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Production room power supply project


Production room power supply design 15 kW. Project composition: explanatory note and graphic part

Project's Content

icon 1 Титул ЭО.doc
icon 2 Ведомость чертежей.doc
icon 3 Пояснительная записка.doc
icon 5 Спецификация.doc
icon 4 Электроснабжение 15 кВт.dwg

Additional information


This design of "POS" brand of non-residential room power supply.... St. Petersburg..................................................................................................... performed on the basis of the technical assignment and in accordance with the requirements and basic provisions of the existing norms and rules.

The initial design data are:

Customer Input

Technical passport

Regulatory, technical and reference documentation:

- PUE 2003 (7th edition);

- SP 311102003 "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings";

- RD 34.20.18594 "Instructions for designing urban electrical networks";

- GOST R 50571.15.97 "Electrical installations of buildings. Part 5. Selection and installation of electrical equipment. Chapter 52. Wiring ";

- Fire Safety Standards;

- SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings."

In accordance with the specifications of connection to the electric networks of Lenenergo OJSC, the installed full capacity for the room....... is 17.55kVA/14.9kW from TP...... No backup power is provided. The voltage at the interface of the networks by affiliation is 0.38 kV. Category of power supply reliability - 3.

1 Object characteristic

1.1 This object is a non-residential room...., cadastral number........:

- total area - 18.3 m2;

- room height - 3.30 m;

- floor - 8;

- year of construction - 1976;

- walls - brick, large-panel;

- partitions - brick, slag-block;

- floors - concrete, cement;

- windows - double, wooden;

- roof - ruberoid for railway flooring.

Key Solutions

2.1 The project has developed a diagram of electrical equipment and electric lighting of a non-residential room.......

2.2 Electric equipment and electric lighting is provided to be executed with use of the lamps, devices, devices and materials produced in lots both by the industry of the Russian Federation, and foreign producers. All electrical equipment and materials provided by the design shall be certified accordingly.

2.3 TNCS system (PUE section 1.7, item 1.7.3) is adopted for power supply of the designed electrical installation, in which:

power line on tension 3 ~ 50 Hz, 220/380B to RU0.4 of kV in the building of TP..... is made with combined zero working N and zero protective PE conductors;

the cable line from RU0.4 of kV to SU94 guard in the building of TP..... is made with combined zero working N and zero protective PE conductors;

the cable line from SU94 guard in the building of TP...... to the BRU panel (located under the ladder in axes 1-2 and A-B of the building.............................) is made with combined zero working N and zero protective PE conductors;

Zero working N and zero protective PE conductors are separated in the switchboard;

mains from the switchboard to the switchboard in the room...... and further to electric receivers and sockets with protective contacts are made with separate zero working N and zero protective PE conductors. It is not allowed to combine N and PE conductors at any point in the distribution network behind the separation point.

2.4 The design provides for working lighting of the room.......

2.5 Basic protection against direct contact to current-carrying parts of electrical equipment is provided by:

- insulation of current-carrying parts;

- use of protective shells for electrical equipment;

- use of differential circuit breakers;

- use of plug sockets with protective device that automatically closes sockets of plug socket when plug is removed.

Protection against electric shock in case of indirect touching, when in contact with open conductive parts energized as a result of damage to the insulation of the current-carrying parts, is provided by automatic switches with a combined (thermal and electromagnetic) disconnector installed in the BRU panel and actuated at single-phase short circuit breaker (PUE c.1.7 cl. 1.7.12, 1.7.51).

For zeroing - connections of open conductive parts (housings) of electrical equipment with grounded neutral are used. For automatic power outage, in case of insulation damage, the open conductive parts of lighting and power electric receivers, as well as the protective contacts of plug sockets, are connected by zero protective conductors PE to the de-grounded neutral of the transformer (PUE c.1.7 item 7.31). As zero protective conductors, a fifth conductor (in a three-phase 380V network) and a third conductor (in a single-phase 220V network) are provided.

2.6 In accordance with PUE (7th edition, Chapter 1.7, paragraph 1.7.32, paragraph 1.7.82), a basic potential equalization system is provided for protection against electric shock, connecting the following conductive parts: zero protective PE or N conductor, metal pipes of utilities included in the building, metal parts of the building framework, metal parts of the lightning protection system, grounding device of the re-grounding system (all specified parts must be connected to the GWN), as well as an additional potential equalization system connecting all open conductive parts of stationary electrical equipment and third-party conductive parts that are simultaneously accessible to touch.

In the potential equalization system, wire PV3 1x6 is used.

Isolated potential equalization conductors must have insulation indicated by yellow-green stripes.

The design provides for a system of commercial metering of electricity, on the basis of a meter of type PSCH3TA.07.612, 3x (120230 )/( 208400) V, 5 (50) A, direct switching on. The counter has an 8-bit liquid crystal indicator. The accuracy class when measuring active energy is 1.0 according to GOST R 523222005.

3 Installation solutions

3.1 The shields shall be made on the basis of domestic and imported equipment (IEC, ABV, etc.).

3.2 To apply connecting and otvetvitelny boxes with degree of protection not less ΙР44.

3.3. To execute the cable line from board LIE to board SR the NUM 5x10 cable in a gofrotruba, see the project.

3.4. From I LIE to network to lamps to execute the NUM 3x1.5 cable in pipes and it is opened on the walls, see the project.

3.5. Mains from BRU to power electric receivers shall be made with NUM 5x2.5 cable in pipes and open along walls, refer to design.

3.6. Install the switches at a height of 1.2 m from the floor.

3.7. Install sockets at a height of 0.8 m from the floor.

3.8. Lay cables: open along the wall (in a corrugated pipe made of polyethylene), on the floor (in steel pipes).

8.2 Power Meter Selection

When selecting an electric meter, follow the requirements of issued...................... specifications, PUE: we choose PSCh electric power counter - 3TA.07.612 with the following characteristics:

- basic (maximum) current value - 5 (50) A;

- maximum current for 0.5 s - 1500 A;

- rated voltage - 3x (120230 )/( 208400) V;

- accuracy class when measuring active electric power - 1.0 as per GOST 523222005;

- active and total power consumption of each voltage circuit of the counter, not more than: 0.7 W (1.5 VA);

- total power consumed by each serial circuit of the counter - not more than 0.1 VA;

- set operating voltage range - from 198 to 253 V;

- sensitivity current - 20 mA;

- limit operating voltage range - from 0 to 265 V;

- number of tariffs - 4;

- interface - RS-485;

- interval between checks - 10 years;

- average service life - 30 years ;

- operating conditions - group 4 as per GOST 2226194;

- data preservation during power supply interruption:

- information - more than 40 years;

- internal hours - not less than 10 years;

- self-diagnostics - cyclic, continuous.

8.3 Providing metrological characteristics of electric power metering unit

Operating conditions - within the regulatory limits, namely: limits of change of influencing values of operating conditions:

- ambient air temperature - from plus 10 to plus 30;

- relative humidity - up to 80% at 30 OS;

- pressure - from 84 to 106.7 kPa;

- frequency of measuring network (502.5) Hz.

Maintenance of the meter consists in systematic monitoring of its operation and elimination of errors and malfunctions in the operation of the meter. Periodic verification of the counter is carried out once every 10 years or after repair.

9 Operation organization

9.1 Operation of electrical plant

9.1.1 Operation of the electrical plant shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents of CTEEP.

9.1.2 The Order shall appoint a person responsible for the electrical industry, as well as a person replacing it, from among the managers and specialists who have successfully passed the knowledge test of the existing PTEEP Item 1.2.3; 1.27.

9.1.3 Organization of operation of the facility power supply system shall be assigned to the person responsible for electrical facilities (IV group on electrical safety). Maintenance shall be carried out by persons of electrical personnel (2 persons not lower than III electric safety group). Prior to operation, the building shall be provided with standard fire protection and electric shock protection kits in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Use and Testing of Protective Equipment."

9.1.4 Protective equipment shall be inspected and stamped with the date of the next inspection (Item 1.1.3. Software and artificial satellite).

9.1.5 Maintenance personnel shall have the following operational and technical documentation:

Approved working draft with explanatory note;

Plot plan of the facility with engineering networks;

As-built working diagram of internal power supply;

Equipment passports with test reports;

Fire Safety Instruction;

Instructions for elimination of accidents and abnormal modes;

Job description of the electrician;

Occupational Safety Instruction:

- for the electrician;

- for non-electrical personnel.

Manual for maintenance of electrical installations; Occupational Safety Regulations (POTRM); electrical installation rules (PUE);

Production briefing log;

TB Knowledge Check Log for Personnel with Electrical Safety Team 1;

Operational log;

Fault log;

List of works performed in the order of current operation;

PPM schedules;

List of persons entitled to single inspection of electrical installations;

List of persons entitled to issue orders and permits;

List of works performed by order;

List of positions that need to have an Electrical Safety Qualification Group.

9.1.6 Maintenance personnel shall undergo the following types of instruction:

An introductory or initial instruction on occupational safety, confirming this with its signature in the safety instruction checklist;

on-the-job briefing;

repeated instruction on occupational safety at least once every three months with confirmation of this by a signature in the instruction log;

unscheduled briefing at the discretion of senior management.

9.1.7 The personnel serving the electrical installation shall undergo periodic knowledge check in the amount required for this position:

rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers;

labor protection rules (PET RM);

job descriptions and operating instructions;

occupational safety instructions;

additional rules, regulations and operational documents applicable at this enterprise.

All used household appliances shall comply with GOST 275700 "Safety of Household and Analog Appliances."

9.2 Operation of metering unit

9.2.1 After installation and commissioning works, the metering unit is presented for commissioning of the power supply organization.

9.2.2 After commissioning, the electric meter shall be sealed and marked with special signs of visual inspection by authorized persons.

9.2.3 Responsibility for the maintenance and technical condition of the technical means of accounting is borne by the organization on the balance sheet of which the electrical installation is located.

9.2.4 Maintenance of the metering unit shall be carried out by a specialized organization with the preparation of the relevant documents and performed in strict accordance with the requirements of the current Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations and the requirements of GOST 657075.

9.2.5 It is necessary to ensure periodic monitoring of the serviceability of the metering unit, visually - by the electric meter display .

9.2.6 In case of full or partial failure of the technical means of the metering unit by the operating personnel, the article shall be repaired at the manufacturer or at its service center, which has permission from the manufacturer to carry out this type of work. Maintenance personnel of the metering unit must remove the faulty device from the system and send it for repair, indicating the nature of the fault.

Drawings content

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4 Электроснабжение 15 кВт.dwg