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Administrative building - automated system of the unit of commercial accounting of thermal energy and coolant in the water system of heat consumption


The project contains: -an explanatory note (in Word format) -hydraulic calculation (in Ecxel format) --drawns, 13 sheets of A4 format

Project's Content

icon Чертежи узла коммерческого учета тепловой энергии и теплоносителя.dwg
icon Проект узла коммерческого учета тепловой энергии и теплоносителя.doc
icon Лист 8 Пояснительной записки, Гидравлический расчет.xls

Additional information









2.5.1 KS-202 Prima-RMD thermal calculator

2.5.2 Set of KTP resistance thermometers

2.5.3 "MasterFlow" electromagnetic flow transducers

2.5.4 Remote APC-GPRS air interface adapter


2.6.1 KS-202 Prima-RMD thermal calculator

2.6.2 Set of KTP resistance thermometers

2.6.3 "MasterFlow" electromagnetic flow transducers

2.6.4 Remote APC-GPRS air interface adapter


2.7.1 KS-202 Prima-RMD thermal calculator

2.7.2 Set of KTP resistance thermometers

2.7.3 "MasterFlow" electromagnetic flow transducers

2.7.4 Remote APC-GPRS air interface adapter



2.9.1 KS-202 Prima-RMD thermal calculator

2.9.2 Set of KTP resistance thermometers

2.9.3 "MasterFlow" electromagnetic flow transducers



4.1 Situation Plan

4.2 Functional diagram

4.3 Electrical Circuit Diagram

4.4 Electrical Schematic Diagram

4.5 Connection Diagram of External Postings

4.6 Instrument Installation and External Wiring Plan

4.7 Schematic diagram of metering unit

4.8 Thermal converter tie-in diagram

4.9 Flow converter tie-in diagram

4.10 Installation diagram of metering unit

4.11 Specification


- Thermal Energy and Heat Transfer Unit Installation Specification


- Operational Responsibility Division Act


- Certificate of approval of KTP 500-IVK resistance thermometer set

- Certificate of approval of heat meter KST-22 as a measuring instrument


- Certificate of approval of MasterFlow electromagnetic flow transducers

as a measuring instrument;


- Certificate of admission to work;

- Appendix to the Certificate of Admission to Work

2.5.2 Set of resistance thermometers KTP 500

The thermal converter (TC) is a non-detachable structure, which includes a brass sleeve, a sensitive element (CE), terminals of a heat-resistant cable. To improve thermal conductivity and vibration resistance, the space between the sleeve and the CE is filled with heat conductive paste. The mechanical connection of the cable with the sleeve, as well as the tightness of the FTP, is provided by filling. Cable leads are embedded in special tips.

The principle of TP operation is based on the dependence of its resistance on temperature.

2.5.3 "MasterFlow" electromagnetic flow transducers

Converters are designed to convert hot water flow (volume) into output electrical signals: pulse, frequency or current.

Field of application - measurement of flow rate and accounting of liquid consumption in filled pressure pipelines of water and heat supply systems, with air or suspended particles content not more than 1%.

Converters convert passed volume of liquid into proportional number of pulses at pulse output with standard price for group of standard sizes.

The principle of operation of the converter is based on the phenomenon of inducing EMF in a conductor (measured liquid) moving in a magnetic field. When an electrically conductive liquid moves in a transverse magnetic field, an electromotive force is induced in it, as in a conductor. The EMF value, according to Faraday's law, is proportional to the diameter of the internal section of the pipeline, magnetic induction and flow rate. At constant value of induction of magnetic field of volumetric flow rate. The value of the induced EMF is removed by electrodes, amplified and supplied to the ADC, where it is converted into a code proportional to the speed (flow rate) of the measured liquid. Output signals depending on functional purpose of device output are generated by microprocessor.

The magnetic field is created using coils located outside the pipe of the measuring section. EMF is removed from two electrodes, performs the necessary transformations, measurements and calculations, as well as generation of signals of exchange with external devices.

Coefficients obtained as a result of calibration of converter, boundary values of codes, price and duration of output pulses, etc. (initialization parameters) are entered into converter from PC under control of special software "MastFloService." Parameters are stored in non-volatile memory and restored when the device is powered on.

2.5.4 Remote APC-GPRS air interface adapter

APCGPRS adapter is a connecting element of measuring system and is intended for communication of computing component of IE (network master) with connecting and measuring components of IE through GPRS network using UDP or TCP/IP protocol.

The APCGPRS adapter is a microprocessor controller equipped with a radio module and a GPRS modem.

The APCGPRS adapter produces:

- sending identification packages to the data collection server at the specified frequency.

- translating the commands of the data collection server to the communication and measuring components of the system.

- receiving data packets from the system interconnectors and measuring components and transmitting them to the server via GPRS or CSD connection.

2.7.1 Heat calculator KS202 "Prima-RMD"

Prior to installation it is necessary to perform external inspection of the instruments included in the heat meter, at that it is checked:

- completeness of delivery;

- absence of visible mechanical damages;

- presence of marks of the inspector or OTC of the manufacturer on seals and instrument passports

- conformity of factory numbers to those specified in passports;

- correspondence of prices of pulse of inputs of thermal calculator measurement to prices of pulse of flow converters connected to them; correspondence of versions of thermal energy calculation formulas to the selected installation scheme.

Install the electrical circuit, refer to the attached Operating Manual of Heat Calculator KS202 "Prima-RMD."

When installing an electrical circuit, observe the following requirements:

- connect temperature converters and primary flow converters in accordance with the selected installation and connection diagram;

- observe polarity when connecting flow transducers. The price of the output pulse of the connected flow converter must correspond to the price of the pulse of the KS202 channel.

2.7.2 Set of resistance thermometers KTP 500

Before installation it is necessary to perform external inspection of FFCP, at that:

- absence of visible mechanical damages;

- FTP serial number shall correspond to the one specified in the certificate.

FTC is installed by means of protective sleeve. To increase thermal contact between the thermometer sleeve and the protective sleeve, it is recommended to wet the thermometer sleeve with thermally conductive oil.


Diameter of nominal passage of DN flow converter, mm 15

Flange parallelism tolerance, mm ± 0.2

Flange alignment tolerance, mm 0.5

- connect grounding plates with grounding bolts on mating flanges providing reliable electrical contact between mating flanges and converter flanges, before that grind the connection points. Install grounding bolts on mating flanges on graphite grease GOST 3333.

For installation it is necessary to weld to pipe ends

During installation, make sure that gaskets installed between flanges do not protrude into the flow part of the pipeline along the internal diameter beyond the boundaries of the sealed surfaces.

Tightening of nuts and bolts, which attach the converter on the pipeline, is carried out uniformly, alternately, along diametrically opposite pairs.

Start connection of electrical circuits after completion of installation works.

Connection of output targets is performed by means of cable with wire section of 1.5 mm2.

To protect against mechanical effects, wires are placed in rigid plastic pipes.

When installing the wiring, the AC power supply circuits shall be laid separately from the transmitter signal circuits at a distance of at least 50 mm.

Only one cable must be laid in one sealed lead, after which the nut of the sealed lead must be tightly clamped. The non-usable seal shall be plugged.

The shape of the cable section after the sealed lead must be in the form of Upetli, so that the water entering the wires does not penetrate the electronic unit.

Before supplying the liquid flow, make sure that the price of the output pulse of the connected flow converter corresponds to the price of the pulse of the KS - 202 channel.

When putting the product into operation, in order to avoid hydraulic shocks, filling the pipeline with water must be carried out smoothly for 15 minutes. Then make sure that the connections are tight: there should be no leaks, drops. If there is flow in the system, check the expected readings of parameters on the external device.

Make sure that there are readings of temperature and flow rate of connected channels on LCD KS202, check value of codes, value of voltage of power supply elements.

2.8 maintenance of instruments

Maintenance of heat meters consists in periodic inspection of the external condition of the devices included in its composition, the state of electrical connections, measurement control

power supply elements and, if necessary, their replacement. Maintenance is carried out at least 1 times a month.

Replacement of the power elements of the heat calculators is performed when the supply voltage decreases below 3 V.

Heat calculators are repaired by the manufacturer or its authorized representatives.

Maintenance of electromagnetic flow transducers shall be carried out to ensure regulated technical characteristics and shall include the following types of works:

- external inspection during operation;

- monitoring of output signal (if necessary);

- cleaning of the inner surface of the measuring section and electrodes from deposits and contaminants (if necessary);

- periodic verification.

Maintenance of overpressure transducers and resistance thermal transducers consists of:

- in preventive inspection of sensors and its connections;

- in zero adjustment (for pressure transducers).

During inspection check:

- no breakdowns or damage to the trunk insulation;

- reliability of cable connection;

- absence of dust and dirt on electrical connections;

- safety of marking;

- absence of dents, visible mechanical damages.

During external inspection, the condition of electrical connection of the converter housing and the pipeline, the tightness of the converter connection with the pipeline, the presence of seals on the converter, the absence of corrosion and other damages is checked.

It is recommended to perform these operations at least once every 6 months.

2.9 marking and sealing of instruments

2.9.1 Heat calculator KS202 "Prima-RMD"

The heat calculator is marked on the nameplate of the front panel, which indicates:

- name and symbol;

- manufacturer's trademark;

- sign of the State Register.

Thermal calculator is sealed by:

- imprinting the stamp of the state controller on the collapsing label located inside the housing and preventing inclusion of the recording permission in the heat calculator without destroying the label;

- printing the label of the subscriber department (or other similar service) on the hinged seal, fixing the screw of the front cover.

2.9.2 Set of resistance thermometers KTP 500

The following is indicated on the tag attached to the TT:

- manufacturer's trademark;

- date of issue (year, month);

- TP symbol;

- TP sequence number.

A ring of a red polymer film shall be attached to the TP for use in a higher temperature environment (hot) and a ring of a blue polymer film shall be attached to the TP for use in a lower temperature environment (cold).

In order to protect against unauthorized interference with the operation, the TP is sealed by the heating organization with a hinged seal through holes located in the collet plastic bushing of the sleeve into which the TP is installed.

2.9.3 "MasterFlow" electromagnetic flow transducers

The MasterFlow transmitter is marked on the housing cover

The electronic unit has the following markings on the nameplate:

- full name and symbol of flow converter;

- manufacturer's trademark;

- converter serial number;

- allowable operating pressure;

- type approval mark;

- year of the manufacturer;

- flow range, m3/h;

- output pulse price, m3/imp;

- limits of change of output current, mA.

The external casing of the transmitter measuring section has the following markings on the nameplate:

an arrow indicating the flow direction of the liquid;

- converter serial number;

The transducer is sealed by application of the TTK mark imprint of the manufacturer on the sealing paste. The seal cup is located on the processor board of the electronic unit.

The results of the initial verification are certified by the stamp imprint in the certificate for the converter. In the sealing cup located on the cover, blocking access to the service compartment of the processor board of the electronic unit, an imprint of the verification mark is applied to the sealing paste.

At periodic or extraordinary checking, at recognition of the converter suitable for application the device is sealed up a print of a brand of the verificator and do a mark in the passport according to PR50.2.006.

In order to protect against unauthorized interference with the operation, the converter is sealed by the heat supply organization with two hinged seals through holes located on the cover and in the housing of the converter electronic unit.

Drawings content

icon Чертежи узла коммерческого учета тепловой энергии и теплоносителя.dwg