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Cafe - St. Petersburg, Embankment of the Bypass Canal, 219


Cafe design, OM brand drawings

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. VENTILATION (Text Part) Sheet


08-11-2010-OM (1.1-1.5) General data

08-11-2010-OG 1st Floor Plan

08-11-2010-OG Axonometric diagrams of P1, B1, B2, MO systems

Attached Documents



Specification of equipment, products and materials

Duct System Attachment Diagrams


Calorifer Linkage Diagrams

1. ventilation

The ventilation design of the reconstructed building at the address of St. Petersburg, Embankment of the bypass canal, d. 219 was developed on the basis of the Customer's task, architectural and construction drawings and in accordance with the current standards and SNiPamy:

1. SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public buildings and structures."

2. SNiP 2.04.0591 * "Heating, ventilation

and conditioning. "

1. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements to conditions

education in general education institutions. "

4. SNiP 2.04.0786 * "Heat Networks"

5. SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation

and conditioning ";

6. SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology";

7. SNiP 23022003 "Thermal protection of the building";

8. SNiP II379 * "Construction heat engineering";

In the cafe premises, plenum and exhaust ventilation with a mechanical impulse is designed. In total, the project provides for the installation of one plenum, two exhaust systems and one local suction system. The purpose of the systems is as follows:

P1 - plenum system servicing the cafe premises;

B1 - exhaust system serving rooms of the hall and kitchen;

B2 - exhaust system serving sun. nodes;

MO1 - local suction system serving plate and sink.

This breakdown into systems is due to the different operating conditions of the premises and the requirements of regulatory documents. The table of air exchanges is given in the general data.

Ventilation equipment is located in the room of the hall and kitchen of the cafe. All fans shall be insulated with 40 mm of miniralovat thickness. Air velocity in air ducts does not exceed 6 m/s. Noise silencers are installed before and after the fans.

Air intake on the 1st floor is carried out from a height of more than 2.5 m from the ground. Air is released from a height of more than 2.5 m from the ground.

Heat supply

The heating system of the plenum plant heater is carried out from the central heating system. The coolant is water with temperatures of 95/70 ° C.

Heat supply system pipelines are made of water and gas pipes according to GOST 326275 * for diameters up to and including Du 32. For insulation of pipelines, Rockwool mineral wool cylinders are coughed with aluminum foil. Thermal elongations are compensated by piping rotations.

The capacity of the supply system heater is controlled by a three-way valve with an electric drive installed in the binding unit of each system. The control method is qualitative by mixing.

Automatic equipment

Automation of systems and equipment is aimed at improving the reliability and efficiency of plumbing and technological equipment, reducing maintenance personnel, saving heat and energy.

The control system provides:

- maintaining the supply air temperature in the "heating" mode in the cold season, by changing the coolant flow rate on heat exchangers using three-way control valves with a drive (by supplying an analogue control signal 010V to the electric drive) according to the signal from the temperature sensor installed in the air duct of the corresponding supply system;

- heating of heating heaters before actuation of supply systems in winter and transition periods of the year;

- protection of water heaters of plenum systems heating against freezing by temperature of the return coolant measured by the submerged type water temperature sensor. At temperature drop of the return heat carrier below +22os occurs 100%noye opening of the control valve (at the switched-off installation temperature of the return water is maintained at the level +22os);

- protection of water calorifers of supply systems against freezing by the temperature of supply air (after calorifers) controlled by capillary thermostats.

At decrease in air temperature behind a heater on the capillary sensor of the thermostat below +8os the fan is switched-off, the gate of external air is closed, the control valve on the heat carrier opens for 100% and on the display of the controller the corresponding emergency message with simultaneous operation of the ACCIDENT indicator is highlighted. The "OPERATION" indicator on the corresponding control board system goes OFF. The system can be brought back into operation only after the cause of the accident is eliminated and the alarm is cleared manually from the controller control panel;

- blocking of automatic restart of supply systems after emergency stop in case of freezing danger;

- actuation, depending on ambient air temperature, of certain actuators and electric motors, which are part of ventilation systems, necessary to provide "heating" mode;

- automatic correction of supply air temperature setting depending on ambient air temperature;

- monitoring of coolant presence in the circuits of heating heaters of supply systems by water pressure sensors-switches and control, depending on the received signal, switching on/off of circulation pumps (ensuring protection of the circulation pump in the circuit of heat exchangers from dry flow);

- monitoring of air flow and degree of filter contamination at operating fan by differential pressure sensors (on fan and filter, respectively);

- indication of emergency states on the control panel, indicating the cause of the accident, the response time and the number of the system where this accident occurs;

- disconnection of veins. at reception of general signal "FIRE" from fire alarm station. At that state of heat exchangers of supply systems calorifers is monitored by temperature of return coolant with possibility of pumps operation in coolant circuits and flow rate control through calorifers by means of three-way valves;

- closing of fire-retarding valves of all ventilation systems at reception of general signal "FIRE" from fire alarm station (in automatic control mode);

Indication of systems status on the corresponding boards :

Equipment operation;

Equipment emergency states;

Closing of fire retardant valves.

The control system is supplied with the main ventilation equipment.

Fire fighting measures

The ventilation and air conditioning design is carried out in accordance with SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning."

Fire protection valves have fire safety certificates confirming the fire resistance limits required in item 7.11.13 of SNiP 41012003.

Fire-fighting valves, in accordance with item 12.4 of SNiP 41012003, have manual (directly on the valve), automatic (from fire alarm) and remote (from the front panel of ventilation systems control boards) control.

Ventilation equipment and air ducts are made of materials that meet the requirements of Chapter 7.11 of SNiP 41012003.

The transit air ducts in the building are laid in compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 7.11.8 and 7.11.9 of SNiP 41012003.

Systems disconnection in case of fire upon fire alarm is provided.

Noise reduction measures

All fans are selected with efficiency close to maximum. Air speeds in air ducts and air distributors are accepted taking into account acoustic requirements. For all ventilation systems before and after the fan it is assumed to install silencers.

Energy conservation measures

To reduce operating costs for the ventilation system, the project provides for the following measures:

use of equipment with maximum possible efficiency;

insulation of air ducts and heat supply pipelines.

Equipment and

Material Selection Solutions

The equipment of the following manufacturers was used in the project:

RUCK (Germany) - fans.

2VV (Czech Republic) - filters;

Wings-M (Russia) - fire valves;

Arktos (Russia) - air distribution devices;

Grico (UAE) - external grids;

Lindab (Sweden) - air valves, silencers, air ducts;

Lissant (Russia) - rectangular ducts.

Equipment Certification Requirements

In accordance with the "Certification Law" of the Russian Federation, all products, materials and devices used in construction must be certified if, according to the legislation in force at the time of construction, they are subject to mandatory certification in relation to hygienic and fire safety and certification in accordance with state standards.

All imported materials in the absence of relevant certificates shall have "Technical Certificates of the State Construction of the Russian Federation," confirming their suitability for use in the conditions of construction and operation of facilities in the Russian Federation.

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