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High-rise residential building in the city of Chelyabinsk

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ASG Residential Building Project. Drawings and Note

Project's Content

icon Архитектура на печать.dwg
icon Фасады.dwg
icon Введение и архитектурная часть.doc
icon Конструктив.doc
icon Армирование плиты.dwg
icon Колонна.dwg
icon Опалубка плиты.dwg
icon 1.1 Генплан!.doc
icon 1.2 Геология!.doc
icon 1.3 Объемно-планировочное решение!.doc
icon 1.4 Конструктивное решение!.doc
icon 1.5 Водоснабжение _канализация!.doc
icon 1.6 Отопление_вентиляция!.doc
icon 1.7 Электрика!.doc
icon 1.8 Противопожарные мероприятия!.doc
icon 1.9 Эвакуация.doc
icon 2 Теплотехника!.doc
icon 3.1 Сбор нагрузок!.doc
icon 3.2 Фундаменты!.doc
icon 3.3 Расчет плиты!.doc
icon 3.4 Расчет колонны!.doc
icon 4 ТСП!.doc
icon 5 ОСП.doc
icon 5 Экология.doc
icon 6 Экономика.doc
icon 7 Охрана труда в строительстве!.doc
icon 8 Экология!.doc
icon Анн_1.doc
icon Анн_2.doc
icon АННОТАЦИЯ!.doc
icon Введение!.doc
icon Задание А.doc
icon Задание.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon тит1_ АС.doc
icon тит2_Конструктив.doc
icon тит3_Организация.doc
icon тит4_Экономика.doc
icon тит5_ Экол. и безоп..doc
icon титул на аннотацию А.doc
icon титул на копию чертежей А.doc
icon Титульный к диплому 2009.doc
icon Титульный к диплому А.doc
icon Календарный план.dwg
icon Стройгенплан.dwg
icon Техкарта на перекрытие.dwg
icon Техкарта на сваи.dwg

Additional information




1 Architectural and construction section

1.1 General Plan

1.2 Physical and geological conditions

1.2.1 Physical-geographical and man-made conditions

1.2.2 Geological structure

1.2.3 Hydrogeological conditions

1.2.4 Physical and mechanical properties of soils

1.2.5 Specific soils

1.2.6 Conclusions

1.3 Space planning solutions

1.4 Structural solutions

1.5 Water supply and sewerage

1.5.1 General part

1.5.2 Internal water supply and drainage networks

1.6 Heating and ventilation

1.6.1 Climatic data

1.6.2 Heating

1.6.3 Ventilation

1.6.4 Heat supply

1.7 Power supply

1.8 Fire fighting measures

2 Heat Engineering Calculation

2.1 General data

2.2 Heat Engineering Wall Calculation

2.3 Heat engineering calculation of the wall below elev. 0,

2.4 Heat Engineering Calculation of Basement Floor, Second Floor

2.5 Heat Engineering Roof Calculation

3 Constructive section

3.1 Load collection

3.1.1 Design justification of the load-bearing system

3.1.2 External loads and impacts Permanent loads Temporary loads

3.1.3 Calculation results Conclusions on calculation results

3.2 Calculation of slab foundation

3.2.1 Determination of foundation depth

3.2.2 Design soil strength of the base

3.2.3 Calculation of the base by deformations (II limit state) calculation by method of linearly deformable layer of final thickness

3.3Accalculation of cast-in-situ slab

3.4 Calculation of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete column

4 Organizational and technological section

4.1 Construction plan

4.2 Work of the preparatory period

4.3 Earthworks

4.4 Construction of monolithic foundations

4.4.1 Formwork

4.4.2 Reinforcement works

4.4.3 Concrete works Calculation of process parameters of concrete holding in winter time

4.5 Installation works

4.6 Concrete works

4.7 Roofing works

4.8 Finishing works

4.9 Winterization

4.10 Instructions on the implementation of instrumental control over the construction of the building

4.11 Comparison of machine selection options

4.11.1 Bulldozer selection

4.11.2 Selection of excavator

4.11.3 Selection of installation crane

4.11.4 Selection of a motor vehicle

4.11.5 Vibrator Selection

4.11.6 Calculation of trucks

5 Organization of the construction process

5.1 Characteristics of construction conditions

5.2 Engineering and transportation equipment

5.3 Calculation of standard construction duration

5.4 Calculation of actual construction duration

5.4.1 Bill of Quantities

5.4.2 Scheduling Calculation of working personnel requirements Calculation of temporary buildings and structures Calculation of storage rooms and platforms

5.5 Calculation of construction demand for water, electricity

5.5.1 Water supply

5.5.2 Heat supply

5.5.3 Calculation of construction demand for power supply

6 Economics

6.1 Calculation of construction payback

6.1.1 Calculation of cash flows

6.1.2 Integral effect

7 Safety and Environmental Friendliness

7.1 General provisions

7.2 Organization of construction site, work areas and workplaces

7.3 Fire Safety

7.4 Electrical Safety

7.5 Operation of construction machines

7.6 Stone works

7.7 Lifting and installation works

7.8 Concrete works

7.9 Finishing works

7.10 Transport works

7.11 Loading and unloading operations

8 Ecology and Nature Conservation

8.1 General provisions

8.2 Environmental measures

List of literature used


The diploma project contains 121 sheets of explanatory note and 12 sheets of graphic material.

During the graduation project, a project of the Multifunctional Building in Chelyabinsk was developed.

I In the architectural and construction part, plans, facades, sections, architectural units were developed. Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures was carried out. As a result of this calculation, an ISOVER OLE insulation with a thickness of 100mm was adopted;

The multifunctional building has 11 floors. The height of the basement is 2.8m, the first floor - 3.6m, the second... tenth floor - 3.0m, the eleventh - 3.3m. In the basement of the building there will be a parking lot for 50 cars, technical and office premises, as well as a ventilation chamber, a pumping station and a heat station .

On the ground floor - a boutique, a cafe for 90 seats, a pre-cooking shop, a washing dining room and kitchen utensils, a pantry, a refrigerator room, utility rooms, a dressing room, a shower and a bathroom for staff, a security post, an administration, a lobby, as well as garage boxes for 8 cars.

On the second floor there is a parking lot for 36 cars.

From the third to the eleventh floors there are office rooms, meeting rooms, presentation rooms, bathrooms and technical rooms.

II Design and structural part.

The structural diagram of the building is a prefabricated monolithic frame. The frame is the main grid of columns 6x6m, monolithic reinforced concrete columns with a section of 400x400mm and 400x600mm, a hard disk of a monolithic reinforced concrete floor with a thickness of 240mm and stiffness diaphragms with a thickness of 250mm.

1) After considering the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site, it was decided to use a slab foundation. The base was calculated by deformations and the base soil resistance was calculated.

2) The monolithic slab of the floor slab of the second floor and the monolithic column were calculated using the Lira 9.4 software complex.

III Technology

Since construction is carried out in the winter-spring period, three methods of winter concreting were compared. The most efficient method for these construction conditions is the electric heating method.

The metal formwork was calculated. Car selection options were compared. Job instructions have been developed:

- for construction of monolithic foundations;

- to the frame device;

On the basis of these maps, construction scheduling was carried out.

The section "Labor Protection" describes the main site-wide measures to ensure the safety of people on the construction site.

The section "Environmental Protection" contains the basic requirements during construction necessary to preserve the environment.

The following modern building materials were used in designing the Multifunctional Building:

- "PENETRON" waterproofing system;

- "ISOVER" insulation;

- foam polystyrene "Foam."


In the modern world, the construction of buildings from prefabricated monolithic frames is gaining more and more turnover. The advantages of framework technology are obvious:

Firstly, the total useful area of ​ ​ the house increases due to a decrease in wall thickness by 12.8 sound16.3 %.

The possibilities of using basement and basement areas are expanded, for example, to place an underground parking lot under the building with little additional costs, since the installation of powerful columns and rendezvous beams for bearing transverse brick walls is not required.

The loss of area at the building temperature and formation seams is excluded.

The relative cost of building load-bearing structures is reduced to 39%, taking into account the cost recovery from the increase in area.

Possibility to use non-structural materials with low strength but high heat insulation characteristics in enclosing structures.

Reduction of load-bearing structures weight up to 40%.

Due to the general relief of the house, the load on the foundation is reduced, which also reduces the cost of construction.

There is a unique possibility of free redevelopment of premises at any period: design, construction and operation of the building.

The social and scientific and technical development of society, the constant improvement of all forms of life activities of people stimulate the development of business.

There is a lack of workspace. A particularly pressing issue in today's world is the availability of convenient, affordable office space.

It is advisable that offices are located in the central district of the city. A convenient location will allow you to easily get to the building both to employees and potential customers from any area of ​ ​ the city.

However, the design of a high-rise office building is associated with additional difficulties. The question arises of the location of parking places. In cramped conditions of urban development, it is impossible to allocate sufficient area for a parking lot.

A common construction practice is the use of the first floor for shops, cafes and other public premises. In addition, the presence of a cafe in an office building will solve the issue of food for workers.


In our country, for many years preference was given to prefabricated, panel houses, although in the 1930s, during the period of constructivism, a certain experience of monolithic construction was already gained. However, only in the last decade has monolithic house building ceased to be an exotic type of construction.

It has now become apparent that there is no alternative to the monolith, at least in terms of cost.

For new contractors that do not have a developed and bulky production base, the use of monolithic construction technology is advisable for many reasons. The production base in this case is reduced to a minimum: it is necessary - commercial concrete, formwork and reinforcement, and in many cases reinforcement will be tied directly at the construction site. There is no need to strictly follow the nomenclature of prefabricated reinforced concrete products produced by the plant. Therefore, the architect has almost unlimited opportunities for formalization.

Of particular importance among the characteristics of the building are the rigidity and strength of its structural elements. In this regard, monolithic houses are not equal: they are less susceptible to deformations, the structural system of the building redistributes the load and prevents cracks, there are no joints between the slabs, which are traditionally considered the weakest point of panel houses.

Presented in the diploma project, the solution of a multi-storey elite residential building is based on modern demands of the population and meets all the requirements of comfort and quality.

Behind the elegant facade are apartments whose merits are obvious. First, in some of them there are no inter-room partitions, which allows newcomers to give a space of fantasy in the layout. The house has soundproof windows with double windows. The space of the first floor is occupied by a store, which increases the comfort of living for residents

at home.

Architectural and planning part

1.1 Site Plot Plan

The location of the site is in Chelyabinsk Central District at the intersection of ul. Vorovsky and st. Varnenskaya.

On the north side, the building site is bounded by Vorovsky Street. On the northwestern side, the built-up area is bounded by Varnenskaya Street. The residential building includes infrastructure intended for residents of this microdistrict. The infrastructure is located at the ground floor of the designed house and includes a beauty salon.

Transport support of the microdistrict is carried out at the expense of intra-district roads, which communicate with highways adjacent to the microdistrict. Thus, the maximum preservation of transport links and communication with other areas of the city is carried out.

The built-up area has a calm relief. Improvement provides for the arrangement around residential buildings of a passage 4m wide, sidewalks - 1.5m, lawns. Driveways and sidewalks are limited by onboard concrete and reinforced concrete stones according to GOST 666582. Landscaping of the site is carried out by shrubs and trees. On the lawns there is a sowing of herbs and flowers. The departure is seasonal. Near the courtyard we have a parking lot, small asphalt platforms for household needs, playgrounds and adult playgrounds.

Utility networks are connected to existing utility networks.

1.2 Architectural Solutions

The parking lot is supposed to be located next to Koltsovo International Airport.

The composition of the designed building is built on a combination of two vertical volumes - truncated cones of different storeys, united by a common stylobate and a glass volume of a single staircase, which together makes the silhouette of the building more expressive.

The use of modern materials in the exterior decoration: ceramic granite tiles and aluminum composite panels, allows you to choose the same color. The shape and color of the building harmoniously fits into the existing building.

1.3 Space Planning Solution

The designed residential building is a 24-story building with a basement, a technical floor and a boiler room located at the roof level of the building. The plan dimensions are 24.0x45.0 m. The bottom elevation of the upper (technical) floor is 82.200 m, the boiler room is 86.400 m. All the load-bearing structures of the building are monolithic, reinforced concrete.

The residential building has an unnamed stairwell and four passenger livers with a carrying capacity of 400 kg, leaving the elevator hall.

A waste line is designed, placed in a room adjacent to the elevator hall, with intake valves on each floor and a garbage chamber in the basement room, which has access to the courtyard.

Access to the loggia is provided in each apartment. The apartments provide for the location of separate bathrooms. Kitchens and bathrooms with larger sizes are designed.

Bearing walls are arranged so that they separate apartments from corridors and from each other, increasing comfort in terms of sound insulation.

The height of the floor is 3.3m from floor to floor .

Water enters the building through the central water supply of the microdistrict, sewerage is connected to the central sewerage network of the city, as well as all other engineering networks of the building.

Building characteristics:

Durability - II

Degree of fire resistance - I

Building class - II

1.4 Structural solutions


Cast-in-situ pedestals with plan dimensions of 2.7x2.7 m, 1.5 m high from B20 class concrete, boring piles of round cross section Ø600mm and 6m long from B25 class concrete.


• for basement and floor 1 reinforced concrete prefabricated columns with dimensions of 600 5 600 mm made of concrete of class B40;

• for 611 floors reinforced concrete columns with dimensions of 500x500 mm made of concrete of class B40;

• for other floors reinforced concrete columns with dimensions

400x400 mm of concrete of class B40.

Coverings and Floors

Coating and covering are made in monolithic version with thickness of 220 mm from concrete of class B25.

Walls and Partitions

External walls of a residential building with a thickness of 250mm from ceramic bricks of K-0 100/25/GOST 53095. As insulation, the ISOVER mineplate of the OLE brand of SenGoben Isover is used. Insulation thickness according to heat engineering calculation is 120 mm.

Internal walls with thickness of 250mm from silicate bricks of SOR grade - 100/15 GOST 37995. Partitions 80mm thick from gypsum groove plates. Partitions of bathrooms are made of hydrophobic (moisture-resistant) plates.


Staircase - monolithic reinforced concrete of H3 class .

Windows and doors

Windows are accepted in the form of double-chamber glass windows made of glass with a soft selective coating.

Swing doors are accepted according to GOST 662988 (2002).


Floor diagrams are given in Table 1.4.1


The roof of a residential building consists of several layers:

- Water insulation carpet - PROTAN SE 1.6 waterproofing membrane (PROTAN AS) and polyethylene film;

- Insulation - mineplate Ruf N + Ruf V (TU 57620054575720399) density - 180 kg/m3 - 160 mm;

- Slag concrete with a density of 1400 kg/m3 - 50 mm;

- Vapor insulation;

- Reinforced concrete slab, δ = 220 mm.


The brick walls of the first floor are plastered and painted from the inside, the ventilated facade is arranged outside on the brickwork using porcelain tiles. Subsequent floors on the outside have decorative decoration from mineral plaster "Ceresit CT36" and acrylic coating "Ceresit CT42," in accordance with the color solution of the facades.

Engineering equipment

Water supply - domestic fire fighting.

Sewerage - household.

Heating - air.

Ventilation - exhaust.

Power supply - transformer substation.

Communication device - radio, television, telephony, security and fire alarms.

Fire extinguishing system - automatic.

1.5 Heat Engineering Calculation

In the designed building, it is necessary to calculate the required heat transfer resistance from the condition of energy saving, determine the heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structures. Compare the obtained values with the required values and calculate the required thickness of the insulation .

Residential building is located in Chelyabinsk. The temperature of the coldest five-day cold air is 0.92. The humidity zone of the city is dry. The period with the average daily air temperature of 8 wasps lasting 218 day. The average temperature of the heating period is 6.5 ° C. The humidity mode of the rooms is normal. Operating conditions of enclosing structures - A.

Heat Engineering Calculation of External Walls

The heat engineering calculation consists in determining the thickness of the desired layer of fencing from the condition of inequality, at which the temperature on the internal surface of the fencing will be higher than the dew point temperature of the internal air.

The required heat transfer resistance is determined based on energy saving conditions depending on the degree of heating period.


Reduced resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structure:

As insulation we take ISOVER plate of OLE brand of SenGoben Isover company with calculated coefficient of thermal conductivity a = 0,040[Vt/m2∙oS].

We determine the thickness of the insulation based on the condition:

We take the thickness of the insulation 120 mm.

Thermal calculation of the coating

The required heat transfer resistance is determined based on energy saving conditions depending on the degree of heating period.

The value of degrees Dd during the heating period should be calculated using the formula:

Dd = (tinttht) ∙zht, where

zht - duration of heating period, [day]

tht is the average outside air temperature during the heating period.

tint = 22 wasps (according to tab. 1) - air temperature indoors, relative air humidity indoors φint=60%.

Determine the required heat transfer resistance.

For residential buildings for coatings as per Table 4a = 0,00045; b=1,9

Heat transfer resistance Ro, m • ° C/W, homogeneous single-layer enclosing structure is determined by formula 8:

enclosing structures, [W/m • ° С] accepted as per Table 7;

constructions for cold conditions, [W/m • ° C], taken as per Table 8;

The thermal resistance Rc of the enclosing structure with successive uniform layers is defined as the sum of the thermal resistance of the individual layers:

Reduced resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structure:

Rro = 0,115,+,0,186,+,0,0435 = 0,3445[m2∙oS/Vt]

Rro=0,3445[m2∙oS/Vt] < Rreq = 4.696 [m2∙oS/Vt], therefore the wall structure must be insulated.

The heat insulation is represented by the plate RUF N + RUF V (TU 5762005457520399) with the calculated thermal conductivity coefficient a = 0.18 [Vt/m2∙oS].

We determine the thickness of the insulation based on the condition:

We take the thickness of the insulation 160 mm.

Heat engineering calculation of translucent barriers

The rated value Rreg, (m2 ° C/W) is determined by SNiP 23022003 "Thermal protection of buildings" depending on the degrees of the construction area Dd, (°S∙sut). Rreg is defined by the formula:

where coefficients a and b are also found from SNiP 23022003 for windows and balcony doors.

Rreg = 0,000075∙6213 + 0,15 = 0,616 (m of 2 °C/W).

According to the condition R0 > Rreg, we accept a double-chamber glazing package made of glass (with a soft selective coating) with Ro = 0.68 (m 2 ° C/W) (according to the certificate).

For ABK glazing, the TP50300 stained glass system of Tatprofil Company with a reduced heat transfer resistance of the stained glass structure with a two-chamber windows of the SPD (6M86M84I) - 0.69 (m 2 ° C/W) is used.

1.6 Calculation of building energy passport

The residential building is 24story. The total number of apartments is 146. Walls - brick with effective insulation, plastic windows with double glazing. The coating is monolithic reinforced concrete with effective insulation. The building is connected to a centralized heat supply system through individual heat points located at el. 82,500.

According to SNiP 23022003 "Thermal Protection of Buildings" and SNiP 230199 "Construction Climatology," the climatic parameters of Chelyabinsk are as follows :

-the calculated outside air temperature, determined by the temperature of the coldest five-day coverage of 0.92, is minus 34 ° С;

- heating period duration with average daily outside air temperature less than 8 ° С is 218 days;

- average outside air temperature for the heating period minus 9 ° С;

-the degree-day of the heating period is 5995°S∙sut.

The optimal design internal air temperature according to GOST 30494 for residential premises is plus 21 ° С, for public premises - plus 19 ° С. According to SNiP 23022003, the design relative humidity of the internal air from the condition of condensate fall on the internal surfaces of the external enclosures is 55%.

Geometric parameters of the building

The calculation of areas and volumes of the space-planning solution of the building was carried out in accordance with paragraph 5.4 of SP 231012004 "Design of thermal protection of buildings." As a result, the following main volumes and areas were obtained:

-heated volume Vh = 49010m3

-heated area Ah = 17130m2

- area of premises A1=6089.37m2

- useful area (public buildings) A1=801.71m2

- rated area (public buildings) A1=415.32m2

- total area of external enclosing structures of Aesum building = 19737.7m2, including:

-sten (living quarters) Aw = 13540m2

-sten (public premises) Aw = 992m2

- window and balcony doors (living quarters) Af = 1837m2

- window and balcony doors (public premises) Af = 120m2

-Inway doors Aed = 63.7m2

- ground floor, m2:

We determine the glazing coefficient of the building facades:

It corresponds to the required value, which according to SNiP 23022003 is 0.18.

Kedes building compactness index = Aesum/Vh = 19737.7/49010 = 0.4

Thermal power parameters of the building

Normalized heat-shielding characteristics of external enclosures are predefined according to section 5 of SNiP 23022003 depending on the degree of construction area. Actual characteristics of external enclosures are accepted:

According to SP 231012004 the reduced heat transfer resistance Rf1 of the floor structure is calculated by the formula:

The given infiltration heat transfer coefficient of the building Kminf, W/( m2∙°S), is determined by the formula

Difference of air pressures on external and internal surfaces of enclosing structures:

resistance to air permeation of windows and balcony doors

air permeability of external doors.

unorganized influx of public premises;

unorganized influx of accommodation.

Then the total heat transfer coefficient of the building is:

Total heat losses of the building through external enclosing structures Qh, MJ are determined by the formula:

Household heat emissions during the heating period Qint, MJ, are determined by the formula:

Heat penetration through windows from solar radiation during the heating period Qs, MJ, for four facades of buildings oriented in four directions, determined by the formula:

The need for thermal energy for heating the building during the heating period Qhy, MJ when automatically regulating the heat transfer of heating devices in the heating system should be determined by the formula:

Complex building indicators

Design specific heat energy consumption for building heating qhdes, kJ/( m2∙°S∙sut) should be determined by formula:

The building meets the requirements of SNiP 23022003 and TSN 233202000 Chelyabinsk region "Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. "

1.7 Fire prevention measures

Building of I degree of fire resistance. Exits are intended for evacuation of people, according to SNiP requirements.

The adopted main building structures - non-combustible, provide fire resistance limits provided for in Table 1 of SNiP 2.01.0285 * "Fire Standards."

All rooms are equipped with an automatic fire alarm with input of a signal to the receiving and distributing device located in the dispatcher's room on the first floor. The building is equipped with an internal fire extinguishing system from fire water supply, external fire extinguishing is carried out from existing fire hydrants .

Master Plan

The territory of the designed multifunctional building is located in the Central district of Chelyabinsk. The main planning decisions for the placement of the building are due to the constriction of the construction site, the planned and high-rise position of the building under construction and the existing development, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety standards.

To place a building, see sheet 1.

The main facade of the office building is oriented to the northwest.

The shopping complex must be provided with all types of engineering equipment. Networks are laid to existing urban communications networks.

The area around the office is being landscaped. The project provides for the construction of small architectural forms: benches, ballot boxes. Areas free from development and coatings are landscaped with lawn, against the background of the lawn flower beds are arranged and shrubs are planted.

The main approach of visitors and those working to the office building is provided from the main facade, from Pushkin Street. The sidewalk on the side of the main facade, as well as at the ends of the building, is designed with a tile coating.

The main entrance to the building is carried out from the side of the street. Pushkin. Directions are made around the entire building.

Designed car passes have the following parameters:

Pavement - asphalt concrete.

Longitudinal slopes - 0.00340,019

Slope - 0.02

Span radii - 4.5; 6,0; 8.0 m.

The width of the carriageway is 6.0; 6,5; 7.8 m.

The transport scheme for the office building is made on the basis of the transport scheme of the planning project of the urban planning hub on the street. Pushkin.

The project provides for the construction of platforms for temporary storage of cars .

For arriving vehicles, parking lots for 93 cars were designed, including 85 cars at an elevation of 3.600m and at an elevation of + 3.900m.

Vertical layout is made by method of design contours on land plot plan.

The installation of the office building was carried out with the connection of the elevations of the existing terrain and the planned adjacent areas, the relative elevations of the entrance groups, as well as taking into account fire and sanitary standards.

Physical and geological conditions


The investigated construction site is located on the street. Pushkin in the Central district of Chelyabinsk.

Geomorphologically, the survey site is confined to the right floodplain terrace of the Miass River.

The surface of the site is planned with bulk soil.

Absolute elevations for wellheads range from 214.00m214.50m.

The climate of the region is continental, characterized by cold and long winters, summers are warm, with frequent thunderstorms and heavy rains.

The formation of the climate is significantly influenced by the Ural Mountains, which create an obstacle to the movement of the western air masses.

Air temperature. The average air temperature of the hottest month is July + 18.1C, maximum + 40C. The coldest month is January, in harsh winters the absolute minimum air temperature is 40C. The average January temperature is 16.4C. Average annual air temperature + 2.0 degrees. The absolute amplitude of the air temperature reaches 87C. The first autumn frosts begin from the end of August - the beginning of September, the last are observed until July of the month. The frost-free period is 85110 days.

The wind regime of the territory is characterized by the fact that in the winter the winds of the south and south-west direction prevail, and in the summer - of the north, north-west direction. The average annual wind speed is about 3 m/s.

Atmospheric precipitation in both time and area is unevenly distributed. The average annual long-term rainfall is 436mm of precipitation, of which 332mm in the warm period of the year, and 104mm in the cold period (absolute maximum - 689mm, absolute minimum - 210mm).

A steady snow cover on average forms in mid-November. Snow cover persists for more than 6 months. According to reference data, the maximum height of the snow cover is 55cm, the minimum is 16cm.

The largest amount of precipitation falls on the summer season. In winter, the amount of precipitation decreases sharply. In the warm half of the year, 75-78% of the annual rainfall falls.

The Miass River is located 220m north of the construction site.

The Miass River belongs to a group of rivers with spring floods. The main nutrition of the river is meltwater accumulated for winter snow drifts and rainfall.

Groundwater level as of September 2007 recorded at depths of 1,602,35m (absolute elevations - 211,70212.80).


The geological structure of the territory involves rock igneous soils of the Paleozoic age, the bark of their weathering, represented by eluvial large-breaking soils and covered by alluvial deposits. Bulk soils are developed from the surface. Rock soils have an uneven surface. Alluvial deposits are met in the form of interplating, wedging layers of various capacities.

The geological and lithological section is represented by the following varieties of soils (from top to bottom):

EGE NO. 1. Bulk soil (tQ4) - is represented by a mixture of soil, clay, garbage. The soil was not tracked. Met in all wells. The thickness of the layer is 0.7m - 1.3m.

EGE NO. 2. The loam is semi-solid (aQ) grayish, dark gray, with layers and nests of sand, with the inclusion of debris material of varying degrees of ocataniness in the amount of 1020%; at the end of the layer with the inclusion of crushed stone up to 40%. It is found in wells No. 37, 9 in the form of wedging layers of various capacities. The layer capacity is 0.2m - 7.1m, and in well No. 6 the passed capacity is 11.8m .

EGE NO. 3. Soft-plastic loam (aQ), dark-gray, yellow-gray, with layers of sand, with inclusion of debris material up to 1015%. Met in wells No. 2, 3, 5.8, 9 in the form of lenses. The covered power of the layer is 0.9 m - 2.6 m.

EGE NO. 4. The sand is dusty (aQ) gray, dark-gray, clay, medium density, water-saturated, with the inclusion of non-rolled debris material in an amount of up to 5%. Met in wells No. 2, 5, 9 in the form of lenses of various capacities. The thickness of the layer is 0.8 m - 5.6 m. The passed capacity in the well No. 5 is 6.7 m.

EGE NO. 5. The sand of medium size (aQ) is grayish, medium density, wet and water-saturated, in places with thin layers of clay (12cm), with the inclusion of debris up to 1020%. Met in wells No. 2, 6-8 in the form of lenses of various capacities. The thickness of the layer is 2.1 m - 4.3 m.

EGE No. 5a. Sand is large (aQ) yellow, medium density, water saturated. Met in well No. 8 in the form of a weir in loam. Layer power is 0.7 m.

EGE NO. 6. Gravel soil (aQ) yellow, light yellow, dirty yellow, water-saturated, with the inclusion of pebbles measuring 13cm in the amount from 8 to 37%. Met in wells No. 35, 7-9 in the form of interlayers in loams. The thickness of the layer is 0.4m - 1.5m.

EGE NO. 7. Dry soil (aQ) is dark-grained, with the inclusion of crushed stone on average up to 20%, with loamy aggregate up to 48%. Met in well No. 2. The thickness of the layer is 3.5m.

EGE NO. 8. Granite (eMZ) of low strength, dark gray, medium-grained. Met in well No. 4. Layer power is 2.2m.

EGE NO. 9. Granite (PZ) is low-strength, dark-grained, brown, medium-grained, presented in the form of a fractured rock mass, with the presence of unsystemically oriented weathering cracks. Met in wells No. 24, 7-9. The thickness of the layer is 0.7 m - 3.0 m.

EGE NO. 10. Medium strength granite (PZ), dark-grained, brown, medium-grained. Met in wells No. 24, 7-9. Covered layer power: up to 3.3m.

EGE NO. 11. Granite (PZ) is strong, dark-grained, brown, medium-grained. Met in well No. 2. Layer power passed: 1.2m.


Groundwater of the groundwater type lies at depths of 1,602,35m (abs. Elevation - 211,70212,80m). Nutrition is infiltrating. Seasonal rise of the groundwater level may be 0.801.00 m.

Based on SNiP 2.03.1185 and results of chemical analysis, water in the area of ​ ​ wells. 2143 does not have aggressive properties. In the area of ​ ​ SLE. 2149 has a general acid (pH) aggressiveness to W4 concrete in terms of waterproofness.

Values of filtration coefficients for water-containing soils for water inflow calculation:

EGE 2,3 - up to 0.5 m/day;

EGE 4 - 0.8 m/day;

EGE 5.7 - 2.5 m/day;

EGE 5a, 6 - up to 5-7 m/day;

EGE 811 - up to 10 m/day.


There are no specific soils on the considered site of the designed construction.


1 The site of engineering and geological surveys is located on the street. Pushkin in the Central district of Chelyabinsk.

2 Geologolithological structure of the described area is represented by the following varieties of soils (from top to bottom):

EGE NO. 1. Bulk soils tQ4

EGE NO. 2. Loams are semi-solid aQ

EGE NO. 3. Loams are soft-plastic aQ

EGE NO. 4. The sands are dusty aQ

EGE NO. 5. Medium sands aQ

EGE No. 5a. The sands are large aQ

EGE NO. 6. Gravel soils aQ

EGE NO. 7. Dredge soils eMz

EGE NO. 8. Rock soils - low-strength granites eMz

EGE NO. 9. Rock soils - low strength granites Pz

EGE NO. 10. Rock soils - medium strength granites Pz

EGE NO. 11. Rock soils - strong granites Pz

3 Groundwater of groundwater type lies at depths of 1,602,35m (abs. Elevation - 211,70212,80m). Nutrition is infiltrating. Seasonal rise of the groundwater level may be 0.801.00 m.

Based on SNiP 2.03.1185 and results of chemical analysis, water in the area of ​ ​ wells. 2143 does not have aggressive properties. In the area of ​ ​ SLE. 2149 has a general acid (pH) aggressiveness to W4 concrete in terms of waterproofness.

Values of filtration coefficients for water-containing soils for water inflow calculation:

EGE 2,3 - up to 0.5 m/day;

EGE 4 - 0.8 m/day;

EGE 5.7 - 2.5 m/day;

EGE 5a, 6 - up to 5-7 m/day;

EGE 811 - up to 10 m/day.

Table No. 1 shows the calculated values ​ ​ of the physical and mechanical properties of soils with a one-sided confidence probability of 0.85 and 0.95.

4 Soils of the base - EGE loam No. 2 and EGE No. 3 - non-sedimentary and non-swelling.

5 According to the degree of frost hazard in the freezing zone, the above-mentioned soils belong to highly prone soils.

6 The normative depth of seasonal freezing of soils in Chelyabinsk according to item 2.27 of SNiP 2.02.0183 is for:

EGE No. 2, 3 - 1.75m;

EGE No. 4 - 2.13 m;

EGE No. 5 - 2.28m;

EGE No. 6 - 2.59m;

5 Soils must be protected from soaking and freezing in order to avoid loss of their bearing properties.

6 Based on geological and hydrogeological conditions, the recommended type of foundation is a shallow foundation.

7 Estimated seismic intensity is given in Chelyabinsk in MSK-64 scale points for average ground conditions and three seismic hazard degrees A (10%) - no, B (5%) - 6 and C (1%) - 6 for 50 years.

According to the totality of engineering and geological conditions, the site is suitable for construction development.

Space planning solution

The designed multifunctional building has a landing on the relief. In plan, the building has a polygonal shape.

The main entrance is oriented towards the northwest side. The building is 11-story. The height of the basement is 2, 8m, the first floor is 3, 6m, 2... 10 - 3, 0m, the 11 of the floor is 3, 3m, the technical floor is 2, 2m

The office building includes:

- at elev. -3.100; + 3.900 - parking for 86 car seats

- elev. 0.000 - entrance group with lobby, car park ramps, shop, cafe and boxes for 8 cars.

- elev. + 7.200... + 33.900m - office and administrative premises.

The area of ​ ​ premises for offices is: 8984.56 m2.

The total number of employees is 780 people.

The stairs in the building are monolithic. Two non-smokable types H1 and H3 and one type L1. These stairs provide the building with the necessary number of escape routes.

Glazing of parking windows at el. + 3.900 is provided with fire-resistant glass.

The total number of car spaces located in the parking lot, boxes and parking near the building is 101, based on 6 places per 100 people for offices and 6 places per 100 m2 of retail space, taking into account the motorization coefficient 1.6.

On the ground floor there is a cafe with 90 seats. It has two entrances: from the lobby and a separate entrance from the street. The company operates on raw materials. There is a pre-preparation workshop. Form of service - through waiters .

The ratio of room space to kitchen is approximately 50% by 50%. Height of floor equipment 850-900mm


The designed multifunctional building is equipped with three passenger elevators, carrying capacity of 1000 kg.

The walls, ceiling and floor of the cabin, as well as the cabin doors are made of non-combustible or hard-burning materials according to GOST 12.1.044 or materials of the combustibility group not lower than G1 according to GOST 30244.

Platforms of stationary electric lighting devices of the elevator car are made of materials of flammability groups not lower than B 2 as per GOST 30402.

Enclosing structures and filling of mine doorways meet the requirements of SNiP 2101 *, SNiP 2.08.01 *, SNiP 2.08.02 *, NPB 250 and other documents of the system of regulatory documents in construction for the design of buildings and structures of various purposes according to SNiP 1001.

Channels for laying hydraulic drives are made with fire resistance limit not less than REI 60 as per SNiP 2101 *, GOST 30247.1, NPB 239, and doors of the engine room - EI 60 as per GOST 30247.2.

Structural solution of multifunctional building

The structural diagram of the building is a prefabricated monolithic frame. The frame is the main grid of columns 6x6m, monolithic reinforced concrete columns with a section of 400x400mm and 400x600mm, a hard disk of a monolithic reinforced concrete floor with a thickness of 240mm and stiffness diaphragms with a thickness of 250mm. Spatial stiffness is provided by monolithic connection of elements (floors and columns) and inclusion of stiffness diaphragms in the system.

The accepted structural diagram of the building provides strength, rigidity and stability at the erection stage and during the operation of all design loads and impacts.

The enclosing structures are self-supporting walls made of cellular blocks and insulation, with ceramic granite facing. Thickness of insulation for external enclosing structures is accepted according to heat engineering calculation.

The advantages of the prefabricated monolithic frame are:

- Constructability (minimum formwork and almost complete absence of welding);

- Similar to monolithic frame in terms of architectural and space-planning capabilities;

- Possibility to use non-structural materials with low strength but high heat insulation characteristics in enclosing structures;

- Possibility of free redevelopment of premises in any period: design, construction and operation of the building.

Structural solutions of foundations

When designing the foundations, geological and hydrogeological conditions at the construction site were considered. Since there is a parking lot in the basement, we accept a slab type of foundation, which allows you to more evenly distribute the load from cars.

Structural solution of columns

For the construction of a monolithic reinforced concrete floor, it is necessary to erect columns that would take the load from the entire floor as a whole.

Because the weight of the floor is very large, you must select the correct column type.

Columns - a vertical element that transfers the load from the overlying structures to the foundation. Structurally we accept reinforced concrete columns of square and rectangular section. The material of the columns is heavy concrete of class B30. Longitudinal reinforcement is performed by rods of ∅28mm class AIII.

For conjugation of columns with slabs, sections with bare reinforcement reinforced by cross reinforcement joints are provided in them in the level of slabs. Connection is carried out by passing additional reinforcement bars through the column body. When mating the plate with the column, a rigid unit is formed to ensure the stability of the frame.

Structural solution of slab slabs

The material of the slab is heavy concrete of class B30.

Structural solution of curtain systems

Walls are multilayer structures:

- cellular units,

- ISOVER OLE insulation,

- ISOVER KL wind protection plates,

- ventilated facade.

Additional external insulation is an effective way to increase the thermal protection of buildings. In the modern practice of external insulation of walls, the design of hinged ventilated facades with a ventilated gap and protective and decorative facing made of sheet or slab materials was widely used.

Mounted ventilated facade systems are a structure consisting of metal substructure, heat-insulating and wind-protective layers and facing coating.

Metal substructure consists of brackets, which are attached directly to wall, and bearing profiles, which are installed on brackets, to which elements of protective and decorative coating are attached by means of fastening elements.

The thermal insulation layer is ISOVER OLE - rigid heat and sound insulation plates made of glass fiber, made on the basis of patented TEL fiberization and crimping technologies. ISOVER KL plates are used as wind protection layer.

As a facing coating, ceramic granite facade slabs are used. Porcelain is an artificial finishing material. It is carried out by pressing the mass at a pressure of 400500 kg/cm2, then it is fired at a temperature of 1200-1300 degrees Celsius. The raw material is two types of clay - one is more plastic, rich in illite, the other is less plastic, rich in kaolinite.

The hardness of the ceramic granite is 8 points on the ten-point Mohs scale. Properties of ceramic granite: stands for temperature differences from − 50 to + 50 degrees Celsius (since moisture absorption is less than 0.05%), ecological clean, tensile, fracture, struts for ultraviolet and acids, except hydrofluoric acid HF, since this acid reacts with glass. Ceramic granite has a similarity to glass in that it is brittle and easily broken, however, if it is correctly laid, it withstands a pressure of 200 kg/cm ².

Ventilated air gap with width of 50-100 mm is located between external facing coating and heat-insulating layer.

The advantage of mounted ventilated facades includes the presence of:

- protective screen (protective and decorative coating) made of sheet or slab materials, which protects the insulation from mechanical damage, atmospheric precipitation, wind effects and improves the appearance


- ventilated gap, which eliminates accumulation of moisture and improves temperature-moisture mode of operation of enclosing structures.

The ventilated facade system is multilayer and is designed for insulation and decoration of the external walls of the building.

Glazing of building elevations

High-quality and beautiful stained glass windows were and remain an integral part of modern buildings and premises.

Aluminum stained glass windows are ideal for glazing storefronts, shopping centers, cafes.

Unlike PVC, aluminum structures allow you to withstand extreme static loads with a profile width of only 50 mm and thus use different glass sizes without additional posts and girders. This expands the problem of profitable representation of its outlet among competitors.

Also, beautiful and high-quality stained glass windows become an additional source of customer attraction and a kind of advertising tool.

Aluminium profile has high strength, lightness, good heat and sound insulation properties. Aluminum is resistant to external influences, including weather, has a low expansion factor. Such a profile can be dyed with powdered polyester paints in any color.

As for the safety of the room, it is possible to cover the glass with a shock-resistant film capable of providing protection against accidental impact.

"Schuko" stained glass windows have the answers to all the requirements that will inevitably arise for all developers:

1) high degree of thermal insulation;

2) perfect sound insulation;

3) excellent degree of load maintenance;

4) architectural grace.

Structural solution of floors

As a floor covering for the parking lot, we take rubber tiles LLC Fagot. Coating density 950 kg/m3. This coating is distinguished by high strength and wear resistance, invariability of properties at large temperature differences, resistance to various kinds of loads (fall on the floor of an iron tool, operation of vehicles with thorned rubber). It does not slide, well passes water through itself, the surface remains dry. Thanks to the embossed lower part, the water freely goes into the spillways

Also, the tiles are easily stacked, do not need to be glued, do not require preliminary preparation of the base .

The coating can be laid on any flat surface (concrete bracing, asphalt, screening, crushed stone, sand). Tiles are attached to each other from ends by plastic bushings. No involvement of professional stackers is required.

In the premises of the first floor we use floor ceramic granite tiles, which ensures aestheticity. In the office premises, we take linoleum on a heat-insulating base.

Structural solution of partitions

Partitions are made of full brick according to GOST 5302007 [22] with a thickness of 120 mm.

Structural solution of ceilings

Suspended ceilings are an integral part of the interior of modern buildings. The use of suspended ceilings will allow:

- To make invisible, but at the same time accessible, various engineering systems and communications - for example, ventilation and thermal equipment, electrical and computer wiring.

- Integrate modular lighting devices into them.

- Install ventilation grids in them and place fire extinguishing system heads on them.

- Level the relief base ceiling and, conversely, create a relief pendant ceiling with a flat base ceiling.

The lightness and versatility of the Armstrong suspended ceiling design, a classic design that fits perfectly into almost any interior made it unusually popular both in our country and around the world. The Armstrong ceiling is a lightweight mineral fiber cassette with a thickness of about 20 mm, laid on metal guides, attached to the ceiling by a special suspension system or even by conventional wire (at least 2 mm in diameter). The main Armstrong ceiling system refers to suspended ceilings with an open profile, that is, to false ceilings in which the suspended system is not completely hidden and is part of the design. Armstrong cassettes are practically not combustible and have good heat and noise insulating properties. The main advantages of this ceiling system include versatility and ease of installation. The system is designed so that its installation is possible in rooms of any configuration, almost at any distance from the existing ceiling, which allows you to conveniently place various communications, ventilation systems and air conditioning systems behind it. Another undeniable advantage is the ability to easily rebuild the ceiling system itself and the richest choice of accessories.

Structural roofing solution

Modern roofs must meet a number of requirements:

- have sufficient waterproofness;

- ensure uniform normalized temperature and air humidity in the rooms;

- prevent condensate formation in the ceiling and in the structure thickness;

- withstand snow, wind, and in some cases (used roofs) and additional, payloads;

- provide noise protection;

- be suitable for repair, while ensuring the necessary durability;

- have an aesthetic appearance.

The roof structure of the Shopping Complex is flat. Roof covering - "Technoelast" (TU 57740021315791598). Bitumen roofing material is intended for arrangement of roofs with low slope. Bicrost consists of a strong non-knocking base, on which high-quality bitumen binder is applied on both sides. The lower side of the Technoelast is covered with a easily meltable polymer film, the upper side with a film, or with a coarse-grained mineral sprinkle. "Technoelast" is applied in two layers when arranging a new roof carpet. Thanks to the use of the surfacing technology, the roofing from Technoelast is made uniform, without voids. This guarantees the strength and durability of the coating. Slabs PPZH200 (GOST 2295095) are used as the roof insulation. The use in the manufacture of domestic materials and its own production capacities made it possible to create high-quality roofing material at an affordable price.

Water supply and drainage


The water supply source and wastewater receiver are existing urban networks:

- water pipeline of household fire-fighting (ring) diameter 150mm, guaranteed head in the network 23.0m;

- sewage sewage of 200mm diameter;

- rain sewage with a diameter of 500mm (rainwater is diverted to the existing city treatment facilities).

The project was completed in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents:

- SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings" [12];

- SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public buildings and structures" [5];

- NPB 882001 * "Fire fighting and alarm unit. Design Codes and Regulations "[13];

- NPB 1102003 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment. to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm "[14];

- VSN 2509.67-85 "Rules of works execution and acceptance. Automatic fire extinguishing units "[15].


1 Cold water supply

A water metering unit with a bypass line is provided at the water supply inlet.

Drinking water is supplied to sanitary devices.

Watering of the adjacent area is provided by watering cranes installed along the perimeter of the building.

2 Hot water supply

Hot water is supplied from the heat station and is provided with circulation. A check valve and a circulation pump are installed on the circulation pipeline.

Water metering units without bypass line are provided on supply and return pipelines (item 11.5 [12]).

3 Domestic sewage system

Domestic wastewater is discharged by two outlets (due to the location of the bathrooms).

A separate outlet discharges waste water from the bathrooms located below elev. 0,000.

Electrical valves are provided at these outlets.

Gate valve closing - automatic when the level of waste water in the pipe rises.

Opening of the gate valve, after elimination of the accident, manually (para 17.27 [12]).

4 Rain sewer

For the removal of rain and meltwater from the roof of the building, an internal drain is provided, with their diversion to the existing external network of rain sewage.

Heating, ventilation and heat supply


Design parameters of outdoor air are adopted in accordance with SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology" [19]:

- temperature and relative humidity for design of heating and ventilation during the cold period of year of Ton = 34 °C, during the warm period of year of Ton = +22 °C, ϕ = 54%;

- average temperature of heating period Tsr.from = 6.5 ° С;

- heating period duration - 218 days;

- wind speed in the cold season - 3.2m/s;

- wind speed in the warm period of the year - 4.0m/s;

- average barometric pressure - 985hPa.


Separate water heating systems are provided for each floor in order to maintain the required internal air temperature in the designed rooms of the building during the cold season. Two-tube horizontal heating systems.

Heating of office premises is designed on the basis of maintenance of temperature of standby heating + 21 ° С.

Steel convectors "Universal" manufactured by "Yuzhuralsantekhmontazh" in Chelyabinsk were adopted as heating devices.

Connection of heating system to heat supply networks is made in individual heat station.


Natural and mechanical ventilation systems are designed to create an air environment in the premises that meets the established SNiP 41012003 "Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" [16] hygienic standards and technological requirements.

Ventilation of trading halls is accepted on the basis of assimilation of heat wastes by systems of general exchange ventilation with mechanical motive.

For trading rooms at el. 3,600, at el. 0.000, at el. + 4.050 air heating is accepted, combined with ventilation in addition to standby heating by devices. Plenum systems and exhaust systems operate during the summer period to ensure the required air exchange for heat losses. Tambours - entrances for buyers are equipped with air and heat curtains.

For basement corridor without natural light and for storeroom using combustible materials at el. 3,600 exhaust smoke ventilation systems equipped with roof smoke removal fans have been designed. Transit shafts are accepted with fire resistance limit EI150, equipped with smoke removal valves.

Air supply of external air in case of fire by plenum smoke systems is provided to the air lock tambour at the stairs leading to the premises of the first and second floors from the basement and air lock in front of the elevator unit of the basement.


Heat supply source - heat station located in the basement

Heat carrier - hot water. Design coolant temperature in heating and heat supply systems - Tp = 95 ° С, To = 70 ° С.

Power supply

Internal power supply networks of the building are designed from input switchgears installed in the electrical panel at el. + 0.100 according to the second category of power supply. Supply voltage - 380/220V.

Consumers of electricity are: electric lighting, technological equipment of cafes, boutiques, office and auxiliary rooms, elevators, ventilation, automatic fire extinguishing station, electrical equipment of water supply systems, sewage, heating.

Electric power metering is provided at input of three-phase meter of active electric energy, accuracy class 1.0 to the BRU.

Calculation of electrical loads is performed in accordance with SP 311102003d. [18].

Electrical lighting of the building is performed by luminaires with fluorescent lamps built into the set ceiling, in auxiliary rooms - lamps with incandescent lamps. The type of lighting fixtures is accepted depending on the functional purpose of the premises and environmental conditions.

Illumination standards are adopted in accordance with SNiP 230595 [17].

Working and emergency lighting is provided. The lighting of trading rooms is controlled by machines from lighting boards of OSCHV type.

Group lighting and socket networks for power electrical equipment are made by 3-5-wire cables with copper conductors of IWG grade, behind set ceilings - cables in non-combustible enclosure of IWG grade.

The socket networks shall be protected by a protective disconnection device.

Perform a potential equalization system at the input. As the main grounding bus (GZSH), accept the PE bus of the input device (VRU).

Lightning protection of the building provides for laying on the roof of a lightning screen made of steel wire with a diameter of 8mm with a cell size of 5x5 meters. From the lightning-receiving grid, vertical current leads are laid along the external walls - descents from steel wire with a diameter of 8 mm, which are connected to the grounding loop of the building. Distance between current leads - 20 meters

Fire fighting measures

According to the norms of the state fire service [14], all rooms are equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing plant, with the exception of:

- ventilation chamber, heat station;

- staircases;

- rooms of sanitary units.

To ensure fire safety of the building, internal fire extinguishing is provided through an automatic water sprinkler fire extinguishing system with an installation.

The fire extinguishing agent is water. The source of water supply is ring networks of domestic fire water supply with a diameter of 150mm. The head at the connection point to the city networks is 23.0m.

The sprinkler fire extinguishing unit is designed to detect and extinguish a fire with simultaneous alarm in the security room of the signal about the start of the installation and to turn on the sound fire warning. A water-filled sprinkler installation consisting of the following elements is provided:

- automatic fire fighting pump station with system of suction and supply (pressure) pipelines;

- control unit with system of supply and distribution pipelines with sprinkler sprinklers installed on them.

Fire cranes of internal fire-fighting water supply are connected to supply pipelines of the unit. Flow rate for internal fire extinguishing through fire cranes according to [13] p. 6.1 is 2.6l/s (one jet).

To ensure the required water pressure in the sprinkler fire extinguishing system, there is a pumping station located in a separate room of the basement.

If necessary, water supply to the fire extinguishing plant networks by mobile means is provided.

Schematic diagram of pump station operation

In standby mode of operation, the supply and distribution pipelines of the sprinkler unit are filled with water and are under pressure, ensuring constant readiness for fire extinguishing.

When a fire occurs and the air temperature increases more than 68 ° С, the heat lock at the sprinkler sprinkler is destroyed. Pressure drops under the signal valve, the valve operates, and water enters the fire center.

Simultaneously with the actuation of the signal valve, a fire alarm signal is sent from the universal pressure detectors installed in the control unit.

After actuation of the signal valve, the pressure in the supply pipeline drops, and a signal is output to start the working fire pump and a signal to turn on the fire extinguishing unit.

After the fire center is eliminated, the water supply to the system is stopped manually, for which the fire pumps are disconnected and the gate valves in front of the control unit are closed.

Operation of sprinkler unit

When a fire occurs in the room protected by the sprinkler section, the heat lock of the sprinkler is destroyed, the sprinkler is opened. Water from sprinkler sprinklers enters the room, the pressure in the network drops. At pressure drop pressure annunciators are actuated, operating pump is actuated.

At the same time as the plant is automatically switched on, signals about fire, start of pumps and start of plant operation (light and sound alarm) are transmitted to security rooms with round-the-clock presence of personnel.

Inside the building, water is supplied via a pipeline system from two inlets looped together in the pump station room.

Evacuation of people from public buildings

When designing public buildings with mass premises, it is very important to ensure favorable conditions for the evacuation of people from the building. They distinguish between normal evacuation (with a single and mass movement of people) and forced evacuation, which is massive in nature and proceeds in panic conditions due to an unexpectedly created danger (for example, a fire).

The most responsible and difficult to ensure the safety of the movement of the masses is forced evacuation, as it occurs in conditions that threaten the health or even life of people. Therefore, this type of movement is always subject to special research, rationing and calculation.

When considering the issue of evacuation, it is necessary to set the parameters of the movement of people. During mass evacuation, a human flow of length l and width δ is formed, having a certain speed v. The human flow is characterized by the number of people N, as well as the density of flow D. As the flow density increases, the movement speed decreases.


where f is the projection area of one person (for one adult with a convolution in the hands according to Table 26.3. in V.M.Predtechensky's book "Architecture of Civil and Industrial Buildings" [2] f = 0.28 m2)

We calculate the evacuation of people from the second floor of the shopping complex.

We accept the number of buyers according to [9], where the number of buyers or visitors to consumer enterprises simultaneously located in the trading room or visitor room is set for calculating evacuation routes.

N = 150 people.

Width of human flow δ = 1.5 m.

The length of the path along the 2 marching stairs within one floor can be taken equal to its tripled height H, i.e. l = 3H = 3 (4.35 + 3.75) = 24.3 m

D = 150x0.28/( 1.5x24.3) = 0.74 m2/m2

or D = 0.74/0.24 = 3.1 person/m2

The intensity of motion q (in m/min) corresponding to the value of the throughput of a path with a width of 1 m is called the product of density D and speed v:


The travel evacuation rate is a function of flow density D and path type. It can be determined from table VIII.1 of annex I [2]. In our case V = 6 m/s. The speed of movement of people in emergency conditions should be taken with a coefficient of movement conditions [mu] (Table 26.2. [2])

μ=1.21, therefore V=6 μ=6х1.21=7.26 m/min

q = 0, 74x7.26 = 5.37

The allowable evacuation time is 6 minutes.

The estimated duration can be determined from the relation l/q = 22.5/8 = 2.8 min.



tdop > t0


Therefore, the condition is satisfied.

General Data

The calculation is carried out in accordance with SNiP 23022003 "Thermal protection of the building" 20 and SP 231012004 "Design of thermal protection of buildings" 21.

Source Data:

Construction district - Chelyabinsk

Humidity zone - dry

Operating conditions of the enclosing structure - A

Internal air humidity - normal

Climatic area for construction - 1B

Air temperature of the coldest five-day period -34° С

Duration - 218 days.

Average temperature - 6.5 ° С

Heat Engineering Wall Calculation

The degree-day of the heating period is determined by the formula

where is the calculated average internal air temperature, ° С

- average ambient air temperature, ° С

- duration of heating period, day.

Reduced resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures shall be determined not less than normalized, determined as per Table 4 20.

Values for values other than table values should be determined by the formula

where a, b are coefficients received from table data.

For public buildings, the reduced heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structure is:

The heat transfer resistance of a multilayer enclosing structure with uniform layers should be determined by the formula

enclosing structures accepted as per Table 7 of SNiP 20;

the enclosing structure for cold conditions, adopted as per Table 8 21;

- thermal resistance of the enclosing structure, for a multilayer structure is determined by the formula:

where is the thermal resistance of individual layers of the enclosing structure, determined by the formula:

Wall Construction

1 Plaster

2 Mesh Block

3 Insulation - ISOVER OL-E

4 Windscreens - ISOVER KL

The reduced resistance of the characteristic section of the enclosing structure should be determined taking into account thermally conductive inclusions by the formula:

where r = 0.8 is the coefficient of thermal uniformity determined according to the procedure set forth in SP 21.

Heat engineering calculation of the wall below elev. 0,000

Wall Construction

For public buildings, the reduced heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structure is:

Thermal calculation of the basement (floor 1, 3rd floor)

Slab Construction

2 Insulation - Foam Polystyrene Extrusion

Heating roof calculation (above the office)

Slab Construction

Load collection


The calculation is made on the basis and in accordance with the provisions of SNiP 2.01.0785 * 22 for the first and second group of limit states. The assigned reliability factor adopted in the calculations corresponds to the second level of responsibility: n = 0.95 (GOST 2775188). Calculations were carried out for the main combinations of jointly acting vertical and horizontal loads according to an undeformed scheme.

The designed building is 11 storeys. Plan dimensions: 53.1x46.2m.

The upper elevation of the columns of the building is + 39.400m, the bottom elevation of the floor slab is 0.300m, the basement is 2.8m high, the first floor is 3.6m high, the second-tenth floor is 3.0m, the 11th floor is 3.3m, the technical floor is 2.2m. The bearing frame is prefabricated monolithic with monolithic columns, floor slabs and stiffening diaphragms. Cast-in-situ reinforced concrete columns with a section of 400400mm and 400x600, self-supporting external walls rest on the floor of each floor, the inner part is made of cellular blocks with a thickness of 300mm, in the middle part there is an ISOVER OLE insulation with a thickness of 100mm, ISOVER KL wind protection plates with a thickness of 13mm, lining of a wall made of ceramic granite. The load from the temporary partitions is received in accordance with 22.

Cast-in-situ floors - 240mm thick. Concrete for cast-in-situ concrete structures - heavy, class B30, adopted during natural hardening.

Cast-in-situ stairs made of concrete of class B30.

The calculation was carried out for the III snow region of the Russian Federation and the II wind region of the USSR, determined by 22, which corresponds to the city of Chelyabinsk.

Based on the main goal of the problem being solved, that is, the determination of the forces arising in the elements, as well as the determination of the general spatial stiffness and stability of the building under the action of design loads, the calculation scheme was developed so that individual load-bearing elements (columns, floors) are combined into a geometrically close spatial system.

The design model is a spatial rod and shell finite-element (FE) model with maximum side size of rectangular FE not more than 0.8 m. In the FE model, structural elements (columns) are represented by rod elements, and floor slabs, staircases and brickwork are represented by flat shell elements.

Support anchorages of the units of the design model of the bottom of the columns are absolutely rigid.

The calculation scheme as a spatial unified system is shown in Figure 1.

Hardness characteristics for building elements accepted in calculation,


The external loads on the structure of the support frame were set in accordance with the requirements of 22. PERMANENT LOADS

1 Dead weight of monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures;

The Lira PC is considered with a density of 2.5 1.1 = 2.75t/m3

2 Dead weight of floor structures is given in Tables 3-5.

Total: 0.358 t/m2 0.36 t/m2 - design load

Total: 0.344 t/m2 0.34 t/m2 - design load

3 The dead weight of the coating structure is shown in Table 6.

4 Dead weight of external self-supporting wall structure with thickness b = 0.48m is given in Table 7

Total: 0.5 t/m2 - design load

Taking into account the height of the wall 1 floor H1 = 3, 6m we have: 3.6 ⋅ 0.5 = 1, 8t/m

Distribute evenly on KEnet 1.8/0.6 = 3.0 t/m2

Taking into account the height of the wall 2... 10 floors H2 = 3, 0m we have: 3.0 ⋅ 0.5 = 1, 5t/m

We distribute evenly on the KE grid 1.5/0.6 = 2.5 t/m2

Taking into account the height of the wall 11 floor H3 = 3, 3m we have: 3.3 ⋅ 0.5 = 1, 65t/m

Distribute evenly on KE grid 1.65/0.6 = 2.75 t/m2

5 Dead weight of parapet structure with height Np1 = 0, 64m, width bp1 = 0, 25m, Np2 = 1, 3m, bp2 = 0, 38m is given in Table 8. TEMPORARY LOADS

1 Temporary floor load from the trading room and lobby is accepted according to Table 3 22

- rated value of ph = 0.4t/m2;

- design value of load pp = 0.40 ⋅ 1.2 = 0, 48t/m2.

Temporary load on the floor from the cafe:

- rated value of ph = 0.3t/m2;

- design value of load pp = 0.30 ⋅ 1.2 = 0.36t/m2.

Temporary load on the floor of corridors, stairs (with related passageways) adjacent to retail premises and cafes

- rated value of ph = 0.4t/m2;

- design value of load pp = 0.40 ⋅ 1.2 = 0, 48t/m2.

Temporary load on the floor from the office premises, wardrobe, shower, restroom

- rated value of ph = 0.2t/m2;

- design value of load pp = 0.20 ⋅ 1.2 = 0.24t/m2.

Temporary floor load as per Table 3 22

- rated value of ph = 0.4t/m2;

- design value of load pp = 0.40 ⋅ 1.2 = 0, 48t/m2.

Time load on the attic floor

- rated value of ph = 0.07t/m2;

- design value of load pp = 0.07 ⋅ 1.2 = 0.084t/m2.

Temporary load on the floor from cars

- standard value of load ph = 0.51t/m2;

- design value of load pp = 0.510 ⋅ 1.200 = 0.612t/m2.

2 Short-term load due to snow cover weight

For the city of Chelyabinsk - III snow region with an estimated value of the weight of the snow cover sg = 0.180t/m2 .

a) snow "bag" at the parapet h = 0.64

3 Short-term loads due to wind flow

For the city of Chelyabinsk, the II wind region with a standard wind pressure value of w0 = 0.03t/m2, terrain type B, for the vertical type of the structure, load reliability factor f = 1.40 was adopted.

Values of active loads due to wind action (at average relative elevation of ground level 0.45m) are given in Tables 9, 10.


As a result of the calculation, the values ​ ​ of the existing forces in the monolithic railway elements were obtained, the loads on the foundations of the building were determined. The values of loads on the foundations are selected along the lower section of the columns using DCS (design combination of forces).

1 Using "Lira9.4" PC, 11-storey multifunctional building was calculated as a single spatial system. As a result of the calculation, the values ​ ​ of the existing forces in the elements of the building framework, the loads on the foundations were obtained, the reinforcement of monolithic reinforced concrete structures was carried out.

2 Analysis of calculation results showed the following:

- the building has sufficient rigidity, which significantly exceeds the requirements of the current norms [22] in terms of deflections and displacements; according to their requirements, the horizontal movement of the top of the building should be no more than N/500 = 41100/500 = 82.2mm.

Calculation of slab foundation


The depth of foundation laying is determined in accordance with the instructions of item 2.252.33 of SNiP 2.02.0183 * [24] taking into account the depth of seasonal freezing of the soil, the position of the UHF, the thermal mode, structural features of the structure, etc.

Based on the values obtained above, it is deposited on a scale along the design axis and the properties of the soil on which the foundation floor will rest are checked. Accepted depth of foundation shall not be at the boundary of 2 layers of soil. In this case, it is necessary to plug the foundation into the underlying layer by at least 0.2 m.

For the district in Chelyabinsk, the normative depth of seasonal freezing of soils dfn = 1.75 m. The design depth is determined by formula (3) [24]


dfn - standard freezing depth, determined as per para 2.262.27 [24]

kh - coefficient taking into account the influence of the thermal mode of the structure, adopted for the external foundations of heated structures as per Table 1 [24]

df = 0, 6x1.75 ~ 1.1 m

This value is deposited on the geological section from the elevation of the layout (see sheet 5).

The bottom of the foundation in this case has an absolute elevation of 210.38 m and rests on a layer of soft-plastic loam .

Finally, taking into account all requirements, the depth of foundation laying should be taken equal to df = 1.1 m.


γс1, γс2 - the coefficients of working conditions accepted according to tab. 3 [24], γс1=1.0 γс2=1.0;

k - reliability factor k = 1

Mγ, Mq, Mc - coefficients taken according to Table 4 [24] depending on the calculated value of the internal friction angle of the foundation base soil, for soft-plastic loam at ¼ II = 180

Mγ=0,43, Mq=2,73, Mc=5,31

kz is a coefficient taken equal to at b ≥ 10 m - kz = z0/b + 0.2 (here z0 = 8 m);

αII - average design value of specific gravity of soil lying below the foundation base, αII = 22.6 kN/m3

γ 'II - the same as those lying above the foundation base, γ' II = 19.2 kN/m3

cII - design value of specific adhesion of soil lying below the foundation base, cII=2 kPa


b - width of foundation base, b = 47.34 m

238.5 kPa> 200 kPa

We check the selected foundation; average stresses under the foundation base p shall not exceed the design value:

p = N/Af + αmd1 = 155314/2301 + 20 ∙ 1.1 = 211.3 kPa

αm = 20 kN/m3 - average specific gravity of concrete and soil

Af - foundation floor area

Ó = kPa <R=238.5 of kPa


Calculation of the basis for deformations is made based on the condition

S≤Su [24]

where S is the joint deformation of the base and structure, determined by calculation in accordance with the instructions of mandatory annex 2 [24]

Su - limit value of joint deformation of base and structure, set in accordance with [24]

If this condition is not met, it is necessary to increase the size of the foundations (width, depth of laying) or switch to another type and achieve the necessary conditions. CALCULATION OF SEDIMENT BY METHOD OF LINEARLY DEFORMABLE LAYER OF FINAL THICKNESS

In this method, the draft is determined from all the component stresses that arise in the base, taking into account the shape of the foundation foot in the plan. Sediment value is determined by theory of linearly deformable half-space, but for limited soil thickness.

The method is used in cases when the width of the foundation > 10m and the soil deformation module of the base E > 10MPa.

1 Determine thickness of linearly deformable layer

Thickness of linearly deformable layer is calculated by formula

And ψ - are accepted by H0 respectively equal for the bases put: pylevatoglinisty soil of 9 m and 0.15

kp - coefficient taken equal to kp = 0.91

2 Precipitation is determined by formula:

p - mean pressure under foundation base

b is the width of the rectangular foundation

kc and km are coefficients taken according to Tables 2 and 3 Apr. 2 [24]

kc=1,4, km=1

n is the number of layers differing in compressibility within the calculated layer thickness H

ki, ki1 - coefficients determined as per Table 4 apr. 2 [24] depending on the shape of the foundation, the ratio of the sides of the rectangular foundation and the relative depth on which the bottom and roof of the i-th layer are located, respectively.

ζi=2zi/b, ζi-1=2zi-1/b

Ei - deformation modulus of the i-th soil layer

Under these conditions, we will find a draft:

8.7cm < 10cm (as per para 1 of Annex E of SP 501012004)

The obtained values ​ ​ of the sediment do not exceed the permissible ones.

Calculation of cast-in-situ slab

The calculation of the monolithic slab of the floor slab of the second floor is made by the LIRARM software complex.


Based on the calculation results we accept:

- Main reinforcement along axis X near lower face d10 with spacing of 200mm;

- Main reinforcement along axis X near upper face d10 with spacing of 200mm;

- Main reinforcement along axis Y near lower face d12 with spacing of 200mm;

- Main reinforcement along axis Y near upper face d12 with spacing of 200mm;

Calculation of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete column

The calculation of the monolithic reinforced concrete column is made by the LIRARM software complex.

The column In =400mm, =400mm is located by N in axes A-9

3.4.1. Reinforcement Results

According to the results of reinforcement we accept

- angular reinforcement Ǿ28;

- transverse horizontal reinforcement Ǿ6;


The construction of buildings and structures is carried out according to pre-drawn up projects for the organization of construction and work.

The work execution project shall be prepared according to the working drawings and shall contain:

- site work schedule. A summary schedule, it can be replaced by a network schedule;

- updated lists, scope and schedule of preparatory works;

- schedule of arrival of building structures, parts, etc. to the object;

- schedule of workers movement;

- schedule of main construction machines;

- construction plan;

- Job Instructions;

- detailed drawings of temporary buildings and structures.

The components of the work execution project are process charts, they contain labor organization measures with maximum use of means of mechanization of production processes of construction and installation works using mechanized and manual tools.

The maximum number of workers is accepted according to the schedule for loading the workforce zmax = 19 people.

The ratio between ITR and MOS workers accounts for 85% of workers for 12% of ITR and 3% of MOS.

zmax = 19⋅0,15 = 2.85 people are in ITP, MOS, MOHR.

The construction plan is part of the construction documentation. The construction plan provides the most complete satisfaction of household needs. Here we are considering the placement of domestic premises, devices and pedestrian paths, temporary buildings and structures. The construction plan solution ensures the rational passage of cargo flows at the site by reducing the number of transshipments and reducing transportation distances.

It provides for the correct placement of installation mechanisms, warehouses, shelter sites. The site-wide construction plan is agreed with the customer and the general contractor.

The Customer shall coordinate in turn with the department of the district architect, the sanitary and epidemiological service, traffic safety departments, operational services and administrative inspection.

Work of the preparatory period

During the preparatory period, it is necessary to organize the construction site:

- Clear the construction area from shrubs, stumps, boulders. Cut down trees falling into the construction zone;

- To plan the territory; removal of surface water into the tray; arrange a temporary road with crushed stone filling and laying of road slabs at the places of departure of construction equipment;

- Fertile layer of soil in the base of all embankments and in the area occupied by various excavations must be removed and laid in a dump before the start of the main earthworks;

- Geodetic breakdown of the building with fixing of benchmarks;

- Prepare storage sites; Install inventory trailers;

- Fence the construction site.


Excavation works are allowed to start only if approved technical documentation and permission for the right to perform excavation works are available.

Earthworks are divided into vertical layout, the development of pits for foundations and trenches for engineering communications.

Vertical layout in sections of excavations is performed during preparatory period. Soil development is carried out by bulldozer DZ42.

In areas of embankments, vertical planning is carried out after the arrangement of communications and foundations.

Digging of pits and trenches is carried out to the entire depth with a disadvantage of 0.15 meters for manual cleaning. In the area of ​ ​ action of working bodies of earth-moving machines, the performance of other works and the presence of people is prohibited.

When digging trenches, soil is stored along one of the eyebrows for backfilling.

The pipes are laid in the trench by the pipe laying, and the wells are installed using a/crane KS4572. Back filling of sinuses should be performed after completion of pipeline installation and testing. Fill to the height of not less than 2/3 of trenches, layers with thickness of not more than 0.2 meters with layer-by-layer compaction of soil.

Open trenches and pits should be protected against ingress of surface and ground water in accordance with GOST R12.3.0482002 SSBT "Construction. Excavation by waterproofing. Safety requirements. "

Construction of monolithic foundations

1 The following works shall be performed prior to the foundation arrangement:

- surface water removal from the site is organized;

- access roads and roads are arranged;

- movement paths of mechanisms, storage places, reinforcement meshes and formwork are indicated, installation equipment and accessories are prepared;

- reinforcement nets, frames and formwork sets in the required quantity were brought in;

- necessary preparation for foundations has been performed;

- temporary electric lighting of workplaces is arranged and electric welding devices are connected;

- geodetic breakdown of axes and marking of foundations position in accordance with design.

2 Acts for hidden works shall be drawn up for preparation for foundations.

3 Prior to installation of formwork and reinforcement of reinforced concrete foundations, the manufacturer of works (brew, foreman) shall check the correct arrangement of concrete preparation and marking of the position of the axes and elevations of the foundation base.


1 Formwork elements received at the construction site are placed in the area of the installation crane. All formwork elements shall be stored in a position corresponding to the transport, sorted by grade and type.

2 Installation and removal of formwork is performed using RDK25 valve.

3 Prior to installation of the formwork, the boards shall be pre-assembled in the panel in the following sequence:

- at the storage site the box is assembled from fights;

- shields are hung on fights;

- on the edge of panel shields paint hairlines indicating the position of axes.

4 The condition of the formwork shall be monitored continuously during concreting.

5 It is permitted to remove the formwork only after concrete reaches the required strength as per SNiP 3.03.0187 and with the permission of the works manufacturer.

6 After the formwork removal it is necessary to:

- perform visual inspection of the formwork;

- clean all formwork elements from stuck concrete;

- perform lubrication of decks, check and apply lubrication on screw connections.


1 Reinforcement works are performed in the following order:

- installation of lower grids on fixators providing protective layer of concrete according to the design;

- Armocarkas are laid;

- installation of upper grids on frames;

- individual reinforcement bars are laid.

2 When laying reinforcement nets and frames to the latter, the formwork shields shall be fixed through holes in wooden racks with wire.

3 Reinforcement works shall be performed in accordance with SNiP 3.03.0181 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures."


1 Prior to concrete mix laying, the following works shall be performed:

- correctness of installed reinforcement and formwork was checked;

- all formwork defects are eliminated.

2 Delivery of concrete mixture to the object is provided by SB-92-1 concrete mixers

3 The concrete mixture is supplied to the place of laying by means of a car concrete pump.

4 Foundation concreting works include:

- reception and supply of concrete mixture;

- laying and compaction of concrete mixture ;

- concrete care.

5 The foundation slab is concreted by replaceable grips. Concreting shall be performed without interruption within the replaceable gripping.

6 It is recommended to use metal woven mesh with small cells as formwork when arranging the working seam at the boundaries of replaceable grips. Concrete mixture is supplied to the place of laying by means of a car concrete pump

7 The slab is concreted with the help of a motor concrete pump in combination with the required number of motor concrete mixers on the first gripper from the pit edge, on subsequent grippers - from the previously concreted grippers of the foundation slab.

8 The concrete mixture is laid in horizontal layers 0.3-0.5 m thick.

Each concrete layer is carefully compacted with depth vibrators. Covering of the previous layer of concrete with the following shall be performed before the start of concrete setting in the previous layer.

9 Concrete care measures during the period of strength gain, procedure and terms of their implementation, control over implementation of these measures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements [36]. The exposed surfaces of the concrete of the slab shall be protected against moisture loss by watering or covering them with wet materials. The construction laboratory assigns the duration and periodicity of watering.

During work in winter conditions, measures are taken to ensure normal hardening of concrete at the expected average daily outside air temperature below 5 ° С and the minimum daily temperature below 0 ° С in accordance with [36]. CALCULATION OF PROCESS PARAMETERS OF CONCRETE HOLDING IN WINTER TIME

Calculation consists in determination of required temperature conditions of concrete holding. The temperature of concrete is influenced not only by external factors (ambient temperature, wind speed, formwork, etc.), but also by the mass of the structure, which is characterized by its surface modulus.

The surface module is determined by the ratio of the area of all cooled surfaces of the structure to the volume of this structure:

1 Calculation of thermos method:

a) initial temperature of concrete laid in the structure:

2 Calculation of preheating method, in view of similar concrete holding conditions, is similar to calculation of thermos method. The difference lies only in determining the initial temperature of the concrete laid in the structure:

3 Concrete holding by electric heating method should be performed according to one of the modes shown in Fig. 2

Figure 2 - Diagram of temperature modes of electrical heating:

a) heating and cooling;

b) heating, isothermal holding and cooling.

1) Temperature rise area:

- temperature rise time:

- average temperature of concrete during the period of temperature rise:

2) Cooling area:

- concrete cooling time to 0 ° С:

3) Strength of concrete during the period of temperature rise and cooling:

4) The resulting strength is less than required, hence isothermal heating is necessary. Time of isothermal holding is determined by

As a result of the technical and economic comparison of the options, the most effective method is the electric heating method.

Roofing works

To perform works in-line, the roof area is divided into separate grips with an area of ​ ​ 200300 m2, on which work is sequentially carried out on the device of steam insulation, laying of insulation plates, and bracing device. Lifting of materials to the roof is carried out using installation cranes or lifts.

Cement-sand brace is applied mechanically using solution pump.

Before installation of water insulation carpet perform the following preparatory works:

- clean the base from dust, debris, foreign objects;

- seal the shells, cracks, irregularities with solution M 50.

Glue the Bikrost roll material according to the design manual and construction of roofs made of bituminopolymer materials.

When performing roofing works, observe the following requirements:

Cross-label of roll panels is not allowed;

laying of roll materials is started from the underlying areas;

provide overlapping of adjacent panels with stickers not less than 80 mm (side overlapping). The end overlap of the rolls shall be 150 mm. For single layer materials, the side overlap shall be at least 120 mm.

the distance between the side joints of the roofing panels shall not be less than 300 mm. End laps of adjacent roofing material panels shall be displaced 500 mm relative to each other.

The procedure shall exclude movement along the newly laid roof. When performing roofing works, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of SniP 12042002 "Labor Safety in Construction and Construction" [15].


For the start of finishing work, the building must be prepared: glaze window bindings, close temporary openings.

Finishing works are combined with sanitary, electrical and civil works with strict observance of safety conditions. Lifting materials and tools to the floors is carried out using lifts. The decoration of the rooms is carried out from top to bottom.

Preparation and preparation of materials for painting works shall be performed in the central gauge workshop and delivered to the construction site in ready form. When performing painting works, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SniP 12042002 "Labor Safety in Construction and Construction Production."


Performance of construction and installation works is associated with higher costs and increased labor intensity of construction processes. To ensure the normal progress of work, organizational and technical measures should be carried out according to a special plan. The plan should include:

1 Earthworks

- action to prevent ground freezing of the base - preliminary plowing and harrowing of the upper layer;

- soil loosening with diesel-hammer;

- electrical heating of soil.

2 Concrete works

- supply of concrete mixture with positive temperature;

- addition of anti-frost additives (chloride salts), plasticizing additives and concrete hardening accelerators to the concrete mixture;

- electric heating of concrete mixture.

3 Finishing works:

- commissioning of heating systems;

- use of calorifers.

4 Roofing works:

- addition of chloride salts for cement braces to the mixture.

- Heat the bituminopolymer roll materials to a temperature of + 15 ° C.

5 Piping installation:

- arrangement of inventory heaters on welding and insulation site;

- preheating of connected pipes;

- adding plasticizers to anti-corrosion insulation mastic;

- performance of hydraulic testing of pipelines with electrical heating, at current intensity more than 500 A or insulation of trenches.


The geodetic basis for construction is created in accordance with SNiP 3.01.0384 "Geodetic works in construction."

The geodetic basis for construction is created taking into account the connection to the geodetic network points available in the construction area with the laying of geodetic signs performed by the customer.

When moving the main axes of the building into nature, attach one of the longitudinal axes with temporary signs. After proper inspection of the turns of the main longitudinal axis, remove the design points of the main transverse axes and other longitudinal axes, which are fixed with permanent signs.

Linear measurements shall be made with compaired roulettes and other instruments of appropriate accuracy.

Perform angular measurements with T5, T-15 and other instruments (equivalent to them), necessarily by a "three-tripod" method, which allows improving the accuracy of angular measurements, due to a significant reduction in the effect of centering and reduction errors.

Acceptance of the geodetic basis for construction shall be executed by an act. Accepted signs of geodetic layout shall be checked instrumentally at least twice a year for safety and stability. In the process of erecting a building or laying engineering networks, construction and installation organization, it is necessary to conduct geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters of buildings and structures, including:

1 Geodetic check of compliance of the position of building elements, structures and parts, utility networks with design requirements during installation and temporary fixation .

2 As-built geodetic survey of planned and high-altitude position of elements, structures and parts of buildings permanently fixed at the end of installation (installation, laying), as well as actual position of underground utility networks .

Perform as-built survey of underground utilities prior to filling of trenches.

Limit deviations during installation and concrete works shall meet the requirements of SNiP 3.03.0187.

Compare Machine Selections


The operational capacity of the bulldozer is determined.

Based on the operational capacity of these bulldozers DZ34S Pe = 1080m3/cm;

DZ-17 Pe = 382m3/cm;

1080/382 = 2,8 ≈ 3

Therefore, we get that to perform the same scope of work, either 3 pieces of DZ17 or one DZ34S are necessary, then

Sm.chpr=7,3⋅3 = 21.9rub - for DZ17;

See chpr = 9.6rub - for DZ34S.

Thus, the most suitable bulldozer is the DZ34C bulldozer.


In the thesis, a comparison of two excavators with a reverse shovel with different volumes of ladle is made:

EO-3311G (q = 0.4m3);

EO-411B (q = 0, 65m3).

Replaceable operational capacity of a single bucket excavator is determined by the formula:

Pe = 60qKenKbN, (94)

where q is the geometric capacity of the ladle, m3;

Ke - bucket capacity utilization factor;

n - number of cycles in 1 min. Useful work;

Kb - machine time utilization factor, Kb = 0.8;

N - number of hours of excavator operation during shift, N = 8.2h.

Accepted Ke = 0.83 for medium soil.

Characteristics of EO-3311G:

q = 0.4m3;

n = 15 cycles/min,

then the replacement operating capacity of this excavator:


The lifting height of the cargo hook above the parking level of the crane Nk, m, is determined by the formula:


Minimum length of crane boom is provided at tilting of its axis at angle α determined by formula:

For boom cranes equipped with a goose, the smallest permissible boom length at β = 0 is determined by the formula:

Unloading and warehousing is performed by RDK25 crane.

Selection of the installation crane for erection of the above-ground part of the building is made on the basis of height of rise and width of the building in plan.

Install structures from the preliminary platform in the area of the installation crane. Sealing of joints is performed from hinged cradles after installation and final fixation of structures.


Concrete mixture is laid in formwork under the following conditions:

the mixture must be laid in horizontal layers of the same thickness of 3050 mm without tearing with successive laying directions in one direction in all layers.

overlapping time of concreting layers is on average from 0.75 to 1.0 hour.

concrete mixture shall be laid in the structure without working joints in the structure, by continuous concreting and thorough compaction.

The upper, working layer of a 200 mm thick pile is made of concrete of the same grade on a shrink-free Portland cement.

Distribution of laid layers by thickness:

first - 0.40 m, concrete demand - 33.3 m3;

the next three - 0.30 m each, concrete demand - 25,0⋅3 = 75.0 m3;

upper - 0.20 m, concrete demand - 16.7 m3.

The need for concrete mixers for concreting the structure is determined by the calculation:

Input: Volume of mixture transported - 4.0 m3

The transportation range is 20 km. (Construction site - BZ)

Average speed - 40 km/h


1 Net working time of the vehicle mixer during the shift, hour is equal to,

3 Number of flights made by the vehicle mixer per shift,

4 Number of cargoes carried by the vehicle mixer per shift:

5 Required number of concrete mixers for erection of pile pile


Depth vibrators I66 are used for internal compaction of concrete mixture. The duration of vibration is from 15 to 30 seconds, or determined experimentally. Vibration time shall ensure sufficient compaction of concrete mixtures. The vibrator rearrangement step shall not exceed 50 cm. The depth of the vibrator immersion in the concrete mixture shall ensure its deepening into the previously laid layer by 510 cm. The vibrator shall not rest on reinforcement and embedded parts, ties and other formwork elements. Remove it from the concrete mixture when the electric motor is turned on without jerks in order to avoid the formation of voids in the concrete.

A visual inspection determines the end of subsidence of the concrete mixture in the layer, and only after that orders to stop compaction and pour a new layer.

The main signs of the end of subsidence of the mixtures may be :

stopping the release of air from the mixture;

appearance of cement milk in places of concrete adjoining the formwork ;

After internal (deep) vibration of the upper, working layer, its external (surface) compaction is started. To do this, Two-beam vibration racks C-413 are used, in which the front bar levels and initially compacts the concrete mixture, and the rear one finally compacts and smoothes the surface.

The capacity of the depth vibrator on the layer compaction is:

The total need for vibrators is 3 units .


For transportation of columns, girders we accept the balkovoz PK 2021 based on KrAZ258, gauge 1860 mm (Q = 20t )

(for 1 flight 4 columns or 8 girders).

required quantity of delivery per day of 8 pcs columns, possible 4 pcs per flight. Therefore, the minimum number of flights per day is 2.

required quantity of delivery per day of girders - 20 pcs., possible on the flight 8 pcs. So the minimum number of flights to children is 3.

One machine per day will perform n = tcm/tc = 8/1.91 = 4.18 = 4 flights. 5 flights are required.

We're taking two cars.

Organization of the construction process


The designed building is located on the street. Pushkin in the Central district of Chelyabinsk.

Before construction begins, it is necessary to remove construction debris, cut down existing trees; remove soil and vegetation layer of soil for subsequent planning and recultivation of disturbed lands, perform planning of the territory with filling of places for arrangement of temporary road, storage sites.

The construction of a multifunctional building should be carried out in one line with a caterpillar crane RDK25 (g/p 18.0t, boom span 22.5m).

Unloading of construction materials is performed by RDK25 crane (departure is 22.5 m).

The storage sites shall be arranged within the crane working area in accordance with the building plan. The solution unit shall be located in close proximity to the installation crane for each construction stage.

During construction, it is necessary to limit the crane working area in accordance with the construction plan. Before starting work, familiarize the crane operator with the boundaries of hazardous areas of the crane, and prohibit access of unauthorized persons to the territory of the sites within the dangerous areas.


Engineering and transportation support of the construction site is given in Table 1.

- Transport operations and mechanization of the main construction works will be performed by subcontractors and transport offices of the construction trust .

- Use existing and projected roads during the construction period. The area of ​ ​ temporary roads 950 m2 wide is 3.56.0 m - crushed stone 150 mm thick.

- Crane tracks shall be made with compliance with GOST R 5124899 "Ground rail crane tracks. General technical requirements, "as well as the recommendations of SP 121032002" Ground rail crane tracks. "

- Temporary water supply for the period of construction shall be provided with imported water. Take water to extinguish fires from designed fire water pipelines (designed fire hydrant PG2, PG4).

- The construction site shall be provided with temporary telephone communication (cable, air or mobile ).

- Temporary fencing of the construction site shall be performed in accordance with GOST 2340778 "Fencing inventory of construction sites and construction and installation work areas," fencing of installation and working areas in accordance with GOST 12.4.05989 "Fencing safety inventory."

- Temporary power supply for the construction period shall be provided from TP 4619.

- During night and twilight, illuminate the construction site with searchlights installed on temporary supports, installation mechanisms and workplaces. Exclude blinding of pedestrians and vehicles with searchlights and install protective vertical screens during welding.

- Exclude noisy work at night from 22.00 hours to 7.00 hours. During the works the equivalent noise level in the premises near the adjacent buildings shall not exceed 35 dBa.


The construction of the trade pavilion is carried out in one line with a caterpillar crane RDK25.

- total area of the building above el. 0.000 is -

- area of rooms below el. 0.000 - 947.7 sq.m;

According to item 7 of the General Provisions of SNiP 1.04.0385 * "Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures," part I is accepted as a linear interpolation method. Based on the analogue of the general retail space of the store with a universal assortment of goods of 1500 m2 2500 m2 with a norm of construction duration of 15 and 18 months, respectively.

Construction duration per 1 m2 of total area is

(1815 )/( 25001500) = 0.003 months. Area growth is 1895.4-1500 = 395.4 m2

The duration of construction of the above-ground part, taking into account interpolation, will be: T1 = 0,003 • 395.4 + 15 = 16,186 ≈ 16.2 mes.

Taking into account item 6, section E, part II of SNiP, we determine the increase in the construction duration due to the area of ​ ​ the buried floor. Based on the analogue of the general retail space of the store with a universal assortment of goods of 650 m2 1000 m2 with a construction duration norm of 10 and 12 months, respectively. The construction duration per 1 m2 of the total area is




A work schedule is required to determine the sequence and timing of civil, special and installation work. These deadlines are established as a result of rational linkage of the deadlines for certain types of work, accounting for the composition and number of core resources, primarily working teams and leading mechanisms. According to the calendar plan, the need for labor and material and technical resources, as well as the timing of deliveries of all types of equipment, are calculated in time.

On the basis of the calendar plan, they monitor the progress of work and coordinate the work of the performers. Initial data for creating a schedule:

- compile a list of works;

- scope is determined for each type of work;

- selection of methods of basic works and leading machines;

- calculation of normative labour intensity;

- determining the composition of brigades and links;

- perform the process sequence of works execution;

- determine the duration of individual works and their combination with each other, at the same time adjusting the number of performers and shift rate according to these data;

- comparing the estimated duration with the standard duration and introducing the necessary adjustments;

- determine the duration of individual works and their combination;

- on the basis of execution of the plan, schedules are developed.

The initial data for the development of calendar plans as part of the PDP (project 6 of the work performance) are: standards of construction duration, process charts for construction, installation and special works, working drawings, estimates, data on organizations, construction areas, the composition of teams and the productivity achieved by them, available mechanisms and opportunities to obtain the necessary material resources.

Structure of employees:

• women - 30% = 8chel;

• men - 70% = 17chel.

Trainees are present on the construction site, their number is 5% = 2chel. They work on the same shift.

Thus, taking into account the trainees, the total number of people working on the construction site: 19 + 2 = 27chel. CALCULATION OF TEMPORARY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES

It is conducted on the basis of standards provided for per worker. The standard for calculating locker rooms is provided for 0.5 m ² per worker:

Justification for the need for temporary buildings

and structures

The need for administrative and household premises is determined by the number of personnel employed in the estimated year of construction in the busiest shift.



The temporary water supply system shall provide the construction site with water that meets the requirements of Gossannadzor, with sufficient head, in the required amount.

Temporary water supply of the construction site is provided by connection to existing networks.

Fire hydrants are located at a distance of not more than 20 m from each other.

Water flow rate is determined by SNiP II040284. The total calculation of water consumption for production, economic needs and for fire prevention measures is calculated according to the formula:

Water consumption for production purposes consists of the following requirements: preparation of concrete mixture or mortar, watering of laid concrete, execution of plaster and painting works, maintenance and washing of construction machines, etc. It is determined by a direct count in accordance with the volume of corresponding works or the number of construction machines.

We accept the temporary diameter of the pipe equal to 10 mm.


Temporary heat supply is provided for heating temporary buildings and performing finishing work in winter.

Heating of the construction camp is provided by laying a temporary heating network from the existing one. Heat is supplied to the facility by the beginning of finishing works.


Temporary power supply at the construction site is carried out from the existing transformer substation TP3, The laying of temporary low-voltage networks is carried out by air using wooden supports.

General and local lighting of the construction site is provided in places of traffic, people, storage areas, in working areas in accordance with the instructions for designing electrical lighting of construction sites (CH8180).

Consumers for electricity include:

- external lighting;

- internal lighting;

- for mechanisms, compressors, equipment, for welding.

To illuminate the construction site, the required number of spotlights is calculated:

- for external lighting;

- to the main passageways and passageways;

- for emergency lighting;

- for working lighting.

We accept two spotlights of PZS35 brand for external lighting.

We determine the number of searchlights for the main passages and passages:

We take 4 spotlights of PZS35 brand to illuminate the workplace.

Sum of spotlights: nn + npr + nrab = 9 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 16 pcs.

The production demand for electricity is determined by the number and capacity of electric motors of power plants and electric devices,

Total site load is calculated

To power the site, a typical transformer substation with a capacity of up to 1000 KVA, equipped with two transformers, is used. Connection of consumers to transformer substation via inventory input boxes for voltage 380/220 and 220/127V.

Calculation of construction payback


You can use the following key figures to measure the overall cost-effectiveness of a new product:

1. integral effect;

2. rate of profitability;

3. profitability index;

4. payback period.

The key figures entered are used to calculate cash flow D. The cash flow shows the difference between the two financial flows going to and from the enterprise during the year. In fact, this is the financial result of the year, equal to the balance of funds in the bank account of the enterprise after business operations: investment, profit, accrual of depreciation, payment of taxes, performance of financial operations.


The calculated cash flows for each year of the project are summarized and presented at the time of the start of the project.

-if W > 0, then the event is considered economically profitable

-if W < 0, then the event is considered impractical

The rate of profitability "e" (internal rate of return) is the discount rate at which the integral effect (W) of the project becomes zero.

The advantage of "e" is that the project participant does not have to determine his or her individual discount rate in advance; "e" is determined in the calculation process and then compared with the investor's required rate of return on the invested capital. In the case where "e" is equal to or greater than the rate of income per capital required by the investor, investments in this project are justified. Otherwise, investments in this project are impractical. Therefore, the efficiency of capital investments "e" should be differentiated depending on the goals facing the investor. In accordance with this, capital investments in efficiency are divided into five classes:

CLASS 1 - investments in order to maintain positions in the market, aimed at replacing some obsolete elements of the production apparatus. In this case, e > 0.05... 0.06

CLASS 2 - investments in order to update the bulk of production funds, to improve the quality of products - e > 0.12.

CLASS 3 - investments to introduce new technologies, create new enterprises - e > 0.15.

CLASS 4 - investments in order to accumulate financial reserves for the implementation of major innovative projects - e > 0.2.

CLASS 5 - risk capital investments for the implementation of projects, the outcome of which is not clear - e > 0.25.

Initial data for analytical calculation of profitability rate "e" are given in Table 6

Having solved the equation, we get e = 0.206776789

The calculated data used for plotting are given in Table

Graph of analytical determination of annual time discount rate by integral economic effect.

General provisions

Construction is an area of ​ ​ work for people with an extremely high degree of environmental responsibility. This is due primarily to the fact that construction processes come into direct contact with all components of nature, actively forming anthropogenic landscapes in a relatively short time. The organization of the labor process that forms environmentally friendly facilities is carried out within the framework of the complex's engineering and environmental support system, which includes:

1) environmentally sound requirements for industrial and housing and civil construction facilities;

2) tasks of environmentally optimal design for all formed links;

3) scientific and methodological study of environmental solutions;

4) comprehensive analysis of all forms of construction technogenesis;

5) principles of organization of environmentally safe construction processes;

6) quantitative assessment of current and long-term consequences in the regions of deployment of construction complexes;

7) tasks of environmental management and conservation of natural resources.

The need to protect the environment for the good of man arose as a result of the negative effects of human activities. Erroneous actions of society towards nature often lead to unpredictable consequences, ultimately turn negatively against society itself and give rise to the need for conservation measures.

The changes that occur in nature as a result of human activity have become global in nature and pose a serious threat to the natural balance.


Buildings and structures have a great impact on the environment. Their appearance causes a significant change in air and water environments, in the state of soils of the construction site. The vegetation cover is changing - artificial planting is replacing the destroyed natural. The moisture evaporation mode changes. The average temperature in the area of ​ ​ development is constantly higher than outside it.

Ill-conceived technologies, organization and production of works determine the high cost of energy and materials, the high degree of environmental pollution. The construction process is relatively short. The interaction of the building with the environment, its nature and consequences are determined during the period of long-term operation. Hence the importance of this period in determining the environmental friendliness of an object, that is, how not only the appearance but also its long-term functioning will affect the state of the environment.

Careful consideration of the environmental impact of decisions is required in the design process. The environmental approach should characterize the design, construction, and operation of the building. During the design, in turn, it must be kept in the solution both volumetric and structural; when selecting materials for construction, when determining the erection technology, etc.

The efforts of all governing bodies should be aimed at ensuring that the rational treatment of nature becomes the subject of constant concern, the norm of everyday life of people.

The practical implementation of environmental protection tasks can be successful only if the efforts of specialists of all sectors of the national economy are combined, based on a clear understanding of environmental problems. Thus, we should talk about the need to study and identify environmental aspects in any human activity, including engineering ecology, which should consider the environmental aspects of industry and construction. The nature of the environmental impact of civil and industrial buildings and their complexes - industrial facilities, cities and towns depends on the builders. It is envisaged to develop measures for the rational use of natural resources. Environmental requirements have been introduced into a number of regulatory documents (SNiP 2.06.1585, SNiP 3.01.0185, etc.).

Environmental protection activities include all human activities aimed at reducing or completely eliminating the adverse effects of anthropogenic factors, conserving, improving and managing natural resources. In human construction activities, such activities should include:

- Urban planning measures aimed at environmentally sound location of enterprises, settlements and transport networks,

- architectural and construction measures determining the choice of ecological space-planning and structural solutions,

selection of environmentally friendly materials in design and construction,

- application of low-waste and waste-free technological processes and productions in the extraction and processing of construction materials,

- construction and operation of treatment and decontamination facilities and devices,

- land reclamation,

- Measures to combat erosion and soil pollution,

- Measures for the protection of waters and subsoil and the rational use of mineral resources,

- Conservation and reproduction of flora and fauna, etc.

The site of the projected shopping complex is located in the socio-business zone, on the lands of settlements. There is no reduction in the territory of other land users. Motorways are designed near the shopping complex, which are blown by the wind, which ensures the exchange of air and the absence of stagnation places.

Construction and installation works, movement of machines and mechanisms, warehousing and storage of materials in places not provided for by the work execution project are prohibited.

Green spaces lead to improvement of gas composition of air and its purification. On the territory of the objects under construction, the reduction of wood-shrub vegetation and backfilling of root necks and trunks of growing trees and shrubs, which are not provided for in the design documentation, are not allowed.

The fertile layer of soil on the site occupied by pits and trenches must be removed and laid in a dump for land restoration before the start of the main earthworks. When performing these works, strictly comply with the requirements of the reclamation project and the basic provisions for land restoration, construction and other works. Removal, transportation, storage and reverse application of fertile soil layer shall be performed by methods that exclude reduction of its qualitative indices, as well as its loss during displacement.

The use of a fertile layer of soil for the construction of backfills, jumpers and other temporary earthworks for construction purposes is not allowed. It is not allowed to drain water displaced from pipelines into rivers, lakes and other reservoirs without preliminary cleaning.

In strict accordance with the design decisions, perform measures for soil erosion, ravine formation, protective anti-landslide and anti-landslide measures.

To protect the soil, atmosphere, groundwater and reservoirs from harmful emissions during construction, the following set of measures must be carried out:

- when leaving construction vehicles from the construction area, the wheels should be cleaned of dirt on a specially provided wheelbarrow;

- install a temporary toilet on the territory of the construction site with a metal extractable reservoir for collecting fecal effluents;

- collect waste and construction waste only in special metal containers with their subsequent removal and disposal for a distance of 5 km. For the period of construction, conclude an agreement with an organization licensed to collect construction garbage. Dumping of waste and construction debris into pits of buildings and structures is prohibited;

- construction machines shall be kept in full mechanical serviceability. When choosing methods and means of mechanization of production, observe the conditions that ensure the receipt of a minimum of waste during technological processes;

- to collect single fuel spills use oil-disclosure sorbent;

- storage of building materials, products and structures shall be performed only within specially equipped sites;

- during storage, unloading, loading of pulverized materials take measures against spraying, store these materials in closed containers;

- incineration of wastes and residues of materials, dyes, etc. intensively polluting air is not allowed at the construction site;

- In order to prevent contamination of surface water and groundwater, it is necessary to capture contaminated water for the washing of vehicles and equipment (by installing bio-cleaners);

In addition to the site occupied by the building itself, land for the construction of comunitions, access roads, pipelines, power lines and communications are alienated for permanent use. Therefore, in order to reduce the adverse impact of factors on the environment, the project provides for the following measures:

- a temporary construction camp is located in the immediate vicinity of utilities, which will reduce the area of ​ ​ alienated land for their construction;

Temporary access roads shall be constructed in such a way as to be used for permanent roads.

The source of water supply for the designed facility is the city networks of the farm-drinking production and fire-fighting water supply. The domestic waste water receiver of the designed facility is the city collector of domestic sewage and sewage treatment facilities. Contaminated surface effluents are discharged to surface effluent treatment facilities provided for in the complex of the shopping complex, and then discharged to the river. Miass.

To prevent groundwater pollution, the following measures are envisaged:

- arrangement of improved pavements on the roadway;

- storm sewage system;

- lawn arrangement;

- organization of territory cleaning;

- Organization of solid waste collection sites;

- waste water discharge to sewage networks.

The measures envisaged by this project for the period of construction and installation works will provide a permissible impact on the environment.

List of used literature

"Design of residential and public buildings": a textbook for universities/Ed. T.G. Maklakova: M.: "Higher School," 1998

V.M. Predtechensky "Architecture of civil and industrial buildings." Basis of design. Volume II. ED. 2e, reslave. and dom. M., Stroyizdat, 1976

"Design of residential and public buildings": a textbook for universities/Ed. T.G. Maklakova: M.: "Higher School," 1998

Journal "Industrial and Civil Engineering" No. 2/2007: M.: LLC "Publishing House PGS," 2007

SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public Buildings and Structures"

SNiP II2676 "Roofs"

SNiP 210299 "Parking"

SNiP III1075 92000) "Improvement of the territory"

Manual on design of public buildings and structures (to SNiP 2.08.0285)

SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings"

NPB 882001 * "Fire Fighting and Alarm Unit. Design Codes and Regulations "

NPB 1102003 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment. to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm "

VSN 2509.67-85 "Rules for production and acceptance of works. Automatic fire extinguishing units "

SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"

SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting"

SP 311102003 "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings"

SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology"

SNiP 23022003 "Thermal protection of buildings "

SP 231012004 "Design of thermal protection of buildings "

SNiP 2.01.0785 * "Loads and Impacts "

V.A. Veselov "Design of foundations and foundations." Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1990

SNiP 2.02.0183 * "Foundations of buildings and structures"

GOST 2510095 "Soils. Classification "

Manual to SNiP 2.02.0183 on the design of foundations of buildings and structures

V.N. Baykov, E.E. Sigalov "Reinforced concrete structures." General course. Textbook for universities. Ed. 2e, reslave. and supplement M., Stroyizdat, 1977

"Examples of calculation of reinforced concrete and stone structures." Textbook/V.M. Bondarenko, V.I. Rishmshin. - M.: Vysh. shk., 2006.

SNiP 2.03.0184 (1996) "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures"

SP 521012003 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without preliminary reinforcement stress"

Manual for Design of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures from Heavy Concrete without Pre-Stress Reinforcement (to SP 521012003)

SP 521022004 "Prestressed reinforced concrete structures"

Manual for design of retaining walls and basement walls (to SNiP 2.09.0385)

N.N. Danilov "Technology and organization of construction production" - M.: Stroyizdat, 1988

T.N. Tsai "Organization of construction production." Textbook for universities - M.: Publishing House DIA, 1999

S.G. Golovnev "Practical exercises and laboratory work on the course" Technology of construction processes. " Chelyabinsk; Publishing House of SUSU, 2004

S.G. Golovnev "Concrete Production Technology," Chelyabinsk, 2002

SNiP 3.03.0187 "Bearing and enclosing structures"

SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction." Part 1

SNiP 12042002 "Labor safety in construction and construction production." Part 2

SNiP 1.04.0385 * "Standards of construction duration and backlog in construction of enterprises, buildings and structures"

SNiP 1112173 "Finishing coatings of building structures."

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