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Thermal energy metering unit in Partizansk

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Thermal energy metering unit in Partizansk, 10 Oktyabrskaya St. the project includes explanatory note and set of drawings

Project's Content

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Additional information


1.Technical Recommendations for Thermal Energy Metering Unit Design and Installation

2. Introduction

3. Basis of selection of thermal energy metering samples. 1-

4.Hydraulic calculation of losses in UUTE. 3-

5. Literature

6. Brief description of UWTA operation. 6-

7. Recommendations for installation of equipment. 9-

8. Operation of thermal energy metering unit. 10-

9. Determination of the amount of heat of energy and heat carrier obtained by water systems of heat consumption. 11-

11. Set of drawings. on 5 sheets

12.Appendices: Certificate of Admission and Certificate of Re-Admission to Operation of TE Unit, Form of TE Register, Design License


This project is based on the Specification for

design of thermal energy metering unit for individual

buildings, at:

Apartment building

Partizansk, Oktyabrskaya St., 10

and in accordance with SP 4110195 "Design of thermal points and" Rules for accounting of thermal energy and coolant. "

Accounting and recording of thermal energy consumption is organized with the aim of:

- mutual financial settlements between

power supply plant and consumer of thermal energy;

- monitoring of thermal and hydraulic operating modes of the systems

heat supply and heat consumption;

- control over rational use of thermal energy and heat carrier;

-documentation of coolant parameters: mass (volume),


2. coolant and heat consumption parameters.

Heat supply source: boiler house No. 2/10

Heating scheme: dependent, closed, 2-pipe,

Coolant - water 95°-70 ° C

Maximum design heat load of the heating system:

Qo.max = 0.160 Gcal/h

5. Brief description of thermal energy metering unit operation.

The design provides for the installation of the TMKNP heat meter, which is designed to measure and record parameters

heat carrier and quantity of heat (thermal energy) during monitoring and accounting, including during accounting and calculation operations in

water heat supply systems.

heat meters are used at thermal power facilities,

industrial and communal complex consisting of

information and measurement systems and quantity metering units

heat carrier and thermal energy.

The TMKNP heat meter includes: TMKN20 calculator and two MasterFlow converters, two KTSB temperature converters, (KTSPN) Pt100 (500), and GSMmodem.

5.1. TMK-N20 computer

The principle of operation of heat meters is based on direct

conversion of signals from pre- by the computer

of users, in information on measured parameters

heat carrier with subsequent calculation, based on

known dependencies, thermal energy. Volume measurements

are produced by counting by the computer for a given time

measurement of the number of pulses received from the counter, s

then multiplying their number by pulse weight.

TMKH20 calculators of the heat meter are executed in tight

plastic housing, which allows them to be installed on

wall, board, or structural steel elements. Inside

computer housings have microprocessor, annunciator, source

power supply (Libattery) and terminal blocks for connection of communication cables

with external devices (transducers, etc.). Cable entry

communication to the computer housing is performed through sealed leads or

rubber cuffs.

Operation of computers is controlled by means of

button of the control keyboard on the front panel of the computer. Before -

information is set by means of annunciator - two

lowercase LCD indicator.

Sealing of computers at release from production of software

protects against unauthorized change of its metrological

characteristics. In order to limit access during operation

to functional units and tuning base, computer housing

is sealed with hinged seal.

Operating principle and detailed description of computer design

are given in its operating manual.

Main functionality of heat meters:

- maintenance of calendar and recording of operation time of heat meters;

- measurement of coolant parameters via two pipelines with

configuration of the latter for various heat supply systems


- indication of current values of measured values on the annunciator

rametr of an expense, temperature, difference of temperatures and pressure;

- registration in non-volatile memory and presentation on the scoreboard

hourly, daily and monthly values of volume, mass, quantity

thermal energy and operating time, average for the reporting interval

temperature, temperature difference and pressure values;

- registration in non-volatile memory and presentation on the scoreboard

totals of volume, mass, quantity of thermal energy and

operating time,

- diagnostics of faults of heat meter components,

violations of permissible measurement ranges, absence of

voltages of volume meters supply and selection of heat operation mode

counter in case of diagnosed situations;

- presentation of measuring information and diagnostic results

directly or via communication lines (switched or non-switched -

rendered using different modems) to external devices

(printer, storage console, computer, etc.) via inter-

RS 232 and/or RS485 fais.

5.2 MasterFlow converters.

Converters for flow conversion

(volume) of cold or hot water, as well as other liquids with

specific electric conductivity of at least 103 cm/m at the weekend

electrical signals: pulse, frequency or current

which are supplied to the computer. Converters have

pulse output with standard for a group of sizes

pulse price, number of pulses at pulse output

proportional to the volume of liquid passed through


Transducers have climatic version of UHL2 in

in accordance with GOST 15150. Resistance to climatic effects

clamps - C3 group as per GOST 12997. Converters are designed for

operation at ambient air temperature from 10 to + 50 ° С

and relative humidity not more than 95%. Resistance to mechanical

vibration-resistant and vibration-resistant operation

group No. 1 as per GOST 12997. Transducers are resistant to

impact of external alternating magnetic field with frequency 50Hz

and a voltage of not more than 400A/m.

In the room where the instruments are operated, there should be no medium,

corrosive materials from which they are made.

The transducers are supplied from an external source

of constant stabilized voltage 11.5... 15V ,

current consumption is not more than 500 mA.

Converters of all modifications have built-in interface

RS-232 for output of measured parameter values to external

devices. Converters can be equipped with an interface

RS-485 supplied by the manufacturer as per

Individual order.

To equalize the potentials between the flowmeter and the measured

converter housing is connected by means of fluid

current conductors with pipeline.

5.3. Temperature converters

Used to measure temperature and temperature difference

KTSPN resistance thermal transducers (KTS-B) with nominal static characteristic Pt100 or 500.

The principle of thermal transducers operation is based on change

electrical conductivity when conductor temperature changes

and outputting the measured value to the computer.

5.4. Flow controller

For flow control and maintenance of flow in standard

balancing valve is used in UWTA parameters.

Adjustment rod of valve is installed inside shut-off ball valve. To control the flow, the rod is raised or lowered until the desired flow rate is reached. The scale on the stem (outside the valve) shows the adjusted setting.

5.5. Heat measurement diagram.

The design envisages installation of TMKNP computer with

a measurement circuit that determines the amount of thermal energy;

consumed in a closed system of heat consumption lost

the heat carrier as a result of change of its temperature from T1 to T2,

with leak control and is determined by the formula:

Q = M1 × (h1h2)

Where Qis the thermal energy measured by the instrument in question


M1 mass of coolant passed in the supply pipeline

during the period under review;

h1 and h2 -mass enthalpy of water determined by the teme-

temperature T1 and T2.

6. Recommendations for equipment installation.

Installation of flow transducers on pipelines of metering units

thermal energy should be produced in accordance with the agreed working design, current regulations, norms

, manufacturer's installation and operation instructions (for each instrument, assembly, respectively): see Attachments "Operating Manual -

automation of the MasterFlow electromagnetic flow transducers "

4213-003-72744634-2005-02 RE, "Operating Manual for Heat and

TMKNP counter "PPB.421894. 003 OM and technical requirements

to installation of the assembly of measuring sections of the converter -

a flow rate. Install heat meter on pipelines

in a location convenient for readings that meets the conditions

operation. The flow direction in the system must correspond to -

Take the direction of the arrow applied to the flowmeter body.

Length of straight sections shall meet the requirements

manufacturer's operating instructions taking into account the effect of the nearest local resistance (2Du before the converter

flow rate and 2Du after ).

Presence of protruding grat on longitudinal and transverse welded

assembly assembly seams are not allowed.

Resistance thermal transducers shall be mounted sim-

metric to the pipe axis in an identical manner as on the feed;

and on return pipelines. Thermal transducers sleeves

resistances shall be installed in connectors welded to

pipeline, and should be located in the pipeline so

so that water washes them along their entire length. Perform tie-ins for pressure gauges, thermometers and downcomers. Install shut-off valves

on pipelines.

Steel welded pipes are used for pipelines

straight-joint (GOST 10704091), pipe material - steel 20 (GOST 1050-

88*). When installing flow transducers on the constriction,

lock the pipe before and after contraction on fixed supports

with the same elevation to avoid curvature of the measuring

run as a result of pipeline weakening.

After installation, perform hydraulic tests

pressure equal to 1.25Prab. (but not less than 8 kgf/cm2) as a part of pipe

wires. When testing the metering unit, the heat meter shall be


To protect the external surface of pipelines from corrosion

anti-corrosion coating with BT117 paint (OST 61012679) is worn in

two layers for primer GF021 (GOST 2512982) in one layer. Before

mechanical cleaning is performed with anticorrosion coating

rust pipelines.

For thermal insulation of pipelines apply Energoflex roll coated with aluminium foil.

Perform electrical installation in accordance with the instructions on

operation of heat meter and electrical connection diagram.

After completion of all installation of thermal energy metering units

present it to the representative of the power supply organization for

sealing and access to operation as a unit

heat energy and heat carrier accounting for commercial calculations.

7. Operation of thermal energy metering unit.

Consumer thermal energy metering unit shall be operated

in accordance with technical documentation.

Responsibility for operation and maintenance of ECM

consumer is carried by an official appointed by the manager

The organization in which this accounting node is maintained.

Readings of devices of the consumer metering unit daily, in the same

time is recorded in logs.

In the time specified by the contract, the consumer is obliged to submit to

energy supply organization copy of heat energy log

and coolant.

Violation of operating requirements set forth in the technical

documentation, equates to the failure of the UUTE of the consumer.

Time of UWTA failure is recorded by the corresponding record

in the log with immediate (not more than a day) notification -

We are talking about this of the energy supply organization and is formalized by a protocol.

The representative of the consumer is obliged to inform the power supply

organization of data on readings of UWTA devices at the moment of output

they're out of action.

When the devices are taken out for repair due to a malfunction, if the time of the devices shutdown exceeds half of the design period (15 days during the year from the moment of UWTA acceptance), the value of the consumed thermal energy is taken equal to the average daily flow rate for the last 3 days preceding the devices shutdown with correction for the actual outside air temperature.

In case of untimely notification by the consumer about violation of the mode and

The UWTA operating conditions and the failure of the UWTA is considered to have failed since its last inspection by the power supply organization. In this case, the amount of thermal energy, the mass (volume) of the coolant and the value of its parameters are determined by the power supply organization on the basis of the calculated thermal loads specified in the Contract and the readings of the UUTE instruments of the heat source.

UTE is considered to fail in the following cases:

- unauthorized interference in its operation;

- violations of seals on equipment of metering unit, electrical communication lines;

- mechanical damage of UWTA instruments and elements;

- operation of any of them outside the limits of accuracy standards;

- tie-ins into pipelines not provided for by the UWTA design.

At the same time, calculations with such consumers are carried out on the basis of the design heat loads specified in the contract and the readings of the UUTE devices of the heat source from the moment of the last check by the power supply organization of the UUTE consumer.

After the expiry of the State inspection of at least one of the devices of this unit, during mutual settlements between the power supply organization and the consumer, UUTE is considered


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