Residential building No. 27 on ave. Lenin, Cheboksary - thermal energy metering unit
- Added: 09.07.2014
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Project's Content
Additional information
1. General instructions.
The project provides for the organization of commercial accounting of thermal energy for heating consumed by a residential building located in Cheboksary on ul. Lenin, d. 27. Instruments and sensors for accounting and control take into account the consumed thermal energy and coolant consumption during the heating and interheating periods and are installed at the input of the above building.
2. Source Data
Heat energy and heat carrier mass metering unit is made in accordance with the following documents:
- TESS 00.030.00 OM Heat meter "STU1." Operation Manual;
- TU RB 300044107.0082002 Set of thermal transducers of KTSPN resistance. Passport;
- SNiP 41022003 "Heat Networks"
- SNiP 4110195 "Design of Thermal Points," Ministry of Construction of Russia, M., 1997;
- "Heat Energy and Coolant Accounting Rules," M. 1995
5. Equipment characteristics of metering unit.
The heat energy for heating metering unit is made common to the whole object and is located in the thermal unit of the building.
Calculation of total consumed thermal energy received by the consumer is determined according to item 3.2.1 "Rules for accounting of ash energy and heat carrier" and readings of heat calculator "STU1" according to the formula:
Q = QI + QP;
where QI is the heat energy consumed by the consumer according to the readings of the heat meter.
QP - heat losses in the area from the boundary of the balance of the consumer's heat supply system to its metering unit (average for the reporting period );
Product package used in the project and software product consisting of:
1) the calculator of amount of heat of STU1 with ultrasonic converters of an expense of UPR 32 installed on the giving and return pipelines with a measurement range:
- maximum flow = 11 m3/h;
- transient flow = 0.44 m3/h;
- minimum flow rate = 0.16 m3/h;
2) a set of platinum resistance temperature transducers for measuring the temperature difference of KTSPN installed on the supply and return pipelines;
performs measurements of consumed thermal energy in the heating system according to the formula:
Qи=G1(h1h[d)- G2(h2h[d)
6. Installation and placement of instruments.
Installation and adjustment of metering devices should be carried out by specialists of the organization licensed to carry out this type of work. Before carrying out the work, specialists must study the content of the following documents:
- TESS 00.030.00 OM Heat meter "STU1." Operation Manual;
- TU RB 300044107.0082002 Set of thermal transducers of KTSPN resistance. Passport.
All installation works of the metering unit shall comply with the following regulatory and technical documents:
- SNiP 41022003 "Heat Networks"
- "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines," PB 1057303, ed. 2003.
- "Heat Energy and Heat Carrier Accounting Rules," Moscow 1995
- "Safety Rules for Operation of Thermal and Mechanical Equipment of Power Plants and Thermal Networks," RD 34.03.20197, ed. 2000.
- Intersectoral rules on labor protection during operation of electrical installations, POT RM0162001, RD153-34.03.15000.
- SNiP 3.05.0785 "Automation Systems," Gosstroy of Russia, 1988
Resistance thermal transducers are installed radially on heat-insulated section of measuring pipeline. It is allowed to install the sensitive thermometer converter in the straight section obliquely to the pipeline axis in the flow direction. The middle of the sensor element of the thermal converter must coincide with the axis of the pipeline.
Submerged part of resistance thermal transducers is installed in pipelines into protective sleeves. The depth of the sleeve shall be (1/32/3) Du. Casings are filled with machine or compressor oil. The oil is poured so that only the heat-sensitive part is immersed in the oil to avoid heat-removing streams from the heat-sensitive part of the thermal transducers.
Heat calculator is mounted on walls or other load-bearing structures in rooms with limited access.
No vapors of acids, alkalis, impurities of ammonia, sulphurous and other aggressive gases in concentrations causing corrosion are allowed in the air of the room.
All installed metering and monitoring devices should be protected against direct ingress of moisture, steam or sunlight, as well as from the effects of chemically active substances (acids, solvents, etc.) on the surface of the shells .
Room temperature shall not exceed 40 0С.
Electrical circuits of the primary transducers and external equipment shall be connected to the heat calculator in accordance with this design.
Connecting cables are laid in a corrugated tube, metal shells or (with a small length) in an open way along the surface of walls and bearing structures.
Installation of the equipment of the metering unit and TP shall be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the corresponding equipment specified in the certificates and the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0185 "Internal sanitary and technical systems."
When repairing, install coils instead of counters.
8. Admission to operation.
Admission to operation of consumer metering units is carried out by a representative of the Power Supply Organization in the presence of a representative of the consumer, about which the corresponding Act is drawn up.
The certificate is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is received by a representative of the consumer, the second - a representative of the Energy Supply Organization. The certificate of admission to operation of the consumer thermal energy metering unit must be approved by the head of the Power Supply Organization.
In order to allow the thermal energy metering unit into operation, the consumer representative must present:
- project for metering unit agreed with the Power Supply Organization;
- certificates for metering unit devices;
Documents on verification of metering devices with the current brand of the state trustee;
- metering unit process diagrams agreed with the Power Supply Organization;
- heat energy and coolant metering unit installed and checked for operability, including instruments recording coolant parameters.
When the metering unit is allowed into operation, the following shall be checked:
- conformity of factory numbers of metering devices specified in the certificate;
- compliance of measurement ranges of installed metering devices with ranges of measured instruments;
- quality of installation of measuring instruments and communication lines, as well as compliance of installation with requirements of passports and design documentation;
- availability of seals.
When the consumer metering unit is allowed into operation (after receipt of the Certificate), the representative of the Power Supply Organization seals the metering unit devices.
Heat energy and heat carrier are taken into account on the basis of readings of consumer metering devices from the moment of signing the Act on its acceptance for operation.
Before each heating season, the heat energy metering units are checked for readiness for operation, and the corresponding Act is drawn up.
9. Operation of the measurement (metering) unit by the Consumer.
The consumer thermal energy metering unit shall be operated in accordance with the technical documentation. The responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the consumer accounting unit is borne by the official appointed by the head of the organization in whose responsibility this accounting unit is maintained.
Maintenance of the metering unit related to dismantling, verification, installation and repair of equipment should be carried out by personnel of specialized organizations licensed by Rostekhnadzor to us to perform such work.
The head of the organization, which owns the consumer's thermal energy metering unit, should provide them with access to the thermal energy metering unit at the first request of representatives of the Energy Supply Organization and the State Energy Supervision Agency.
Violation of the operating requirements set forth in the technical documentation are equated to the failure of the consumer's thermal energy metering unit. The time of failure of the metering unit shall be recorded by the corresponding entry in the log with immediate (not more than a day) notification of this to the Power Supply Organization shall be executed by the Protocol.
The consumer's representative is obliged to inform the Power Supply Organization about the readings of metering devices at the time of their failure.
In case of failure of metering devices, with the help of which the amount of thermal energy and mass are determined (volume) of coolant, as well as instruments recording parameters of coolant, keeping records of thermal energy and mass (volume) of the coolant and recording of its parameters (for a total period of not more than 15 days within a year from the moment of acceptance of the metering unit for commercial accounting) is performed on the basis of readings of these devices taken for 3 days prior to their failure with correction by actual ambient air temperature for the recalculation period.
In case of untimely notification by the consumer of violation of the mode and conditions of operation of the metering unit, and its failure, the metering unit is considered to have failed since its last inspection by the Power Supply Organization.. In this case, the amount of thermal energy, the mass (volume) of the heat carrier and the values of its parameters are determined by the Energy Supply Organization based on the calculated thermal loads specified in the contract.
Thermal energy metering unit is considered to fail in the following cases:
- unauthorized interference in its operation;
- violations of seals on equipment of metering unit, electrical communication lines;
- mechanical damage of instruments and components of metering unit;
- operation of any of them outside the limits of accuracy standards;
- tie-ins into pipelines not provided for by the design.
After the expiry of the State Verification Period of at least one of the devices of the thermal energy and coolant metering unit, the readings of the devices of this metering unit are not taken into account in mutual calculations between the Power Supply Organization and the consumer. The metering unit is considered failed .
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