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Diploma project - Multi-storey residential complex

  • Added: 12.07.2012
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Complete set of drawings and documentation for the diploma project.

Project's Content

icon 1 Сравнение вариантов .doc
icon 2 Архитектурно-строительный раздел.doc
icon 3 Расчётно-конструктивный раздел.doc
icon 4 Технолого-Организационный раздел.doc
icon 4. Тех раздел 2 Дополнение.doc
icon 5 Безопасность жизнидеятельности.doc
icon 6 Экономика .doc
icon Введение.doc
icon Голый Раздел.doc
icon Доклад.doc
icon Приложение 3.doc
icon Смета.doc
icon Смета.gsf
icon Содержание готовое.doc
icon Содержание дополнение.doc
icon Список использованных источников.doc
icon Титул.doc
icon 1 лист Ситуационный план.dwg
icon 10 лист армирование стены.dwg
icon 11 лист Технологическая Карта.dwg
icon 2,3 лист Фасады.dwg
icon 4 лист план 1-го этажа.dwg
icon 5 лист план типового этажа.dwg
icon 6 лист план перекрытия и кровли.dwg
icon 7 лист Разрез + Фундаменты.dwg
icon 8 лист Поквартирные планы.dwg
icon 9 лист армирование плиты ПМ12.dwg

Additional information




1.1 Basic criteria for assessing the quality of a residential building

1.2 Basic criteria of buildings comfort level

1.3 Building Design Comparison


2.1 Climatic and geotechnical conditions

2.2 Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

2.3 Space-planning solution of the building

2.4 Structural solution of the building


3.1 Calculation of multi-storey building frame in Lira program

3.2 Calculation of cast-in-situ slab

3.3 Calculation of monolithic structural wall


4.1 Job Instruction for Erection of Load-Bearing Structures of Monolithic Building

4.2 Work Schedule

4.3 Design of the object construction plan


5.1 Requirements for building safety at the stages of design, construction, operation


6.1 Preparation of local estimates


Despite the fact that the topic of the domestic construction boom is often described in press reports, very little housing continues to be built in Russia.

According to experts, the main reasons are:

• Low income of the majority of Russian households, reflecting the actual socio-economic policy of the authorities;

• Not the development of a housing mortgage system that takes into account the interests of all parties (lenders, creditors and the state).

Every year, the number of dilapidated and emergency houses to be demolished increases. So, according to the State Statistics Committee, the dilapidated fund in 1995 amounted to 37.7 million square meters. m, and at the beginning of 2002 - already about 90 million square meters. meters, which is about 3.2% of the total housing stock of Russia, which at the end of 2001 was 2809 million square meters. meters.

According to 2001 data, the Russian construction complex annually provides housing for no more than 1.5% of our citizens, erecting only about 0.22 square meters. meters for each citizen of the Russian Federation.

In this regard, the Federal Target Program "Housing" for 20022010 years was adopted.

The main goal of the Program is a comprehensive solution to the problem of transition to sustainable functioning and development of the housing sector, ensuring accessibility of housing for citizens, safe and comfortable living conditions in it.

The main objectives of the Programme are:

• creation of conditions for development of housing and housing-and-municipal sectors of economy and increase in level of security of the population with housing by increase in volumes of housing construction and development of financial and credit institutes of the housing market;

• creation of conditions for bringing the housing stock and communal infrastructure in line with quality standards ensuring comfortable living conditions;

• ensuring the availability of housing and public services in accordance with the solvent demand of citizens and standards of housing provision.

The construction of a multi-storey residential complex considered in this diploma project falls on the final stage of the FTP "Housing," and becomes the most important priority in the field of construction.

Despite the fact that panel houses in Moscow are the most massive type of construction of new housing, monolithic house building is the most promising house building technology in the capital, and not only housing. The vast majority of private developers in Moscow use the technology of monolithic house building in the implementation of their developing projects for the construction of new housing.

According to professional market participants, the technology of monolithic house building has a number of advantages compared to the technology of panel house building. These benefits most often include the following :

• The cost of building monolithic houses in Moscow is comparable to the cost of panel houses (in many countries of the world the cost of building a "monolith" is lower than the "panel");

• The service life of the house is about 300 years, and its design features make it possible to withstand an earthquake up to 8 points;

• The structural rigidity and strength of the house (as a result - equal settlement of the whole house) make it possible to carry out high-quality finishing work almost immediately after the construction of the house (in a panel house this is possible only a year after the completion of construction);

• Individuality of the facade of each house (external walls can be any - panel, brick or curtain; houses can be built in any cramped conditions characteristic of the central part of the city);

• Free layout of apartments, unification of several apartments;

• The speed of the construction of the monolithic house is no longer inferior to the panel (it is possible to erect one floor per day);

• Monolithic houses are easier to reconstruct to extend their life cycle;

• The standard load on the floor floors (600 kg per 1 square meter) is three times higher than in the panel house, which allows you to install heavy household equipment (Jacuzzi, minibasins, saunas), and sound insulation is higher than in the panel.

Thus, houses built using the technology of monolithic house building are significantly superior in consumer qualities to panel houses.

Among the drawbacks of monolithic house building, experts most often include the following features:

• The still higher cost of building a monolithic house, compared to a panel house;

• Still longer construction period;

However, these temporary disadvantages are most likely features of the transition period from "panel" to "monolith."

According to 2001 data, if the cost of 1 square meters. meters of the total area of ​ ​ apartments in large-panel houses - from 7980 to 12840 rubles (including VAT, depending on the series), then in monolithic houses - from 8200 to 10900. The difference is small. But the quality and durability of the panel and monolith are incomparable. Panel houses wear out quickly, need frequent repairs, not to mention poor sound and heat insulation - the shortcomings that panel housing has suffered since Khrushchev's times. There is no need to talk about the aesthetics of panel houses.

In monolithic houses, it is easy to vary the layout of residential premises, giving the city the right set of apartments - only rearrange the partitions in the project. And this is very important. The department of municipal housing is tired of complaining about the overspending of living space: instead of a 42-meter "girl," for example, he is forced to provide an apartment of 60 meters.

In all developed countries, monolithic house building is a leading type of construction. Worldwide, the monolith is cheaper than the panel.

The dynamics of housing construction in Moscow for individual projects, the vast majority of which use the technology of monolithic house building, is quite interesting, is presented in the diagram (Fig. 1):

· 1996 - 124 thousand square meters

· 1997 - 203 thousand square meters

· 1998 - 316 thousand square meters

· 1999 - 448 thousand square meters

· 2000 - 1120 thousand square meters

· 2001 - 1335 thousand square meters. meters

· 2002 - 1434 thousand square meters

· 2003 - 1490 thousand square meters

· 2004 - 1622 thousand square meters. meters

· 2005 - 1745 thousand square meters

· 2006 - 1877 thousand square meters. meters

The data presented are of interest for market analysis.

Indicators of comparison of design options of buildings

Construction time: The normative duration of the construction of a monolithic house, with equal building volumes, is 5% less than brick.

Rigidity of the building: The monolith of the house has an undeniable advantage, compared to any other building system, and this is expressed by rigid interfaces of building elements of the building, to each other. Which gives the monolithic building high seismic resistance and the ability to resist an earthquake with a force of up to 8 points.

The possibility of a variety of apartment layouts: The monolithic house has various shapes and sizes of load-bearing structures, which affects the possibility of a variety of apartment planning solutions, which cannot be achieved with large-panel house building. Somewhat worse in planning solutions for brick house building, this is due to the use of typical reinforced concrete slabs of the floor, where there are unified sizes, and a large thickness of load-bearing walls, as well as a lack of a variety of forms of load-bearing structures.

Service life of buildings: Monolithic buildings, about 300 years, have a long service life. Brick buildings are a little less durable. Large-panel buildings are very far behind in this comparison indicator.

Minimum labour input of works performed during erection:

The undisputed leader in this indicator is the large-panel house. With its faster construction compared to other construction systems. The most labor-intensive is the construction of brick houses, this is due to the small size of the mounted elements of the load-bearing structures. Labor intensity in the construction of a monolithic house is less than in brick.

Architectural expressiveness of the building: A monolithic building with its great possibility of planning solutions, and a clean expressive facade (lack of seams on the facade), has an undeniable advantage compared to other construction systems.

The smallest weight of the building structures: The smallest wall thickness with the greatest load capacity belongs to the monolithic house. Heavier structures near a house with large-panel walls. And the heaviest include the walls of houses made of bricks.

Geotechnical construction conditions

Engineering and geological work for the development of individual buildings is carried out, as a rule, simultaneously for the design building and working drawings, that is, in fact in one stage. A limited site is subject to study. The volume of work carried out on it depends on the complexity of engineering and geological conditions.

The engineering and geological conditions for the designed house in this project belong to category I, which is characterized as a site with advanced geology; layers lie horizontally; the bearing capacity of soils is beyond doubt; groundwater under foundations lies below the core; bulk soil capacity does not exceed 2 m.

When designing foundations and foundations, local construction conditions are taken into account, as well as existing experience in the design, construction and operation of structures in similar engineering, geological and hydrogeological conditions.

Engineering surveys for construction are carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, state standards and other regulatory documents on engineering surveys and soil research for construction.

Assessment of engineering and geological conditions of the construction site

The main parameters of the mechanical properties of soils, which determine the bearing capacity of the bases and their deformation, are the strength and deformation characteristics of soils (angle of internal friction, specific adhesion to, module of soil deformation E). The result of the calculation of soil layers is the design soil resistance of the base R, kPa.

The characteristics of soils of natural and artificial origin are determined on the basis of their direct tests in field or laboratory conditions taking into account the possible change in soil humidity during the construction and operation of structures.

Assessment of physical and mechanical characteristics of soil layers is carried out in accordance with their occurrence in the base, making a conclusion on each layer on the possibility of its use as a natural base.

Job Instruction for Structural Erection

Monolithic building

Scope of Application

The process map was developed for the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures (walls, floors) of a typical floor of a twelve-story residential building in a large-panel formwork.

The Job Instruction provides for the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures of internal bearing walls and floors using aluminum large-shield formwork of TsNIIOMTP AOZT structure.

The building has the following structural solutions:

• internal bearing walls - stiffening diaphragms made of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete 200mm thick;

• slabs - unrigged cast-in-situ reinforced concrete with a thickness of 120 mm.

The works considered by the Job Instruction include:

• installation of formwork;

• installation of penetrators;

• installation of valves;

• concreting of internal walls;

• concreting slabs;

• concreting of enclosing walls;

• dismantling of formwork.

Work is carried out in one shift in the summer.

When concreting structures at a negative temperature, traditional winter concreting methods are used.

A new design of a universal unified opa-lubka made of light aluminum alloys is used: modular large-shield formwork for concreting walls and disassembly formwork of floors. The large-shield formwork consists of modular shields, the frame of which is made of aluminum alloys and a deck of laminated plywood with a thickness of 18mm. The set also includes braces for installation, straightening and fixing of boards, scaffolding for concreting, locks for connecting boards, brakes for perception of concrete mixture pressure, etc.

The formwork is assembled from boards, which are connected by locks, with alignment to the external surface of the profile and stops. Eccentric is used for clamping and fixing. The dimensions and arrangement of the projections for the installation of locks are unified, therefore all the main locks of foreign companies can be used (it is also possible to dock with the formwork panels of other companies). When used between panels, inserts use locks with a large base. Floor formwork consists of longitudinal and transverse frames with screw jacks, beams and forks for their installation. For the placement of workers, hinged inventory sites or scaffolds are provided.

When erecting a building, reinforcement in the form of separate rebars, grids and frames is used. It is envisaged that the nets will be manufactured at the factory, and installed directly at the construction site with a crane .

Procedure and organization of works performance

Prior to construction of above-ground part from monolithic

reinforced concrete must be made organizational

preparations in accordance with SNiP 12-01-2004

"Organization of construction." A typical floor is divided into 3 grabs. The size of the grip is taken as a section of the house, equal to one entrance.

Prior to the commencement of the construction of internal cast-in-situ concrete walls, the following works shall be performed: the completeness of the imported formwork and reinforcement shall be checked; the shields have been pre-assembled; breakdown of internal walls axes and leveling of slab surface; marking of the wall position in accordance with the design; on the surface of the slab with paint, hairlines must be applied that fix the working position of the formwork; installation tooling and tool prepared; the base is cleaned of dirt and debris; equipment, equipment and accessories used in the course of work were checked and tested; reinforcement cleaned from rust; openings in the floor are covered with wooden shields.


Formwork shall be delivered to the construction site in complete, suitable for installation and operation, without additions and corrections. The formwork elements received to the construction site are placed in the area of ​ ​ the KB405 tower crane. All formwork elements shall be stored in the appropriate transport position, sorted by grade and type. It is necessary to store formwork elements under a canopy in conditions that prevent their damage. Shields are laid in stacks with a height of not more than 11.2 m on wooden gaskets. The remaining elements, depending on the dimensions and mass, are stacked in boxes.

Installation and removal of formwork is carried out using KB405 tower crane.

Large-shield formwork consists of large-size shields structurally connected to supporting elements, connection and fastening elements. The panels are equipped with concreting scaffolds, adjustment and installation jacks.

The design of the formwork boards provides for the possibility of their installation and connection to each other in a vertical and horizontal position.

Holes for suspension of brackets, ladders and for installation of braces and brackets are made in ribs of boards frame.

Installation of the formwork should be started by laying the concreted structure of the lighthouses along the entire contour. The inner face of the rack must coincide with the outer face of the concreted wall. After the lighthouse rivers are reconciled with bright paint, hairlines are applied on them indicating the boundary position of the formwork boards, after which the shields are mounted with a crane along the length of the wall. Shields of upper tier are installed on mounting scaffolds fixed to concreted wall. The layout of the boards and the specialization of the elements of the formwork of the walls of the standard floor are presented in the drawing. The correct position of the vertical planes is verified by the plumb, and the horizontal of the planes by the level or leveling.

The formwork of the walls is installed in two stages: first, the formwork of one side of the wall is mounted to the entire height of the floor, and after installing the reinforcement, the formwork of the second side is mounted.

Floor formwork consists of frames with jacks, longitudinal (160mm high) and transverse (140mm) beams and forks for their installation. Arrangement of floor formwork elements is shown in the drawing.

It is allowed to remove the formwork only after the concrete reaches the required strength, according to SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures," and with the permission of the work manufacturer, approximately 70%.

Decoupling of formwork from concrete shall be performed using jacks. The concrete surface shall not be damaged during tearing. The use of cranes to tear off the formwork panels is prohibited.

After the formwork is removed, it is necessary to:

• perform visual inspection of formwork elements;

• clean all formwork elements from stuck concrete;

• grease the surface of decks, check and apply grease to screw connections;

• sort formwork elements by marks.

Reinforcement works

Before fittings are installed, it is necessary to:

• carefully check the formwork compliance with design dimensions and quality of its execution;

• draw up the certificate of formwork acceptance;

• prepare rigging equipment, tools and electric welding equipment for operation;

• clean the fittings from rust;

• close the openings in the floors with wooden shields or post temporary fencing.

Flat frames and grids are transported in packages. Spatial frames, in order to avoid deformation during transportation, are reinforced with wooden fasteners. Reinforcement bars are transported bound into packs, embedded bars are transported in boxes. Reinforcement frames and grids are attached to vehicles by means of surface twists or braces.

Formwork and fittings will be delivered to the construction site in the form of stacks and bundles weighing up to 5 tons by road - MAZ5335 with a carrying capacity of up to 8 tons. Internal body sizes: length - 4.96 m, width - 2.36 m, height - 0.68 m.

Reinforcement bars received on the construction site are laid on racks in closed warehouses sorted by grades, diameters, lengths, and the nets are stored rolled up in a vertical position. Flat grids and frames shall lie on the liners and gaskets with stacks in the area of the tower crane. The height of the stack shall not exceed 1.5 m.

Flat and spatial frames weighing up to 50 kg are supplied to the installation place by a tower crane in packs and installed manually. Individual rods are supplied to the installation place by bundles, grids using a crossbeam of three pieces.

Places of their location are marked on formwork before installation of reinforcement frames with chalk. For temporary attachment of reinforcement frames to the formwork, strubcins are used.

Temporary fixation of frames in vertical direction, alignment of curved outlets of reinforcement and establishment of axial mixing of welded rods is carried out by strubcins. After installation and alignment of frames, horizontal rods are tied to them one by one using wire twists.

To form protective layer between reinforcement and formwork fixators are installed with spacing for walls of 11.2m, floors of 0.81.0m.

Vertical docking of frames as well as horizontal spatial frames is provided by welding.

Acceptance of the installed reinforcement is carried out before laying of concrete mixture and is executed by act for hidden works. For this purpose external inspection and instrumental check of dimensions of structures according to drawings are carried out. The location of the frames, rods, their diameter, number and distance between them must exactly correspond to the design.

Welded joints, assemblies and seams made during installation of reinforcement are monitored by external inspection and selective tests.

Drawings content

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