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Microclimate Exchange Rate Project


Course project on microclimate The project includes: - note with calculations - drawing

Project's Content

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icon курсовой проект по микроклимату.docx
icon курсовой проект по микроклимату.dwg

Additional information




1 Selection of design characteristics of climate and calculation of heat losses

1.1 Characteristics of terrain climate

1.2 Indoor microclimate characteristics

2 Calculation of required air exchange

2.1 Calculation of air exchange of rooms

3 Selection of plenum and exhaust grids

4 Aerodynamic calculation of ventilation system ducts

4.1 Aerodynamic calculation of plenum ventilation system P

4.2 Aerodynamic calculation of exhaust ventilation system B

5 Calculation and selection of equipment and devices for supply and processing


5.1 Calculation and selection of calorifers

5.2 Calculation and selection of filters

5.3 Selection of fans


List of literature



The microclimate of the production premises is determined by the combinations of temperature, humidity and speed of air movement acting on the human body, as well as the temperature of the surrounding surfaces. For this reason, these characteristics are accepted as normalized microclimate parameters.

The optimum and permissible values of temperature, relative humidity and air velocity for the working area of the production rooms are set depending on the severity of the work performed, the period of the year and the amount of excess heat in the room.

The optimal microclimatic conditions are such combinations of microclimate parameters that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to humans, ensure the preservation of the normal functional and thermal state of the body without the stress of thermoregulation reactions, create a feeling of thermal comfort and contribute to maintaining a high level of performance.

Permissible conditions are those microclimate parameters that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to humans, can cause transient and rapidly normalizing changes in the functional and thermal state of the body and the stress of thermoregulation reactions that do not go beyond physiological adaptive capabilities. At the same time, there are no health disorders, but discomfort heat sensations and a decrease in efficiency can be observed.

Therefore, the optimum microclimate parameters should be provided in the production premises as far as possible.

In this course project, a ventilation system is being developed for ABK in the city of Taiga. Outside air temperature is 39 ° С.

The design room is the office of the chief engineer, located on the second floor of the building, with an area of ​ ​ 230.4m2.

Drawings content

icon курсовой проект по микроклимату.dwg

курсовой проект по микроклимату.dwg