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Office Fire Alarm and Alert Project


Object: Office. Project Developer: LLC NK-Tekhprazchita. Year of project release: 2005. Systems: Fire alarm

Project's Content

icon Задание на проектирование.doc
icon ПЗ.doc
icon Пожарная сигнализация.dwg
icon Спецификация реалка.DOC
icon титульные.doc

Additional information










1. General Information

The operating documentation of the fire alarm system is based on:

a) contract No. _________________________;

b) design tasks issued by the customer;

c) construction drawings provided by the customer.

The working documentation is developed in accordance with the current regulatory documents on construction and fire alarm, fire safety standards, as well as departmental and other documents:

• SNIP 110195. Instruction on composition, procedure for development, approval and approval of design and estimate documentation of enterprises;

• SNIP 100194. System of regulatory documents in construction. Main provisions;

• SNIP 210197.Fire safety of buildings and structures;

• SNIP 1.08.0289.Social buildings and structures;

• PPB 0103. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation;

• JOINT VENTURE 1111099. Author's supervision of the construction of buildings and structures;

• Allowance to SNIP 2.08.0289. Design of warning systems and management of people evacuation in case of fires in public buildings;

• RND 134589. Temporary Manual on the Design of Warning Systems and Management of Evacuation of People in Case of Fire of National Economy Facilities;

• VSN 5988. Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings. Design Standards;

• VSN 6089. Communication, alarm and dispatching devices for engineering equipment of residential and public buildings. Design Standards;

• RD 78.14593. Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules for production and acceptance of works;

• NPB882001. Fire fighting and alarm systems. Design Codes and Regulations;

• RD 78.14593. Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules for production and acceptance of works;

• RD 78.36.00299. Technical facilities of facilities safety systems. Symbols and schematic graphic elements of systems;

• NPB10403. Warning and evacuation control systems in case of fire in buildings and structures;

• NPB11003. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm;

• NPB 10503. Definition of the category of rooms, buildings and outdoor installations according to explosion and fire safety;

• Electrical Installations Regulations (PUE);

• PPB0101. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation;

• RD 25.95390. Automatic fire extinguishing, fire and fire alarm system. Symbols and schematic graphical links.

2. Purpose of the system

Automatic Fire Alarm Installation (AFPS) - a set of technical means for fire detection, processing, provision of a fire notification, special information and/or issuing commands to start automatic fire extinguishing units and technical devices in a given form.

The Evacuation Warning and Control System (ESMS) is a set of organizational measures and technical means designed to timely inform people about the occurrence of a fire and escape routes.

Designed AUPS and EMSS systems are designed for:

- detection of primary fire factors (temperature, smoke) in controlled rooms;

- processing and provision of fire notification in the specified form to personnel conducting round-the-clock duty;

- display of information on plant operability and malfunction;

- generation of commands to start fire warning system;

- informing people about fire and escape routes.

4. Main Design Solutions

Construction of AUPS and EPSS is performed on the basis of:

- "Quartz" instruments;

- announcers of fire smoke "DIP 21241M";

- manual fire detectors "IPRC";

- "Svirel" sound annunciators;

- "Output" light annunciator;

- annunciators of combined "CCS"

- standby power supply units "Ramp 1200U"

4.1 Automatic fire alarm installation

Justification of building protection type

Based on item 10.1.2 of Table 1 of NPB 11003, the building is protected by an automatic fire alarm system. The building has rooms to be protected by AUPS.

Selection of type of fire detectors

In accordance with item 3 of NPB 11003, the automatic fire alarm unit is equipped with smoke, linear, heat and manual fire detectors.

Control zones organization

With one fire alarm loop with fire detectors, no more than ten rooms are switched on (with a total area of ​ ​ less than 1600 square meters. m). Corridors, lounges and lobbies on the floors are combined into separate loops, in which manual detectors are included.

Location of fire detectors

In accordance with paragraph 4 of NPB 10403, the project provides for the protection of AUPS of all premises of the building, regardless of the area, except for the premises:

- with wet processes (showers, bathrooms, etc.);

- staircases.

In protected rooms in accordance with paragraph 13.113.2 of NPB 882001 *, at least 2 fire detectors are installed when they are switched on to the loop of single-threshold devices. Number and arrangement of fire detectors are determined as per Table 5,6,8 NPB 882001 *.

The design provides for the installation of manual fire detectors at the exits to the staircases at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level. The distance between manual detectors does not exceed 50 m in each evacuation direction. Manual fire detectors are installed in places remote from the devices, the impact of which can cause spontaneous operation of the manual fire detector. At a distance of 0.75m there are no objects preventing access to the detector.

Fire control and receiving devices. Equipment and its location.

The selection of acceptance and control devices was made in accordance with the requirements of state standards, fire safety standards, technical documentation and taking into account climatic, mechanical, electromagnetic and other impacts in their locations.

Fire station room or room with personnel leading round-the-clock duty, should be located, as a rule, on the first or basement of the building, in this case, it is allowed to place said room above the 1st floor, at that the exit from it must be in the corridor or the lobby adjacent to the stairwell, The distance of the duty post to the staircase shall not exceed 25 m (p12.53, 12.54 NPB 882001 *).

Based on NPB 882001 *, the Quartz device is installed in room No. 4.

Uninterruptible power supply unit is located at a height of 1.8 meters from the floor level, the device is located at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor level.

Fire alarm loops. Connection and supply lines.

The selection of wires and cables, their routing methods for the arrangement of fire alarm loops and connecting lines was made in accordance with the requirements of PUE, SNiP 3.05.0685, VSN 11687, the requirements of section 12 of NPB 882001 * and technical documentation for the devices and equipment of the system.

Fire alarm loops are laid with the condition to ensure their integrity control along the entire length. Fire alarm loops are made with independent wires and cables with copper cores. The diameter of the copper conductors of wires and cables is selected based on the allowable voltage drop.

The following types of cables are provided in the design:

- cable for connection of "Exit" and "Evacuation direction indicators" LWVP 2x0.75 light annunciators;

- two-wire communication line 4x0.5 KSPV cable;

- cable for connection of 2x0.75 and 4x0.5 sonic and combined CVVP annunciators.

The following cable routing methods are adopted in the project

in the horizontal direction:

- in rooms with suspended ceilings in PVC pipes behind suspended ceilings;

- below 2.5 meters in the wiring box.

in the vertical direction:

- between floors in electrical box.


Interaction of AUPS with other systems, process and electromechanical equipment of the building.

To generate the control command as per para 13.113.2 of NPB 882001 * in the protected room or area, there must be at least 2 fire detectors when they are connected to the loop of single-threshold devices. Fire alarm system equipment generates commands for fire evacuation warning system control.

System power supply.

On the basis of item 14.1 of NPB 882001 * electrical receivers of AUAS and ECSS are assigned to category I according to the "Rules of electrical installations device." Since the object is assigned to the III category of reliability on the basis of PUE 14.1 point as a backup power source of AUPS electric receivers, a redundant power source built into the device providing power supply to AUPS electric receivers in standby mode for at least 24 hours and in alarm mode for at least 4 hours is used (calculation is given below). The standby power supply is shown in Table 2.

In accordance with item 7.1.13 of PUE power supply of electric receivers is made from 220V network with TNS grounding system. In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of VSN 5988, AUPS power supply is carried out from a separate group of the duty lighting panel.

Protective grounding and grounding

The design elements of AUPS electrical equipment meet the requirements of GOST for the method of protecting a person from electric shock.

Protective grounding (grounding) of AUPS electrical equipment is performed in accordance with the requirements of PUE, SNiP 3.05.06, GOST 12.1.030 and technical documentation of the manufacturer.

4.1 Warning and evacuation management system

System Type Selection

On the basis of item 5, table 2 of NPB 10403, a warning and evacuation control system for people in case of type 2 fire is provided.

Organize alert methods

In accordance with Table 1 of NPB 10403 of the EMSS, the design provides for the installation of light indicators "Exit," "Evacuation direction indicators" and sound alerts.

Location of fire alerts

Location of SEPS sound annunciators (Svirel) provides a total sound level of at least 75 dBA at a distance of 3 m from the annunciator, but not more than 120 dBA at any point of the protected room. Audio alerts are different from other targets. Annunciators do not have volume controls and are connected to PPKOP.

In accordance with paragraph 2.5 of VSN 5988, the "Exit" light indicators are installed at the outputs.

In accordance with NPB 0103, the "Exit" light indicators will always be ON, they can be disconnected for a period of maintenance.

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