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Project of works execution for dismantling of non-operating cable rack of Nickel Plant

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Explanatory note of 16 sheets A4, schedule 7 of sheets A3. The project on dismantling of a cable rack by means of the automobile crane of Liebherr or Kato

Project's Content

icon ППРк ххх.dwg
icon ППРк ххх.doc

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The Work Execution Project consists of:

a) an explanatory note made on 16 sheets of A4 format, which includes:

1. Introduction

2. Preparatory work

2.1. Performed by Customer (Nickel Plant)

2.2. Performed by contractor (RMST "NER," ext. No. 82)

3. Procedure of works execution

3.1. Activities prior to commencement of works

3.2. Place of Work No.

3.3. Place of Work No.

4. Occupational Safety Guidelines

4.1. General safety measures

4.2. Requirements for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and

movement of goods

4.3. Requirements for labor protection during fire operations

4.4. Occupational Safety Requirements for Ladder Operations

4.5. Occupational Safety Requirements for Operation at Height

4.6. Safety requirements for working with forests

Familiarized with the project

b) a graphic part made on 7 sheets of A3 format, which includes:


- Situation plan on the territory of Nickel Plant

- Work place 1. Scaffold arrangement diagram (item 3) during cable rack removal (section No. 1,2)

- View A

- Place of works execution

Diagram of crane installation during cable rack removal (section No. 1,2)

- Section B-B

- Cable rack section slinging diagram; List of main mechanisms and

devices; Unit for attachment of scaffolding strut to sleepers; Rack attachment unit

scaffolding for steel structures; Intermediate element attachment unit to rack


- Crane characteristics


JI 3317 "Process Sheet for Installation and Operation of Inventory Metal Scaffolding";

TTK No. 06-55 "Process for metal structure cutting for scrap metal. Sling diagrams "

1. Introduction

This work execution project was developed for the dismantling of a non-operating cable rack on the territory of the Nickel Plant.

The following documents are used in the execution of the work execution project:

SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements. "

SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production. "

PB 103822000 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes."

PB 11493 -2002 "General Safety Rules for Metallurgical and Coke Chemical Enterprises and Industries."

POT RM0162001, RD 15334.0-03.15000 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations";

Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers;

Electrical Installation Rules;

POT RM 0122000 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection during operation at altitude."

POT RM0071998 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and cargo placement."

POT RM0202001 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection during electric and gas welding operations."

RD1023198 "General purpose cargo sling. Requirements for device and safe operation. "

RD11062007 "Methodological Recommendations on the Procedure for Development of Work Execution Projects for Lifting Machines and Process Charts for Loading and Unloading Operations";

PPB 012003 Fire Safety Regulations in the Russian Federation;

Regulation on the use of work permits in the performance of high-risk works in the ZF divisions of MMK NG OJSC.

Instructions for safe fire operations in the subdivisions of the polar branch of MMC NG OJSC and Order No. MMC/333p dated 10.12.01

Instructions for safe fire operations by OOO BR subdivisions, utv. by order of the Deputy General Director of BR LLC - Chief Engineer V.U. Tsallagov from 08.02.2007 No. NNR01/12r.

Instruction on traffic safety for pedestrians (common for all employees of BR LLC), utv. by order of the Deputy General Director of BR LLC - Chief Engineer V.U. Tsallagov from 13.10.2008 No. NNR01/11a.


2. Preparatory work

2.1. Performed by Customer (Nickel Plant)

2.1.1. Conducts HSE induction training for the assigned personnel of NR software.

2.1.2. Prior to the commencement of the works, carry out a targeted briefing to the contractor, indicate the safe route of movement to the employees (account No. 82 of the NR software) to the place of work.

2.1.3. Provides Contractor (NR Software) with technical documentation, working drawings and materials necessary for performance of works.

2.1.4. Introduces the responsible head of NR Software works with the approved safe route, to the place of materials storage, to the place of work and back, introduces the accident liquidation plan.

2.1.5. Provides the necessary lighting in the repair area: lighting level in the dark is at least 20 Lk on the street.

2.1.6. Prepares workplaces for dismantling and metal cutting for scrap metal (cleans from debris, foreign objects), provides them with fire-fighting means (MIC with sleeve or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, refractory material for covering sleeper supports). Prepares a place for installation of the crane (see column. part. sheet 1).

2.1.7. Issue a request for crane LTM 1040/1 with counterweight weight of 2.4t (code 002), NK400S for crane works.

2.1.8. Issue work permit for high-risk works.

2.1.9. Issue work permit for fire works.

2.1.10. To perform works using the crane (item 1) under power line 35kV, issue an application to the owner of the power line for its disconnection (see column. part. sheet 4).

2.1.11. To perform the works using a crane (item 1), issue a written permission to the contractor to perform the work in the protection area of the cable line (see column. part. sheet 4).

2.1.12. Prepares the site for installation of inventory scaffolding (3) - pours, aligns and compresses - (see column. part. sheet 2,3).

2.2.13. Delivers freight vehicles to the place of work, for the removal of scrap metal (see column. part. sheet 1,4,5).

2.1.14. Provides conditions for repair works in accordance with the standards, norms, rules and instructions on labor protection applicable at the enterprise.


2.2. Performed by Contractor (NR SW RMST NER)

2.2.1. Receives an introductory HSE instruction from the customer (NP).

2.2.2. Prior to the commencement of work, the following are appointed by order of the trust:

for high-risk works - responsible work manager from among the trust ITR, manufacturer of works from among the workers and ITR of the trust;

for performance of works with application of GPM - the person responsible for safe execution of works by cranes, slings from among workers, certified in accordance with the rules of PB 1038200 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes."

2.2.3. Before the work starts, the responsible work manager introduces all workers and ITR employed in the dismantling with this PPRK for painting.

2.2.4. It is equipped by specialists of the necessary qualifications who have passed the fire minimum: gas cutters, slingers with the I electric safety group.

2.2.5. Provides the working crews with the necessary tools, personal protective equipment (overalls, helmets, glasses, lamps, safety belts as per GOST 12.4.18495 and GOST 5084996.etc.) in accordance with technically justified standards and conditions of the work performed.

2.2.6. To perform works using a crane in the 35 kV power line protection area and in the cable line protection area, he receives written permission from the owners to carry out the work (see column. part. sheet 4).

2.2.7. Accepts the dismantled cable rack from the customer.

2.2.8. The responsible manager receives the target instruction from the admissive (the customer's representative), together with the work manufacturer, takes the place of work (it is ensured that the cable rack is not operating, the cables are not energized and are not connected to the switching devices.

2.2.9. The work manufacturer receives a briefing from the responsible work manager and the person who allows him to work, and conducts a briefing to the crew members and the crane driver on safety measures during the work provided for by the work orders, explains the safe work techniques, the sequence of operations, draws attention to special conditions at the site of work, indicates the route of safe movement to and from the workplace.

2.2.10. Receives work permit for high-risk work.

2.2.11. Receives work permit for fire work.

2.2.12. The person responsible for safe operation of cranes shall issue work permits on the basis of written permission to perform work in the power line protection area and in the protection area of the cable line from the organizations operating power lines and cable line, signed by the NR Software Chief Power Engineer or his deputy.

2.2.13. After the power lines are disconnected and grounding is installed, the responsible manager receives permission to perform work in the power lines protection area from the permitting person (representative of the organization operating the power line).

2.2.14. The responsible work manager and the work manufacturer supervise the work of the brigade, are responsible for the completeness of the training on safety measures during the assigned work, for the compliance of the team members with the security measures indicated in the orders, for the correct use of workwear, special shoes by the team members, and for the serviceability of the tool. Ensure compliance with safety measures specified in work permits.


2.2.15. Delivers to the work site and installs inventory scaffolding (item 3).

2.2.16. Takes measures preventing the ignition of wooden scaffolding (3) and sleeper supports. Covers them with incombustible material (see graph.part.list 4.5).

2.2.17. It encloses, taking into account the hazardous area, the place of work with a signal fence according to GOST 2340778 with safety signs according to GOST R 12.4.0262001 and ensures its safety.

2.2.18. The person responsible for the safe operation of cranes shall indicate to the operator the place of installation of the crane, ensure the implementation of the safety measures specified in the work permit and make a record in the driver's watch log about the permit of work.

2.2.19. Stores the dismantled sections of the cable rack at the temporary storage site (see graph, part 4).

2.2. 20. After completion of work, checks the workplace, absence of tools, removes garbage, portable safety posters installed during preparation of the workplace.

3. Procedure of works execution

Start work after execution of all technical measures ensuring safety of works, issuance of work permits, performance of targeted instruction, providing instructions on safe performance of specific work and admission to work.

The works shall be performed in accordance with:

JI 3317 "Process Sheet for Installation and Operation of Inventory Metal Scaffolding";

TTK No. 0655 "Job Instruction for Metal Structure Cutting for Scrap Metal. Sling diagrams. "

Special working conditions:

The work is carried out using GPM. Work in power lines and cable line protection areas shall be carried out under the direct supervision of the person responsible for safe operation of cranes. Before the works start, protect the work area, taking into account the hazardous area of the crane operation.

3.1. Activities prior to commencement of works

3.1.1. Prepare scaffold site (item 3). Level, clean from debris, scrap metal and seal - performed by the customer (item 3, cm. Count. part. sheet 1,2,3).

3.1.2. Transport vehicles to deliver inventory scaffolding (item 3, see Count. part. sheet 1,2,3).

3.2. Work place

No. 1

Removal of cable rack (section No. 1)

3.2.1. Install scaffolding (item 3) for removal of section No. 1 of cable rack (item 3, refer to Count. part. sheet 2,3).

During operation of the crane (1), power line DISCONNECT, install portable grounding on the wires - perform the power line owner (see column. part. sheet 1,4,5)

3.2.2. Check the presence of portable grounding installed on power lines wires to the crane driver (item 1) (refer to column. part. sheet 4.5).

3.2.3. Install and ground the crane (item 1, refer to Count. part. sheet 1,4).

3.2.4. Working from scaffolding (3) build up section No. 1 using sling (2) behind crane hook (1, see graph. part. sheet 6). Tighten the cable.

3.2.5. Tie the non-removable part (section No. 2) with wire (pos.6) to the support from sleepers.

3.2.6. Working from scaffolding (3) cut steel structures of cable rack according to cutting lines for section No. 1 (see Count. part. sheet 2).

3.2.7. Working with the crane (1), lift section No. 1 from the design position to position 1, without changing the boom span, move the section to position 2, and lower it to the temporary storage site to position 3 (see column. part. sheet 4.5). Rub it.

Removal of cable rack (section No. 2)

3.2.8. Install scaffolding (item 3) for removal of section No. 2 of cable rack (item 3, refer to Count. part. sheet 2,3).

3.2.9. Working from scaffolding (3) build up section No. 2 using sling (2) for crane hook (1, see graph. part. sheet 6). Tighten the cable.

3.2.10. Working from scaffolding (3) cut steel structures of cable rack according to cutting lines for section No. 2 (3, cm. Count. part. sheet 2).

3.2.11. Working with the crane (item 1), lift section No. 2 from the design position to position 1, without changing the boom span, move the section to position 2, and lower it to the temporary storage site to position 3 (see column. part. sheet 4.5). Rub it.

Cutting sections 1,2 into scrap metal

3.2.12. At temporary storage site cut sections 1,2 into parts in accordance with JI No. 0655 "Job Instruction for Metal Structure Cutting for Scrap Metal. Sling diagrams "for further loading into the truck (see column. part. sheet 4.5).

3.2.13. From the temporary storage site, load scrap metal using a crane (1) into the body of the truck (from position 3 raise to position 2, without changing the boom span move to position 4, and lower to position 5 (see column. part. sheet 4.5)))

3.2.14. From the place of work, scrap metal is exported by the customer.

3.3. Work place

No. 2

3.3.1. Cut the steel structures of the cable rack in place into parts weighing not more than 50 kg. Work shall be carried out in accordance with JI No. 0655 "Job Instruction for Metal Structure Cutting for Scrap Metal. Sling diagrams "

3.3.2. Manually load scrap metal into the truck.

3.3.3. From the place of work, scrap metal is exported by the customer.

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