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Concrete Works Execution Project


Construction of reinforced concrete foundations

Project's Content

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Additional information

Process instructions.

1. Types of works stipulated in the WDP:

zero cycle: installation of concrete preparation, monolithic foundations and retaining wall.

2. Perform operations using the following crane: NK400S (NK300NS, NK-200S, NK750NS, LTM-1040). Refer to Construction Plan on Sheet 2 of this PPM for crane attachment.

3. Concreting of structures shall be performed using a/crane and Mixer type concrete mixer.

4. Concrete delivery to the facility shall be performed by Mixer type concrete mixer.

5. At the device of a retaining wall (N =6.5m) to make supply of concrete in a timbering the bunker which moves to the production site of works as the truck crane with in St.1 in reception baizes .

6. Concrete shall be supplied to Fp1 foundation slab formwork by Mixer type auto-concrete mixer.

7. Supply of building materials to scaffolding using crane with St.1.

8. Power supply of the facility is provided from the Fan Entrance Portal No. 1. Connection points provide operation.

9. Placement of workers is performed in domestic beams (refer to situational plan on sheet 1).

Instructions for concreting of railway structures

1. For concreting of railway structures use non-inventory wooden formwork made of 150x150 bar and board = 40mm. When using panel formwork, make it from the same grade .

2. The scope of formwork shall be determined by the responsible person in fact.

3. The installed formwork shall be inspected and accepted according to the certificate prior to concreting.

4. Before laying the concrete mixture, the formwork must be cleaned of debris, dirt, reinforcement from peeling rust. Prior to concreting, all concealed works certificates shall be issued as per SNiP 3.01.0187.

5. The reinforcement shall be mounted in a sequence ensuring its correct position and fixation. Before installation of reinforcement, "crumbs" made of cement mortar must be installed on it, providing the necessary clearance for formation of protective layer.

6. The installed reinforcement shall be fixed against displacements that may occur during laying of concrete mixture.

7. Acceptance of the installed reinforcement shall be carried out before laying of the concrete mixture, with execution of the act of hidden works.

8. The upper level of the concrete mix shall be 5070 mm below the top of the formwork.

9. The height of free concrete dumping into the formwork shall not exceed 1 meter. The upper level of the concrete mix shall be 5070 mm below the top of the formwork.

10. The concrete mixture shall be laid in layers not exceeding 1.25 times the length of the working part of the deep vibrator.

11. When arranging work seams, their surface must be carefully machined, a notch must be made on it.

12. Cleaning of concrete surface from cement film shall be carried out without damage to concrete surface. Do not use hammers, perforators and other percussion tools to remove cement film.

13. Concrete mix is compacted by deep vibrators with flexible shaft until cement milk appears and mixture subsidence stops. The step of rearranging the vibrators shall not exceed one and a half of their range. The depth of dipping the vibrator into the freshly laid layer should provide a partial depression of it into the previously laid (510 cm).

14. During concreting of structures it is necessary to keep a log of concrete works.

15. Movement of people on concreted structures, as well as installation of tooling on them (non-inventory scaffolding) is allowed only after the concrete strength is established by the construction laboratory, at least 80% of the design.

16. After the concrete design strength is gained, remove wooden non-inventory scaffolding and formwork.

17. Electrical heating of concrete shall be performed from warm-up transformer. The transformer shall be installed at the direction of the person responsible for safe execution of works.

18. The duration and temperature mode of electric heating in winter time is determined by the US construction laboratory.

19. Welding of structures shall be performed by electric welders who have certificates for the right to perform electric welding work, issued in accordance with the approved "Rules for certification of welders."

20. Quality of tacks, welded joints of mounting devices shall not be lower than quality of main welded joints.

21. Welding of installation joints shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.03.0187, quality control of installation works - SNiP 3.01.0185.

Occupational safety and industrial safety.

1. When performing works strictly follow the following guidelines:

- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";

- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational Safety in Construction Part 2. Construction production ";

- Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes PB1038200;

- "Intersectoral rules for labor protection during operation at altitude" POT RM 0122000;

- POT RM00798 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and cargo placement";

- Job Instruction TK11904 "Concrete Works";

- HSE instructions for professions of workers employed at the facility.

2. Prior to commencement of work:


Provide SMU with power supply point.

SMU together with operation

issue a work permit for the performance of work on the territory of the current enterprise;

agree on the procedure for construction equipment operation before installation and during operation of a/crane.


issue a work permit for fire work in the supervising fire department;

provide connection of warm-up (welding) transformer in the work area, outside the crane operation area (it must be protected, the housing is grounded, safety signs are displayed);

3. By order of SMU, appoint:

persons responsible for safe performance of works;

persons responsible for safe performance of works by crane, inspection of containers, load-gripping devices;

rafters (at least 2 people per shift) servicing the crane, who have undergone a medical examination and have the appropriate certificate.

persons responsible for the safe conduct of fire operations.

4. The responsible person shall give an introductory briefing to the employees at this facility on the peculiarities of this production, working conditions, and familiarize themselves with the route of safe movement of workers through the territory of the existing enterprise .

5. Provide all personal protective equipment operating at the facility, as per TON, depending on the types of works performed.

6. Familiarize with WP, Job Instructions:

- SMU workers and ITR operating at this facility;

- from operation: the person issuing the work order; a person who allows work under the work permit;

- a/crane driver.

7. To expose: a protection of the building site - N =1.2m; protection of a zone of work and / the crane - m H=1.2. On a protection of the building site to hang out the passport of an object, precautionary plates: "Pass is closed!", "Stop! Danger zone!. " At the place of entry, install a rope barrier.

8. Set limitation signs of crane boom turn, refer to construction plan on sheet 2. Place signs in the line of sight of the crane driver.

9. Plan the construction site and site for installation of a/crane with slope - 3 °; for material storage (slope not more than 5 °).

Occupational safety in concrete works

1. The condition of the installed formwork supporting non-inventory scaffolding during concreting must be systematically monitored. The detected deformations or displacements of individual elements should be eliminated immediately, concreting work in this area should be temporarily stopped until written permission of the chief engineer of the organization.

3. Move the hopper with concrete only when the gate is closed in the following sequence:

- build up the hopper according to the slinging diagram;

- move to a safe distance (not less than 5 meters);

- send a command to the crane operator to lift and move to the place of work;

- after the crane operator executes the command, wait for the hopper swinging to stop;

- approach the rafter to the hopper and perform concrete unloading.

4. When laying concrete from a bunker, the distance between the lower edge of the bunker and the previously laid concrete or the surface on which the concrete is laid must be no more than 1 meter.

5. When compacting concrete mixture with vibrators, it is necessary to:

- the electrician must check serviceability and presence of grounding of the vibrator housing, if there are even minor current sensations on the housing, disconnect the vibrator immediately and hand it over for repair;

- perform operations with vibrators, where electrical power is supplied by wires in rubber hoses;

- check that the voltage does not exceed 36 v.;

- stop the vibrators every 3035 minutes for 5-7 minutes;

- workers to undergo a medical examination at least once every 12 months;

- carefully handle the electronic wires, do not break them and do not come;

- when switching from one place to another with the vibrator, as well as at short-term stops in operation, disconnect the vibrator;

- it is forbidden to lower the vibrator into the structure using a rope, - move the vibrator behind the current-carrying hoses.

6. Warning posters and signs "DANGEROUS!," "Energized!" shall be displayed on the areas of electrical heating and places of installation of equipment for electrical heating.

7. During electrical heating of concrete, all electrical wires and electrical equipment must be protected, and electrical equipment enclosures must be grounded.

8. The electrical heating area shall be under the supervision of the electrical mounters that have installed the circuit.

9. Stay of people and performance of any works in the zone of electric heating is prohibited.

10. Ground the non-concreted reinforcement connected to the electrical heating section.

11. Dismantling of the formwork shall be performed only after concrete has gained strength specified by the design or defined by the US construction laboratory. The formwork is dismantled with the written permission of the responsible ITR.

12. When moving lumber, reinforcement with the help of lifting mechanisms, the sling (concrete) must be located on the side opposite to their supply by crane.

Safety at work with the crane.

1. Perform operations using the crane in accordance with the requirements of "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes" PB1038200,

2. Prior to the commencement of work, the person from among the ITR responsible for the safe movement of goods by cranes must personally verify the installation of the crane according to the PPM and make a record in the watch log: "I checked the installation of the crane in the place I specified, allowed the work."

3. Prior to performance of works, it is necessary to establish the procedure for exchange of conditional signals between the person directing the installation and the machinist. All signals are sent only by one person - the foreman of the installation team (slingshot), except for the "Stop" signal, which can be sent by the employee who noticed a clear danger. The crane operator must be aware of whose signals he obeys.

4. Lifting cranes may be allowed to lift and move only those loads whose weight does not exceed the lifting capacity of the machine at a certain departure.

5. Graphic image of slinging methods shall be given to slingers and crane operator on hand, or posted in work areas.

6. When performing works using the crane:

do not install the crane on the site filled with granular metallurgical slag, the slope of the platform for the mobile crane should not exceed the passport data;

the crane shall be serviced by at least two rafters per shift, one of which shall be appointed responsible for safe handling of the cranes by the supervisor; when working with signalers, they must be in the visibility area of ​ ​ the crane operator, but in the safe area determined by the responsible ITR;

structural elements during movement shall be kept from swinging by hairpins from hemp rope or steel flexible rope;

bracing or luggage shall be used to turn structures and equipment;

sling of structures shall be performed with inventory slings made as per GOST 15150, as per diagrams on sheet l.3;

It is forbidden to release pinched slings, ropes, chains using cranes;

it is forbidden to align the moved load with hands, as well as change the sling by weight;

simultaneous lifting of two or more structures is prohibited.

7. It is forbidden to leave raised elements on the weight during interruptions in operation.

8. When the crane is installed, moved and operated, the distance along the horizontal line between the crane turning part and counter objects must be not less than 1 m.

9. When goods are moved, the distance between them and projecting structures shall not be less than:

10. horizontally - 1 m; vertically - 0.5 m.

11. Cargoes for which no slinging schemes have been developed shall be transported under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes.

12. The crane operator is forbidden to carry the cargo and boom of the crane over the cab of vehicles and people. If a person is found in the immediate vicinity of the moved load, stop the operation and sound a signal.

13. Slingers may be appointed persons at least 18 years old, having passed a medical commission, training and certified with a certificate and having at least I qualification group on electrical safety.

14. The rafter shall check the serviceability of all load-gripping devices and the presence of marks or tags on them with the designation of the number, date of testing and lifting capacity, as well as check the serviceability of the container and the presence on it of the inscription on its purpose, the number, its own mass and the maximum mass of the cargo for which it is intended for transportation.

15. Before starting work, the slingshot shall select the load gripping devices corresponding to the weight and nature of the load to be lifted; slings shall be selected taking into account the number of branches of such length that the angle between the branches does not exceed 90.

16. Before the load lifting signal is sent, the slingshot must:

make sure that the load is reliably lined (engaged), not pinched, not littered;

make sure that the load cannot catch on something during lifting;

make sure that there are no people in the work area.

17. The cargo shall be bound in such a way that it is not possible for the goods or a part thereof to fall off and to be in a stable position when it is moved.

18. It is not allowed to lift, lower and move the load when people are under the load and in the area of possible boom lowering.

19. If it is necessary to correct the sling, the load must be lowered to the ground.

20. Before starting to move the structures, perform control lifting with their holding for 2-3 minutes at height of 200300 mm. (to check correctness of slinging and reliability of brakes operation). After that movement of cargo is permitted.

21. The rafter may be located near the load during its lifting or lowering, if the load is raised to a height of not more than 1 m from the level of the platform.

22. It is permitted to lower the goods to be moved only to a place intended for this purpose, where the possibility of falling, overturning or sliding of the goods to be installed is excluded.

23. At the place of installation of the load, the appropriate strength of the lining must be laid in advance so that the slings can be easily and without damage removed from under the load.

Loading and unloading works.

1. Perform loading and unloading operations and warehousing in accordance with the requirements of "Intersectoral Labor Protection Rules for Loading and Unloading Operations and Cargo Placement" POT RM00798, SNiP 12032001 "Labor Safety in Construction," PB 10 382-00.

2. Loading and unloading operations on vehicles must be carried out without disturbing the equilibrium of vehicles.

3. When unloading vehicles, the slinger must build up the load in accordance with the sling diagram, pull the slings with the crane without breaking the load from the vehicle body, making sure that the sling is reliable, leave the vehicle body.

4. During loading and unloading operations:

- when loading (unloading) cars with cranes, the driver and other persons are forbidden to be in the car cab;

- installation (laying) of cargo on the vehicle shall ensure stable position of cargo and a/machine during transportation and unloading;

- to lift the rafter into the vehicle body, use an attachment ladder, fixed beyond the reliable side element of the body.

5. Before the start of loading and unloading operations, the driver must turn off the engine, install the car on the hand brake, put stops under the wheels.

6. Before starting loading and unloading operations, the rafter must make sure that all people from the cab have entered the safe area.

7. When loading structures, it is necessary to securely strengthen them, put gaskets under them, prevent displacement during transportation, lay so that the mounting devices are at the top.

8. The speed of vehicles near the work sites shall not exceed 10 km/h in straight sections and 5 km/h in turns.

Structural Storage Guidelines

1. Storage of structures should be carried out on sealed and planned sites. In winter, on sites cleared of snow and ice. Site slope is not more than 5.

2. The structures shall be stored on liners and gaskets. Linings and gaskets shall be in the same vertical plane. Thickness shall be greater than height of protruding parts of stored structures. Use of circular gaskets is prohibited.

3. Do not lean, structures to the walls of the building, beams.

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