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Installation of an automated modular boiler room 5550kW - Reconstruction of the heat supply system of the Resort Administrative District of St. Petersburg

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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5,550kW automated modular boiler room. Tom TM

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icon 05 Тепломеханика.doc
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Installation Instructions

1. Piping shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of:

• SNiP 113675 "Boiler plants" with rev. 1;

• "Rules for arrangement and safety of steam and hot water pipelines operation";

• "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of steam boilers with steam pressure not more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm2), hot water boilers and water heaters with water heating temperature not more than 388K (1150C)";

2. Lay horizontal sections of pipelines with slope: at least i = 0.003;

3. Pipeline with nominal diameter up to 32 inclusive shall be laid according to thermal diagram (refer to drawing 01.08.VGTM001);

4. Perform welding operations in accordance with RD 15334.1-003-01 and RD 34.15.02793;

5. Install air vents at upper points of pipelines. In the lower points of each pipeline section disconnected by shutoff valves, drain nozzles with shutoff valves for pipeline emptying shall be provided;

6. Install pipelines with condition of free passage under them not less than 2 meters;

7. Installation of auxiliary equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's installation and operation instructions. Before starting it, serviceability of safety valves, automatic devices, valves and instrumentation shall be checked;

8. Install KiPiA selection devices before hydraulic tests;

9. Upon termination of installation to make hydraulic tests Rgidr =1.25 Rrab;

10. Before the heat insulation works, the boiler house pipelines are cleaned of dirt and rust, and an anticorrosive combined coating is applied to them: varnish BT597 according to GOST 563179 according to the primer GF021 GOST 2512982 in one layer;

11. All elements of pipelines with a temperature of an external surface of a wall above +35os have to be covered with thermal isolation. As thermal insulation, use Rockwool technical mats with a thickness of 0.05 m. Insulation density is 40 kg/m3. Thermal conductivity - 0.04 W/m 0С. Cover layer of insulation must be made with galvanized gesture δ = 0.5 mm;

12. Painting and symbols of pipelines shall comply with the requirements of "Rules for arrangement and safety of operation of steam and hot water pipelines" and GOST 1420269.

Drawings content

icon Военный городок - ТМ.dwg

Военный городок - ТМ.dwg

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