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Volmet Automated Electrical Energy Monitoring and Accounting System (ASKUE). Construction project.


Volmet Automated Electrical Energy Monitoring and Accounting System (ASKUE). Construction project.

Project's Content

icon ЗАПИСКА .docx
icon КабЖур.dwg
icon Коммуник шкаф_Монтажная схема.dwg
icon Компоновочная схема коммуникационного шкафа.vsd
icon СО.dwg
icon Схема каб связей.dwg
icon Электрическая схема.dwg
icon 006_СхВкл_Одноф.dwg
icon 001_Общие данные .dwg
icon 004_СхВкл_Полукосв.dwg
icon 005_СхВкл_Прямое.dwg
icon 015_ШкафУСПД.dwg

Additional information



Project Composition

List of terms and abbreviations used

1. source data

2. Purpose of the system

3. Composition of automation objects

4. Design solutions

5. ASCUE technical and software tools

6. Metrological support

7. Stages of ASCUE creation

8. System reliability

9. Health and Safety

10. Patent Reference

11. Development Sources

Source Data

1.1 System name.

Full name of the system: Automated power control and metering system of OJSC "VolMet."

The name was adopted in accordance with the name of contract No. 3502.05 of the 05.04.2012 "Implementation of a commercial automated system for controlling and accounting for electric energy at OJSC VolMet."

1.2 Name of the system developer and customer enterprises.

Developer: Open Joint-Stock Company AvtoRempromproekt.

220012, Minsk, st. Chernyshevsky, 10, p. 56, tel. 8 (017) 2921543, fax 3310113.

Customer: Open Joint Stock Company "VolMet" (OJSC "VolMet").

231900, Grodno region, Volkovysk, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 23, tel.: 8 (01512) 20613 (reception), 25935 (fax).

1.3 Basis of system creation.

1. Specification of Grodnoenergo RUP No. 079/065 dated 17.04.2012

2. Agreement 3502.05 between OJSC VolMet and OJSC AvtoRempromproekt dated April 05, 2012 signed by Director of OJSC VolMet A.V. Shabotenko and Director

OJSC AvtoRempromproekt A.B. Bogushevich.

1.4 Planned dates of commencement and completion of works.

The work execution period is determined by the Schedule (Appendix No. 3 to Contract No. 3502.05 dated 05.04.2012).

1.5 Sources and procedure of work financing.

Financing for the development of an automated electricity metering and control system is carried out on the basis of contract No. 3502.05 dated 05.04.2012. Source of financing: VolMet own funds.

Purpose of the system

ASKUE is designed for:

Estimated accounting of electricity consumption of OJSC "VolMet"

Automatic collection and processing of information from energy consumption meters in the enterprise;

improving the accuracy of energy metering through the use of modern metering devices and the use of digital technologies for measuring, collecting and processing data;

Generate all necessary accounting documentation and event log

synchronization of DRC time and counters.

Composition of automation objects

The objects of automation of OJSC "VolMet" are design points of electricity metering located in electrical installations on the territory of the enterprise, as well as metering points located at the supply substations of RUP "Grodnoenergo" and at subcomponents "

Design solutions

3.1. Structure and functioning of ASCUE

Structural diagram of ASKUE system construction is given in the drawing

3502.05ASKUE sheet 3.

The complex provides:

compliance with the requirements of the "Rules for the use of electric energy" regarding the organization of commercial accounting of electric energy;

centralized collection of information on energy consumption;

data archiving;

displaying the collected and processed information on the operator's AWS;

calculation of the combined maximum power consumed by the enterprise during the maximum load hours of the power system;

ASKUE system consists of

- microprocessor counters of the electric power CC3015.1/U, CC3015.1/0 and CC30110.1/U and SS101140Sklassov of accuracy on accounting of active energy 0.2s, 0.5S and 1.0 respectively,

- current transformers, RS485 communication lines, DSS "AISE 1.03," GSMmodem for synchronization with the BelGIM exact time server, BMP16 U transceivers for obtaining information from dispersed counters via radio channel.

The central transceiver is also installed in the DRC cabinet and connected to the DRC controller via RS485 channel.

To organize information collection in DRS DB from counters located on PS35/10 "Zapadnaya" (fid. 1, fid. 24), a communication channel is organized over the Internet with the data collection server PSDTU RUP Grodnoenergo.

The system is designed for 24-hour continuous operation.

ASCUE technical and software tools

4.1.List of technical and software tools used to build ASKUE.

AC electric energy meters of static type "SS301," Republic of Belarus. Registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Republic of Belarus under No. RB 03 13 1316 04. Certificate on type approval of measuring instruments of the State Standard of the Republic of Belarus No. 3126 dated 28.12.2004

Data collection and transmission device of DSS "AISE 1.03" with software, manufactured by PSDTU RUP "Grodnoenergo," Republic of Belarus. Registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Republic of Belarus under No. RB 03 13 2757 05. Certificate on type approval of measuring instruments of the State Standard of the Republic of Belarus No. 3702 dated 27.12.2005 .

CMP16U communicator (transceiver) designed for telemetry systems and supporting RS232 and RS485 interfaces.

Workstation with Intel Core i5650 3.2GHz; OSU- (2x1024); SATA 500 Gb; LCD monitor 22 "; UPS PowerMust 800 USB(800VA); OC WindowsXP Professional.

Stages of ASCUE creation

The stages of making ASCME include:

Design works.

Dismantling-installation, commissioning works.

Putting the system into pilot operation.


System reliability

Reliability indicators are adopted for ASKUE without taking into account the reliability of external devices (electrical cables).

Indicators of hardware reliability of ACSUE CTS are mean time between failures and average recovery time of devices implementing this function.

Provision of the specified reliability indicators shall be performed in accordance with the power supply characteristics and the state of the environment to the specifications of the system manufacturer.

The average service life of the system shall be at least 10 years. The suitability for operation of the system after this period is established by a commission appointed by the management of the enterprise with the participation of the System Supplier.

At the design stage, reliability indicators in terms of reliability and durability shall be evaluated by the Supplier's analytical method.

The following distribution of failure probability between components can be adopted when evaluating the reliability indicators of the ASKUE system:

system - 30%;

external (relative to the system) - 70%.

Patent Reference

All technical means used as commercial are included in the Gostreestre of the Republic of Belarus and comply with the technical specifications. Technical means used for technical accounting shall be purchased and installed by organizations that have permits for special types of work.

Branded software and math must be purchased under licenses, and special - under contracts with contracting organizations that also have licenses to carry out such work.

There are no patentable solutions in this project.

Inventions of other organizations are not applied.

Objects of new technology, in addition to typical and reusable solutions, were not developed, as a result of which there was no need to study patent materials and to compile a patent form.

Development Sources

STB2096-2010 Automated systems for monitoring and accounting of electrical energy. General technical requirements.

TKP 3552011 "System for ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the Republic of Belarus. Procedure for metrological support of automated electrical energy monitoring and accounting systems. "

TKP 3392011. Electrical installations for voltage up to 750kV, power lines for air and current conductors, switchgear and transformer substations, electric power and battery plants, electrical installations of residential and public buildings - rules of devices and protective measures of electric safety. Electricity accounting. Acceptance test standards.

Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers.

Rules of technical operation of electric stations and networks. - M, Energoatomizdat, 1989.

Industry-wide guidelines on the creation and use of automated process control systems in industrial sectors (ORMM3 APCS).

GOST 21.40380. SPDS. Symbols are schematic symbols in diagrams. Power equipment.

GOST 24.70186.Trustworthiness of automated control systems Basic provisions. - M, Publishing House of Standards. 1986.

GOST 34.60190. Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Stages of creation.

GOST 34.60289. Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Technical assignment for creation of the automated system.

GOST 8.00984. Normalized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments.

STB 800493. Metrological certification of measuring instruments.

GOST 25.45683. Automated logical process management systems. Reliability. Reliability Program.

RD 34.03.30187. Fire Safety Rules for Power Plants

Drawings content

icon КабЖур.dwg


icon Коммуник шкаф_Монтажная схема.dwg

Коммуник шкаф_Монтажная схема.dwg

icon СО.dwg


icon Схема каб связей.dwg

Схема каб связей.dwg

icon Электрическая схема.dwg

icon 006_СхВкл_Одноф.dwg


icon 001_Общие данные .dwg

001_Общие данные .dwg

icon 004_СхВкл_Полукосв.dwg


icon 005_СхВкл_Прямое.dwg


icon 015_ШкафУСПД.dwg


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