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Sanitary equipment of buildings. 54 - apartment building


Sanitary equipment of a residential building for 54 apartments

Project's Content

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2.1. Description of Cold Water System Elements

2.2. Fire extinguishing

2.3. Hydraulic calculation of cold water supply

2.4. Water meter selection


3.1. Description of hot water system elements

3.2. Calculation of hot water supply systems

3.3. Water meter selection

3.4. Water heater calculation

3.5. Determination of required head and selection of pump





materials and equipment of internal water supply and sewerage



"Sanitary equipment of buildings" is one of the main disciplines in the training of engineers working in the field of design, construction and operation of water supply, sewerage systems, civil structures. This complex is necessary for the life support of the population and determines the degree of improvement and comfort of buildings, as well as cities and settlements in general.

The sanitary-technical device and equipment of modern buildings is a complex of engineering equipment for cold and hot water supply, sewage and drains, garbage removal, gas supply.

Of great importance is the choice of rational water supply schemes, improving their reliability and efficiency. Special attention is paid to hydraulic stability, pressure stabilization, elimination of waste costs and leaks. Using advanced calculation methods allows you to find the best options for engineering solutions, ensure a reduction in estimated cost and operating costs.

2. Cold Water System Design and Calculation

2.1. Description of Cold Water System Elements

In 9 storey residential buildings, a system of drinking water supply with lower wiring is designed, supplying water to sanitary devices installed in 54 apartments and serving 216 people.

Residential buildings are equipped with the following sanitary devices :

washbasins, 1700 x 700 long baths equipped with showers, washes and toilets.

Water is supplied to the building by one water supply inlet. The quarterly network, passing in the building, is simultaneously the highway of the internal water supply. Main pipelines are laid in the basement along the main internal walls under the ceiling with a slope of at least 0.003 to the emptying points. Risers are laid vertically in bathrooms. At the base of the riser in the basement, a disconnecting valve and a T-joint with a plug (for emptying) are provided.

On branches in apartments from risers on horizontal sections at a height of 1 m from the floor, a disconnecting valve is installed, at a distance of 8 a filter and a water meter are installed. Then water at a height of 0.3 m from the floor is supplied to the flush barrel of the toilet bowl with a disconnecting valve and to the mixer of the washbasin, bath and wash.

The water network of the building with lower wiring. The main line is laid along the basement at a height of 2 m from the basement floor. To it are connected risers, watering cranes, which are installed along the perimeter of the building in the niches of the wall at a distance of 30 m from each other. In winter, irrigation taps are emptied by closing the valve in the basement.

The water supply network in the building is installed from steel water and gas galvanized pipes as per GOST 326275 *. Insulation is provided on the main line to prevent moisture concentration.

Shut-off valves are provided on the water supply network for water flow control. Gate valves are installed at each input. The valves are placed on branches from the main line to each riser, to the irrigation cranes, at the entrance to each apartment and in front of the flush barrel.

Inlet and quarterly networks between buildings are accepted from cast-iron pressure water flow bell pipes as per GOST 958375. Pipes are laid below the freezing depth by 0.5 m with a slope of 0.002-0.005 towards inlets, risers, water-discharge cranes or other lowered points.

According to Table 1 (SNiP 2.04.0185) internal fire extinguishing in the designed residential building is not required.

Design of internal networks of the building.

Risers are located mainly in bathrooms. Laid vertically. Valves are installed at the inlet, on the branch to each riser, to the irrigation taps, at the inlet to each apartment and in front of the flush barrel. Pipelines shall be laid with a slope of at least 0.002 to emptying points.

On branches in apartments from risers on horizontal sections at a height of 1 m from the floor, a disconnecting valve is installed, at a distance of 8 a filter and a water meter are installed. Then water at a height of 0.3 m from the floor is supplied to the flush barrel of the toilet bowl with a disconnecting valve and to the mixer of the washbasin, bath and wash.

The laying pipeline to the apartment is laid at a height of 0.2 m from the floor and brought to the flush tank of the toilet bowl, to the mixers of the washbasin, bath and wash.

The water network in the building is mounted from polyethylene. To prevent condensation of moisture, the main pipeline laid in the basement is isolated.

Design of intra-quarter water supply.

Intraquartal networks of cold water supply outside the building are accepted from cast-iron pressure bell pipes as per GOST 858391 .

Pipes are laid below the freezing depth by 0.5 m with a slope of 0.002-0.005 towards inlets, risers, water-discharge cranes or other lowered points. The distance from the building foundation to the water pipe wall shall be not less than 5 m.

On the main pipeline and on the flyouts, disconnecting valves and after them tees with plugs are installed to allow disconnection and emptying of the pipeline section in case of repair.

2.2. Fire extinguishing

According to Table 1 (SNiP 2.04.0185) internal fire extinguishing in the designed residential building is not required.

The water flow rate for external fire extinguishing is determined as per para 2.13 of SNiP 2.04.0284 *: the water flow rate for one fire, for external fire extinguishing at a building volume of 13634 m3 with a number of floors from 2 to 12 is 15 l/s.

The number of fire hydrants is accepted in accordance with paragraph 8.16 of SNiP 2.04.0284 *: At the external fire extinguishing rate of 15 l/s, there must be at least two fire hydrants to ensure the extinguishing of one fire in the residential quarter at the most remote point.

3. Design and calculation of hot water supply system

3.1. Description of hot water system components

The hot water supply system in the quarter is centralized, closed (water heating through the surface, where the coolant and heated water do not contact).

One heating unit installed in the central heating station serves 4 residential buildings within the quarter. The heat source is the existing heat network. Centralized hot water supply system is designed with circulation pipeline. In order to avoid rapid corrosion damage, the system is assembled from steel galvanized pipes (GOST 32.6275 *). Pipes are threaded or welded in a carbon dioxide environment. Natural pipe turns or compensators are used to compensate for thermal elongations. Shut-off valves are made of brass or bronze ().

External networks are laid in the channel with size of mm. Pipelines laid in the channel are isolated.

The diagram of the internal hot water supply system is made with lower wiring, i.e. the main pipeline is laid in the basement and supply risers with towel dryers are connected to it. With the help of jumpers, the supply risers in the warm attic are assembled and combined into one circulation riser. Thus, we have a sectional unit combining 6 supply risers. Pipelines laid in the basement and attic, as well as a circulation riser, are isolated.

Supply risers are laid in bathrooms, water meters are provided on branches. A circulation riser is provided on the stairwell. At the base of the risers, lowering valves and plugs are installed. Air tubes with disconnecting valves (automatic air collectors) are installed on the top of supply risers.

On the main pipeline and on branches, disconnecting valves are also installed and after them tees with plugs for the possibility of disconnecting and emptying the pipeline in case of repair.

4. Design and calculation of sewage

4.1. Description of internal sewerage elements

On the territory of the residential district, an intra-quarter (courtyard) sewage system is designed for receiving sewage from the internal sewage network of buildings and diverting to the street sewage network. Yard intra-quarter sewerage is laid parallel to courtyard facades of buildings at a distance from the edge of the foundation to the edge of the pipe of at least 3 meters. The depth of pipes laying is determined taking into account the depth of ground freezing, the elevation of the top of the pipe is 0.3 m higher than the depth of freezing, but not less than 0.7 m to the top of the pipe due to mechanical damage. The intra-quarter network is laid from ceramic pipes (GOST 28682) and is connected to the external network in the GKK1 well. Inspection wells are provided at the outlets connection points. Inspection wells are also installed on turns, in straight sections at a distance of not more than 35 m with a pipe diameter of 150 mm.

The internal sewer network is designed from cast-iron sewer pipes and shaped parts (GOST 6942.13080). 7 risers are accepted in the building. Structurally, we accept the diameter of the riser 100 mm, since toilet bowls are attached to it, the diameter of the outlet of which is 100 mm. We accept the branch lines from sanitary devices with a diameter of 50 mm. The diameter of the outlet to which the risers are connected is 100 mm.

On risers at a height of 1 m from the floor, revisions are installed on the first, last, floor and through two floors. Cleaners are installed at outlets and discharge pipelines, where clogging is possible. The exhaust part of the riser is brought to the roof. The diameter of the exhaust part is equal to the diameter of the riser.

Drawings content

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