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Residential building in Chelyabinsk

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Building with dimensions 24x72 with crane 20t. PZ 17p. 2 drawings of A1: plan, longitudinal section cross, plan of a roof, overlappings, base, facade, knots

Project's Content

icon 24х72.dwg
icon ПЗ-Арх3.doc

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1. Assignment for coursework on architecture of industrial buildings

2. Space-planning solution of the building

3 Architectural and structural solution

3.1 Construction of the underground part of the building

3.2 Industrial building frame

3.3 Enclosing structures of industrial building

4 Specification of basic structures


List of literature


Currently, scientific and technological progress should ensure the development of the national economy of the country, aimed at the predominant development of production facilities and means of production. Which ensure the technical re-equipment and development of all other industries. An industrial enterprise is a set of tools and means of production, buildings, structures and other material funds used for the production of any product. Production buildings belong to the main assets of the relevant industry. And they are designed to place industries in them with the provision of the required conditions, for the production process, as well as the environment for normal human work. Industrial construction is the field of construction engaged in the creation of fixed assets of industry, including the implementation of a complex of construction and installation works related to the introduction of new, expansion and modernization of existing industrial enterprises.

Industrial facilities are built mainly in cities. Therefore, along with the industrialization of production and its improvement, the issue of ecology and environmental management is acute. Great attention should be paid to the wide use of new efficient building materials, prefabricated building elements, light and economical large-sized structures and products of improved quality, with a high degree of factory readiness, ensuring an increase in the level of industriality, reduced material intensity and construction costs. As well as durability, comfort and architectural expressiveness of production buildings.

The mechanical assembly workshop of secondary engineering is part of the agricultural machinery plant and is intended for the mechanical processing of parts and the assembly of special-purpose tractors.

Workpieces of parts of tractor assemblies are delivered to the workshop by road through a gate measuring 4x3m and, after preliminary storage in the workshop room, they are delivered to the machining department equipped with turning, milling, drilling and other machines. Then, after heat treatment, hardening with high frequency currents and metal coating processes produced in the thermal compartment, the finished parts enter the assembly compartment, where conveyors for assembly of tractor assemblies and a common assembly conveyor are located. The assembled tractors go to the adjustment and running-in compartment, from where ready-made cars leave through a 3.6x3.6m gate.

Communication between spans is carried out using autocars and conveyors. The main operations in the workshop proceed without the release of harmful gases.

The lighting of the building is natural with the calculation of work on average accuracy. Design shop temperature + 160С, rated internal temperature difference for walls 80С, for coatings 70С.

According to the sanitary characteristics of the production processes, all women and 70% of men working in the workshop belong to group I-b, and the remaining men belong to group IIb. The workshop works on two shifts.

This course project "Industrial Building" was carried out in accordance with the design assignment "Architecture of Industrial and Civil Buildings." The project develops architectural, structural solutions of the industrial building taking into account the setting of dimensions, materials, target orientation, construction area and basic regulatory requirements. The purpose of the project is to obtain architectural design skills using the example of space planning and structural solutions of an industrial building.

3.3 Enclosing structures of industrial building.

Exterior walls.

Main requirements for external walls:

- maintaining the temperature and humidity conditions in the premises without additional costs;

- ensuring strength and stability under static and dynamic loads;

- fire resistance and durability, the degree of which depends on the capital of the building;

- reliability in operation;

- industriality of erection, ease of installation;

- compliance with aesthetic requirements.

In this industrial building, the outer walls are three-layer. The wall is a three-layer reinforced concrete panel with rigid connections. The wall thickness is 300 mm. The length of the panels is 5980 mm, the width is 1285 mm. The bottom of the basement panel is aligned with the elevation of the clean floor of the workshop, a layer of waterproofing is laid between the basement panel and the foundation beam

Temperature seam.

The temperature seam prevents the formation of cracks caused by fluctuations in external and internal air temperatures.

Enclosing coating structures.

In the structural system of an industrial building, the coating determines the durability, character of the interior and appearance of the building. Since the buildings of an industrial building are heated, then the coating is insulated. The insulation "Foam 45" is used as an insulator. The thickness of the insulation is assigned by calculation, based on the climatic conditions of the construction area and the need to exclude the formation of condensate on the internal surface of the coating. The coatings are attic, consist of load-bearing structures (trusses) and a roll roof.

Drainage from the coating.

Coatings are designed with Internal drains. Internal drainage consists of funnels, risers, underground pipelines and outlets. Rain and meltwater through drains is released into the external network of storm or public sewers.

Windows. Doors. Gates.

The light openings in the walls are located in one tier for lighting. Spot glazing, steel bindings, filling material - sheet glass.

For providing a nezaduvayemost of frame lamps it is necessary to install wind-shelter panels at distance Z m from a lamp. Wind protection panels are made of translucent plastic so as not to reduce the efficiency of the canopy.

Steel window panels made of sheet glass with steel bindings are used. Panel boxes measuring 3x1.8m are used in this design. and 3x5.4 m.

In this building, double-deck swing gates are used, for vehicles of various carrying capacities, size 4.0 X 3.0m.

Floors of the industrial building.

Floors in the workshops are concrete.

1 Asphalt concrete 50 mm.

2 Ground crushed by crushed stone.

In the places of adjoining the floors to the walls, partitions there is a plinth of cement sand mortar M15 0.


Fire stairs in buildings are made vertical. They have a width of 600 mm, and a march of 700 mm. At the stairs we provide fences. We place such stairs opposite the blind sections of the walls. The distance between the stairs along the perimeter of the building is not more than 200 m. We fix the stairs to the walls of the building with anchors from the corners, located in height after 2.4 m.

Fire fighting measures.

In terms of explosion, explosion and fire safety, the thermal compartment belongs to category G.

The rooms are equipped with automatic fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing units. Smoke removal is provided in case of fire by means of exhaust ventilation in rooms requiring it.

For timely detection of a fire and its place of occurrence, a fire alarm system based on heat fire detectors IP 1052/1 and manual IPR detectors is provided.

The fire warning system is organized by installing sound alerts in production rooms and in the corridor of domestic premises at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level. Annunciators are connected in parallel to IR device installed


This course project "Industrial Building" was carried out in accordance with the design assignment "Architecture of Industrial and Civil Buildings." The project developed architectural, structural solutions of the industrial building, taking into account the size of the task, materials, target orientation, construction area and basic regulatory requirements. The purpose of the project to obtain architectural design skills using the example of space-planning and structural solutions of an industrial building has been achieved.

Drawings content

icon 24х72.dwg


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