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Exchange rate ventilation project

  • Added: 02.11.2017
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In the course design, calculations of air conditioning and ventilation systems of a public building (club) were provided, including aerodynamic calculation of air inflow and exhaust systems, the microclimate of premises for 3 periods (cold, transitional and warm) was calculated

Project's Content

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icon титул.docx
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Additional information


1. Design parameters

1.1. Outdoor air parameters

1.2. Internal air parameters

2. Schematic selection of building maintenance engineering diagrams

2.1. Principle choice of heating system

3. Thermal balance of the calculation space

3.1 Heat loss of design room

3.2 Heat input of the design room

3.2.1 Heat input from heating system

3.2.2 Amount of heat supplied to the room due to solar radiation

3.2.3. Heat release from people

4. Air exchange of the design room

4.1 Standard air exchange

4.2 Standard air exchange for CO dissolution

4.3 Separation from People

4.4 Air exchange for dissolution of heat and moisture

4.4.1 Warm period

4.4.2 Transition period

4.4.3 Cold period

5. Air exchange of non-calculated rooms

6. Selection of the type of plenum chambers

7. Calculation of HV unit for plenum chamber

8. Calculation of ventilation system

9. Selection of fans for systems P1, P2, B1, B2, B

List of literature

1.2. Internal air parameters

According to table 3 category 2 (3), we support admissible parameters of temperature, relative humidity and speed of the movement of air in the served zone of inhabited, public and administrative and household places for the warm period we accept 3 °C above, than temperature of external air (parameters A) but no more than 28 wasps; temperature 19 С during cold and transition periods, relative humidity not more than 60%, air velocity not more than 0.3 m/s.

for design of heating of tv =12 °C

for design of ventilation of tv = 19 °C

Schematic selection of building maintenance engineering diagrams

2.1. Principle choice of heating system

We accept a single-tube water heating system with upper vodka mains. Cast iron radiators MS140 are used as heating devices. As per the task, single-tube water CO, coolant temperature in the heating system: T1 = 115 ° C T2 = 70 ° C, and in the external heat network T1 = 130 ° C T2 = 70 ° C (as per the task).

Selection of the type of plenum chambers

Location of plenum chambers on assignment. We install two plenum chambers for calculation and auxiliary rooms.

Supply chambers are selected by flow rate. For P1: 2PK20. For P2: FLG 012.

Selection of fans

9.3. Fan selection for exhaust system B1.

Total pressure loss in suction and delivery lines:

Fan capacity: L = 15952m3/h

From the catalog of the company "Tyra" we select the fan VP8075 No. 10 (version 5),

with a rotation speed of 1000 rpm, with an efficiency of donbass = 0.78.

Select AIR160M6 engine with power N = 15 kW.

9.4. Fan selection for exhaust system B2.

Total pressure loss in suction and delivery lines:

Fan Performance: L = 802m3/h

From the catalog of the company "Tyra" we select the fan VKt 250.

9.5.Blower selection for exhaust system B3.

Total pressure loss in suction and delivery lines:

Fan capacity: L = 350m3/h

From the catalog of the company "Tyra" we select the fan VKt 200.

Drawings content

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