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  • Added: 31.05.2016
  • Size: 3 MB
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It includes drawings: workpiece (forging), part (coupling), operational sketches.

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icon ок на 75.docx
icon ок на 100- копия.docx
icon троцкий курсач.docx
icon titulnik_retsenzia_referat.docx
icon маршрут на 75.docx
icon маршрут на 100.docx
icon операционные эскизы.cdw
icon Деталь.cdw
icon заготовка.cdw

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2 Determination of workability of part design

2.1 Qualitative evaluation

2.2 Quantification

3 Definition of type and organizational form of production

4 Selection and justification of procurement method

5 Selection of surface processing routes

6 Calculation of machining allowances

7 Selection of process bases

8 Calculation of components and total processing error

9 Calculation of regulatory boundaries

10 Calculation of tuning size




This course work presents the development of the technological process of machining the surfaces of the clutch part BZST450/1700.462.303. The purpose of the work is to acquire practical skills for solving various technological problems, preparing the production of machine parts and developing technological documentation.

The main directions of the development of mechanical engineering provide for a further increase in its efficiency, intensification, a reduction in the timing of the creation, development and production of new progressive equipment. The organizational and methodical basis of the task is the design of machine-building products taking into account the requirements of technicality of the design.

Considering the current state of design and manufacture of machine-building products taking into account the requirements of processability, several areas of solving this problem can be noted, which directly or indirectly contribute to improving the processability of structures in accordance with the requirements of modern production. These include:

continuously increasing volume of aggregate installation of assembly units, mechanisms and equipment, development of modular design system based on typing, unification and standardization;

extensive use of computers, providing a higher level of analysis of design solutions in various uses;

organization of a wide exchange of experience in the field of creating technological structures between various branches of mechanical engineering.

Thus, the general line of engineering development - comprehensive automation of design and production - requires knowledge and a perfect design method.


In the course work, a description of the production object is given, the characteristics of the machined surfaces of the part BZST450/1700.462.303Byl are indicated. The method of obtaining a workpiece - stamping on GKM, as it will cost less than rolled stock. Technological processes have been developed on the following surfaces Ø100js6 and Ø75H7. Analytical calculations were made: allowances, components and total processing error, control boundaries, tuning size. Based on the results of the work, it was concluded that this part is technological in accuracy and frequency of the surface.

Drawings content

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