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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 4

Exchange rate project 14 storey residential building


The course design includes drawings in the format of Autocade of NPP section (plans, sections, plot plan, nodes) and explanatory note.

Project's Content

icon Дима 14-эт.bak
icon Дима 14-эт.dwg
icon Дима 14-эт1.dwg
icon пояснилка.doc
icon пояснилка.rtf

Additional information



1. Space-planning solution of the building

2. Structural solution of the building

2.1 Foundations

2.2 Walls and partitions and floors

2.3 Floors and floors

2.4 Roof

2.5 Windows and Doors

2.6 Stairs

2.7 Balconies, loggia, windows

3. Sanitary and engineering equipment

List of used literature


In this course work, a project of a nine-story residential building with a basement was developed. The project is designed in accordance with the design assignment. The space-planning structural solution of the building complies with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for the design of residential buildings and takes into account the requirements of the ESKD and SPDS.

The project consists of an explanatory note and a graphic part. The note is made on 7 pages, including 1 table, and 10 titles of literature. The graphic part is developed on 1 sheet (A-1 format).

Space-planning solution of the building

In accordance with the functional process, the designed building is a nine-story two-section house with a basement.

Overall dimensions of the building in plan: in axes 115 -45600 mm

in axes A-in - 14400 mm

The total height of the building from the ground to the roof of the elevator engine room is 45200 mm.

Floor height - 3 m, room height - 2.8 m, basement height - 2.25 m.

Entrance to the building is carried out through a tambour due to increased requirements for thermal insulation in a given climatic area. Communication between floors is carried out using a staircase (the width of the flight of stairs is 1.2 m) and 2 elevators with a lifting capacity of 350 and 500 kg.

For the space-planning solution of the building, see the graphic part.

Structural solution of the building

The structural system of the building is wall.

Structural diagram - with cross-location of structural walls. Rigidity and stability of the building is ensured by cross-positioning of load-bearing walls combined into a spatial system, rigidity of butt joints, rigid connection of floors to each other and to walls, formation of prefabricated stiffness cores.


Depth of foundation laying on heavy soils is accepted taking into account basement height = 2.25 m.

In the designed building, the foundations are accepted as piles with a monolithic pedestal. Panels are installed on a layer of cement sand mortar forming anti-capillary insulation, along the outer perimeter of the wall are coated with hot bitumen in 2 times and protected by a pavement in the form of an inclined asphalt strip. Concrete floor is arranged in the basement. Elevation of the foundation foot = - 3 m.

Walls and partitions.

Above-ground part of bearing structures is formed by three-layer panels 445 mm thick. Internal panels with thickness: interquarter 160 mm., Intraarter 120 mm. Partitions are made of 80 mm thick gypsum concrete panels .

Floors and floors.

In the designed building, reinforced concrete floors of a continuous section with a thickness of 120 mm are used. Plates are connected to each other and to walls by welding of reinforcement outlets. The seams are ground with class B5 concrete (fine aggregate).


The building is designed with a cold attic and a roll roof. The roof is formed by a flooring of ribbed reinforced concrete slabs resting on attic wall panels and gutter trays. Roof with internal drain. Roof slope i = 0.05. Access to the roof is provided from the elevator engine room. For roof plan, cover plan refer to graphic part (sheet 2).

Windows and doors.

Windows are provided to ensure the natural illumination of the main rooms and the possibility of visual contact with the environment. Window sizes are assigned in accordance with the regulatory requirements of natural illumination and standards. Due to the fact that tn, 5 = - 310C, which is lower than -26 0C, windows are accepted with triple glazing in combined bindings, windows are accepted of the following sizes 1350 * 1500,1800 * 1500. The doors are used to connect the rooms with each other and the building with the street. The doors on the escape routes open to the outside in accordance with the requirements. The design of the doors inside the building is designed so that their opening does not interfere with the advancement.


Stairways and slab platforms. Basement march

shortened and rests on slab in level of inlet vestibule. Lifting into the elevator engine room is carried out along a steel steplade.


The arrangement of open rooms - loggia in residential buildings of mass construction is carried out from typical structural elements of factory manufacture .

Loggias are covered with special slabs and enclosed by screens made of reinforced concrete with installed steel handrails. Loggia are built-in.

Sanitary and engineering equipment.

Sanitary equipment of the designed building includes cold and hot water pipelines, sewage and gas devices. The building is equipped with electric, low-current, telephone networks, as well as lighting.

Sanitary cabins are located in volumetric reinforced concrete elements of "cup" type. Ventilation ducts are included in their walls. Separate ventilation units with a section of 500 x 140 mm are installed in kitchens.

The building is equipped with 2 elevators with a carrying capacity of 350 and 500 kg. The elevator shaft is mounted from three-dimensional elements with a height of one floor.

The building is equipped with a garbage duct made of asbestos cement pipes with a diameter of 400 mm, which is protected from the stairs by a panel wall. The garbage removal chamber is located on the 1st floor.

Drawings content

icon Дима 14-эт.dwg

Дима 14-эт.dwg

icon Дима 14-эт1.dwg

Дима 14-эт1.dwg