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Diploma Project - Fire Truck

  • Added: 03.12.2014
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In this diploma project, an analysis of factors that affect the modern and safe arrival of a fire truck at the exit site was carried out. It is proposed to introduce a system that interacts with the ACDS and allows the fire engine to fall into the "green wave." Calculations of movement elements and efficiency of implementation of proposed measures were made.

Project's Content

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1.1. Analysis of traffic accidents related to fire vehicle traffic

1.2. Average speed of the fire truck

1.2.1. The dependence of the average speed on the specific power of the car

1.2.2. Medium Speed Capabilities

1.3. Rationale for the introduction of coordinated traffic regulation


2.1. Types and purpose of coordinated regulation


2.2. Design of coordinated traffic regulation

2.2.1. Controller Road Universal CDU -

2.2.2.Development of measures to improve the organization of traffic on Zhabaev Street

2.2.3. Calculation of street capacity

2.2.4. Calculating Corridor Width

2.2.5. Calculation of traffic light control cycle




Calculation of motion modes

2.1 Types and purpose of coordinated regulation


Since the invention of the road traffic alarm, there have been constant searches for its improvement, the oldest way to control traffic lights is manual, Experience shows that with manual regulation, the traffic light cycle flash usually reaches 150 180 seconds, which leads to traffic congestion and involuntary time loss. The extremely long cycles of manual traffic light control are explained by the fact that the controller tries to pass through the intersection during the activation of one green signal all the remaining ones before, and even those that only come to the intersection.

For a long time, the most common type of automatic traffic light control was isolated. This type of regulation, compared to manual, allows you to set the modes of operation of traffic lights, significantly reducing the delays of vehicles at urban transport nodes. However, the reduction of vehicles at regulated crossings in this case remains an important economic task. The importance of the rational organization of the movement can also be judged by the following comparison. If the relative fuel consumption when driving on a suburban highway is taken as 1, then for urban main streets it is 1.2, and for central flows of cities - 2.58.

More progressive than isolated are coordinated regulation. The essence of which is that a relationship is established between a number of traffic light objects, which ensures the inclusion of green signals at the moments of approach of ordered groups of vehicles moving at a certain design speed.

The successful implementation of coordinated regulation in domestic cities was facilitated by the theoretical development of the Academy of Public Utilities named after K.D. Panfilov, the project office "Mosgortransproekt." The passenger transport department of the Moscow City Executive Committee and the special design bureau "Promavtomatika" (Omsk)

Systems for coordinated regulation of vehicle traffic on the highway are divided into synchronous and progressive.

In synchronous coordinated control systems, signals change at all intersections simultaneously. Two types of these systems are used - a synchronous system with simultaneous supply of the same-name signals of traffic lights of the same activity and a synchronous system with simultaneous supply of the same-name signals of traffic lights of the same activity at adjacent intersections.

Progressive systems of coordinated regulation are divided into three types: a rigid progressive system, a flexible progressive system "Green Wave" and a flexible progressive system with an automatic changing control mode depending on traffic intensity.

The introduction of coordinated regulation on the city highway not only increases speed and reduces the number of stops of vehicles, but also contributes to the prevention of accidents. This is due to the fact that the speed of vehicles becomes more uniform, since some drivers reduce it in order to drive to the beginning of the green traffic light, and others driving at low speed are forced to accelerate traffic in order to avoid stopping before the red traffic light.

Safe traffic is also ensured due to the fact that groups of vehicles approach traffic lights when they already have a green signal on and the possibility of collision with ahead crews is reduced to a minimum.

With coordinated regulation, the level of street noise is reduced, fuel is saved, the life of the material part of cars is increased, the gas content of the city's air basin harmful to human health is reduced.

2.2 Design of coordinated traffic regulation

Coordination of the work of traffic lights is advisable when the distance between them does not exceed 700 meters. When calculating coordination, the conditions and methods of introducing individual periods into the traffic light cycle for turning powerful traffic flows to the left should be studied.

The design should take into account vehicles that do not withstand the design speed, as well as turning from adjacent streets to the main line.

If the individual crossroads of the main line are very close to each other, then the distance between the dividing points can provide movement, that is, at a calculated speed only with very short and practically unacceptable traffic light control cycles. In this case, it is necessary to increase the distance between dividing points to values ​ ​ of at least 150 meters or more of adjacent groups of traffic light objects - signals of opposite value. As a result, we will have a graph of a mixed synchronous control system.

To control traffic lights and introduce coordinated traffic control, we use the universal road controller KDU1.

2.2.1 Controller Road Universal CDU 1

CDU controller 1 is used for switching of signals of traffic lights and signals of controlled multi-position signs and speed indicators at the local intersection.

The Controller shall ensure by programming the implementation of any traffic management scheme that complies with traffic rules.

The controller switches cycles according to programs stored in his permanent memory.

The controller reports the current time and day of the week by the built-in timer with a maximum daily error of not more than 2 seconds. In case of loss of mains power, the internal timer is connected to the built-in self-contained power supply, which provides its passage for 8 days.

The Controller ensures that the daily and weekly schedules can be switched over.

The controller provides manual switching of the controller from the internal program operation mode to the yellow blinking mode.

The controller provides connection of CP 1 diagnostics panel for output of the following service information:

- current time

- current day of the week

- number of the stroke to be worked out

- duration of operating stroke

- when the causes of the controller emergency stop (red bulbs burning, network voltage on green lamps in non-operating cycles, short circuit on the output line)

- time and day of week of emergency stop controller

In addition, using the diagnostic panel, the current time value is corrected.

The controller provides setting of duration of any cycles in the range from 1 to 128 seconds with discreteness of 1 second. Error of setting of temporary cycles is not more than 2%.

Maximum output current for any output group is not more than 3A.

Maximum power consumption is not more than 30 W.

Overall dimensions 470 * 340 * 160mm.

Weight is not more than 15 kg.

Mean time between failures 10000 hour.

Average recovery time 1 hour.

Average service life is 8 years.

Fire Vehicle Traffic Safety

3.1. Classification of accidents with fire engines, causes and measures to prevent them

5.1.1. Accidents with fire engines include cases of traffic accidents and their failures to work, which arose during the performance of operational and service tasks.

The failure of the fire truck is a violation of its operability, leading to the cessation of operational and service tasks.

5.1.2. The main types of accidents with fire engines are:

- collisions;

- overturning;

- hitting pedestrians.

The causes of these accidents are:

Violation of the rules governing the passage of intersections;

- improper selection of speed, failure to take or untimely taking measures to reduce speed or stop;

- violation of overtaking rules;

- other incidents.

5.1.3. Work to prevent accidents in the bodies of the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan is organized by the commanders of the departments, heads of guards (shifts), heads of units, heads of Federal State University and their deputies, and in the department (department, group) of fire equipment and communications equipment - by the leadership and engineering and inspection staff according to functional duties.

5.1.4.The main measures to prevent accidents are:

- maintaining in the units proper discipline, organization and high responsibility of all personnel for fixed equipment;

- Ensuring accurate compliance with the "Rules of the Road of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and recommendations for driving in special conditions;

- examination by drivers of routes and location of water sources in the area of the unit exit;

- instructing drivers and commanders of departments before taking up duty and performing tasks;

- thorough investigation of the causes and adoption of specific measures for each accident with fire cars, identification and elimination of the causes contributing to the accidents;

- Timely and high-quality maintenance of vehicles;

- compliance with the established procedure for allowing drivers to control fire cars;

- Suspension of undisciplinary and untrained drivers from driving, as well as medically unsuitable drivers.

- Holding technical conferences discussing best practices in use, maintenance, accident-free operation and encouraging personnel to make progress in operating fire engines without incident;

- Restriction of the use of business cars and trucks on weekends and holidays;

- systematic compilation and implementation of positive experience in operation of fire-fighting vehicles;

- Regular classes with drivers to study the rules of the road, the material part of cars and to improve the practical skills of driving fire cars in difficult road conditions, as well as working with special units.

5.1.5. Measures to prevent accidents with regular vehicles of the Federal State University are developed by the department (department, group) of fire equipment and communications, and are included in a separate section in the work plan of the Federal State University.

5.1.6. The absence of accidents, breakdowns and faults in the combat operation of cars in the units does not exclude the need for constant work to prevent them.

5.2. Official investigation of accidents with fire engines

5.2.1. The official investigation is carried out in accordance with the procedure for investigating accidents involving the traffic police of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5.2.2. An official investigation of road accidents is carried out in each case of an accident that occurred with the participation of motor vehicles of the fire service of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During the official check of accidents with injuries of people, representatives of the Federal State University, traffic police, chiefs (deputy chiefs) and senior drivers of the Federal State University units should be involved .

5.2.3. Based on the materials of the official investigation, the head, on whose instructions the investigation was carried out, takes measures to eliminate the causes of traffic accidents and the conditions conducive to them .

5.3. Accounting and reporting of traffic accidents in the fire service.

5.3.1. Road traffic accidents are recorded:

- in the Federal State Institution - in the register of accidents and measures taken to prevent them (annex 39);

- in divisions - in the fire truck logbook.

Data on accidents entered in the register are checked at least once a quarter with the data of the traffic police of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5.3.2. On all accidents, breakdowns and failures of fire equipment, the heads of units are obliged to send a report to the SP and RSA (Annex 40).

5.3.3. FSU compiles an annual report on accidents with motor vehicles (annex 41) and together with an explanatory note (on the facts of injuries) submit it to the SP and RSA of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan until January 10 of the next reporting year (together with the annual report according to the schedule).

5.4. Traffic safety rooms.

5.4.1. In FSU divisions, traffic safety rooms are equipped in specially designated rooms.

The tasks of traffic safety rooms are:

- study, synthesis, promotion and implementation of the latest scientific, technical and best practices in ensuring traffic safety of firefighters, operational cars and trucks;

- Improvement of professional knowledge and skills of drivers;

- familiarization of commanding officers, drivers and repair workers with the requirements of regulations relating to the safety of vehicles.

5.4.2. Traffic safety rooms in the subdivisions are equipped in accordance with the recommended list of equipment and devices (annex 42).

The acquisition (manufacture) of equipment, devices, visual aids, special literature and other property for traffic safety rooms is carried out at the expense of the national budget or independently by divisions.

Visual aids, exhibits, equipment and other equipment of the traffic safety cabinet are systematized according to the following sections:

- Analysis of road traffic accidents;

- Training and legal education of drivers;

- driver discipline;

- technical condition of vehicles: units and units affecting traffic safety;

- Promotion and exchange of experience of the best drivers.

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