High and low pressure gas pipeline. Microdistrict N4, Solikamsk, Perm Territory (loopback).

- Added: 09.07.2014
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Project's Content
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Additional information
1 General provisions
2 Characteristics of the construction area
3 Brief description of construction facilities
4 General organization of construction of the facility
5 Environmental protection during construction and installation works
5.1 Environmental protection measures
5.2 Environmental Restoration
6 Methods of production of main construction and installation works
6.2 Piping installation
6.3 Piping Quality Control and Testing
7 Winterization
8 Basic Safety Guidelines and Fire Safety Measures
9 Calculation of construction duration
10 Construction Schedule
11 Calculation of work personnel requirements
12 Need for temporary office facilities
13 Requirement for basic construction machinery, machinery and vehicles
14 Calculation of demand for electricity, fuel, water, oxygen, compressed air
15 Technical and economic indicators of the project
16 List of main volumes of construction, installation and special works
17 Master Structure, Product and Material Requirements List
1. general provisions
This project is part of the project documentation "High and low pressure gas pipeline. Microdistrict No. 4 of Solikamsk, Perm Territory (loopback). "
The construction organization project was carried out on the basis of:
SNiP 12.012004 "Construction Organization";
SNiP 1.04.0385 * "Construction Duration Standards";
SNiP 42012002 "Gas distribution systems";
Explanatory note and design and estimate documentation developed by the project
organization of LLC "UGS - Installation ."
The construction organization project defines the main volumes of construction and installation work, the need for construction machines and mechanisms, material and energy resources, as well as the main methods of work.
2. description of the construction area
Administratively, the design site is located in the city of Solikamsk.
Construction is performed in a contracted manner .
3. brief description of construction facilities
The project provides for :
- construction of steel underground gas pipeline of high pressure category II;
- construction of underground low pressure steel gas pipeline;
- device of gas control unit station - PGB;
- device of disconnecting devices, before and after SGS in common enclosure;
- device of disconnecting device at the point of tie-in in underground design;
- foundation arrangement for SGS;
- gas pipeline corrosion protection device;
- PGB lightning protection device;
- at the inlet of the gas pipeline to the ground, a factory-made SI installation is provided;
- device of Du273 header at the outlet of PGB gas pipeline.
When performing works near the existing underground communications, observe the protection areas of the existing networks in accordance with SNiP3.02.0187 "Earth structures, bases and foundations." When performing work near the electric lines, it is necessary to observe the protection zones of the existing power transmission line. Perform works in the protection zone in accordance with SNiP 12.03 - 2001 "Labor safety in construction."
4. general organization of construction of the facility
Construction is carried out in two periods: preparatory and basic.
Composition and order of work of the preparatory period:
During the preparatory period of construction before the start of work, it is necessary to perform:
control of route geodetic breakdown;
delivery of construction equipment, equipment and construction materials;
placement of temporary inventory buildings;
provision of construction site with primary means of fire extinguishing, lighting and means of alarm.
Composition and order of works of the main period:
During the main period of construction before the start of work, it is necessary to perform:
- dismantling of the existing gas pipeline;
- construction of steel and polyethylene underground gas pipeline of high and low pressure category II.
Special attention is paid to the preservation of natural resources and the existing improvement of the territory on which construction and installation work will be carried out. The works shall be performed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:
Federal law "About Environmental Protection" of 10.01.2002 No. 7 Federal Law;
Regulation on state land control. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 15.11.2006 No. 689;
VSN 01489 "Construction of main and field pipelines. Environmental protection. "
Regulations of local authorities on the protection of the natural environment and the rational use of natural resources.
5.1 Environmental protection measures.
Environmental protection measures during all types of construction and installation works should be performed in accordance with the work execution project drawn up on the basis of the construction organization project and coordination with local suburban protection authorities.
At all stages of construction, measures should be taken to prevent:
development of relief processes;
change of natural runoff in construction areas;
landfill of the construction area;
Before the start of work, all workers and ITR must undergo environmental training during construction and installation work.
At the construction site, determine the area for cleaning the wheels of vehicles from dirt. It is forbidden to wash construction equipment and discharge technically dirty water into storm sewers. Contaminated water shall be collected in special tanks with removal from the construction site to the places installed by SES. It is prohibited to discharge technically contaminated water into streams and reservoirs.
The parking of construction vehicles shall be located in a specially designated place and equipped with receivers for collecting fuel and lubricants leaks. Engines of construction machines shall be adjusted to reduce gas emissions.
Waste collection containers shall be installed close to the work site and storage space for defective items shall be allocated. After completion of work on the site, garbage and waste must be taken to a landfill. Materials that pose a danger to the environment must be disposed of in accordance with the established procedure. Incineration of waste, debris and plants is prohibited.
5.2 Environmental Restoration
After completion of the work, all roads, driveways and sites falling into the construction zone and damaged during the construction period should be restored.
Reclamation of the construction strip should be carried out in accordance with the reclamation project during the construction process, within the deadlines established by the landowners. The fertile soil layer shall be removed and moved to the storage dump, preventing mixing with the mineral soil dump. Work on removing the fertile layer can be carried out both in winter and in summer, work on its return - only in the warm season.
It is necessary to carry out the maximum preservation of landscaping of the construction strip.
6. methods of production of main construction and installation works.
The following main provisions are adopted when determining the methods of work execution:
application of complex mechanization of construction and installation works, wide introduction of small mechanization, modern devices, tools and equipment, modern methods of work execution;
selection of mounting mechanisms is determined in accordance with maximum weight and maximum height of mounted elements;
the order of work is accepted taking into account the alignment according to the time of performance of all types of work.
6.1 Piping installation
It is performed in accordance with SNiP 42012002, SP 421012003, SP 421022004, SP 421032003. Welders certified in accordance with RD - 03 - 495 are allowed for welding works.
Work on gas pipeline laying shall be performed at ambient air temperature not lower than minus 15 ° С and not higher than plus 30 ° С.
At all stages of the work it is necessary to monitor the quality of the work. Control of welded joints of pipelines consists of verification of qualification of welders, incoming quality control of used pipes, connecting parts and synthetic materials, technical inspection of welding devices, systematic operational control of welding quality, visual inspection (external inspection) of welded joints and instrumental control of their geometric parameters, mechanical tests of welded joints, pneumatic tests of the installed gas pipeline at its commissioning in accordance with the requirements of SNiP42012002.
Before assembling pipes, you must:
- clean the internal cavity of pipes and parts from soil, dirt, snow and other contaminants;
- clean the edges and adjacent internal and external surfaces of pipes, parts of gas pipelines, branch pipes, fittings for width not less than 10 mm to metal gloss;
- check the geometric dimensions of the edges, straighten the smooth dents at the ends of the pipes up to 3.5% of the outer diameter of the pipe;
- clean the edges and adjacent inner and outer surfaces of pipes to a width of not less than 10 mm.
Ends of pipes having cracks, breaks, nicks, bevels with depth of more than 5 mm are cut.
If the air temperature is below minus 5 ° С, straightening the pipe ends without heating them is not recommended.
Before starting welding operations of rotary and non-rotating joints of pipes, the ends of cores and adjacent sections are dried or heated.
It is recommended to dry pipe ends by heating by 50 ° С:
- if there is moisture on the pipes regardless of ambient air temperature;
- at ambient temperature below plus 5 ° С.
Welding work in the open air during rain, snowfall, fog and wind at a speed of more than 10 m/s can be carried out provided that the welding site is protected from moisture and wind.
Use KS35719-302 crane with 18m boom for installation of lightning rods, chimney.
6.2 Piping Quality Control and Testing
During the construction of the facility, in accordance with the general requirements of SNiP 12.012004 and SNiP 42012002, input, operational and acceptance production control, as well as control and acceptance of the work performed and the completed construction of the facility by the customer.
Upon receipt of materials, products, gas valves, equipment and design documentation, engineering and technical personnel perform incoming quality control, as well as operational control during assembly and welding of gas pipelines, installation of gas equipment and anti-corrosion protection device, compliance with standards, GOST, specifications and other regulatory documents. During performance of works it is necessary to carry out:
external inspection and measurement of compliance of the pipeline, gas-using and gas equipment with the design and requirements of regulatory documents;
mechanical tests and physical inspection of welded joints of pipelines in accordance with the requirements of SNiP120104, SP105-34-96, SNiP 420102 and SNiP part 3;
quality control of anticorrosive coatings according to GOST 9.6022005, as well as for absence of contact areas of pipe metal with soil by instrument method;
gas pipeline and gas equipment leak testing.
Quality control of welded joints made by contact butt welding by melting includes:
control of welded joint shape after removal of external and internal grate by external inspection and measurements;
monitoring of recorded parameters of welding process;
mechanical tests of welded joint samples.
Test results shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation.
Upon completion of works, acceptance control is carried out with execution of reports of works acceptance and concealed works certificates. All works shall be performed in accordance with the developed work execution project.
7. winterization
The works can be performed in winter.
Welding operations shall be carried out at ambient air temperature above 40 ° С. At wind more than 10 m/s, at precipitation, operations shall be carried out in inventory shelters. In case of interruption of operation, the ends of the welded section of the pipeline must be closed with inventory plugs to prevent ingress of moisture, snow, dirt, etc. into the pipeline.
Insulation works shall be carried out at ambient air temperature not lower than + 15 ° C (but not higher than + 45 ° C). At a temperature below + 3 ° C, the surface of the insulated pipeline shall be heated to a temperature not lower than + 15 ° C (but not higher than + 45 ° C).
8. basic safety guidelines and fire prevention measures
To protect the welder from electric shock during electric arc welding, the state of insulation of the handle of the electrode holder and all current-carrying parts and wires is systematically checked. The electrode holder must provide a reliable electrode clamp, good contact and quick electrode change.
During insulation works, workers engaged in cleaning pipes with metal brushes must work in protective glasses.
During cleaning, priming and insulation of pipes by machines, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the machines before the start of work. In the chemical purification process, particular care must be taken in the handling of acids and caustic soda.
During the operation of cleaning and insulation machines, it is strictly forbidden to clean them, set them up, change the coils and adjust them.
During the inspection of insulation coatings by the detector, it is forbidden to admit to these works persons who have not received special safety training and do not know the protective measures and first aid techniques in case of electric shock. The detector must be grounded before starting. The workers serving the detector shall have rubber gloves and rubber boots (or halos).
All machines and devices must have passports and individual numbers, according to which they are recorded in a special log of their technical condition.
Cranes and other lifting mechanisms shall be inspected and tested before commissioning.
During the operation of boom cranes, people should not be allowed to stay in their area of action; during the lowering of pipes, shaped parts, fittings and other parts into the trench and wells, workers must be removed from them.
When testing the gas pipeline with air, all shut-off, safety and discharge devices shall be checked in the most thorough manner.
When raising the air pressure in the gas pipeline, it is forbidden to stay near the inventory plugs.
No work can be done to eliminate defects of the pressurized gas pipeline.
Construction site organization and works shall be performed in strict compliance with the requirements of SNiP 12.0301 "Occupational Safety in Construction."
Fire safety is carried out in accordance with the "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation," PPB0103, approved by the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management of the Russian Federation. 18.06.03
Installation and operation of lifting mechanisms shall be carried out in compliance with instruction PB1038200 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes."
Hazardous work areas shall be protected and have warning inscriptions as per GOST 12.4.02676 and GOST 12.4.05989.
Temporary lighting of the construction site shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.04685 SSBT "Construction. Lighting Standards for Construction Sites "and SNiP230595" Natural and Artificial Lighting "and SNiP12.0301.
Warehousing of building structures, parts and materials shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP12.0301.
Passageways, passageways, and loading and unloading areas shall be cleaned of debris, snow and ice. Pits and trenches must be fenced, light signals must be installed on the fences in the dark. Fire safety is carried out in accordance with the "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation" PPB0103, approved by the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management of the Russian Federation. 18.06.03 The construction manager is responsible for compliance with fire safety rules for the facility. Storage of building materials in fire breaks is prohibited. Welding and fire works can be carried out only with the written permission of the construction manager in strict accordance with SNiP12.0301 and PPB0103. On the territory of the construction site install fire extinguishers, water barrels and shields with fire fighting equipment. On the construction site, special places for smoking equipped with fire fighting equipment should be allocated. Fire extinguishing is accepted from fire hydrants on existing water supply networks.
Welding works shall be carried out in accordance with PPB0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation." The electrical welding unit must be grounded. Perform welding operations only if there is a work permit. Electrodes, welding wire, fluxes shall be selected in accordance with the welding technology and the grade of the welded steel, as well as with the ambient temperature at which the gas pipeline is built.
When conducting tests of the gas pipeline, follow the instructions of SNiP 12042002 "Labor safety in construction. Construction production. "
Последний вариант Соликамск ППО ТКР ГСН.dwg
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