• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 35

12-storey residential building - exchange rate


Architecture. 12-story panel house. complete set of drawings. general plan, nodes.

Project's Content

icon Фасад.dwg
icon Genplan .D.dwg
icon образец.doc
icon Окно архх.dwg
icon План кровли.dwg
icon План перекрытия.dwg
icon План типового этажа.dwg
icon Разрез.dwg

Additional information

Source Data

Construction area: Tambov

Main characteristics:

Humidity mode - normal (apartment)

Climatic humidity zone: 2-normal

Standard difference: t = 4

Air temperature in tv = +18

Temperature of the coldest five-day tn5 = -28

Average temperature of heating period tot. Per. = -4.2

Number of days of heating period zot.per. = 202 days.

Freezing depth: 1.30 m.

Volumetric planning solution

Number of apartments:

Living space:

Total area:

Constructive solution

A) Foundation

We choose a ribbon reinforced concrete prefabricated foundation. Foundation slab F12 and F24.FBS 1246.

B) External walls are accepted as panel, three-layer. Concrete thickness on both sides is 80 mm. And mineral wool plate 90. Total 250 mm. Outer walls are structural. Coordination size of floor support platform is 80 mm. Heat insulation of walls is located inside concrete.

C) Interior walls

Made of panels, bearing. Thickness 160 mm.

D) Partitions

Partitions are made of gypsum. Partition thickness: brick 80 mm.

E) Overlaps

Slabs are taken from slab slabs. The support of which is carried out on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th sides. Floor thickness 220 mm. The depth in the walls is 80 mm. There are monolithic sections.

E) Roof

The roof is reinforced concrete, prefabricated, attic. The attic is designed warm. The roof type is rolled. Roofing panels are three-layer, warm. The maximum height of the attic is 2.6 m. The minimum 1.8 m. The structure of the attic roof with a warm attic is made up of insulated roofing, tray and frieze panels, supporting structures of roofing and tray panels. In the middle zone of the warm attic, we install a common shaft exhaust (1 per section). The water drain is designed internal. The roof slope is designed 0.04, which provides full drainage of water in the pipe drain.

G) Stairs

Stairs are used by prefabricated stairs. of 4 elements: 2 marches, floor and intermediate platform. The march is used by structural tiles without frieze steps. We use platforms as ribbed, that is, they rest on structural walls. The width of the march is taken to be 1.2 m., The width of the half-site is 1.5 m. The height of one march is 1.5 m. The staircases are illuminated by natural light.

Drawings content

icon Фасад.dwg


icon Genplan .D.dwg

Genplan .D.dwg

icon Окно архх.dwg

icon План кровли.dwg

План кровли.dwg

icon План перекрытия.dwg

План перекрытия.dwg

icon План типового этажа.dwg

План типового этажа.dwg

icon Разрез.dwg
