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Degree project of horizontally boring machine 2A622

  • Added: 28.04.2014
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The project includes: Characteristic of machine 2A622 1.1 Appointment, a technical characteristic of machine 2A622 1.2 the General device of machine 2A622 1.3 Lubricant and operating conditions of details of the drive of the main movement 2 Repair of Machine 2A622 2.1 Preparation of Machine 2A622 for Repair 2.2 Technological process of dismantling assembly stanka2a622 2.3 Cleaning and fault detection of details of the drive of the main movement 2.4 Technological process of repair of a shaft of the drive of the main movement 2.5 Technological process of machining of a cogwheel of the drive of the main movement 3 Delivery of Machine 2A622 in operation 3.1 Running in of machine 2A622 after repair 3.2 Test of machine 2A622 3.3 Installation of machine 2A622 4 Operation of machine 2A622 4.1 the Instruction for maintenance and maintenance of machine 2A622 4.2 the Annual plan of repair of the equipment of the site of horizontally boring machines 5 Design of RMC 5.1 Selection of the equipment of RMC and calculation of the areas 5.2 Main technical and economic indicators of RMC 5.3 the Organization of work of RMC 6 the General Section 6.1 of the Action for labor protection, fire protection, environmental protection 6.2 Organization of chip cleaning 7 Economic section List of literature Appendix 1. Kinematic scheme of machine 2A622 Appendix 2. Network schedule of repair of machine 2A622 (1 leaf) Appendix 3. Overhaul process documentation package 02100. 39903 (4 sheets) Appendix 4. Set of process documents 02100.39903 machining of gear wheel 2-360103.01.399.03.01.016 (7lists) Appendix 5. Annual repair plan of boring machine section equipment (1 sheet) Appendix 6. Specification for assembly drawing 2-360103.01.399.03.01SB of main motion drive (3 sheets) Appendix 7. RMC equipment specification (1 sheet)

Project's Content

icon Обложка и титульный лист дипломного проекта.doc
icon Плакат проверки точности (ГС526У).dwg
icon Плакат тех.ораотки.dwg
icon Приспособление.dwg
icon Содержание.doc
icon Спецификация.doc
icon Список литературы.doc
icon Структура управления ремонта механического цеха.doc
icon Структурная схема управления №.doc
icon экология.doc
icon 1 раздел готовый.docx
icon 2.1 Подготовка станка 2А622 ремонту.doc
icon 2.2 Технологический процесс разборки-сборки станка 2А622.doc
icon 2.2.doc
icon 2.3 Очистка и дефектация деталей привода главного движения.doc
icon 2.3.doc
icon 2.4 Технологический процесс ремонта вала.doc
icon 2.4.docx
icon 2.5 Технологический процесс изготовления колеса.doc
icon 3.1 Обкатка станка 2А622 после ремонта.doc
icon 3.2 Испытание станка 2А622.doc
icon 3.3 Монтаж станка 2А622.doc
icon 4.1 Инструкция по эксплуатации и тех. обслуживанию.doc
icon 4.2 Годовой план ремонта станка 2А622.doc
icon 5.1Подбор оборудования РМЦ и расчет площадей.doc
icon 5.2 Основные технико-экономические показатели РМЦ.doc
icon 5.3 Организация работы РМЦ.doc
icon Спецификация оборудования РМЦ.doc
icon 6.1 Мероприятия по охране труда, противопожарной защите, защите окружающей среды.doc
icon 6.2 Организация уборки стружки, межоперационного транспорта в РМЦ.doc
icon Экономический раздел.doc
icon 2.cdr
icon Plan God_A3-image.doc
icon Карта эскизов (025).bak
icon Карта эскизов (025).dwg
icon Карта эскизов (030.bak
icon Карта эскизов (030.dwg
icon КЭ1.doc
icon КЭ2.doc
icon МК Изготовение 1.doc
icon МК Изготовение 2 исправленное.doc
icon МК Изготовение 3 исправленное.doc
icon ОК1.doc
icon ОК2.doc
icon ТЛ Приложение.doc
icon ТЛ Приложение 4.doc
icon Сетевой график капитального ремонта.doc
icon ПЛ.bak
icon ПЛ.dwg
icon Плакат проверки технологической точности.dwg
icon Плакат ремонта вала.dwg
icon Планировка РМЦ.dwg
icon Рабочий чертёж изготовления колеса с рамкой.dwg
icon Рабочий чертёж изготовления колеса.dwg
icon Рабочий чертёж ремонта вала с рамкой.dwg
icon Рабочий чертёж ремонта вала.dwg
icon Сборочный чертёж готовый.dwg
icon Спецификация.doc
icon 1. Введение.doc
icon 2.1 Характеристика предприятия.doc
icon 2.2 Cхема.doc
icon 2.2 Характеристика цеха.doc
icon 2.3 Мероприятия по безопасности труда и противопожарной безопасности в цехе.doc
icon 2.4 Характеристика других цехов и служб предприятия.doc
icon 2.5 Тех¬ническое обслуживание и ремонт оборудования предприятия.doc
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.doc
icon Ведомость дипломного проекта.doc
icon Ведомость курсового проекта2.doc
icon Задачей РМЦ.doc
icon История МТЗ.doc

Additional information



1 Characteristic of machine 2A

1.1 Purpose, technical characteristics of machine 2A

1.2 General arrangement of machine 2A

1.3 Lubrication and operating conditions of main motion drive parts

2 Repair of machine 2A

2.1 Preparation of machine 2A622 for repair

2.2 Disassembly-assembly process of the machine 2A

2.3 Cleaning and defect of main motion drive parts

2.4 Main motion drive shaft repair process

2.5 Machining Process of the Main Motion Drive Gear

3 Commissioning of 2A622 machine

3.1 Machine 2A622 running in after repair

3.2 Testing of machine 2A

3.3 Installation of machine 2A

4 Operation of machine 2A

4.1 Manual for operation and maintenance of machine 2A

4.2 Annual Repair Plan for Horizontal Boring Section Equipment

5 Design of the RMC

5.1 Selection of RMC equipment and area calculation

5.2 RMC Main Technical and Economic Indicators

5.3 Organization of RMC operation

6 General section

6.1 Measures on labor protection, fire protection, environmental protection

6.2 Arrangement of chip cleaning

7 Economic section

List of literature

Appendix 1. Kinematic scheme of machine 2A

Appendix 2. Network schedule of repair of machine 2A622 (1 leaf)

Appendix 3. Overhaul process documentation package 02100. 39903 (4 sheets)

Appendix 4. Set of process documents 02100.39903 machining of gear wheel 2-360103.01.399.03.01.016 (7lists)

Appendix 5. Annual repair plan for boring section equipment (1 sheet)

Appendix 6. Specification for assembly drawing 2-360103.01.399.03.01SB of main motion drive (3 sheets)

Annex 7. RMC equipment specification (1 sheet)


The efficiency of production, its technical process, the quality of the manufactured products was mainly curtailed from the advanced development of production, new equipment, machines and apparatus, from the worldwide introduction of methods of technical and economic analysis, which ensures the solution of technical issues and the economic efficiency of technological and design developments.

The work of the tractor and agricultural engineering industry in recent years has been characterized by a constant increase in the volume of commodity production.

Along with the development of the production of a new generation of saturated tractors, industry enterprises pay special attention to the creation of an effective plume of machines and units.

The increase in the share of own agricultural machinery has made it possible to solve the most acute problems of agricultural mechanization in the most difficult conditions of the transition period. However, it also has negative consequences, in particular small-scale production, due to the fact that the solvent demand from Belarus in a number of machine positions is measured by only dozens of units, which in turn is associated with an increase in the cost of equipment.

The main task of domestic engineering in the near future is to successfully withstand the competition for the preservation and development of the market of the CIS countries, and first of all the Russian Federation, as well as other countries. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the competitiveness of manufactured equipment in these markets and to organize a progressive network of sales and technical services of complex agricultural equipment. It is very important to stabilize within the Union State to level raw material prices, materials, resources and also tariffs for raw materials. The key role in improving the quality of equipment should be played by the elementary aggregate base, components of equipment. At the same time, the technical level of products of related sectors of the economy - metallurgical, rubber and a number of others, for which tractor and mechanical engineering is one of the main consumers, will be resolved.

The main tasks of the tractor and agricultural engineering industry for 20052010 years are:

1. Ensuring the implementation of key indicators of the country's social and economic development programme;

2. Development and development of production of more than 100 units of new s/c equipment;

3. Consolidation of the efforts of the branch factory design bureaus with the institutes of the national academy of sciences to increase the efficiency of scientific applied developments in the field of creation and development of technology, sent to the agricultural and production complex of the country;

5. Carrying out structural reorganization of the industry with attraction of investments, technical re-equipment and deepening of interaction with enterprises and banks of the Russian Federation for strong export growth;

6. Development of a mechanism for leasing of agricultural machinery tractors to the CIS countries and primarily to the Russian Federation within the framework of the Union State.

The degree design consolidates, deepens and summarizes the knowledge gained by students during lecture and practical classes. In degree design, special attention is paid to the student's independent creativity in order to develop his initiative in solving technical and organizational problems, as well as a detailed and creative analysis of the existing technological process. The main objective at the same time is in that during the work on the degree project proposals on improvement of repair of the equipment, equipments, and also the organizations and economies of production were made.

Characteristics of the enterprise

The Minsk Tractor Plant (hereinafter MTZ) was founded in 1946 on the basis of the former aviation plant No. 453, the construction of which began in 1940. The plant was built almost from scratch, as most of the buildings were destroyed by the war.

The revival of the plant began with the organization of a construction office - Construction Department No. 3, and subsequently reorganized into the Beltraktrostroy trust. Construction began after the publication of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 29.05.46 No. 1142. It provided for:

- reconstruction of destroyed boxes;

- restoration of temporary heating, power supply and water supply;

- Housing construction;

- equipping the construction of Beltraktrostroy auxiliary, auxiliary and storage facilities and its subcontractors for capacity recruitment and preparation for the main construction .

By the end of 1940, the existing workshops were reorganized into independent main and auxiliary workshops of the plant - non-standard equipment, electrical repair, installation, repair and mechanical, communications, transport. According to the permanent layout - an instrumental workshop with a central instrumental warehouse. The task of organizational workshops was to install equipment for special deliveries, install equipment for production buildings under construction, and prepare production workers. The construction of the main production workshops began in the second half of 1946, for example, on June 18, the construction of a blacksmith workshop began.

The first MTZ products were swamp plows. The plow "2PF55" was the first to be launched in production. Its peculiarity was that it was supposed to plow the earth at a depth of 3035 cm and make a complete revolution of the formation, that is, and was designed to plow peatlands.

Then they began to produce small units for tractors of domestic production. For example, on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of October, the first PD10 engine was assembled, which later became the first MTZ production.

On November 4, 1950, mass production of KD35 tractors began. It was equipped with a 4-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 37 hp, the fuel tank is designed for 10 hours of operation, a wide range of speeds, a traction force of 2.5 tons.

In 1953, on October 14, at 17 hours 16 minutes, the MTZ2 tractor came off the conveyor of tractor assembly workshop No. 2, which marked the beginning of the production of perhaps the most famous brand of tractors - Belorusus. Subsequently, this model will be installed on the pedestal of the central area of ​ ​ MTZ in honor of the 25th anniversary of the plant.

Since the day of development of wheel tractors, MTZ has developed steadily, constantly increasing the pace of their production. On November 5, 1972, a millionth tractor came off the main conveyor, on March 26, 1984 - two million and on June 8, 1995 - three million.

Already in the second year of tractor production, the plant entered the foreign market and all this time steadily kept on it. Over the entire period of its export activity, over 500 thousand tractors were sent by the plant to more than 100 countries of the world, not counting the CIS.

To date, the plant has formed three types of tractor equipment: small-sized tractors (635 hp), universal-propelled (55130 hp), general-purpose tractors (150300 hp). MTZ produces on a row with tractors and other equipment: machines for servicing roads and highways, loading and unloading, logging and much more.


MTZ - Minsk Tractor Works

Software - Production Department

RUP - Republican Unitary Enterprise

WTZ and SR - Labour Organization, Salaries and Management Process Office

SS and R - Security and Mode Service

Deputy. - Deputy

Gene. - general (wow)

PSH - Auxiliary agriculture

CIE - Computer Information Network

RB - Republic of Belarus

CIS - Union of Independent States

RD - Planovo Dispatch Department

WTZ&SR - Pay, Pay & Management Management

TSB - List of paramilitary guards

SGO - Civil Defense Headquarters

OSMP - Special Mobile Resources Division

UCS and TNO - Department of Capital Construction and Technical Supervision of Facilities

OOT - Occupational Safety Department

EIA - Environmental Protection Division

EGE - Main Energy Department

UG Meh - Main Mechanic Control

OMA - Mechanization and Automation Department

UG Met - Main Metallurgist's Office

PSAS - Automatic Control System Department

GSKB - Head Specialized Design Bureau

OKB - General Design Bureau

HSE - Feasibility and Investment Division

OSU and I - Property and Investment Management Department

SME - Mechanical Assembly

HVAC - External Cooperation Department

OMTS - Logistics Division

SRF and LS - Social Development and Housing Division

LCD - Housing and Communal Department

ODDU - Department of Preschool Institutions

QA&M - HR & Technical Training Department

UGT - Main Process Manager

ODCP - Numerical Software Control Department

OI and Maintenance - Instrument and Technical Tooling Department

BREEZE - Bureau of Rationalization and Invention

KTOS - Engineering Standardization Department

RSC - Repair and Construction Shop

CRZ and B - Building Repair and Improvement Shop

GKS - Gas Compressor Station

TSC - Heating and Power Plant

ERC - Electrical Repair Shop

US and P - Section of networks and substations

RMC - Mechanical Repair Shop

CTC - Process Equipment Shop

CS - Communication node

ModC - Model Shop

Order of acceptance of machine 2A622 in repair [3, page 90...92


The equipment for repair should be transferred, as a rule, in accordance with the monthly repair schedule. In the case of a failure requiring unscheduled repair, an act is drawn up indicating the external manifestation of the malfunction.

The certificate signed by the head and mechanic of the production shop is the basis for the transfer of equipment for repair.

Before transferring the machine to overhaul, it must be cleaned of dirt and chips. Oil and coolant shall be drained from all housing parts and tanks.

The responsibility for the preparation of equipment for transfer for repair lies with the shop administration and is carried out by a machine tool.

When sent to a specialized repair plant, the machine shall be packed in packagings ensuring its safety, and treated and unpainted surfaces and parts shall be coated with lubricant, or anti-corrosion composition.

The responsibility for preparation for shipment lies with the workshop mechanic and is performed on his order by the packing shop.

The following technical documentation shall be sent to the specialized plant together with the machine:

- all documents arriving from the manufacturer;

- act of technical inspection before repair;

- list of the set of parts and units sent for repair together with the machine.

MTZ DPP is a zone with an unfavorable environmental situation. The most polluting effect on man and the environment is produced by foundry, forge-press workshop, thermal workshop, etc. Since they are sources of gas content, noise, vibrations, elevated temperature and much more.

To improve the environmental situation, the enterprise provides for measures to protect the environment and the health of workers. In each workshop there is ventilation connected to air filters and air cleaning systems, which significantly reduces various emissions to the atmosphere. Although the plant is connected to the city water supply and sewerage, the water used for technical purposes (washing, cooling of parts, etc.) circulates along the closed circuit, where it is used again after cleaning.

Workers who work in the most difficult conditions are given personal protective equipment, mandatory honey is carried out. inspections at least once a year, products that reduce the effects of harmful factors are also issued, and holidays are extended.

The company has a system of reuse of resources. So metal chips and scrap are used to prepare the charge in the foundry, the secondary use of molding mixtures, often the tool is used a second time simply by rewinding it to a smaller size, and much more.

To monitor and improve the environment, the company has created a special environmental protection department (EHS).

Drawings content

icon Плакат проверки точности (ГС526У).dwg

Плакат проверки точности (ГС526У).dwg

icon Плакат тех.ораотки.dwg

Плакат тех.ораотки.dwg

icon Приспособление.dwg


icon Карта эскизов (025).dwg

Карта эскизов (025).dwg

icon Карта эскизов (030.dwg

Карта эскизов (030.dwg

icon ПЛ.dwg


icon Плакат проверки технологической точности.dwg

Плакат проверки технологической точности.dwg

icon Плакат ремонта вала.dwg

Плакат ремонта вала.dwg

icon Планировка РМЦ.dwg

Планировка РМЦ.dwg

icon Рабочий чертёж изготовления колеса с рамкой.dwg

Рабочий чертёж изготовления колеса с рамкой.dwg

icon Рабочий чертёж изготовления колеса.dwg

Рабочий чертёж изготовления колеса.dwg

icon Рабочий чертёж ремонта вала с рамкой.dwg

Рабочий чертёж ремонта вала с рамкой.dwg

icon Рабочий чертёж ремонта вала.dwg

Рабочий чертёж ремонта вала.dwg

icon Сборочный чертёж готовый.dwg

Сборочный чертёж готовый.dwg

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