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Procedure of works execution

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Course design - production technology.explanatory note and drawing

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By technology, it is customary to mean a set of processes for the processing and processing of materials. In relation to the construction industry, this is the processing of materials from which engineering structures for various purposes are built. As the main material processed in the course of construction of channels, dams, dams serves soil.

The organization of work should be understood as a system of measures aimed at the rational combination and use of all elements of work: labor of workers, tools (machinery, equipment), means of labor, materials, energy and other types of consumed resources.

The main goal of this project is to study all types of work during the construction of the hydrolevelopment complex and organize these works with the greatest efficiency and efficiency. The tasks of the project are mainly to determine the scope of all types of work, to select equipment for their implementation and to draw up a schedule for the execution of work on the construction of the GMS.

The following types of work are most characteristic of hydrolevel construction: earthen, concrete and reinforced concrete, installation, waterproofing, wooden, cultural, transport.

The demand for various types of resources is determined based on the volume of work to be carried out, the current standards for the consumption of materials, labor costs, machine production, material prices, unit rates for work. The desire for even use of labor and mechanisms throughout the year leads to the need to carry out work in winter. To do this, you also have to perform special techniques, machines and mechanisms. The performance of work in winter affects the productivity of workers and the production of machines.

Thus, the main tasks of construction production are to increase labor productivity, reduce the time and cost of construction work, and improve the quality of construction.

1.0 Raw Data and Analysis

General Information

The designed hydraulic reclamation system is located in the north-west of Ukraine, in the Volyn region, Ratnovsky district. In the north of the district is the border with the Republic of Belarus. Among the large nearby settlements, Divin (11 km) can be distinguished, Kobrin (40 km) - located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The hydrographic network is represented by lakes Luka, Orekhovo, Terebovichi and Tursky canals and their tributaries. On the construction site of the GMS there is a dirt road connecting the settlements of Samara and Yazavni. The nearest railway stations are in Kobrin (40 km) and Zabolotye (44 km). The land user of the construction site is the Samara farm. Construction materials and structures will be delivered from the Republic of Belarus. The operation of the hydraulic reclamation system will be carried out by the Ratnovskoye ICP. The construction of the hydraulic reclamation system will be carried out by the Eremich PMK-14.

2.0 Selection and substantiation of methods and methods of basic types of works during construction of the facility

The following types of works are used in this hydrolevel system in construction: earthworks, concrete, reinforced concrete, installation, waterproofing, transport.

Earthworks constitute the largest part of all works and are performed mechanically and manually. To perform them mechanically, civil machines are used, and for specific types of work (pipe drainage, cutting channels of a small network, etc.), special reclamation machines during earthworks perform 3 main processes - soil development, transportation and laying. Preparatory work is also carried out for the further construction of the facility (cutting of shrubs, stumps, stone harvesting, etc.).

The production of concrete and reinforced concrete works at the facility is hindered by the scattering of small structures on the reclamation system. The technology of concrete works is distinguished by a variety of construction processes. This is explained by the presence of many independent workflows: the manufacture of formwork, the preparation of a concrete mixture, transportation, laying concrete or the installation of structures from manufactured parts.

Installation works consist in assembly, installation and fixation in the design position of parts, units, structures, equipment manufactured at plants and enterprises of the own production base of construction organizations. The use of parts, structures of full factory readiness drastically reduces the construction time of facilities, improves their quality and reliability.

Waterproofing works must be carried out to protect structures from atmospheric precipitation, protect materials from aggressive groundwater, and metal structures from corrosion.

The specifics of waterproofing works lies in their low degree of mechanization, high labor intensity, in the increased danger of doing work using heated materials and easily evaporating materials and solvents, as well as in the need to link in time with the performance of basic earthworks, concrete and installation works.

Transport works occupy a place in each type of the above mentioned works. Complete mechanization of construction reduces the construction time of the facility, reduces the need for labor, increases the accuracy of work, etc.

5.0 Work Execution Technology

Reliable geological and hydrological information about soils and correct assessment of their construction properties make it possible to choose the most rational methods of work. Soil is a complex three-phase system, the study of which is carried out by special disciplines. The upper layers of the earth are composed of loose rocks. All loose soils, depending on the mineralogical and mechanical composition, are divided into incoherent (sands) and coherent (clays). In addition, there are soils whose origin is associated with vegetation and the activities of living organisms .

All earthworks are divided into excavations and embankments. Excavations include structures located below the surface of the earth, and embankments include structures erected by filling soil above the earth's surface. A pit is a temporary profile excavation for erecting an artificial structure below a natural or artificial earth surface. Trench - a linearly extended pit with vertical or inclined walls for laying pipelines, drains, cables. Dump - a non-core embankment, a place of concentrated folding of unused and unsuitable soil. The quarry is a concentrated excavation in which minerals are mined in an open way, including soil for bulk earthworks.

During earthworks, three main construction processes are performed: development, transportation and laying of soil. In addition, preparatory work is carried out on the area of ​ ​ the future structure or strip along the canal route. The leading process in earthworks is soil development, carried out mainly by excavating machines. The selection of the type of machines is determined by the soil conditions and the size of the cut section.

The construction of open canals is carried out by excavating machines. The section of the channel located entirely in the excavation requires the following construction operations: removal of the vegetal layer of soil, development of soil in the excavation of the channel, movement of the developed soil into the cavaliers, planning of the channel excavation slopes, layout of the channel bottom, leveling of the soil on the cavaliers.

During the construction of closed drainage, the following construction operations are carried out: geodetic breakdown of drill routes and collectors, clearing and aligning the lane by routes, transporting and distributing materials by routes, development of trenches with a given slope, leveling of the bottom, arrangement of a trough, laying of tubes with a lining of joints with filtering material, initial filling of tubes with soil, geodetic control of dren slope, backfilling of trenches with soil, construction of inspection wells, mouths of closed headers.

7.0 Occupational Safety Measures

Labor protection is a scientific and technical discipline that deals with the theoretical and practical foundations of creating healthy and safe working conditions on production. Occupational safety issues should include: industrial sanitation and occupational health, safety in construction, fire safety.

One of the most important issues is the creation and development of a temporary field base of the hydrolyorational facility. It should be organized in such a way as to solve the issues of sanitary and hygienic nature, nutrition, cultural and everyday needs of people at the right level.

Special issues on occupational health and safety include production activities that exclusively solve the problems of the "human factor." These problems cover various issues, including those arising from the geographical and meteorological conditions in which the work is carried out; instructions for the use of breathing, ventilation, rescue and safety equipment, etc.

Safety precautions are a set of organizational, technical and production measures and means that lead to the elimination or reduction to a safe value of hazardous production factors acting on a person.

Safety issues are divided by nature into general, technological and special ones. Common issues include activities that simultaneously affect the working environment and general safety conditions for a significant part or all of those working on site.

Technological issues include safety and industrial sanitation solutions that derive from the conditions of a certain production process and are an integral part of it (preliminary verification of the technicality of the design and methods of work, selection and placement taking into account the requirements of safety rules of auxiliary equipment and machines, etc.).

All employees must know and comply with safety regulations. For the performance of work, workers with the appropriate qualification level must be selected and appointed, providing for its preparation for the performance of this work with a certain degree of complexity.

8.0 Environmental Protection Activities

The construction of new artificial structures leads to changes in the natural state of the territory, to one degree or another affects the environment. Land reclamation and GTS construction work belong to such a category of human activity, when changing natural conditions becomes the main task and is carried out on a very large scale. The implementation of reclamation measures is aimed at changing the natural conditions unfavorable for agricultural production and improving soil fertility.

In the process of work, as a rule, the upper fertile soil layer is disrupted, and often and completely destroyed. For the growth of plants, a soil layer of at least 10 cm is necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to restore the soil after the completion of work. Soil protection measures also provide for the preservation of organic matter, which is achieved by the correct ratio and alternation of crops in crop rotation.

The disordered movement of construction machines causes great damage to the territory, soil cover and vegetation. In order to preserve the territory, it is necessary to pre-select places for field bases, storage sites, as well as lay roads and access roads to them. Significant contamination can occur in the locations of bases and parking lots of construction machines, where they are fueled, maintained and repaired. Such work should be carried out only in pre-allocated places adapted for servicing machines. There should be no dirt and dust on the sites. They must be equipped with places for storing waste, scrap metal, containers for collecting used lubricants and other liquids. It is unacceptable to bury these materials or burn waste oil products not only under environmental conditions, but also in order to save natural resources - oil, coal, ore.

To prevent erosion events, anti-erosion measures are envisaged: the creation of field-protective forest strips on drained lands and dam dumps; attachment of slopes of drainage channels by grass planing; land planning; introduction of crop rotations with sufficient specific gravity of grasses.

The implementation of environmental protection measures during the construction period is entrusted to the engineering, technical and administrative personnel who supervise the corresponding work.


As a result of this course project, the issues of technology and the organization of construction production of the hydrolyorization system - the launch complex on the lands of the Ratno facility of the Ratnovsky district of the Volyn region, Ukraine were considered .

Profiles of linear structures were built, the scope of work and the construction period of the launch complex equal to 15 months, types and brands of machines were determined, the methodology was considered and the work schedule was built, as well as schedules for the movement of workers and mechanisms were compiled .

The project addresses the issues of labor protection, safety during work and environmental protection.

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