Reconstruction of the unfinished construction facility for the administrative building of St. Petersburg, nab. Bypass Canal, house 223-225, lit. I am a construction plan

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Additional information
General provisions
Characteristics of construction area and construction conditions
Assessment of transport infrastructure development
Information on the possibility of using local labor during construction
List of measures to attract qualified specialists to carry out construction, including for work on a watch basis
Characteristics of the land plot provided for construction, justification of the need to use for the construction of land plots outside the land plot provided for the construction of the capital construction facility
Description of peculiarities of works in conditions of cramped urban development, in places of underground communications, power transmission and communication lines
Substantiation of the accepted organizational and technological scheme defining the sequence of erection of buildings and structures
List of types of construction and installation works, critical structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks to be inspected with drawing up of corresponding acceptance certificates before performance of subsequent works and arrangement of subsequent structures
Process sequence of works during construction of capital construction facilities or their separate elements
Justification of construction requirements for personnel, main construction machines, machinery, vehicles, fuel and lubricants, as well as electrical power, steam, water, temporary buildings and structures
Substantiation of size and equipment of sites for storage of materials, structures, equipment, enlarged modules and stands for their assembly. Solutions for displacement of heavy oversized equipment, enlarged modules and building structures
Proposals for quality control of construction and installation works, as well as equipment, structures and materials supplied to the site and installed
Proposals for the organization of the geodetic and laboratory control service
List of requirements to be taken into account in the detailed documentation developed on the basis of the design documentation in connection with the accepted methods of erection of building structures and installation of equipment
Justification of the need for housing and social services of personnel involved in construction
List of measures and design solutions to determine technical means and working methods that ensure compliance with labor protection regulatory requirements
Description of design solutions and measures for environmental protection during construction
Description of design solutions and measures for protection of facilities during construction
Justification of accepted duration of construction of capital construction facility and its separate stages
List of measures to organize monitoring of the condition of buildings and structures located in the immediate vicinity of the object under construction, earthworks, construction, installation and other works on which may affect the technical condition and reliability of such buildings and structures
Appendix No. 1. Schedule
Appendix No. 2 List of main construction and installation works
Appendix No. 3. Master Construction and Material Requirements List
Duration of construction phases
Appendix No. 4. List of occupations of construction workers by types of work with their assignment to groups of production processes
Measures to preserve the surrounding historical buildings
1. General provisions
Input data for PIC development
The design of the renovated building, at the address: St. Petersburg, nab. Bypass Canal, d. 223225, lit. "I" is made on the basis of:
• Engineering specification from Owner.
• Engineering and geological survey technical report
• Orders of the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of the Government of St. Petersburg on approval of the land plot boundaries project.
• Regulatory and guidance documents in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.
• Project documentation developed by Kole Project Bureau LLC
• Specification for water supply, water disposal, heat supply and power supply.
• PIC was developed in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Composition of Sections of Design Documentation and Requirements to Their Content" N 87 dated February 16, 2008 (as amended by 22.04.2013)
When developing the PIC, regulatory and instructional documents and state standards approved by the State Building of the Russian Federation, the State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Russian Federation, the St. Petersburg City Hall in terms of the current 01.03.2009 city are used. The main ones are:
• SP 48.13330.2011 "Construction Organization";
• MDS 1246.2008 "Methodological Recommendations for the Development and Design of the Construction Organization and Work Execution Project." ed. TSNIIOMTP;
• Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 16.02.2008 N 87
"On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements to their content";
• SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction." Part 1. General provisions ";
• SNiP 12.042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";
• SNiP 110195 "Instruction on the composition, procedure for development, approval and approval of PSD for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures";
• VSN 4185 (r )/State Citizen Building. "Instructions for the development of projects for the organization and execution of work on the overhaul of residential buildings";
• SNiP 1.04.0385 * "Standards of construction duration and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures";
• Standards for the duration of overhaul of residential and public buildings and urban improvement facilities. - M., Stroyizdat, 1982;
• Standards for the duration of overhaul and maintenance of residential and public buildings in St. Petersburg. Letter dated 03.07.2002 from the Administration of St. Petersburg and the Committee for Economic Development of Industrial Policy and Trade № 02/5179;
• TSN 503022004 "Arrangement of foundations of civil buildings and structures in St. Petersburg and in the territories administratively subordinate to St. Petersburg";
• SNiP 2.07.0189 "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements ";
• SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology";
• SNiP 3.01.0385 "Geodetic works in construction";
• SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings";
• SNiP 2.04.0591 * "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";
• SNiP 21.0197 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures";
• JV 121362002 "Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction organization projects and work execution projects";
• SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction and construction works;
• Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 0103) .- M. Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2003.
This construction organization project has been completed in order to ensure the preparation of construction production and the justification of the necessary resources. The construction organization project recommends:
• Develop a work design based on this PIC;
• The line engineers and technicians in charge of construction management shall carefully examine all sections of the project prior to commencement of work;
• perform operations in accordance with anti-icing system and PPM;
• perform geodetic works during the construction of the facility strictly according to design data with accuracy ensuring compliance of geometric parameters, placement of elements and structures exactly according to the design and requirements of SNiP 3.01.0385;
• keep a log of step-by-step acceptance of hidden works and intermediate acceptance of structural elements;
2. Characteristics of construction area and construction conditions
The site for the reconstruction of the construction in progress for the administrative building is located in the Admiralty district of St. Petersburg. The quarter in which the site is located is bounded, from the north - Courland St., from the west - ul. Stepan Razin, from the south - nab. Bypass canal and from the east - StaroPeterhof Avenue.
According to the results of the performed surveys, the capacity of bulk soils in the work area is from 0.9 to 1.2 m
In hydrogeological terms, the site is characterized by the presence of groundwater with a free surface confined to bulk soils, sea and lake sands and sandy-flooded interlayers in lake-glacial sediments.. This horizon lies at a depth of 2.9-3.0 mm. from the daily surface, at absolute elevations of 0.7-0.4 m.
The situation of groundwater levels depends on the season and weather conditions, in
periods of snowmelt and heavy liquid precipitation at a depth of ~ 1.0 m from the daily surface, the average annual position of the groundwater level at a depth of ~ 2.0 m. According to the results of chemical analysis of water samples taken at the site, in accordance with SNiP 2.03.1185, groundwater is non-aggressive relative to concrete of normal permeability; in accordance with GOST 9.6022005, they have high corrosive aggressiveness to lead and medium corrosive aggressiveness to the aluminum cable shell. In relation to steel, soils are characterized by medium corrosion aggressiveness.
According to the tab. 3 SNiP 230199, p.2.27 SNiP 2.02.0183 normative depth of seasonal freezing for dust sands is 1.39 m. According to p.2.28 SPiP 2.02.0183, the estimated depth of seasonal freezing is 1.53 m.
According to the degree of puffiness during freezing, in accordance with GOST 2510095, dusty sands belong to the strongly sandy soils of the fourth group.
In accordance with SNiP 2.03.1185, soils are not aggressive with respect to concrete of normal permeability, in accordance with GOST 9.6022005 they have a high degree of corrosion aggressiveness to aluminum, high to lead cable sheath and medium corrosion aggressiveness to steel.
It is recommended to perform the whole complex of construction works in a dry period of time at a reduced level of groundwater, preventing soaking of the soil bases of individual pits and trenches. To prevent surface water from entering the pit along their perimeter, earthen rollers or drainage ditches should be provided.
The constrained conditions of the construction site are characterized by the following factors:
Heavy traffic of urban transport and pedestrians in the immediate vicinity of the place of work;
- residential buildings, as well as preserved green spaces in the immediate vicinity of the place of work;
- constrained storage conditions.
3. Assessment of transport infrastructure development
A plot with a reconstructed object of unfinished construction for an administrative building is located in the socio-business zone of objects of multifunctional engineering and transport infrastructures, communal objects, objects of public-business development and residential buildings.
Delivery of construction materials, personnel, machines and mechanisms to the construction site is made from the nearest bases, without the use of intermediate transshipment bases. Mechanisms, materials and workers are delivered by special transport along the existing asphalt road nab. Bypass canal, where freight traffic is allowed.
The traffic diagram at the construction site is organized dead end with places for turning.
Erection of foundation structures, supply of building materials shall be carried out with the help of motor cranes KS45719 (boom flyout 9.7... 21.7 m, lifting capacity up to 20 t) and automobile concrete pumps located before the pit passage on the day surface, after the pit installation - at its bottom.
4. Information on the possibility of using local labor during construction
Construction is provided by the general contractor and subcontractors involved in construction.
5. List of measures to attract qualified specialists to carry out construction, including for work on a watch basis
Design solutions contain types of work, the performance of which requires the presence of certain knowledge and professional skills.
The project provides for work performed by specialized organizations.
The issue of hiring specialists is decided by the general contractor and subcontractors. In this project, work on the watch method is not carried out.
6. Characteristics of the land plot provided for construction, justification of the need to use for the construction of land plots outside the land plot provided for the construction of the capital construction facility
The site for the reconstruction of the construction in progress for the administrative building is located in the Admiralty district of St. Petersburg. The quarter in which the site is located is bounded, from the north - Courland St., from the west - ul. Stepan Razin, from the south - nab. Bypass canal and from the east - StaroPeterhof Avenue. The site is located in the socio-business zone of multifunctional engineering and transport infrastructure facilities, communal facilities, public-business development facilities and residential buildings and is limited: from the north - Victoria CJSC (cadastral passport No. 78:32:1662:12), from the west - a residential building (cadastral passport No. 78:32:1662:23), from the east - a bath and health complex and from the south - the embankment of the Obvodny canal.
Square in front of the house on nab. Bypass canal 223225, lit. "I" am the historical green plantings which are a subject of town-planning protection according to the Law of St. Petersburg of 24.12.2008 No. 8207 "About borders of zones of protection of objects of cultural heritage in the territory of St. Petersburg and the modes of use of lands in borders of the specified zones and about introduction of amendments to the Law of St. Petersburg "About the Master Plan of St. Petersburg and Borders of Zones of Protection of Objects of Cultural Heritage in the territory of SanktPeterburg". Elements of the historical planning structure are historical green spaces.
Existing tree planting remains, except for one tree (poplar T74), due to the fact that this tree makes it difficult to organize construction work. In addition, it is proposed to transplant elm with a coma (B44), due to the features of the planning solution of the site.
Entry of transport and construction equipment into the territory of the construction site is carried out through a gate with a width of 4.5 m from the side of the Bypass Canal .
A temporary road with gravel pavement is used as a road for the period of construction of the building. The width of the road during one-way traffic should be at least 3.5 m, in places of unloading of construction materials at least 6 m.
When leaving the construction site, a place (point) is provided for washing the wheels of vehicles. To wash the wheels of vehicles, the "MoydodyrK1" unit with closed water circulation with a capacity of 0.9 m3/h is used. The set consists of compact installation "Moidodyr K1," demountable transportable rack (with pallet and pump), tank of spare clean water and sludge collection tank (sludge collection system). This configuration allows not to be tied to the water supply network and not to arrange a sludge collection ditch.
Erection of foundation structures, supply of building materials, as well as loading and unloading works are carried out using KS45717K2 autocrane (boom flyout 9.7... 21.7 m, lifting capacity up to 25 t), telescopic loader jcb 540,170. Materials and building structures are supplied to the place of work by winches LM5.
After installation works, scaffolding is installed for finishing the building facade along the perimeter.
Pit depth at foundation arrangement does not exceed 5 m from ground surface. In accordance with SNiP 12.042002 for sandy soils at pit depth from 3.0 to 5.0 m, slope slope (ratio of its height to laying) must be 1: 1.1. When organizing the construction site at the stage of work of the zero cycle, measures are taken to fix the slopes of the pit .
The stock of construction materials at the site is accepted in the amount of five days of consumption, based on the condition of their delivery by road. Materials are stored on the sites indicated on the construction plan in compliance with storage rules. Warehousing of materials and articles shall be performed by types and grades in accordance with the section of the PPR. Formwork panels, reinforcement, reinforced concrete products, pallets with bricks and other materials shall be laid in compliance with safety requirements.
Removal of construction debris during work is carried out manually using trolleys, bags and stretchers.
For the collection of construction waste in the courtyard of the building under construction, containers for garbage of the Pukhto type with a volume of 10-27.0 m3 are installed, for household waste from the life of builders - a container with a volume of 0.75 m3. Containers are regularly removed from the construction site by Lenobltrans control vehicles. Removal of construction garbage is carried out by dump trucks to the landfill of LLC Landfill MSW. The location of the construction waste container is shown on the construction plan.
Materials obtained from disassembly are sorted and stored separately depending on flammability, toxicity and method of further disposal. Separate storage of reinforced concrete, stone, insulation and metal structures from disassembly. As containers accumulate, materials from disassembly are taken out for further disposal.
Fine debris and dry dust residues of materials are collected in dust-proof bags (kraft, polyethylene) and manually immersed in a garbage collector, which provides minimal dusting of the environment.
Storage of materials from disassembly is carried out on sites located near the building under construction, as indicated on the construction plan.
The construction site is equipped with a complex of primary fire extinguishing equipment - sand, shovels, crimps, fire extinguishers. The fire shield is located at the location of the domestic premises. Fire safety at construction site, work areas and workplaces shall be ensured in accordance with fire safety regulations PPB0103.
The construction site is provided with temporary mobile telephone communication. Provide for provision of mobile telephones of all ITRs involved in works on the construction site.
The construction site is equipped with an information shield, the necessary safety signs and visual agitation. The information board is installed from the entrance to the construction site.
The construction plot plan with indication of all elements of the construction site is presented in Appendix No. 2, the transverse alignment of the elements of the construction site is shown in section 1-1 in Appendix No. 3.
7. Description of peculiarities of works in conditions of cramped urban development, in places of underground communications, power transmission and communication lines
In the immediate vicinity of the site with the reconstructed object of unfinished construction there is a bath and recreation complex, residential buildings. Protective shields are provided to protect existing buildings under tight construction conditions. The windows of existing buildings in close proximity to the dismantled building are protected with a metal woven mesh.
When organizing the movement of construction equipment and transport on the construction site, a dead end traffic scheme with a turning platform near the building under construction is provided.
The reconstructed building is enclosed along the entire perimeter by a temporary fence from a profiler 2.5 m high according to GOST 2340778. On the south side, the existing fence remains. To warn about the boundaries of the territory and areas with dangerous factors, signal fences are arranged. Height of signal enclosures struts shall be 0.8 m. Safety signs as per GOST R 12.4.0262001 are installed on the enclosures. A pedestrian gallery 2.5 m wide is arranged on the western side along the border of the site. The fencing scheme of the construction site is shown on the construction plan in Appendix No. 2.
The residential campus is organized in the southern part of the construction site away from the building and meets the needs of all construction for domestic needs. Temporary buildings are installed outside the hazardous area of the installation crane. Due to the constrained construction conditions, it is possible to install temporary buildings in two tiers.
For safe entrance to the building, protective visors are installed above the entrance to the building.
Measures for protection of 35 kV cable line are indicated in section AML (see S-Stroy-0178-R- AML).
Scientific and technical support of works and geotechnical monitoring shall be carried out during works on installation of enclosing structures of the pit in constrained conditions.
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