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Additional information


General Data

1 Quantity takeoff

1.1The application area

2 Organization and procedure of works performance

2.1 Construction of monolithic columns

2.2 Slab concreting

2.3 Installation of panels

2.4 Selection of installation crane

2.5 Selection of mounting devices

2.6 Warehousing of main building structures

2.7 Construction Organization Method

3 Quality and acceptance of works

3.1 Incoming quality control

3.2 Operational quality control

3.3 Acceptance Control

4 Costing Machine Time

and wages

5 Work Schedule

6 Logistical resources

7 Safety precautions

8 Technical and economic indicators

9 List of literature used


Appendix 1. Work Schedule

Appendix 2. Job for Course Project

General Data

The nomenclature is established taking into account the task and initial data, according to ENiR (4).

A frame 3-span building with a monolithic frame, with external walls made of reinforced concrete wall panels and a staircase made of brick 380 mm thick.

Span - 6 x 6 m. The length of the building is 72 m.

The number of floors is 4.

Floor height 4.8 m.

Frame: monolithic columns with an extreme section of 300x300 mm 4.8 m high, monolithic columns with an average section of 400x400 mm 4.8 m high, a ribbed monolithic floor with a thickness of 200 mm .

Enclosing structures - wall panels 1.2 m high and 1.8 m long, 6 m long.

Scope of Application

A comprehensive process plan is made for the construction of the framework and the installation of enclosing structures.

The regulatory documents on the basis of which the development of the task list is carried out are ENiR, SNiP, production standards for material consumption, local cost standards.

Organization and procedure of works execution

For the correct and effective solution of all issues related to the technology of monolithic and installation works, the optimal choice of methods and methods of work is made: the method of monolithic works - separate, the direction of process development - horizontally along the building. The building is conditionally divided into two grips, the borders of which pass through axis 7. Installation of wall panels is carried out in parallel with the erection of the building frame, with a lag of one grip.

We accept mechanized method of works execution. Complex mechanization determines the maximum possible displacement of manual labor using technology and provides for the greatest economic effect.

Installation of enclosing structures is performed in 2 shifts in warm season, on flat terrain, seismicity of construction area is 6 points.

Organization and procedure of works execution

By the moment of concreting of the columns of the second floor, the following works should be performed:

- installation of all structures of the lower floor;

- welding and grouting of components units provided by the design;

- transfer of the main layout axes to the slab;

- determination of the installation horizon and preparation of the executive layout of the structures of the upper part of the mounted floor;

- delivery and laying at the place of storage necessary for concreting and installation of structures, materials, products and equipment.

The height of the level is equal to the height of the floor .

Concreting of the slab shall be started after final fixation and inspection of all structures.

Arrangement of monolithic columns

By the moment of concreting of the columns of the second floor, the following works should be performed:

- installation of all structures of the lower floor;

- welding and grouting of components units provided by the design;

- transfer of the main layout axes to the slab;

- ground is cleaned of dirt and debris;

- hairlines fixing the position of the working plane of the formwork panels are applied to the surface of the cover with paint.

Work on the construction of monolithic columns with a height of 3.3 m is carried out in the following order: reinforcement rods and frames are installed at the entire height of the column, as well as embedded parts at the design height, then formwork panels with a height of 2.4 m are installed, with a previously lubricated deck. Fixators are placed on reinforcement frames at a distance of 1 m from the top of the shield to create a protective layer of concrete.

The Job Instruction provides unified disassembling small-panel formwork of Dally Company. Shields 0.24 m high, connected to each other by tie rods. The decks of the boards are pre-lubricated with a 1:1 mixture of working with solidol. After the reinforcement is installed in the design position, the formwork is installed.

On the entire perimeter of the shields, on their inner side, hairlines are applied at a height of 3.3m from the base of the column using a leveller. After installation of all elements, formwork is straightened, adjusted along axes and finally fixed.

Concreting is carried out using a badge - a sealed rotary hopper with a capacity of 1m3, which meets the requirements of GOST 2180776 *. The hopper shall be equipped with a flexible trough to distribute the concrete mixture into the column. Concrete mixtures should be laid in concreted structures with horizontal layers of the same thickness of 3040 cm without breaks.

Laid concrete mixture is subjected to compaction with depth vibrators. When compacting the concrete mixture, it is not allowed to rest the vibrators on reinforcement and embedded articles, weights and other elements of formwork attachment. Depth of deep vibrator immersion into concrete mixture shall provide its deepening into previously laid layer by 5-10 cm. Pitch of deep vibrators rearrangement shall not exceed one and a half of their range.

Care of concrete shall be carried out in accordance with SniP []: in the initial hardening period of concrete it is necessary to protect it from atmospheric precipitation or moisture loss, and in the future it is necessary to maintain temperature and humidity conditions with creation of conditions ensuring its strength increase.

Movement of people on concreted structures and installation of formwork of overlying structures are allowed after concrete reaches strength of at least 1.5 MPa.

Open the panels when concrete strength is not less than 50% of design strength. Boards are disassembled in reverse direction of assembly.

Concreting a slab

Prior to the start of the work on the flooring arrangement, the following must be performed: - all the underlying structures are mounted, finally fixed and verified.

The reinforcement of the floor is performed by a link of four people .

Reinforcement is laid taking into account protective layer of concrete with thickness of 35 mm.

Connection of individual rods is performed overlapping with the help of twists or retainers (developed by TsNIIOMTP).

After laying the reinforcement, a link of carpenters - builders of six people begins to install formwork .

Before laying concrete mixture reliability of formwork attachment is checked. Concreting of the floor is performed by a link of concrete workers of four people.

Concrete mix is accepted and compacted with depth vibrators from working flooring laid on concrete. The displacement pitch of the vibrator shall not exceed one and a half of their range. It is not allowed to rest the vibrator on the fittings.

Concrete care measures during the period of strength gain, procedure, terms of their implementation, control over the implementation of these measures, dismantling of the formwork are carried out in accordance with the requirements of SniP 3.03.0187.

Formwork is dismantled after concrete reaches 100% of design strength.

During the initial hardening period, concrete must be protected against precipitation or moisture loss. In the future, it is necessary to maintain a temperature-moisture mode with the creation of conditions that ensure the growth of its strength.

Movement of people on concreted structures and installation of basement walls formwork are allowed after concrete reaches strength of at least 1.5 MPa.

Installation of panels

Installation method: horizontal belt (floor) installation method.

The horizontal belt (floor) mounting method is the most common, as it provides greater rigidity and stability of the frame at all stages of installation, as well as a more even settlement of the foundation. Horizontal method is used in installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements with sealing of joints after installation of structures. At the same time, after completion of the floor assembly (level with three-story column cutting), when the concrete in the joints of the structures will gain 70% of the design strength, the installation of the next level (floor) begins. According to the sequence of installation of structures, a complex installation method is used, which involves sequential installation of different types of structures within one section (1st floor), forming a rigid stable system (installation of columns - installation of girders - installation of connecting plates - installation of floor slabs). In accordance with the terms of delivery and storage of prefabricated elements, installation from the warehouse is used. Under these conditions, the installation method - with the preliminary layout of elements in the area of ​ ​ the installation crane, i.e. the installation of structures is carried out by a tower crane with the supply of structures to the installation site from an object warehouse.

Wall panels are installed on the bed from the solution vertically or slightly obliquely outward. Temporary attachment is performed by means of two struts to columns, after which embedded parts are disassembled and welded.

Welding of metal joints in joints shall be performed in accordance with SNiP 3.03.0187 "Bearing and enclosing structures," GOST 5266480.

Construction Organization Method

The method of organizing construction is sequential, divided into tiers (1 tier - 1 floor), the building is divided into two grips along the length, work is carried out by two cranes. One erects the frame of the building, the second hangs wall panels .

Incoming quality control

The incoming quality control is designed to determine the compliance of the quality of materials, products, structures coming to the construction site with the requirements of the project, relevant standards, technical specifications, passports and working drawings. Incoming control is assigned to the service of production and technical equipment and is carried out at manufacturers by technical control departments, at picking bases - by special personnel and construction laboratories, at the construction site - by work manufacturers (craftsmen) and construction laboratories. Manufacturers of works (masters) check the quality of products, structures, materials by external inspection and comparison with the requirements of working drawings, specifications and standards.

Operational quality control

Operational control is carried out after completion of certain installation operations or construction processes. It is aimed at timely detection of defects in the process of work, identification of the causes of their occurrence and taking measures to eliminate and further prevent defects. Operational control is performed by work manufacturers and craftsmen and is carried out in parallel with self-control performed directly by work executors, and is aimed at compliance with process processes and operations in the project. Construction laboratories and geodetic service are involved in operational control.

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