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Installation of a backup power supply at the facility: GBUZ TO Regional Hospital No. 5 located at Tyumen Region, Abatskoye Village, 54 Lenin St.


Installation of a container diesel generator unit for the hospital. The project has a descriptive part, calculations, preparation for the installation of KDSU and its launch. Single-line diagrams of control boards and power supply circuits of KDG.Installation and all that is required for power supply of the object of power supply category 1. Finished Project

Project's Content

icon Пояснительная записка.doc
icon Технологические и конструктивные решения линейного объекта.doc
icon Технологические и конструктивные решения_recover.dwl
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icon Технологические и конструктивные решения_recover_recover_recover_recover.dwg

Additional information



1.1 General data on power supply

1.2 Brief natural-climatic characteristics of the area

1.3 Power supply reliability requirements

1.4 Occupational Health and Safety Measures

1.5 Technical and economic indicators of the designed facility

Explanatory note.

1.1 General data on power supply:

Design of emergency power supply of GBUZ TO "Regional Hospital No. 5" from TP10/0.4kV No. 387, located at the address: Tyumen Region, Abatskoye village, 54 Lenin St., be performed on the basis of technical assignment from an open auction in electronic form.

In the normal mode, power supply to the hospital buildings is carried out by VL0.4 and KL0.4, from different sections of TP 10/0.4 tires No. 387. Supply lines come from different sections of buses, but T-1 and T-2 are supplied from one VL10kV. The electricity is recorded in RU0.4 TP.

The project provides for the installation of a Montana J 130 container type in the North 4-K container of full factory readiness on the territory of the DSU hospital. DGP is installed on a pre-prepared site, see POS section. Actuation of DGP is provided automatically by means of ALT cabinet installed in TP room. For automatic control of DGP operation it is provided to lay control cable from DPS control panel (DS) to ALT cabinet. Connection diagram - see DGP technical documentation. The factory diagram of the ALT cabinet provides for the possibility and manual start of the DGP.

Power supply of an object from the projected DGU to execute the VULTURE brand wire - 2a with a section of 4х95 mm2. The wire is designed for throughput, voltage loss and thermal stability.

The wiring and communication between cabinets and DGP control panels of the equipment supplied is complete according to the factory drawings attached to the operating manual and is not taken into account in this project.

The design provides for installation of ATS with ALT for power supply of redundant loads of the facility. Number and type of circuit breakers - according to initial data. The control board is usually installed outside the DGP container. If necessary, the exact location shall be agreed with the Customer separately.

Attention! DGP equipment is sensitive to uneven load in phases!

Installation of input circuit breakers is accepted in accordance with item 3.1.11 of PUE.

1.2 Brief natural-climatic characteristics of the area:

The village of Abatskoye belongs to region I, subdistrict ID, winter temperature 36 C, 44 C, in winter western and southwestern winds prevail, in the summer - western and northern winds, wind pressure - region II, 0.3kPa, snow cover-region IV, snow cover weight 2.4 kPa, continental climate.

1.3 Power supply reliability requirements:

In accordance with the set of standards GOST R 50571 "Electrical installations of buildings" and PUE, the supply network is adopted as a three-phase five-wire with a TNCS system.

In terms of ensuring reliability and uninterrupted power supply, it belongs to category I of electricity consumers. Normal permissible voltage at VR0.4kV 380v (+/5%) terminals, maximum permissible 380v (+/10%). Voltage quality shall comply with GOST 13010997.

1.4 Safety and Health Measures:

To ensure safety during operation of electrical installations, the design provides for:

- selection of electric receivers, wires and cables, as well as methods of their installation and laying taking into account environmental conditions;

- design loads on wires and cables not exceeding the maximum permissible

Vzam. inventory No.

Podp. And date

Inv. No.

current loads (PUE - seventh edition);

- devices, instruments, wires, buses and structures corresponding to normal operating conditions, short circuit conditions;

- grounding of electrical equipment ensuring safety of maintenance personnel during operation and repair of electrical installations.

Drawings content

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