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PPR for installation of MK with tower crane

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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The project contains an explanatory note, drawings: -a diagram of the location of the rail crane track and its elements; section 1-1, notes; arrangement of rail crane track and its elements; section 2-2; connection diagram of rail crane track sections; rail crane track section; grounding of the rail track; safety signs as per GOST 12.4.026-76-bracing of rail crane track; inventory deadlock. Assembly drawing; switching-off ruler; crane cable tray

Project's Content

icon 01Титульник.frw
icon Л1 План 500.cdw
icon Л2.cdw
icon Л1 План 500 привязка 42м.cdw
icon Л2 привязка 42м.cdw
icon Л3 Строповка.cdw
icon Л4 Таблицы.cdw
icon Исходники.frw
icon Л1 План 500 привязка 39м.cdw
icon Л2 Разрез1 привязка 39м.cdw
icon Л3 Разрез2 привязка 39м.cdw
icon Л4 Строповка.cdw
icon 01Титульник.bak
icon 01Титульник.frw
icon 02 Содержание.doc
icon 03 Пр хар-ки РП Таб 1 132ЕС-Н8.doc
icon 04-06 Поясн зап.doc
icon 07 Доп на устр РП__Liepherr.cdw
icon 08 Вед ссыл док.doc
icon 10 Пути разрез 2-2 Л2.cdw
icon 10а Пути разрез 2-2 Л2а.cdw
icon 11Схема стык Л 3.cdw
icon 12 Секция РП Л4.cdw
icon 13 Заземление Л 5.cdw
icon 14 знаки Л6.cdw
icon 15 Стяжка Л 7 кол 4,6 м.cdw
icon 16 Тупик инв Л8.cdw
icon 17 Линейка откл Л 9.cdw
icon 18 Лоток под кабель Л10.cdw
icon 19Акт осв скрыт раб.doc
icon 20 Акт сдач зем пол.doc
icon 21 Акт сдач-приём рельс пути.doc
icon 22 Схема нивел.cdw
icon 23 Стр Приказ прил 5.doc
icon 9 Пути Л1 Кстово.cdw
icon 9а Пути Л1а вар 2.cdw

Additional information





Design characteristics of crane track of tower crane (Table 1)


General Instructions

Source Data

Earthwork Arrangement

Upper Track Structure Arrangement

Track equipment

Commissioning Rules

Guidelines for the operation of the track

Tolerances for construction and operation of crane tracks (Table 2)

List of referenced and attached documents



Layout of rail crane track and its elements,

Section 1-1, Notes

Layout of rail crane track and its elements,

Section 2-

Connection diagram of rail crane track sections

Rail crane track section

Track grounding

Safety signs as per GOST 12.4.026-

Rail Crane Link

Deadlock inventory. Assembly drawing

Switching-off ruler

Crane cable tray


Concealed Works Inspection Certificate

Certificate of delivery of the roadway for the device of the upper structure of the rail track

Certificate of acceptance of the tower crane track for operation

Diagram of check of elevational position of tower crane track

Order on appointment of person responsible for maintenance of tower crane track in serviceable condition

Explanatory Note


This design of rail crane track (hereinafter referred to as crane track) was developed for installation of tower cranes LIBHERR 132ESN8 for the construction of the Logistics Center of Kstovsky Industrial Park 1 (Instrumentation 1) in the area of the village of Opalikha, Kstovsky District, Nizhny Novgorod Region in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation (see the list of referenced and attached documents).


The initial data for the development of this project were:

Specification for development of crane track design submitted by the customer (see Table 1)

Work Execution Project

General Plan. Vertical layout.

As-built geodetic survey of crane installation area.

Engineering and geological report of the construction site.


All earthworks related to the installation of foundations, the construction of the basement and the laying of underground communications must be completed by the beginning of the construction of the crane track roadbed.

The earth bed in the area of the crane track shall be cleaned of wastes of building materials, snow, foreign objects and vegetal soil layer.

The top of the roadbed should be planned in the transverse direction towards the drainage with a slope of 0.0080.01 and drainage ditches according to this design with a slope of 0.003.

.The longitudinal slope of the roadway shall not exceed 0.003.

Remove surface water from the earth bed using longitudinal drainage channels with a slope of at least 0.003 and include in the general drainage of the construction site

Soil characteristics of the earth shall correspond to the values given in Table 1.

Check soil density at least in one place under each beam as per GOST 518084.

It is allowed to arrange a road bed from bulk soil and also partially from bulk, partially from the basic with slopes in the place of an adjunction of bulk soil 1:1.5. Bulk soil shall be sandy or homogeneous with the main one.

When constructing an earth bed from bulk soil, it is forbidden to:

use non-draining soil in mixture with draining soil;

to cover a layer of the high-draining soil with soil with the smaller draining ability;

lay frozen soil, as well as melted in mixture with frozen;

fill the roadbed during heavy snowfall without taking measures to protect the bulk soil from snow inclusions

apply soil with admixture of construction debris, wood waste, rotting or swelling inclusions, ice, snow, turf

The roadbed should be compacted at optimum natural soil humidity

The number of passes of soil compacting machines shall be the same. Re-compaction should be carried out, if necessary, after the entire width of the roadway has been covered by traces of previous passages. The previous trace must be covered by at least 100mm

Filling and compaction of sinuses located within the limits limited by the rail track platform should be performed by sandy soil without inclusion of building debris and vegetation layer, uniformly, in layers of 0.20.3 m with layer-by-layer compaction until density is not less than 1.7 g/cm3 .


Sand is used as the ballast of the crane path.

The grain composition of the ballast prism is shown in Table 1.

Seal the ballast prism evenly over the entire area.

In winter, ballast must be delivered, laid and compacted before it dies.

When loading, unloading and distributing the ballast layer, prevent its clogging and contamination.

Reinforced concrete beams are laid on a ballast prism along a leveling layer of sand. Beams shall meet the requirements of GOST 1301567.

Construction Organization Guidelines

This project was carried out for the construction of the 1st stage of the Logistics Center of Kstovsky Industrial Park 1 (Instrumentation 1) in the village of Opalikha, Kstovsky District, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

The installation of the building is carried out by two tower cranes LIBHERR 132ESN8 with a boom length of 55m, installed within the outline of the building under construction. Crane 132ESN8 No. 1 is mounted with boom suspension height of 26.7 m, crane 132ESN8 No. 2 is mounted with boom suspension height of 31.7 m. This project provides for two versions of crane installation. The first option is sheets 1 and 2. The second option is sheets 1a and 2a. The second option is to enable the Logistics Center to be started up in stages.

Prior to the commencement of work, the general contractor leading the construction of the building must perform the following preparatory measures and work on the organization of the construction site:

The construction site fencing shall be arranged as per GOST 2340778 (solid, not less than 2.0m high).

Freeing the construction site from trees. Planning of the territory of the construction site with giving it slopes that ensure the removal of surface water. The slope of open storage sites shall not exceed 50.

Temporary roads are made with a hard surface of crushed stone, road slabs or other materials. The width of the road with one-way traffic is at least 3.5 m, with two-way traffic is at least 7.0 m .

Provide temporary water and power supply at the construction site.

Obtain temporary permission to connect electricity to the MTU Rostekhnadzor in the Volga Federal District.

Power supply of the construction facility should be carried out according to a special project, taking into account the maximum installed capacity of two g/s of cranes 132ESN8 .

Wiring of temporary power grids shall be performed by insulated wires or cable underground or on supports at the height not less than:

- 3.5 m above the passageways;

- 6.0 m above the driveways;

- 2.5 m above workplaces.

As supporting structures of cable lines, it is allowed to use the fencing of the construction site.

When cable lines cross underground passages of road transport, they must be laid in pipes.

Ensure availability of primary fire extinguishing and communication equipment on site.

According to the construction plan, install sanitary facilities equipped with tanks with drinking water, first-aid kits, fire fighting equipment.

Organize site security in such a way as to exclude unauthorized access to the site during working and non-working hours.

At the entrances to the construction site, in accordance with GOST 12.1.11482, establish fire protection plans with construction and auxiliary buildings and structures, entrances and driveways, storage places for materials and structures, the location of water sources, fire extinguishing equipment and communications.

Reinforced concrete beams with the following damages shall be rejected:

open break or exposure of one or more strings of reinforcement (excluding ends);

continuous encircling cracks with an opening width of more than 0.3mm and an angle of inclination of cracks to a cross section of more than 45 degrees;

longitudinal cracks with length more than 30 cm and opening value more than 0.2 mm;

concrete chips of the upper plane of the beam until reinforcement is bare with a length of more than 100mm;

reduction of beam support area as a result of concrete destruction by more than 2dm3;

destruction of rail attachment unit to beam;

during operation - concrete destruction, if total area of destruction exceeds 7 dm3 by 1m2 or total area more than 15dm2.

New rails or old-fashioned, tested rails shall be used for the crane track arrangement.

Do not operate crane track with the following rail defects

cracks of any size;

punctures of rail head or sole;

horizontal wear of rail head 7.5 mm or more;

vertical wear of rail head 3.5 mm or more.

Rails are attached to beams by clamps and bolted connections

Rails shall be connected to each other by two straps using bolts, spring washers and nuts.

Rail joints shall be fixed with full number of bolts. The bolts must be lubricated and put in turn inside and outside the track track.

Maximum deviation of crane tracks from design position during their construction and operation shall not exceed the values given in Table 2.

On crane tracks there is a section with length of 12.5 m with permissible longitudinal and transverse slopes not more than 0.002 for cranes parking in idle state. A sign with the inscription "Crane parking place" should be displayed near the site.

Requirements for welded joints:

welded joints shall comply with the requirements of GOST 5264, GOST 3242, GOST 14771, GOST 2246, GOST 11534, OST 22333, drawings and specifications;

electrodes, fluxes must have certificates;

welded parts made of sheet metal and wire must be straightened before welding, the welded edges must be dry, have no burrs, breaks, cracks and other defects;

Parts supplied for welding shall be cleaned of dirt, oil, scale;

welds must have no defects in the form of pores, non-rotors, undercuts, have a uniform fine surface and a smooth transition to the main metal, upon completion of welding, the seams must be cleaned of slag, strands, metal splashes, scale;

Welding of defective areas of the weld shall be performed by the same method and using the same welding materials used to weld the weld.

Machining Requirements:

machining of parts shall be performed according to dimensions, tolerances and surface roughness parameters in accordance with the instructions in the working drawings;

treated surfaces of parts shall not have burrs, nicks, distorted profile and other mechanical damages, sharp edges on parts shall be blunted;

limit deviations of free dimensions not specified in the drawings shall be kept in accordance with GOST 25347;

threaded connections, including fasteners, must be made: bolts according to GOST 7798, nuts according to GOST 5915, washers according to GOST 19115, GOST 11371, GOST 6402. Thread shall be made with accuracy: for bolt8D, for gaek7N GOST 16093;

thread must have no distorted profile, nicks and snatches. Thread ends shall have lead-in chamfers;

thread outlet, runaways, undercuts, grooves and chamfers, not specified on drawings shall be made in accordance with GOST 10549;

thread on parts must be full, small local tears of thread not more than half of turn are allowed. Burrs, bends and other defects are not allowed on the entry parts.

Assembly Requirements:

tightening of bolts and nuts must be performed with serviceable tool;

ends of bolts and studs must protrude over nut by 1-2 threads.

Track equipment

On crane tracks in accordance with this project, tested shock dead ends and switching off rulers are installed.

The earthing device shall be in accordance with the "Electrical Installation Rules" and drawing sheet 4

In order to avoid cable getting on the rail and rapid wear, a special flooring shall be installed on the cable locations.

Dye dead-end stops and movement limiters in red.

The crane track shall be protected as per GOST 2340778.

Along the crane track, display safety signs with explanatory plates bearing the inscriptions: "It is forbidden for unauthorized people to enter the rail track," "Crane parking place," made in accordance with GOST 12.4.026.

Commissioning Rules

After completion of installation, the crane track shall be run-in by the tower crane without load not less than 10 times and not less than 5 times with maximum working load, after which it is necessary to level the rail track along the head and straighten the sifted sections by picking ballast under the beams.

Before operation of the crane, the certificate of commissioning of the crane track should be drawn up in the established form, to which it is necessary to attach documented results of leveling, as well as a scheme for leveling the cross and longitudinal profiles of the crane track.

Instructions for operation of track alignment

Scheduled check of crane track condition is performed by the person responsible for maintenance of crane tracks in serviceable condition after every 2024 shifts of crane operation, noting the results of check in crane watch log and crane track inspection log.

Every day, the crane operator is jointly obliged to inspect the crane track and the roadway, the results of the inspection are recorded in the watch log .

When inspecting rails, refer to the data given in item 4.9, paying special attention to the rail neck, especially the upper part, the surface of the head and joints of the rails, as well as to the condition of the roadway.

Reinforced concrete beams having damages and defects specified in item 4.7. shall be removed and replaced.

Earthing operation shall be carried out in accordance with PUE and "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers."

The ground resistance of the crane track shall be measured at least once a year during the period of the least electrical conductivity of the soil, as well as after each repair of the crane track.

The planar-altitude position of crane tracks shall correspond to the data given in Table 2.

Based on the results of scheduled check of crane track condition, if necessary:

straightening of crane track threads and straightening them by level;

replace defective rails, rail bonds;

restore the transverse profile of the ballast prism;

tighten loosened bolted connections;

complete the missing bolt connections;

Ensure correct installation and strengthen dead ends and movement restraints;

clean the drainage water from debris and foreign objects.

In addition to scheduled inspections of the condition of the crane track, additional inspections should be carried out under especially unfavorable meteorological conditions (showers, snow drifts, snow melting, etc.).

In winter, rails, rail fasteners, beam surfaces, dead ends, movement limiters, cable flooring should be cleaned of snow and ice.

During snow melting, the drainage should be thoroughly cleaned.

Drawings content

icon 01Титульник.frw


icon Л1 План 500.cdw

Л1 План 500.cdw

icon Л2.cdw


icon Л1 План 500 привязка 42м.cdw

Л1 План 500 привязка 42м.cdw

icon Л2 привязка 42м.cdw

Л2 привязка 42м.cdw

icon Л3 Строповка.cdw

Л3 Строповка.cdw

icon Л4 Таблицы.cdw

Л4 Таблицы.cdw

icon Л1 План 500 привязка 39м.cdw

Л1 План 500 привязка 39м.cdw

icon Л2 Разрез1 привязка 39м.cdw

Л2 Разрез1 привязка 39м.cdw

icon Л3 Разрез2 привязка 39м.cdw

Л3 Разрез2 привязка 39м.cdw

icon Л4 Строповка.cdw

Л4 Строповка.cdw

icon 01Титульник.frw


icon 07 Доп на устр РП__Liepherr.cdw

07 Доп на устр РП__Liepherr.cdw

icon 10 Пути разрез 2-2 Л2.cdw

10 Пути разрез 2-2 Л2.cdw

icon 10а Пути разрез 2-2 Л2а.cdw

10а Пути разрез 2-2 Л2а.cdw

icon 11Схема стык Л 3.cdw

11Схема стык Л 3.cdw

icon 12 Секция РП Л4.cdw

12 Секция  РП  Л4.cdw

icon 13 Заземление Л 5.cdw

13 Заземление Л 5.cdw

icon 14 знаки Л6.cdw

14 знаки Л6.cdw

icon 15 Стяжка Л 7 кол 4,6 м.cdw

15 Стяжка Л 7 кол 4,6 м.cdw

icon 16 Тупик инв Л8.cdw

16 Тупик инв Л8.cdw

icon 17 Линейка откл Л 9.cdw

17 Линейка откл Л 9.cdw

icon 18 Лоток под кабель Л10.cdw

18 Лоток под кабель Л10.cdw

icon 22 Схема нивел.cdw

22 Схема нивел.cdw

icon 9 Пути Л1 Кстово.cdw

9 Пути Л1 Кстово.cdw

icon 9а Пути Л1а вар 2.cdw

9а Пути Л1а вар 2.cdw
up Up