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Entertainment Center Type 3 Alert Project


AMSS 3 of entertainment center type includes complete set of Autocad, TA, specification, DBE and cab drawings. log in word format

Project's Content

icon 01-02_ТЛ.doc
icon 03 содержание.doc
icon 04-09 Пояснительная.doc
icon 10-14.bak
icon translation
icon 15спец.doc
icon 16 ТЗ.doc
icon 17 Каб.журнал.doc

Additional information

Project Description

The Fire Warning and Evacuation Management System (hereinafter referred to as EPSS) is equipped with the Entertainment Center at the address: Moscow, Zelenograd.

The initial design data was:

architectural and construction drawings of the facility;

The scope of the fire warning and evacuation control system reflected in this project is designed to provide notification of people in the premises of the complex about the start of evacuation in automatic mode, and to provide the possibility of its manual control. Installation of light indicators of escape routes by this project is not provided. The design of light warning and indicators of escape routes is provided by the design of the EOM brand.

Stage "P" is performed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 N123FZ; Technical regulations on fire safety requirements;

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 21, 1994 N69FZ; Federal Fire Safety Act;

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2009 N247FZ; On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements";

SP 5.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing units are automatic. Design Codes and Regulations;

SP 3.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Warning and management system for evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements;

RD 78.14593 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Guiding normative document. "Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules of Work Execution and Acceptance ";

SP 6.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements;

SP 12.13130.2009 Definition of categories of rooms, buildings and outdoor installations by explosion and fire hazard;

Electrical Installation Rules. ("PUE") Seventh edition (revised and supplemented, as amended);

Purpose of the system

In accordance with the requirements of the Code of Rules SP 3.13130.2009, a warning and evacuation management system of type 3 (SOOE3) was developed for the shopping and office center.

The developed EPSS system is an integral part of the complex of engineering and technical systems for fire protection of the building and provides:

- division of the building into warning areas (at the request of the customer);

- transmission of voice messages and special pre-recorded texts both to a separately selected zone, a group of zones, and to all zones simultaneously;

- transmission of voice messages from remote microphone consoles, with the possibility of selection of translation zones;

- provision of notification of evacuation of people with hearing impairment by means of light stroboscopic annunciators;

- possibility of implementation of several options of evacuation plans from each zone;

- coordinated control from one fire department of the building systems ensuring safety of people in case of fire;

- round-the-clock operation of all equipment and prompt transmission of voice messages about the occurrence of a fire, about escape routes, as well as about any emergency situations throughout the building;

- possibility of operation in the mode of voice messages (announcements, instructions) transmission via the EMSS network, as well as disabling of this mode at reception of "FIRE" signal with switching to the fire warning mode according to the specified algorithm;

- check of equipment serviceability and integrity of EMSS lines and circuits;

- operation of warning system in case of loss of main power supply (220V 50Hz) required for complete evacuation of people;

Technical solutions

The selection of equipment for the construction of the EMSS system was made on the basis of the requirements for the system. The fire warning and evacuation management system was designed using 600 series equipment from InterM (Korea).

Fire warning system includes:

Central equipment

- Alarm panel "EP616";

- Audio signal distributors "PE-606";

- Warning system controller "ECS616";

- Translation line control unit "SC624";

- Digital tape recorder "PV632A";

- 360Vt "PA612" power amplifiers;

- Power amplifiers 240Vt "PA624";

Message Playback Equipment in Alert Areas

- Street speaker, 10 W CU510;

- Wall speaker, 10W CU410;

- Ceiling loudspeaker, 3 W, "CS03";

- Remote microphone console "RM616";

- Lightning annunciators "Light220";

Additional equipment

- Power supply units "PD659";

- Power expander "PD658";

- Charger "PB607";

- Batteries.

Central equipment is installed in 19 "equipment cabinets and is located in the control room on the 1st floor (pom. 14),. Power supply of the central equipment 220V 50Hz is provided according to the I category of power supply with redundancy. The use of redundant power supplies enables uninterrupted power supply of the central equipment when the main primary power supply of the sources (220 V 50Hz) disappears, due to the energy of the storage batteries.

In the control room on the 1st floor, install emergency lighting and provide artificial lighting of at least 150 lux for fluorescent lamps and at least 100 lux for incandescent lamps. Emergency lighting shall provide illumination on working surfaces of at least 10% of the corresponding standards. Provide measures excluding access of unauthorized persons to EMSS equipment.

Power supply of the peripheral equipment of the EPSS system is provided from the central equipment installed in the security room via communication lines.

Power supply of "EXIT" annunciator is performed from emergency lighting panel.

In the premises of the building, voice annunciators are installed according to the drawings and connected to the warning lines at the power provided by the drawings. The alert lines are connected to the amplifiers at 100V terminals.

System operation

The warning subsystem is started automatically by the signal of the automatic fire alarm system, according to the algorithm programmed in it.

Signals of automatic warning start from the automatic control system are transmitted to ECS1 unit inputs. The system controller controls the activation of alert lines and the operation of translation amplifiers. The algorithm of automatic warning start is determined during programming of automatic fire alarm system operation.

In the case of manual notification, as well as voice messages, in the voice message transmission line (out of 11 possible), the operator selects by pressing the corresponding buttons on the microphone consoles RM1.


According to the degree of reliability of the power supply, automatic fire protection units are consumers of reliability category I and must be provided with electricity from two independent mutually redundant power supplies, and their power supply interruption in case of power supply failure from one of the power supplies can be allowed only for the time of automatic power recovery.

If there is one power supply, it is allowed to use fire protection units, storage batteries or uninterruptible power supply units as a backup power supply source, which must provide power to the specified electric receivers in standby mode for 24 hours and in "Alarm" mode for at least 3 hours.

Power supply of light stroboscopic annunciators is provided with project 04511APM, with a constant voltage of 24B, with reservation.

Grounding (boring) of equipment shall be performed in accordance with "Electrical Installation Rules," seventh edition (PUE); SNiP 3.05.068 "Electrical Devices"; requirements of GOST 12.1.03087, and technical documentation of manufacturers of components. Protective grounding (ground) resistance must be not more than 4.0 Ohm.

All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may be energized due to insulation failure, shall be grounded (grounded).

Power supply of the central equipment of the EMSS system (devices located in the hardware cabinets 19 ") 220V 50Hz is performed by cables included in the equipment supply package, from plug sockets of the distribution power network connected according to the I category of power supply reliability.

The following devices of the EMSS system are subject to grounding (earthing):

- metal housings of the ESMS central equipment located in the hardware cabinets in the security room;

- 19 "metal equipment cabinets located in the security room;

Grounding of the hardware cabinets 19 "and the housings of the equipment installed in them should be performed by a separate cable from the grounding bus of the power panel (performed by the section of internal electrical networks). Connect the equipment rack and housings of ESDS equipment to the grounding bar by bolting.

Information on the organization of installation works

Perform works on installation of signalling, warning and fire extinguishing equipment within the terms stipulated by the contract. At the same time, the following preparatory work shall be carried out by the installation and installation organization:

design documentation has been adopted and studied;

studied the construction part of the SNiP 3.05.0685 facility;

received from the Customer (Gene. Contractor) materials, signalling equipment to be installed, in quantity and nomenclature, provided by the project; the presence of electric lighting in the installation area was checked;

A project for the execution of works in accordance with RD 78.14592 or inspection acts has been developed and approved.

The technical means of the warning system, materials, technical documentation of the manufacturing enterprises (passport, installation and operation instructions for technical means, certificates for materials) shall be transferred by the Customer (General Contractor) to the installation and installation organization in the manner and within the terms established by the current "rules on relations between organizations - General Contractors and Subcontractors" and the schedule for the supply of materials.

Drawings content

icon translation
