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Installation of tower crane KB-403b

  • Added: 17.02.2021
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Design for installation of P50 rail track and KB-403b tower crane

Project's Content

icon ПЗ монтаж кранового пути и башенного крана КБ-403Б.doc
icon проект рельсового пути башенного крана КБ-403Б.dwg

Additional information



1. Scope of Application

2. General provisions

3. Crane Path Design

3.1. Geotechnical and geodetic surveys

3.2. Strength calculation of crane track and its elements

3.3. Calculation of dead end stop

3.4. Calculation of stability of elements taking into account complex resistance

3.4.1. Calculation of seamless path for strength and stability

3.4.2. Calculation of rail shear resistance P50 along track axis

4. Crane track design

4.1. Crane Track Composition

4.2. Lower structure of the crane track

4.3. Upper structure of the crane track

4.4. Crane Track Equipment

4.5. Crane track grounding device

5. Rules for performance of works on construction of ground crane track

6. Crane Track Test Program

7. Installation of KB-403B tower crane

7.1. Organization and technology of installation of tower crane KB-403B

7.1.1. Preparatory work

7.1.2. Main works

7.1.3. Installation area

7.1.4. Shared Device

8. Industrial safety measures under Act No. 188-V of 11 April 2014 on civil protection

9. Appendix A

10. Appendix B

Scope of Application

This project has been developed for the installation and operation of the KB403B rail track and tower crane, for the performance of work on unloading, loading and installation of building structures. This project applies to the ground rail crane tracks of construction tower cranes on a rail running device with a wheel load on the rail up to 325 kN.

This project establishes the requirements for the design, arrangement and safe operation of crane tracks, as well as for ensuring safety during the operation of cranes on crane tracks.

General provisions

The design of the crane track should be carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Architectural, Urban Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the Technical Regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Requirements for the Safety of Buildings and Structures, Construction Materials and Products."

Organizations that develop design and design documentation and carry out the installation and operation of crane crane tracks must have licenses for relevant types of activities issued in accordance with the established procedure.

Development of design documentation for crane tracks is carried out on the basis of the terms of reference. The terms of reference shall take into account the requirements of the construction organization project, the project for the performance of works of engineering and geological survey materials.

When performing strength calculations of crane track structures, loads are accepted on the basis of the data specified in the manufacturer's crane certificate.

The organization developing the design documentation can carry out author supervision and take part in the work of the commission for acceptance of the crane path into operation.

The terms of reference for the development of the design of the ground crane track shall be drawn up on the basis of surveys, design documentation for the capital construction facility and shall contain: - information about the capital construction facility; - technical data of lifting cranes installed on the crane track from the crane passport; - information about the transported cargo; - operating mode of the facility (replacement) and crane (loading mode); - recommended types of crane track elements (sections 1-2 of the crane passport); - results of geological and geodetic surveys.

The crane path project contains:

- working drawings (plans, sections, components and details of elements, structures of crane track, drawings for components, drawings for installation of track equipment) and specifications;

- technical specification (TS) for construction and operation; - strength calculation of crane track and its elements;

- calculation of stability of elements taking into account complex resistance (vertical, horizontal bending and torsion);

- calculation of dead end stops;

- working drawings for earthing device;

- working drawings for crane power supply device;

- crane path passport.

During the construction of the ground crane track, it is necessary to monitor the work performed at all stages of the construction of the crane track (lower structure of the crane track, upper structure of the crane track, support elements of the crane track, guides of the crane track, track equipment)

At the end of each construction stage, an act of work performed is drawn up in accordance with forms PV1, PV-2, PV-3, PV-4, PV 6 (Appendix B, SP RK 1.031042014) with as-built geodetic survey. Certificates for the completed stages of work shall be kept by the person carrying out the construction prior to the commissioning of the crane track .

At the person which is carrying out construction the set of operational documentation - the project of a crane way of Subparagraphs 8 of JV RK 1.031042014, the project of installation of the crane of Subparagraphs 2.18 of JV RK 1.031042014, the project of works by the crane of Subparagraphs 9.5 of JV RK 1.031042014 and the passport of a crane way with the filled forms according to the Application has to be stored In JV RK 1.031042014.

Crane Path Design

Geotechnical and geodetic surveys.

The purpose of the survey is to obtain the necessary materials on the composition, physical and mechanical properties of soils and hydrological conditions.

Geological, hydrological and engineering-geodetic survey data obtained during selection of construction sites, sections of designed buildings and structures shall be used during design and development of detailed documentation for crane tracks.

If the content of the existing plans does not correspond to the actual state of the situation and the terrain, they are updated. Additional surveys are carried out by specialized organizations with appropriate licenses and are carried out in the volumes determined by the project organization.

Boundaries and areas of areas to be surveyed shall be established in the terms of reference taking into account the need for other types of surveys.

Crane track design

The composition of the crane path.

Crane track includes: upper and lower structures, track equipment and grounding device.

The lower structure of the crane track includes: an earthen bed and a drainage device (drainage).

The upper structure of the crane track includes: ballast prism, under-rail support elements, rails, butt and intermediate fasteners.

The track equipment of the rail track includes: dead ends, trays to prevent wear of the cable supplying the crane with electricity, movement limiters, fencing, grounding and warning signs.

The grounding device includes a ground center, grounding conductors and jumpers.

The lower structure of the crane track.

The length of the crane track shall be accepted on the basis of the condition of maintenance by the crane of the entire working area of construction, installation or technological works, provided for by the project of work execution by the crane or Job Instruction.

The length of the crane track is assumed based on the condition of maintenance by the crane of the entire working area of construction, installation and technological works.

General view, longitudinal and transverse profile of ground crane tracks is shown in PIC.

The lower structure of the ground crane track includes an earthen bed and a drainage. The general view of the lower structure of the crane track is shown in Fig.

When erecting an earthen bed from non-water-permeable soils on the terrain with constant excessive wetting, the lower part of the embankment is made of water-resistant soils (sand, sand - gravel mixture) with a thickness of at least 200 mm, and at an elevation above the horizon of the design flooding by 300 mm, a capillary breaking layer with a thickness of at least 150 mm from gravel and crushed stone should be arranged.

Arrange the transverse slope of the surface of the earth bed towards the drainage channels, in accordance with the PIC, to divert water from the surface of the earth bed.

The earth web folded from the water permeable soil can be made horizontal.

Removal of surface water from the crane track area shall be performed when the track is made at the level with the roadway - by means of a storm sewage device or creating a common slope of the construction site.

Drain ditches shall be located with slope of bottom not less than 0.003 on both sides of the roadway at double-slope and on one side at single-slope roadbed, and drain ditches shall be included in the general drainage system of the construction site.

Fill the drainage water with highly draining material (crushed stone, gravel, coarse sand, etc.)

In sandy soils in areas with a hot climate, it is allowed not to arrange drainage for the roadbed.

Drawings content

icon проект рельсового пути башенного крана КБ-403Б.dwg

проект рельсового пути башенного крана КБ-403Б.dwg
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