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Sanitary equipment of buildings - exchange rate

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Course project. Explanatory note, drawings: plans, axonometries, specification

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The project is developing a water supply and sewerage system for a 7-story residential building of the apartment type, the number of apartments on the floor is 14, the total number of apartments is 98. The degree of improvement according to [1] with bathrooms and centralized hot water supply is bathtub, washbasin, washing.

The following is being designed:

- cold water supply system (entry into the building, water metering unit, hydraulic calculation of B1 network);

- hot water supply system (hydraulic calculation of T3 network, determination of heat losses and circulation flow rates, calculation of circulation pipelines);

- internal sewerage network;

- yard sewerage system.

Cold Water System Design

Design of building water supply systems shall be carried out in order to determine diameters and places of pipelines laying, as well as places of installation and type of equipment used, providing water supply of the required quality and in the required quantity to each consumer. The internal water supply of the buildings shall be designed in the following sequence:

- selection of internal water supply system and scheme;

- routing of the network and construction of an axonometric diagram of the water supply;

- hydraulic calculation of the network, selection of water counters (water metering unit) and booster devices;

- preparation of material and equipment specification.

Route Network and Build an Axonometric Piping Diagram

The design of the internal water supply network begins with the application of water risers to the plan in the sled-tank units, which are placed taking into account the placement of sewage risers. We place water risers open at the rear wall of sanitary units in the corner.

The basement plan shows the layout of the main networks, connections to the risers, the location of the water metering unit, shutoff and control valves. The main line of the water pipeline is traced along the internal capital walls with the connection of risers along the shortest distances, taking into account free access to fittings and pipe connections. The main pipelines in the basement are laid under the ceiling at a distance from the ceiling and between the axes of the pipes 200 mm. We place apartment wiring at a height of 0.3 meters from the floor. Apartment wiring is made of polyethylene pipes.

On the internal water supply network we have shut-off valves in the following places :

- at the input;

- on branches of the distribution network to provide the possibility of disconnection of its separate sections ;

- at the base of risers;

- on branches to each apartment.

Hot Water System Design

In this course design, we are designing a closed centralized hot water supply system (MST) with forced circulation, with water heating in high-speed heat exchanging water heaters connected to closed heat supply systems and located in the central heat station (CTP).

The designed MBTF of the building, connected directly to the district thermal network, is under pressure, as a rule, sufficient to supply consumers with hot water.

Hot Water System and Diagram Selection

At the consumer we install the following devices in a combined box. unit - bath mixer, washbasin mixer, toilet, in kitchen - washing mixer. In addition, in a combined rank. towel dryers are installed on the unit.

The internal diagram of the hot water supply of the residential building is accepted as circulating in the supply (water collection) pipelines with lower wiring. We lay the main pipelines in the basement. Hot water supply is introduced into the building in the impassable channel of the heat well, where shut-off valves are installed on the supply and return lines. At the hot water pipelines, on the supply and return lines, to take into account the consumed water, we install simple water metering units without a bypass line.

Network Tracing

Metal pipes are used for hot water supply.

Hot water supply risers are laid together with cold water internal water supply risers. The lines combining the risers are laid under the ceiling in the basement with a slope of 0.0020.005 towards the entrances. When laying mains together in the basement, it should be taken into account that the pipelines are located vertically (in accordance with the temperature of the transported liquid). Horizontal arrangement of pipelines with close temperature is allowed. In all cases, hot water pipelines are designed above internal water pipelines. We lay pipes openly. Thermal insulation is provided for supply and circulation lines.

Internal sewer design

Internal sewage systems

Depending on the nature of sewage pollution, the following internal sewage systems are distinguished:

- domestic;

- production;

- combined, designed for joint disposal of domestic and industrial wastewater;

- internal drains designed to drain rain and meltwater from the roofs of buildings.

The internal sewerage system consists of the following elements: sewage receivers, discharge lines, risers, headers, exhaust pipes, outlets discharging sewage to the yard sewage system, local installations for pumping or preliminary treatment of sewage.

The intermediate link between the instrument and the sewer network is a hydraulic gate or siphon that prevents the penetration of gases from the network into the room. Siphons with a diameter of 50 mm were most widely used: two-turn, oblique, straight, with revision, bottle.

Internal sewer system arrangement

The branch lines from the instruments to the risers should be laid straight along the walls above the floor, in the inter-floor floor, if the structure and its thickness allow it to do this, under the ceiling below the located non-residential public room in the form of suspension lines.

In the first floors of buildings, in the absence of basements, drain pipelines and headers are laid in special channels. The direction of the gasket is changed using special shaped parts.

Sewage risers are installed in the places where groups of sanitary devices are located and, if possible, closer to the toilet or kitchen wash. If at least one toilet is attached to the riser, its diameter should be taken at least 100 mm. Risers are placed openly - at walls and partitions or hidden - in mounting shafts, blocks, cabins. Sewage risers shall be brought above the roof of the building to the height of:

- from flat non-operated roof - by 0.3 m;

- from pitched non-operated roof - by 0.5 m;

- from the operated roof - by 3 m;

- from the edge of the prefabricated ventilation shaft - at least 0.1 m .

No flyovers shall be installed on sewer risers.

To ensure the reliability and uninterrupted operation of the internal sewage network, revisions or cleaning are installed on it. On risers, revisions are installed in upper and inner floors and above indents. In residential buildings with a height of 5 floors and more, additional revisions are installed at least 3 floors later. On risers, revisions are installed on you-cell 1 m from the floor. On horizontal sections of the inspection or cleaning network, they are installed on turns, as well as along the length of pipelines at a distance of 6 to 25 m from each other, depending on the diameter of the pipelines and the nature of sewage pollution. On suspension lines, revisions or brushes are installed, which can be brought to the premises of the above floor.

Discharges discharging waste water from the risers outside the building into the yard (intra-quarter) sewage network are laid with provision of smooth connections to the risers (two discharges of 45 ° are used). You can combine 2-3 risers into one release, while ensuring that the revisions are properly located and cleaned in accessible places. In this case, the diameter of the exhaust should be checked by calculation. Discharges from sewage risers are mounted straight, without fractures; they are directed outside the walls of the courtyard facades, and not to the main facade of the building. The maximum allowable length of the exhaust pipe from the riser or from the cleaning to the axis of the inspection well depends on the diameter of the exhaust pipes:

- at diameter 50mm - 8m;

- at diameter 100mm - 12m.

The smallest length of the exhaust pipe from the outer wall to the inspection well is taken depending on the soils:

- for solid soils - 3 m;

- for macroporous subsidence primers - 5 m.

Sewage outlets from the building shall be checked for the following conditions:, where - the flow rate of waste liquid in the pipeline;

- for plastic pipes;

- for cast iron asbestos cement and concrete pipes ;

- pipeline filling.

If this condition cannot be met (due to low effluent flow rate), piping shall be laid with a slope of 0.03 for outlets with a diameter of 50 mm and a slope of 0.02 for launches with a diameter of 100 mm.

An axonometric diagram of the sewer riser is given with the design. Waste water is discharged and transported via gravity sewage pipes (cast iron) connected by shaped parts (straight and transition tees, branches, etc.).

Yard sewage network

Sewage outlets are connected to the inspection wells of the courtyard or intra-quarter network. Yard sewerage network is laid parallel to external walls of building, along shortest path to street collector, with minimum depth of pipes laying according to rules of external sewerage networks arrangement.

Prior to connection of the yard network to the city, a control inspection well is installed, which is located at a distance of not more than 1.52 m from the red line of the section.

For inspection, flushing and cleaning of yard sewage systems, in addition to the places of connection of outlets from the building to the yard network, inspection wells are arranged in places of change of direction, slopes, diameters of pipelines and in straight sections with a pipe diameter of 150mm at a distance of 35 m and a diameter of 200 mm and more - 50 m.

The minimum depth of the pipeline tray, in the absence of operation data, is allowed to be accepted for yard sewage pipes at 0.3 m less than the maximum depth of ground freezing, but not less than 0.7 m from the top of the pipe.

When designing the yard sewer network, it is recommended to adhere to the following provisions.

Diameters of yard sewage pipes are selected depending on design flow rates, speed and slope according to [6]. The diameter of the domestic domestic sewage network shall be not less than 150 mm, the design filling of pipelines shall be accepted not more than 0.6 of the pipe diameter, the flow rate of waste liquid in the pipe - not less than 0.7 m/s. The smallest pipe slopes should be accepted for pipes with a diameter of 150 mm, for pipes with a diameter of 200 mm -.

In the downstream sections of the network, the velocity shall be equal to or greater than the velocity in the upstream sections. It should be borne in mind that on the upper sections of the yard network there may be small waste liquid consumption (water layer depth less than 5 cm). Such sections of the network are called uncounted and are joined by the elevations of the tray. When the water layer in the pipe is more than 5 cm deep, the sections are calculated, and they are connected to each other according to the water level. When connecting the recalculated section with the calculated from-mark of the pipe tray of the uncalculated section, it is aligned with the water surface in the pipe of the calculated section.

When connecting pipes of different diameters, they should be mated along the silk pipes (silk - the upper generatrix of the pipe arch). For example, when connecting the yard network to the city sewerage system, the tray of the yard network pipe should coincide with the silk of the city sewerage system pipe. If the street sewage collector passes at a depth larger than the lower section of the yard network, it is recommended to arrange the difference in the control well.

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