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Engineering improvement of the microdistrict


The project of vertical planning of the microdistrict with the development of a project for the improvement of one of the residential courtyards. Included: drawings and explanatory note

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. Territory Engineering Training

1.1. Vertical layout of the territory of the microdistrict

1.2. Organization of the terrain of the residential group

1.3. Mass Haul Plan

1.4. Mass Haul Count

2. Improvement of the residential group

2.1. Calculation of sites of various purposes, their sizes and principles of placement, characteristics of small architectural forms

2.2. Calculation of green spaces, selection of assortment, placement principles

2.3. Design of pedestrian and transport links

2.4. Selection and justification of types of pavements of streets, paths and sites

2.5. Territory lighting design

2.6. Sanitary cleanup activities

List of literature






The main task of urban engineering improvement is to increase the standard of living of the population and preserve nature in urban areas.

In the process of designing the general plan of the microdistrict, the requirements in the field of engineering improvement should be taken into account: vertical planning; construction of road and pedestrian roads, parking lots, sports, children's, economic playgrounds; creation of green spaces of various functional purposes; artificial street lighting device.

Elements of engineering improvement should also meet modern architectural and artistic requirements.

The project includes a graphic part on 2 sheets of A1 format and an explanatory note on 14 sheets of A4 format.

1. Territory Engineering Training

1.1. Vertical layout of the territory of the microdistrict

As a result of the vertical layout of this microdistrict, the natural terrain changes by cutting and pouring soil and increasing slopes in relation to the requirements of urban development.

After the reconstruction of this residential area, the territory of the microdistrict is planned to be single-slope, providing natural removal of surface water.

Design elevations are accepted so that the slope is at least 0.005. The planning of the territory is carried out taking into account the smallest movement of haul masses.

1.2. Organization of the terrain of the residential group

The relief of the residential group is organized in such a way that it ensures the natural removal of surface water from its territory. Water is drained along the surface due to the existing natural slope of the territory using open trays. The open trays are presented in the form of trays of the carriageways of highways and driveways.

The drainage system of the residential group is linked to the drainage system of the entire microdistrict, that is, it is resolved comprehensively to ensure the conditions for its passage along all streets and roads, ensuring the maximum drainage of storm drains .

The design of the vertical layout was carried out according to these elevations of the points of intersection of the highways. To protect the foundations of buildings from damp, a pavement, 1.0 m wide, with a slope of 0.05 is arranged around the perimeter of the building .

Driveways are arranged with single and gable widths of 3.5 and 5.5 m, respectively, with a transverse slope of 0.02. Pedestrian sidewalks are arranged along the driveways, 1.5 m wide with a transverse slope of 0.02.

At the point of abutment, the transverse slope of the secondary passage is taken equal to the longitudinal slope of the main passage.

1.3 Mass Haul Plan

The mass haul plan is calculated for the territory of this residential group in order to identify the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the adopted version of the vertical layout. On the plan we note the boundary of the designed territory, the contours of the main buildings and structures .

The territory is divided into squares with a side of 40 m with these design elevations of the intersections of main streets. In the corners of the squares we calculate the black and red marks, and then the working marks (hr = NkrNh ).

We build a zero work line crossing the sides of the squares, at the corners of which are working marks of different signs. Knowing the position of the zero line, we begin to calculate mass haul volumes .

The mass haul plan of the residential group is presented in annex 1.

2.2. Calculation of green spaces, selection of assortment, placement principles

Landscaping of a residential group is accepted according to regulatory requirements equal to 6 m2 per person, thus, in the designed area, landscaping should occupy an area equal to 4440 m2. The total area of green coatings is 8433.7 m2.

Landscaping is an ordinary planting of trees and shrubs along driveways and separately standing trees and shrubs, taking into account such factors as the location of underground communications, the height of trees, normative distances of location, individual qualities and the purpose of planting.

To ensure the insolation regime of the facades of buildings, open lawn spaces, low shrubs and low trees with a transparent crown are located on the near-house territory.

The range of green spaces used for landscaping of the designed area is given in Appendix 2. When placing plantations, it is necessary to pay attention to the individual features of each of the plant species.

2.3. Design of pedestrian and transport links

Junctions of driveways in residential yards to the carriageways of main streets of regulated traffic are provided at distances of at least 50 m from stop lines of intersections.

Driveways to the yards are designed one- and two-lane (3.5 and 5.5 m).

The distance from the edge of the roadway to the wall of the building is about 10 m. In this zone, there is mainly an ordinary planting of trees.

In residential yards, the presence of car parks is provided, which are arranged in the form of widening the carriageway. The number of cars is calculated in accordance with (1) and depends on the number of inhabitants and for the designed yard is 18 cars. The size of land plots of car parking lots is made in accordance with the chosen decision.

Sidewalks and footpaths are designed along the shortest path between sites, passageways for pedestrians to pass to city streets, to retail, communal and other service institutions, are accepted depending on the intensity of pedestrian traffic. The estimated width of one lane of pedestrian traffic is 0.75 m. On the territory of the courtyards and in the whole quarter, there are mainly footpaths 0.75 m wide and sidewalks 1.5 m.

The pavement of the tracks is accepted as tile, the location and their number are designed based on the condition of the location of the parking lot and intra-quarter passages in order to exclude the intersection points of the road and pedestrian tracks if possible. In the central parts of the sites you can safely and conveniently walk along the shortest distance from each entrance. The paths connect the sites in the residential yards to each other, allowing you to freely move throughout the entire area of ​ ​ the quarter, without damaging green spaces, lawn, flower beds and other landscaping elements.

2.4. Selection and justification of types of pavements of streets, paths and sites

For playgrounds, a non-rigid coating is adopted - in order to exclude injuries.

Tile covering is designed for adult recreation areas and economic areas.

Asphalt concrete pavement is designed as a coating for intra-quarter driveways, parking lots. Sites for garbage collectors and paving are accepted as asphalt.

In total, the project uses 6 types of different surfaces: asphalt concrete, asphalt, tile, not rigid, special and lawn.

2.5. Territory lighting design

To illuminate the residential area, standard lighting lights 6-8 m high are used. The entrances to the entrances of houses and intra-quarter driveways are mandatory. Low lamps are used to illuminate footpaths, sites and individual areas. It is also possible to use adjustable lighting with setting the desired intensity, point lighting of individual elements of small architectural forms, sports shells, facade elements, etc.

2.6. Sanitary cleanup activities

To ensure regular garbage removal from the territory of the quarter, sites for garbage collectors are equipped on an isolated area near the roadway. The sites are isolated by a living hedge from shrubs, the number and volume of containers corresponds to the number of inhabitants and the mode of removal of solid waste. In addition to the site for garbage collectors, garbage bins are located throughout the residential group. In order to maintain the waste disposal regime, the work of city services or hired workers in cleaning the territory should be organized .

Drawings content

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