Production room power supply systems

- Added: 31.07.2015
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Project's Content
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Additional information
Source Data
Architectural and Construction Information
Technical section
Heating of industrial building
Ventilation of industrial building
Automation section
Automation of the heating system
Construction Automation Section
General Data
Determination of estimated cost by base-index method
Determine the amount of overhead
Determination of estimated profit and limited costs
Calculation of estimated cost of ventilation systems installation
BJD&GO Section
BJD Section
PG Section
List of used literature
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix D
Appendix D
Appendix E
Economic and social development envisages a transition to intensive forms of industrial development, mainly through technical re-equipment and reconstruction of enterprises based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress and advanced technologies.
In production rooms, the requirement to provide optimal conditions for the process is decisive, this is facilitated by the power supply system, which includes the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system of the room.
The heating system is a complex of structural elements designed to receive, transfer and transfer the necessary amount of heat to the heated rooms. The main structural elements of heating systems are a heat source, heat pipelines and heating devices.
The building heating system shall compensate for heat losses through the building enclosing structures, maintaining indoor temperatures required by sanitary standards.
Ventilation is arranged to maintain normal air environment parameters in the premises that meet sanitary and hygienic and technological requirements.
Ventilation is a set of measures and devices that provide design air exchange in residential, public and industrial buildings.
Air conditioning - creation and automatic maintenance in the room of the specified parameters of the air environment in terms of temperature, humidity, purity, gas composition, noise level and speed, most favorable for the technological process or work and rest of a person.
This project covers the topic: "Energy-saving systems of the production room."
According to the task for the implementation of WCR and the current norms and rules, the following sections have been developed:
Heating system of warehouse and administrative premises.
Ventilation system of storage and administrative rooms.
Air conditioning of these rooms.
Source Data
Location of the building: Moscow
Purpose of the building: auto parts warehouse
Estimated geographical latitude: 56 ° N [1]
Barometric pressure: 990 hPa. [1]
Outside air design parameters:
For heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures [1]:
-the calculated temperature of the coldest five days (Kob = 0.92) [1]
- design temperature of coldest days (Kob = 0.92 )
-the calculated temperature of the coldest three days
Average temperature for the heating period
Minimum of average wind speeds per rumba for July [1]:
The duration of the heating period is day.
Design parameters of coolant:
- Water with parameters,
- Heat supply source - from heating networks
Category of works performed - medium gravity IIb.
Number of employees: 25 people. ( , )
Building dimensions: length 72m, width 12m, height - 7.0
Architectural and construction data
The attached building of the warehouse building for storing car parts is located in Moskva.
Construction plan dimensions 12.000 m x 72.000 m
The foundation for bearing walls is columnar monolithic with deepening. External walls made of silicate brick on cement sand mortar.
Window openings - wooden window blocks with bindings. The glazing is double.
Statistics show that the main causes of accidents are wear and tear of materials and equipment, corrosion (35.5%), human errors (up to 18%), errors in projects (about 20%), actions of natural forces (15%), actions of secondary and other factors (2528%). Therefore, the operating authorities need to pay special attention to the technical condition of equipment and networks, compliance of parameters with regulatory documents and critical values, training of personnel, etc. To this end, the following measures and actions are proposed:
Periodically monitor the maintenance of equipment, instrumentation, communications, pipelines in good condition and check their operability.
Accurate execution of the plan-schedule of preventive repair and preventive work, compliance with the rules during repair work.
Regular inspection of compliance with applicable regulations and regulations on industrial safety.
Timely compliance with the requirements of the State Technical Supervision Agency of Russia and other supervisory bodies.
Conduct regular training on the actions of maintenance personnel in emergency situations.
Maintain in constant readiness the forces and means of localization and elimination of accidents
Take measures to cordon off the accident area and the danger zone, to save people.
Involve only those persons from the personnel of the facility who are prepared and certified in accordance with the established procedure.
Supervisor of actions of emergency rescue personnel, firefighters and other units of the facility to rescue people, localize and eliminate the emergency situation (before the arrival of regular specialists).
The above versions of the ITM GO solutions cover only the general basis of measures and actions to increase the stability of the functioning of heat and gas supply systems in extreme conditions.
List of used literature
SP 131.13330.2012 Construction climatology
SP 60.13330.2012 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"
SP 50.13330.2012 "Thermal protection of buildings."
SP 231012004 "Design of thermal protection of buildings."
SP 7.13130.2013 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire protection requirements
SP 165.1325800.2014 Civil defense engineering measures.
SP 124.13330.2012 Heat networks
GOST 12.1.00588 Occupational safety standards system. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the working area air.
P NP "AVOK" 5.5.12010 Calculation of parameters of smoke protection systems for residential and public buildings
Theological V.P., Skanavi A.N. Heating: Studies for universities. DIA. – M.,1991.
"Ventilation. "Textbook/Kamenev P.N., Tertichnik E.I... - M., DIA Publishing House, 2008.
Internal sanitary and technical devices: Part 3 "Ventilation and air conditioning," ed. N.N. Pavlova, Book 1, M.: Stroyizdat, 1992
Internal sanitary and technical devices: part 3 "Ventilation and air conditioning," ed. N.N. Pavlova, book 2, M.: Stroyizdat, 1992
V.V. Sazonov "Ventilation of public buildings." Publishing House of Voronezh University, 1991
Koryagin M.V., Krestyaninov A.N.,
Design of ventilation systems installation works. Nizhny Novgorod: Edition of NNGASU, 2009. – 59 pages.
Korobeinikov O.P., Koryagin M.V., Krestyaninov A.N.
Methodological guidelines for the performance of course work in the discipline "Economics of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems." Part 3. - Nizhny Novgorod: Edition of NNGASU, 2008. – 64 pages.
Compendium of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures: GSN 8105012001/Gosstroy of Russia. – M.,2001
Compendium of estimated norms of additional costs for construction and installation works in winter: GSN 8105012001/Gosstroy of Russia. – M, 2001.
Handbook of the designer of industrial, residential and public buildings and structures. "Ventilation and air conditioning" (internal sanitary and technical devices), part 2, ed. I. G. Staroverov. M.: Publishing House of Literature on Construction, 1969
Designer Reference Book. "Internal sanitary devices." 4.1. Heating/V.N. Bogoslovsky, B.A. Krupnov, A.N. Skanavi and others, ed. I.G. Staroverov and Yu.I. Schiller. - 4th ed. reslave. and supplement - M.: Stroyizdat, 1990.
Tchaikovsky G.P. Heating and ventilation of buildings: Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation; Far Eastern State University of Railways. -2nd ed., Spanish and additional - Khabarovsk: DVGUPS, 2003. – 71 pages. B. c.
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