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High pressure gas pipeline in the village Birch


This project provides for the construction of a gas pipeline to the territory of the Mayak pig complex, located in the village. Berezovka, Argayash district, Chelyabinsk region.

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. General part

1.1 Basis for project development

1.2 Compliance of working documentation with the current

Rules and Regulations

1.3 Characteristics of the object

2. High Pressure Gas Pipeline

3. Brief technical characteristics of gas control station

4. Electrochemical corrosion protection

5. Organization of construction

6. Environmental protection

6.1 Characteristics of the gas pipeline route and its impact on the environment


6.2 Characteristics of emission sources, pollutants

to the atmosphere

6.3. Emergency Assessment

6.4 Measures to prevent accidents and localization

their consequences

7. Technical and economic indicators

8. Safety and Health

9. PG and Emergency Activities


Appendix A Design License

Appendix B Design Assignment

Appendix B APZ of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Argayash

municipal district

Appendix D Resolution of the Head of Argayash Municipal District

Chelyabinsk region "On approval of the act of choice

land plot "No. 151 of 14.02.2007 g

Appendix D Land Selection Certificate No. 151 dd. 14.02.2007

Appendix E Specifications of OJSC Chelyabinsk Kazkom No. 534/tu

from 21.11.2006 g

Appendix Zh Letter of JSC Chelyabinskgazkom No. 70 of 13.02.2009

"On Renewal of Technical Specifications for

No. 534/TD dated 21.11.2006 "

Application Z Permission of the Minister of Construction, infrastructures

and road facilities of the Chelyabinsk region No.

of 16.03.2009 for the use of natural gas

Appendix AND Resolution of the Territorial Agency on

subsoil use in the Chelyabinsk region No.

from 11.01.2007 for the construction of a gas pipeline

Appendix K Geotechnical Report

OJSC Chelyabinsk Coal Project 2007

Appendix D Geotechnical Report

LLC Teplogazmontazh 2007

1.2 Compliance of working documentation with applicable norms and rules

The work project is executed in accordance with the initial data, technical

design conditions and environmental, fire and other requirements

Regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and ensuring safe operation of the facility for life and health of people in compliance with the measures stipulated by the working drawings.

1.3 Characteristics of the construction site

This project provides for the construction of a high-pressure gas supply pipeline for natural gas supply to the Mayak pig complex, located in the village of Berezovka, Argayash district, Chelyabinsk region.

Insert of the designed gas pipeline is provided in the existing gas pipeline of high pressure Ru of =1.2 MPas Ø159x4.5 after the existing latch.

The high-pressure gas pipeline passing outside the settlements, beyond the line of their prospective development, was laid underground, partially above ground in the places where gate valves were installed and in front of the PGB.

To reduce pressure from high to low and medium design provides installation of the unit gas control station.

The surface relief of the projected gas pipeline route is low-wave, with elevations from 295.20 m to 326.10 m.

At the base of the gas pipeline lies unpowered non-sedimentary non-swelling soil.

The design temperature of the construction area is minus 34 deg. Celsius.

Construction area by category belongs to:

- by snow cover - III district;

- by wind pressure - III district.

2. high pressure gas pipeline

This part of the project provides for the construction of a high-pressure supply gas pipeline Ru 1.2 MPa, designed for gas supply to the Mayak pig complex in the village. Berezovka, Argayash district, Chelyabinsk region.

The design provides for the installation of a block gas control station of the PGB type.

SGS with two reduction lines and two low and medium pressure gas outlets.

The output of the low-pressure gas pipeline is intended for gas supply to the Mayak pig complex.

Medium pressure gas pipeline outlet is intended for gas supply perspective .........

Plug the medium and low pressure gas pipelines at the PGB outlet after the designed gate valve.

The length of the gas pipeline is:

- the gas pipeline of high pressure Ø159x4.5 - 662.3 m;

- the gas pipeline of high pressure Ø89x3.5 - 2992.7 m;

External high-pressure gas pipeline Ru 1.2 MPa is made underground and laid outside settlements, outside the feature of their prospective development .

From the designed gas pipeline there is a 150 mm Du discharge with a gate valve for the prospective construction of a gas supply system for connecting the village of Berezovka, Argayash district.

The high-pressure underground gas pipeline is made of steel electric welded straight-joint pipes Dn 159x4.5 and Dn 89x3.5 according to GOST 1070491 of group B not lower than the 2nd category of steel of grade 10 according to GOST 105080 *, connected by welding.

Sections of the above-ground gas pipeline are made of electric welded straight-joint pipes according to GOST 1070491 of group B not lower than the 2nd category of steel of grade 10 according to GOST 105080 *.

The diameter of the gas pipeline is determined by calculation, taking into account all consumers on

promising development.

After installation, the gas pipeline must be blown with air, the joints must be lit with U-rays and leak tests must be carried out:

- steel underground gas pipeline with pressure of 1.5 MPa within 24 hours,

- gas pipeline and PGB equipment with pressure 1.5 within 12 hours

Then sections of the above-ground gas pipeline are painted 2 times with yellow enamel on 2 layers of primer intended for work in this construction area for ambient air temperature minus 34 deg. Celsius... Underground steel gas pipeline shall be covered with insulation of "very reinforced" extruded polyethylene type as per GOST 9.6022005.

Steel pipes shall be welded as per GOST 1603780 *.

To relieve stresses arising from changes in temperature and internal loads,

self-compensation is used due to natural bends and turns of the route, which work as "P" and "D" - shaped compensators.

The protection zone of the underground gas pipeline is -4 meters, 2 meters from the axis of the gas pipeline.

The protection zone of the underground gas pipeline, passing through the area with wood-bush vegetation - 3 meters on each side of the gas pipeline.

The protection zone of the PGB makes up the territory around the point 10 meters from the fence of the PGB

4. electrochemical corrosion protection

For a high-pressure gas pipeline designed from steel pipes, active (electrochemical protection) and passive corrosion protection must be performed. The above-ground sections of the gas pipeline (at the places of exit from the ground at the PGB and the gate valve installation) are separated from underground by insulating flange connections (IFS). Insulation of underground gas pipeline - "very reinforced" type with extruded polyethylene as per GOST 9.6022005.

For active corrosion protection of underground gas pipeline it is necessary to install

protector protection (refer to drawings 16.002P09ECHZ).

For the convenience of operation of the protection means, a contact device is provided, which must be made with a column.

To control the potentials of the underground section of the gas pipeline, the installation of a non-polarizing comparison electrode of ENES1 type is provided.

All works on installation of protective equipment shall be performed strictly in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents and rules.

5. organization of construction

The normative duration of the construction of the external gas pipeline is calculated on the basis of SNiP 1.04.0385, book 5. In

In the project the section "OS" is developed - watch drawings and the explanatory note 16.002P09OS.

The construction of the external gas pipeline must be carried out in-line, ensuring the continuity of work in a strict technological sequence.

The entire construction period consists of preparatory and main periods.

During the preparatory period, the following types of work must be performed:

1. Site construction readiness check.

2. Break-down of gas pipeline route with application of axes.

6. environmental protection

6.1 Characteristics of the route and its impact on the environment

The construction methods and equipment used do not require excavation and other works that cause some environmental damage to the area where the gas pipeline is laid.

Slight pollution of the atmosphere occurs during the operation of mobile welding stations and vehicles. At the same time, it is not possible to simulate the dispersion of harmful substances, due to the mobile nature of the work. After the completion of construction and installation work, there will be no sources of release of harmful substances on the gas pipeline route.

After completion of the gas pipeline construction complex:

• Removal of all temporary devices and structures from its limits;

• Cleaning of construction debris;

6.2 Characteristics of sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere

During the operation of the gas pipeline, air pollution is possible, the reasons for which may be:

• Gas release into atmosphere during preventive and repair works;

• Gas filling (blowing);

• Non-tightness of gas pipelines;

Permanent sources are emissions due to non-tightness of the gas pipeline and valves on it.

Salvo emissions occur during preventive and repair work on the gas pipeline.

6.3 Emergency Assessment

The project includes measures to ensure accident-free operation of the gas pipeline. In order to increase the operational reliability of the gas pipeline and reduce the harmful impact on the environment, rational placement of disconnecting devices, control of welded joints by physical control methods, testing of the gas pipeline for tightness is provided.

Safe operation of the constructed gas pipeline is carried out in operation

organization of ZF OJSC "Chelyabinsk Gas." The periodicity of inspections, current and overhaul repairs is carried out by the operating organization according to schedules approved by the main

an engineer.

If an emergency occurs on the gas pipeline route, the transported natural gas (methane) is released into the atmosphere. In case of cracks or fistulas, the damaged area is disconnected, all gas from the area to be repaired is discharged to the atmosphere through blowdown plugs at the disconnecting devices.

The gas transported through the gas pipeline - dry, lighter than air, does not accumulate in reduced places, but disperses in the atmosphere. Methane explodes quite rarely, as:

1. When gas leaks from a pressure vessel at ambient temperature, methane does not form clouds near the surface of the earth, since it is lighter than air.

2. Compared to conventional combustible gases, more energy is required to ignite methane, and even more energy potential is required to initiate detonation in the methane cloud.

3. Methane has a low rate of chemical interaction, unlike other combustible gases. According to GOST 12.1.00776 methane belongs to hazard class 4.

The technical solutions provided in the project prevent gas danger and environmental changes.

6.4 Measures to prevent accidents and localize their consequences

During operation the following emergency situation may occur in this gas pipeline:

- destruction of gas pipeline, shut-off device with gas outlet to atmosphere.

To prevent emergency situations, the operating organization, after gas startup, develops a schedule of bypasses, preventive inspections and repairs of the gas pipeline and its technical devices in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems."

When receiving a signal about an emergency situation, the emergency team of the operational organization, having left for the place, assesses the situation, its possible development and consequences. If necessary, call the bodies of the Ministry of Emergencies, the State Committee for Ecology, the fire service, the representative of the district energy and the Ministry of Railways to the scene of the accident. The decision on methods and ways to eliminate the accident, the arrangement of equipment and people is made by the head of the Gas Distribution Organization.

Before the start of work on the elimination of the accident, the head of the emergency brigade takes measures to prevent the development of the accident, notify consumers and evacuate residents

nearby houses. Further interaction of specialized services arriving at the accident site is carried out on the basis of the "Plan for interaction of services in case of accidents in the gas distribution system."

Drawings content

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