems and diagrams. Design Codes 13 3.2. Calculation of internal sewer network 15 3.3. Calculation of yard sewage network 19 3.4. Description of the design of sewage networks (justification for the selection of materials, equipment, installation methods, routing), individual assemblies (revision, cleaning), releases and exhaust of risers 19 Literature
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Additional information
1. Design Input
2. Internal plumbing design
2.1. Selecting a System and Plumbing Scheme
2.2. Hydraulic calculation of water supply network
2.3. Water meter selection
2.4. Determining the required head in the network
internal water supply
2.5. Description of plumbing network design with justification
material selection, piping and connection methods
3. Sewerage
3.1. Sewerage systems and diagrams. Design Standards
3.2. Calculation of internal sewer network
3.3. Calculation of yard sewage network
3.4. Description of sewage network design (justification
selection of materials, equipment, installation methods, routing),
individual assemblies (revision, cleaning), releases and
exhaust part of risers
Modern water supply and sewerage systems are complex engineering structures and devices that provide water supply to consumers, as well as waste water removal and treatment. The correct solution of engineering problems in water supply and sanitation determines the high level of improvement of settlements, public and industrial buildings, the rational use of natural resources.
The most important condition for reliable operation of building engineering equipment is the use of new advanced materials, products and sanitary devices, as well as the introduction of automated dispatch systems. Pipes, valves, equipment and materials provided for in the design of internal cold water supply systems shall comply with the requirements of state standards, technical specifications approved in accordance with the established procedure.
Pipes, containers, materials and anti-corrosion coatings authorized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus for use in the practice of drinking water supply should be provided for the transportation and storage of drinking-quality water.
When designing internal water supply systems for buildings, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the TNAP approved in the established manner, as well as regulatory legal acts in force in the Republic of Belarus.
Internal plumbing design
2.1 Selection of internal water supply system and diagram.
Internal water supply - a system of pipelines and devices that provides water supply to sanitary and technical devices, fire cranes and technological equipment, serving one building or group of buildings and structures and having a common water measuring device from the water supply network of a settlement or industrial enterprise.
Internal water supply systems include: inputs to the building, water metering units, distribution networks, risers, supplies to sanitary devices, pumping units, water collection, mixing, shutoff and control valves. The selection of the internal water supply system is made taking into account the technical economic, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements, as well as the adopted external water supply system.
The correct selection of the system and scheme during design determines the good and durable functioning of all the water supply equipment of the building.
The selection of the internal water supply system according to the mode of operation is selected depending on the storey of the building and the value of the warranty head in the external water supply network. The values of the specified warranty head in the external water supply system at the entry into the H gar building are compared. with the value of the required head Ntr., determined as a result of hydraulic calculation.
Depending on the mode of water consumption and the purpose of the building, the internal water supply networks are dead end, ring, combined, and by the location of the main pipelines with lower and upper wiring.
Dead end networks are used mainly in buildings where a break in water supply is allowed in the event of a failure of part of the water supply with only one input. Dead end networks are arranged from pipes of different or constant diameter. For residential buildings up to 12 floors high, the use of a dead end network with lower routing of highways is allowed.
Combined networks are used in large buildings with a large spread of water intake devices.
Ring networks are used in buildings if it is necessary to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted transfer of water to consumers.
During the lower routing, the main pipelines are placed in the lower part of the building, and at the upper - in the attic or under the ceiling of the upper floor.
The water supply system as intended is designed economically and potably. Given that the residential building allows some interruption in the supply of water, we provide for a dead end water supply network. Since the building has a basement, we accept the lower routing of main pipelines with open laying of pipes.
2.5 Description of Water Supply Network Design with Justification
material selection, pipe routing and connection methods.
When choosing a water supply network scheme, it is necessary to take into account the locations of the water collection valves on each floor, the supply conditions and the mode of water consumption by consumers, the convenience of installation and repair of all pipelines. The selected network layout should have a feasibility study. When designing water supply systems, they strive for rational placement of pipelines, bringing them closer to water disassembly devices. Pipelines are laid in open or hidden way. Hidden gasket (in furrows, shafts, channels, blocks, panels, cabins) is used with increased requirements for aesthetics of rooms. Furrows, in which pipes are laid, are closed with shields, leaving inspection hatches for shutoff valves and prefabricated connecting parts of pipes (ramps, swivel nuts, etc.). When building structures of buildings are crossed, pipelines are laid in steel or plastic cases (casings) avoiding rigid sealing in order to ensure self-compensation of linear extensions during thermal deformations.
When laying pipes open, various methods are used to attach them to walls, partitions, columns using hooks, clamps, suspensions, brackets. Open laying of pipelines compared to hidden pipelines is much more economical, allows you to constantly monitor the state of pipelines, simplifies their assembly and disassembly during repair work.
Pipelines with horizontal sections are laid with a slope of 0.002-0.005 for the possibility of their emptying during repair work. Sections of pipelines located near external doors and in unheated rooms are covered with thermal insulation. The arrangement of thermal insulation is also advantageous on pipelines located in heated rooms, where condensation of moisture is observed on cold surfaces of pipes (in winter), which increases corrosion of steel pipelines.
Special attention is paid to the laying of plastic pipelines. Given their large temperature extensions (up to 1-1.2 mm by 1 m length), pipelines are laid in furrows, channels, shafts, using non-rigid fastenings, indents, bends, turns to ensure free self-compensation. Special compensators are installed on long straight sections of pipes. Rigid sealing of plastic pipes in walls and floors is not allowed; sleeves are installed in these places, the size of which should be 1-2 mm more than the diameter of pipes.
The water metering unit, equipped with a measuring instrument - a water meter, is used to take into account the amount of consumed water, a control and discharge valve, to monitor the located head (pressure) and water descent from the network, and shut-off valves.
To account for the amount of water consumed in the water supply systems of the building, water meters or flow meters are installed - control and measuring integrating devices. During operation, it is required to check measuring instruments, and sometimes repair or replace devices that give readings with large errors. The water meter is installed on the pipeline between two gate valves or valves, as a result of which a water metering unit is formed.
Water metering unit is mounted in dark and dry room in easily accessible place near external wall of building. Water metering unit is placed in basement, in sump of corridor or entrance of building, in room of central heat station (CTP). To avoid excessive head losses, the water metering units are assembled so that the water meter is installed in the forward section (direction), and not on the bypass line.
To account for the amount of water consumed in buildings, impeller and turbine speed water meters are used. VK type impeller water meters are made with a caliber of 15-50 mm. Axis of rotation of impeller near VK water meters is located perpendicular to direction of water movement. Depending on the method of water supply to the impeller, water meters are single-string and multi-jet. Impeller water meters are placed only in horizontal position on threaded connections. A grid is installed at the water inlet to the meter to equalize the flow and detain scale, corrosion products that have entered the water.
The inputs are designed to connect the water supply system of the building or facility with the external water supply network, from which water supply to consumers is provided.
The entry of the internal water supply is considered to be the section of the pipeline connecting the external water supply to the internal water supply network to the water metering unit or shutoff valves located inside the building. The inlet is connected to the external water supply network by a saddle (if you cannot turn off the external water supply), by welding the inlet pipe or by tapping the tee (if you can turn off the external water supply), or by connecting parts installed in advance when laying the external water supply.
3.1. Sewerage systems and diagrams. Design Standards.
Depending on the purpose of the building and the requirements for waste water discharge, the following internal sewage systems are designed:
domestic - for waste water removal from sanitary devices;
production - for waste water disposal;
combined - for the disposal of domestic and industrial wastewater, if possible, their joint treatment;
network of internal drains - to remove atmospheric precipitation from the roofs of buildings.
The choice of the sewerage system of individual buildings, as well as its scheme (number and mutual arrangement of individual elements of the system) is determined by the purpose of the building, the type of technological process, the installed equipment, the depth of the external sewage network, and the quality composition of waste water.
In residential and public buildings, only domestic sewers are usually designed, and in separate public and communal buildings, an additional rain or second sewage network is provided for the disposal of industrial wastewater.
It is not allowed to discharge domestic wastewater into the external network of the industrial sewage system and contaminated industrial wastewater into the external network of the industrial sewage system, which discharges non-contaminated effluents.
The internal sewerage system of residential buildings consists of floor-by-floor discharge pipelines from sanitary and technical devices, risers with ventilation pipes and outlets. The discharge pipes are laid open at a height of 100150 mm from the floor or in furrows. Risers should be placed on the capital walls. If the designed riser is to service the toilet, it must be located behind the toilet. Devices of two adjacent sanitary units can be connected to one riser. In this case, the riser can be placed in the thickness of the wall, in a vertical channel or in a shaft. At the base, the riser must have a rigid support. Several nearest risers in the basement are united by one release. Launches are laid in the basement below the water supply or under the floor of the basement. At the same time, the minimum length and reliable operation of the internal sewage system should be ensured, for which the following requirements must be observed:
- design minimum number of turns in the basement connecting the riser with the outlet
-Lift along the shortest path to the intraquartal sewage;
- combine no more than three risers into one outlet;
- connect to the outlets using smooth taps or two taps of 135 ° each;
- on risers install revisions on the first and upper floors, as well as at least in three floors;
- on horizontal sections install revisions or cleaning before all turns, as well as on straight sections of pipelines.
The smallest length of the exhaust pipe is taken in solid soils 3 m, and in microporous subsidence-5 m. The exhaust of the external network is connected at an angle of at least 90 °; Note here that differential devices are allowed. Depth of discharge pipe laying is determined taking into account:
- depth of ground freezing (pipe tray can be located above ground freezing depth by 0.3 m);
- protection of the pipe from mechanical damages (in places of ground transport passage the depth of laying must be not less than 1 m).
In this course design of a residential building, a household sewerage system is used.
3.4. Description of sewage network design (justification for
collection of materials, equipment, methods of installation, routing), individual assemblies (revision, cleaning), outlets and exhaust part of risers.
The internal sewerage system includes the following elements: sewage receivers, hydraulic closures, drain pipelines, risers, releases from the building, ventilation pipelines (exhaust), inspections and cleaning. Internal sewer network is mounted from shaped bell-shaped connecting parts and pipes. Cast-iron sewage funnels (GOST 6942.080, GOST 6942.2480), plastic low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) (GOST 1859973) pipes are used.
Drain pipelines are designed for waste water discharge from waste water receivers to risers.
They are laid along the shortest distance along the walls above the floor, under the ceiling of non-residential premises, with the installation of flushes at the ends and at turns. Branch pipes are laid with slope towards risers. Minimum slope for pipes d = 50 mm/= 0.025; d = 100 mm/= 0.02. The outlet diameter of the toilet bowl is 85 mm, the wash is 50 mm, the bath and washbasin is 40 mm, att. 2].
Sewage risers - vertical pipelines are placed near sewage receivers (sanitary devices). If plumbing cabins are used, then risers are placed in installation shafts on the same axis as the toilet bowl. The length of the branch pipes shall be minimal. Sewage pipes and risers should not be placed at the outer walls and in residential premises. All risers shall have a chimney rising above the non-operated flat roof by 0.3 m, a sloping roof of 0.5 m; operating roof - by 3 m. The diameter of the drawing pipe is taken equal to the diameter of the riser. On risers, revisions are installed on the first and last floors, and at least after 3 floors. The lower part of the riser must rest on a rigid base.
The diameter of the sewage riser should be taken depending on the value of the design flow rate of waste liquid, the largest diameter of the floor drain of the pipeline and the angle of its connection to the riser
Sewage outlets are used to collect sewage from the risers and divert them outside the building to the yard sewage network. At the point of connection of the issue to the yard network, an observation well is arranged. The length of the outlet from the riser or cleaning to the axis of the inspection well shall not be more than 8 m with the diameter of the outlet 50 mm, 12 m with the diameter of the outlet 100 mm and 15 m with the diameter of the outlet 150 mm.
The smallest length of the exhaust pipe from the outer wall to the inspection well is taken depending on the soils:
for solid soils - 3 m;
for macroporous, subsidence soils -5 m. Depth of discharge is determined taking into account:
soil freezing depth (pipe bottom can be located above freezing depth by 0.3 m at diameter up to 500 mm and by 0.5 m at diameter > 500 mm);
protection of the pipe from mechanical damages (at the point of ground transport passage the depth of laying must be at least 1 m).
Outlet with riser is connected by two branches at angle 135. You cannot allow the extension of the connection points of the capital walls, and you can not lay them along the base of the foundations next to it. Within the building, drain pipes from sewage risers and outlets can be laid along the basement walls, above the basement floor or, if necessary, under the basement floor.
Two or three full risers can be combined into one outlet, but they must be connected in the basement rooms only in vertical planes (riser to riser), ensuring the necessary location of revisions and cleaning in accessible places.
The diameter of the outlet should be determined by calculation (it should be at least the diameter of the largest of the risers connected to this outlet). The outlets should be connected to the external network at an angle of at least 90 ° (counting the flow of waste water). It is not recommended to direct the releases towards the main elevation of the building. At crossing of basement walls or building foundations by extension, perform the measures specified.
The yard and intra-quarter sewerage network is laid parallel to the buildings, along the shortest path to the control well and further into the street collector. The distance of the yard network route from the foundations of buildings is taken depending on the length of the outlets.
The depth of the yard network is determined taking into account the wastewater temperature, the depth of soil freezing, the elevation of the deepest outlet of the internal sewage network of buildings and the terrain. The minimum depth is taken to be 0.3 m higher than the freezing depth of the soil, but not less than 0.7 m from the ground surface.
Yard and intra-quarter network is arranged from ceramic, concrete or asbestos cement pipes. Inspection wells are placed at points of outlets connection, at turns of lines, at points of pipe diameters change, at straight sections.
For reliable operation of the network, the speed of waste water movement is of great importance, which must be such as to wash off deposits from the walls of pipes and prevent the precipitation of suspensions from the waste liquid. The minimum speed satisfying this condition is called self-cleaning. It depends on the composition of the wastewater and the amount of suspended substances. Within the building, the flow rate of waste water in pipes with a diameter of up to 150 mm shall not be less than 0.7 m/s.
The diameters of the tubes of the yard and intra-quarter networks usually take 150200 mm .
Connection of pipes of different diameters on the network is carried out in the inspection well with the tray device and laying of pipes "silk in silk" or "in level." The control well is located at a distance of 21.5 m from the boundary of the site.
The connection of the yard sewerage network from one or several buildings to the intra-quarter or microdistrict network is carried out without the installation of control wells.
The choice of the route of the yard sewage network should be carried out taking into account the terrain, the placement of other communications (water, gas, electricity, etc.), as well as the location of outlets from various buildings.
When designing and constructing a yard or intra-quarter network, the requirements set out in SNiP 2.04.03 - 85 should be followed.

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