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Heat supply to the village of Vinzili, Tyumen region

  • Added: 17.08.2012
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Project's Content

icon 0.Содержание.doc
icon 1Введение.doc
icon 2Исходные данные.doc
icon 3Определение тепловых нагрузок.doc
icon 4Построение графиков расхода теплоты.doc
icon 5Определение расчетных расходов теплоносителя.doc
icon 6Литература.doc
icon гидравлика.xls
icon график расхода теплоты.dwg
icon Графики, рисунки.dwg
icon Компенсаторы,неподвижки, углы поворота.xls
icon Подбор оборудования ИТП.doc
icon Построение пьезометрического графика.doc
icon Пьезометры.dwg
icon Рамка.doc
icon Содержание.dwg
icon Автоматизация.dwg
icon БЖД.doc
icon Карточка определитель.xls
icon Смета.xls
icon ТОС.dwg
icon Экология.doc
icon Экономика.doc
icon plot.log
icon Винзили.tif
icon Генплан, монтажная схема.dwg
icon Копия Винзили.tif
icon Остальное.dwg

Additional information


Section I: Heating supply to the Vinsili from the boiler house No.

I.1. Introduction

I.2. Source Data

I.3. Definition of design heat loads

I.4. Plot Heat Flow

I.4.1. Heat flow charts

I.4.2. Temperature plot

I.5. Determination of design coolant flow rates

I.6. Select Thermal Network Layout

I.7. Selecting a Route and How to Route Heat Networks

I.8. Selection of building structures of thermal networks

I.9. Select Piping Design

I.10. Selection of heat insulation of pipelines

I.11. Hydraulic calculation of two-tube heat supply system

I.12. Calculation of thermal insulation of pipelines

I.12.1. Thermal insulation design

I.12.2. Calculation of the thickness of the main heat insulation layer

I.13. Selection of equipment, products and materials

I.14. Selection of heat network makeup scheme

I.15. Piezometric Plot

I.16. Calculation of pipelines for thermal elongation compensation

I.16.1. Calculation of U-shaped compensators

I.16.2. Calculation of L-shaped section of pipeline

I.16.3. Calculation of Z-shaped pipe run

I.17. Calculation of loads on fixed supports

Section II: Economic calculation

II.1. Calculation of local estimates

II.2. Comparison of thermal insulation options

Section III: Organization of construction

III.1. General provisions

III.2. Drawing Up a Determinant Card

III.3. Calculation of the forward and reverse matrix, construction

cyclograms, labour traffic charts and

Material requirements

III.4. Settlement of warehouses

III.5. Calculation of power demand

III.6. Calculation of temporary water supply

Section IV: Automation

IV.1. General provisions

IV.2. Differential pressure control

and water temperature for hot water supply in ITR

Section V: Life Safety

V.1. Basic legal and regulatory requirements for protection


V.2. Organization of safe working conditions

V.3. Arrangement of pits and trenches

V.4. Occupational Safety Instructions for Outdoor Installation


Section VI: Protection of the natural environment

VI.1. Air environment

VI.2. Protection and management of land resources

VI.3. Protection of surface and groundwater from pollution and


VI.4. Environmental protection during storage (disposal)

waste of construction production

VI.5. Conclusion



Heat supply of settlements is of great national economic importance. In terms of importance, the heat supply system is not inferior to other systems of engineering equipment - power supply, fuel supply, water supply systems, without which the life of a modern settlement is unthinkable.

District heating systems are characterized by a combination of three main links: heat sources, heat networks and local systems of heat use (heat consumption) of individual buildings or structures. In citywide heat supply systems, it is advisable to generate heat and electricity together. This provides significant fuel savings compared to conventional heat generation in a boiler house, and electricity from thermal power plants by burning the same fuels.

An important component of district heat supply systems are heat networks designed for transportation and distribution of heat carrier, connecting the heat supply source with a large number of consumers, heat networks should ensure the coordinated operation of all links of heat supply systems. Compliance with this requirement is achieved not only by rational design and construction of heat networks, but also by proper operation, maintenance of the corresponding modes, organization of control and preventive measures.

Heat networks are very expensive structures, they are spent on their construction and operation. Due to the increased requirements for cleanliness of the air basin of cities and towns, large thermal stations began to be built outside the city limits at a significant distance from the areas of thermal consumption. This necessitates the construction of long transit routes, which in turn requires increased capital expenditures. Currently, heat supply to rural settlements is provided from smaller heat sources, which are often located within residential buildings. This entails the absence of long highways, but leads to pollution of the air basin.

The uninterrupted and economical operation of district heating systems depends on the quality of the developed project, construction and maintenance. Ensuring comfortable working and living conditions in all residential, public and industrial buildings, with constant or periodic stay of people, depends on the reliable operation of the heat supply system.


Automatic control means maintaining a physical parameter characterizing the process constant or varying according to a certain law. The control consists of measuring the state of the object and the disturbances acting on it and influencing the control body of the object.

Automation tools (control, automatic regulation, equipment protection, blocking, control and dispatching) of heat supply systems should be designed for:

• provision and maintenance of required parameters of coolant released to consumers;

• increased reliability of systems operation;

• reducing the number of maintenance personnel, saving heat, power.

Automation of the individual heat station shall ensure protection of heat consumption systems against increasing pressure or temperature of water in the pipelines of these systems if permissible parameters can be exceeded;

The use of mercury differential pressure gauges in open heat supply systems and hot water supply systems is not allowed.

The length of the straight pipe sections before and after the flowmeters shall be determined in accordance with the instrument instructions.

In heat points with a heat flow of up to 2.3 MW, as a rule, the following instrumentation shall be provided:

a) pressure gauges showing:

• after shut-off valves at the water heating networks pipelines inlet to the thermal station;

• before and after pressure regulators in pipelines of water heating networks;

• on supply pipelines after shutoff valves on each branch to heat consumption systems and on return pipelines to shutoff valves - from heat consumption systems;

b) connectors for pressure gauges:

• before and after mudslides, filters and water meters;

• to shut-off valves at the water heating networks pipelines inlet to the thermal station;

c) thermometers showing:

• after shut-off valves at the water heating networks pipelines inlet to the thermal station;

• on the return pipeline from the heat consumption systems upstream of the gate valves.

Indicating pressure gauges and thermometers shall be provided at the inlet and outlet of heating and heated water pipelines for each stage of hot water system water heaters.

On the local control panel, light signalling shall be provided on reaching the following limit parameters:

• temperature of water supplied to the hot water supply system (minimum - maximum);

• pressure in the reverse pipeline of the building heating system (minimum - maximum);

• minimum differential pressure in the supply and return pipelines of the heat network

Automation of heat supply systems should be designed based on the simplest possible solutions and diagrams, using a minimum number of instruments and automation tools.

Control of pressure drop and water temperature for hot water supply in ITP.

Let's consider the process of maintaining the required pressure drop in the supply and return pipelines of heat networks at the input to ITR.

The main parameters of regulation are:

• coolant pressure in the supply pipeline, in the dissection unit;

• coolant pressure in the return pipeline.

25ch940ng control valve with EIM type drive (pos. 2), which regulates the pressure of the coolant by creating an additional resistance that dampens the excess pressure.

Adjustment is performed in accordance with specified parameters and readings of DP3 overpressure sensors on the supply (pos. 1-3) and vice versa (pos. 1-4) heat network pipelines.

From the pressure sensors, pressure change signals are transmitted through the pressure regulator KPV 1504 (pos. 1-2) to the microprocessor module KM 18168E48 (pos. 1-1), which supplies a signal to the electromagnetic starters PME211 (pos. 15, 1-8). These starters actuate the electric drive of the control valve, which, opening or hiding, changes the pressure of the coolant. At the same time on a board lamps of a deviation of pressure of KH-3-3B (TA1, TA-2) light up.

Consider the process of regulating the water temperature for hot water supply after the II stage water heaters (pos. 1).

The main parameter of the control is the temperature of hot water at the outlet of the II stage water heaters.

On the giving pipeline of thermal networks on an entrance to water heaters II of a step control valve 25ch945nzh with the EIM drive is installed (poses. 3), which controls the temperature of hot water by changing the flow rate of the heating medium.

Regulation is carried out according to the set parameters and indications of the sensor of temperature of THK of 9481 hot water at the exit from step water heaters II (poses. 112).

From temperature sensor the signal on temperature change is transmitted through temperature regulator TP 2015 (pos. 111) to the microprocessor module KM 18168E48 (pos. 1-1), which supplies a signal to the electromagnetic starters PME211 (pos. 113, 1-16). These starters actuate the electric drive of the control valve, which changes the flow rate of the heating medium. At the same time on a board lamps of a deviation of temperature of KH-3-3B (TA3, TA-4) light up.

The proposed automation system allows reducing the number of workers serving the heat station, providing more accurate control of the temperature of water supplied to the hot water supply, and maintaining the required hydraulic mode of the heat networks. This saves heat and current maintenance costs for the individual heating station.

Selection of equipment, products and materials for ITP.

Individual thermal station (ITP) solves the following tasks:

• distribution of heat coming from the heat source through the heat networks in quantities corresponding to the needs of the connected consumers;

• Telemechanical monitoring of coolant parameters and instrument accounting of heat consumption released to consumers;

• maintaining the required water pressure drop in the supply and return pipelines of the heating system;

• maintenance of the specified temperature of water entering the hot water supply system;

• protection of equipment against ingress of foreign objects.

To solve these problems, the following main equipment is designed in ITP:

• water-water heaters connected according to a two-stage scheme, in which the tap water is heated for the needs of hot water supply;

• pressure controller that maintains the required pressure drop in the heating system;

• temperature controller maintaining the temperature of water supplied to hot water supply not more than 60 С;

• Heat meter measuring the amount of heat released to consumers;

• means of telemechanical monitoring, alarm and control, maintenance personnel of ITP to monitor and control the hydraulic and thermal mode of connected heat consumption systems;

• mudflats on supply and return pipelines of heating networks.

Selection of pressure regulator.

The "downstream" pressure regulator is designed to control the pressure drop of the coolant in the heating system.

The pressure regulator is a combination of a control valve with an electric actuator, automation devices and two sensors installed on the supply and return pipelines of the heating system.

The control valve is 25ch940ng flanged valve (pos. 12).

The nominal diameter of the valve is selected according to the conditional throughput Kvy. When the valve gate is fully opened (normal hydraulic mode), its nominal capacity shall be equal to the estimated coolant flow G = 7.3 t/h. Select the valve with conditional passage DN = 25 mm. The principle of operation of the pressure regulator is described in the section "Automation."

Selection of temperature regulator.

The temperature controller is designed to control the temperature of water entering the hot water supply system.

The regulator is installed on the heating water pipeline at the inlet to the water heater of the II stage of heating.

Temperature controller is a set of temperature sensor installed on heated water pipeline at the outlet of water heater, automation devices and control unit.

Control valve 25ch945ng (pos. 11) with electric actuator (EIM).

The nominal diameter of the valve is selected according to the conditional throughput Kvy. When the valve gate is fully opened (normal operation mode of the water heater), its nominal throughput shall be equal to the estimated heating coolant flow rate through the water heater G = 1.72 t/h. Select the valve with conditional passage DN = 25 mm. The principle of operation of the temperature controller is described in the section "Automation ."

Selection of heat meter.

To measure the amount of heat released to consumers, the unit received a heat meter "DYMETIC - 9415" in the package:

• "DYMETIC - 1001" - vortex water flow sensor (2 pcs);

• KTSPR - temperature sensor (2 pcs.);

• "DYMETIC - 5101" - heat calculator (1 pc.);

• measuring line (4 pcs.).

The selected heat meter has the following functionality:

• calculation of current and average values of thermal power, flow rate and temperature in supply and return pipelines;

• calculation and output to the liquid crystal display of the amount of thermal energy and volume or mass of heat carrier in a controlled period of time;

• display of heat consumption mode parameters during the reporting period;

• display the event log for a period of time according to the user's choice;

• Archiving and storage of hourly, daily and monthly data in nonvolatile memory when power is turned off during the entire service life;

• automatic testing of the technical condition of flow and temperature sensors, heat calculator at power-up;

• code protection against unauthorized access.

Selection of mud makers.

Mud makers (pos. 4) are intended for purification of water in heat supply systems from suspended particles of dirt, sand and other impurities.

Mud makers are selected by diameter of supply pipelines. The coolant speed in the cross section of the mud bar shall not exceed 0.05 m/s.

In ITR, mud machines are installed on the supply pipeline after the inlet gate valve and on the return pipeline before the flow sensor.

Drawings content

icon график расхода теплоты.dwg

график расхода теплоты.dwg

icon Графики, рисунки.dwg

Графики, рисунки.dwg

icon Пьезометры.dwg


icon Автоматизация.dwg


icon ТОС.dwg


icon Генплан, монтажная схема.dwg

Генплан, монтажная схема.dwg

icon Остальное.dwg


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