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Gas supply of a 5-storey 10-apartment residential building - exchange rate

  • Added: 19.04.2015
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The purpose of this course project is to study the methodology for designing gas supply of an apartment building, in accordance with all regulatory and technical documentation in construction for the design of gas supply systems operating in our country at the moment.

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Additional information



1. Introduction

2. Brief description of the object and setting of the task

3. Description of the designed system

4. Calculation of internal house gas pipeline

5. Chimney calculation

    List of literature

1 Introduction

     The purpose of this course project is to study the methodology for designing gas supply of an apartment building, in accordance with all regulatory and technical documentation in construction for the design of gas supply systems operating in our country at the moment.

The development of the gas economy led to the revision of a number of rules, requirements and methodologies, which led to the emergence of new regulatory documents that are currently used:

SNiP 42012002. "Gas distribution systems," 

SP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes"

SP 421022004 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes"

PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems"

Their essence lies in strengthening safety rules and improving the reliability of gas supply and gas consumption systems.

Brief description of the object and setting of the task

     Object to be considered in this project - 3-storey 

6-apartment residential building. In each apartment there is a four-chamber plate PG4 and a flow water heater VK G2.5. Each kitchen has a ventilation channel, a chimney and a window with a window. Gas risers transporting gas from the inlet to the upper points of the gas network are laid in kitchens. When passing through floors and walls, gas pipelines are enclosed in steel cases. Gas pipelines are fixed to walls by means of hooks or brackets at a distance allowing inspection and repair of gas pipelines and valves installed on them.

In      this course work, it is necessary to calculate the gas supply system of a 3-storey residential building. Natural gas GOST 554287 is used for gas supply. 

Design Input:

Characteristics of natural gas used for building gas supply:

density - kg/m3, kinematic viscosity - m2/s, heat of combustion kcal/m3;

Pipes for installation of yard and internal house gas pipelines - steel water and gas pipelines, GOST 326275;

Floor height - 2.7 m;

The roof of the building is gable, the height of the attic on the skate is 3.2 m.

Gas-using equipment:

- gas plate of four comfort PG4 (Brest).

- water heater of flow type HSG-20

Pipes for in-house devices - steel water and gas pipes GOST 326275, in accordance with item 7.3 of SNiP 42012002. The external gas pipeline is made of electric welded pipes as per GOST 1070491      .

Description of the designed system

    The technical solutions adopted in this project comply with the requirements of environmental , sanitary, fire and other standards applicable in the territory of the Russian Federation and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for in the working drawings.

The gas supply of the residential building is carried out from the existing networks with low-pressure  natural gas with Qn = 8500 kcal/m3. 

The gas supply system of this apartment building includes a branch from the street gas pipeline for entering the consumer's territory, yard wiring with inputs to the building and internal gas pipelines.

External gas pipeline and gas pipeline-inlet are made of steel electric welded pipes in accordance with GOST 1070491 gr. V Art. 3 sp. 3 GOST 38094; risers and pipelines are made of water and gas pipes as per GOST 326275  *

 Ball valve on flanges is installed at elevation 1.8 m from ground surface.

Yard wiring is envisaged to be laid open on the facade of this residential building along the floor of the second floor, i.e. wiring goes along the bottom of the balcony of the 2nd floor.

The gas pipeline is introduced into the building only directly into the premises where the gas-using equipment stands, in this case it is the kitchens of the second floor. It is envisaged to install shutoff valves (at each entrance) outside the building at a height of 1.8m from the ground. When passing through the wall, the gas pipeline is laid in the case.

Internal gas pipelines (inlets, risers and intra-apartment wiring) are laid openly.

The gas-using equipment of this residential building are household four confinement plates PG4 (design gas flow rate 1.23 m3/h) and flow water heaters VK G2.5 (design gas  flow rate 2.1 m3/h).

Gas flow rate per apartment is 3.3 m3/h (taking into account the simultaneous coefficient).

Gas flow rate per house is 7.83 m3/h (taking into account the simultaneous coefficient).

Accounting of gas consumption is carried out in the apartment   by SGK4 counters. The counter must be set at a level not lower than 1.6m from the floor.  

 After installation and tests performed as per PB 1252903, paint the gas pipelines with oil paint in two times - inner gasket. At external laying the gas pipeline should be painted with two layers of HV enamel 

125 GOST 1014489 * on two layers of primer XC 010 of TU 621889.

     The low pressure gas pipeline is designed in accordance with  SNiP    42012002, SP 421012003 and PB 1252903 .     

     The gas pipeline shall be fixed according to 5.9058 series.

 Install, test and operate in strict accordance with

 PB 1252903, SNiP 42012002, SP 421012003.

     Install the equipment strictly according to the certificate and instructions for installation and operation provided by the manufacturer.

 Calculation of domestic gas pipelines

The diameters of the network sections are selected based on the calculation of the required amount of gas supply at the warranty pressure of at least 130 dPa., At that, the permissible pressure losses for yard and internal gas pipelines should be 60 dPa - item 3.25 of SP 42-101

During hydraulic calculation, we take into account pressure losses both in length and pressure losses in local resistances

We determine the most remote and loaded branch of the gas pipeline from the tie-in point to the most remote gas-using device (the most remote and loaded direction from the tie-in point is Gst 2). We divide the selected direction into calculated areas characterized by a change in gas flow rate, numbering from the farthest point of the network to the point of tie-in to the existing gas pipeline (part 1-5).

Hydraulic calculation is performed according to the procedure specified in SP    42-101-2003:

 The estimated costs at each of the sections of this gas network are determined by the sum of nominal gas flow rates by all instruments supplied through this section, taking into account the coefficient of their simultaneous action, the value of which is taken according to the reference literature

Calculation of chimneys

In      most types of gas devices, combustion products are discharged through chimneys to the external atmosphere. Combustion products from each household appliance should be diverted, as a rule, along a separate chimney. Utility gas appliances can also be connected to a common chimney.

     The materials from which the chimneys are made can be well-burnt red brick, asbestos cement pipes, blocks of strong non-combustible materials.

     Chimneys in the attic and above the roof are made with walls of increased thickness or insulated with lime-slag plaster.

      The combustion products of the four-junction plate PG4 are removed directly to the room, and the boiler AKGV17.43 - to the designed chimney. This chimney is separate from other ventilation systems. The devices are connected to the chimney using roofing steel.

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