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Diploma in Gas TSP of Livny

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1. The project Gas supply of the city of Livny, Oryol Region, with the design of a multifunctional boiler house, was carried out on the basis of a design task.

Project's Content

icon 1Архитектура.doc
icon 3ТСП.doc
icon 4 Экономика МОЯЯ.docx
icon 5 Экология городской среды.docx
icon 6МОЯ БЖДШКА.doc
icon Ливны немех.прач.диплом.xls
icon Ливны баня диплом.xls
icon Ливны больница диплом.xls
icon Ливны дезинф.диплом.xls
icon Ливны диплом.xls
icon Ливны диплом1.xls
icon Ливны прач.диплом.xls
icon Ливны родильные диплом.xls
icon Ливны столовая диплом.xls
icon Ливны хлебзавод диплом.xls
icon анотация.doc
icon Введение_р.doc
icon Калькуляция ТСП.doc
icon Калькуляция ТСП2.doc
icon мо123.docx
icon мой микрорайон.bak
icon мой микрорайон.dwg
icon Рецензия_ Слепых Э...пример(1).doc
icon СМ газовые сети.xls
icon Содержание.doc
icon Список литературы ПЕРЕРАБОТАННЫЙ.doc
icon Список литературы.doc
icon Сравнение экономика.docx
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon Фамили.docx

Additional information




1 Architectural, construction and structural


Source Data

1.2 Main natural and climatic characteristics of the construction area

1.3 Volume Planning Solution

1.3.1 Roof structure

1.3.2 Insulation layers

1.3.4 Heat Engineering Calculation

1.3.5 Fire fighting measures

2 Gas supply and automation, operation and

reconstruction of engineering systems

2.1 Determination of gaseous fuel properties

2.2 Determination of the number of network GRP

2.3 Determination of gas consumption by city consumers

2.4 Consumption of gas in apartments

2.5 Small Utilities

2.6 Gas consumption in consumer service enterprises

2.7 Annual gas consumption at catering facilities

2.8 Gas consumption in health facilities

2.9 Calculation of annual gas consumption for bakeries and bakeries

2.1.1 Boiler room

2.1.2 Determination of hourly and specific gas flow rate

2.1.3 Calculation of heat and fuel requirements

2.1.4 Justification of route selection

2.1.5 Calculation of medium pressure network

2.1.6 Hydraulic calculation of distribution network

low pressure

2.1.7 Calculation of internal house gas pipeline

2.1.8 Boiler plants

2.1.9 Heat Demand

2.2.1 Heat Demand for Production Needs

2.2.2 Process Fuel Consuming Plants

2.2.3 Use of fuel and heat secondary resources

2.2.4 Calculation of boiler room GRPP equipment

2.2.5 Filter

2.2.6 Safety shut-off valve (BSV)

2.2.7 Pressure regulator

2.2.8 Safety relief valve (UCS)

2.2.9 Gas metering unit

2.3.1 Calculation of blast valves

2.3.2 Calculation of boiler room pipe height

2.3.3 Boiler Room Automation

3 Technology and organization of construction production

3.1 Sequence of works

3.2 Determination of trench earth structure parameters at

laying of gas pipeline

3.3 Breakdown of gas pipeline into grips

3.4 Determination of excavation scope for trench

3.5 Determination of excavation volumes for start and finish pits

3.6 Selection of a set of soil mining machines

3.7 Selection of earthworks option

3.8 Laying of gas pipeline in trench, installation of equipment for

puncture devices

3.9 Construction of hourly schedule of works execution

3.1.1 Composition of accepted sets of machines and equipment

3.1.2 Work Schedule

3.1.3 Organization of warehouses and temporary buildings

3.1.4 Quality Control and Safety

4 Economics of TG systems

4.1 Feasibility Comparison of Options

4.2 Determination of estimated cost in local and object

cost estimates and consolidated cost estimates

4.3 Local cost estimate

4.4 Technical and economic indicators

5 Protection of the air pool

5.1 General data

5.2 Assessment of the modern state of the environment in the area of the facility

5.3 Characterization of the plant as a source of pollution


5.4 Brief description of physical, geographical and climatic conditions of the area and construction site

5.5 Nature, scope and intensity of the intended impact of the designed object on the environmental components during operation

5.6 Calculation of dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere

5.7 Determination of limits of impact zones and boiler house influence zones

6 Life Safety

6.1 Organization of safe working conditions at the construction site

to the platform

6.2 Fencing of construction area

6.3 Definition of hazardous areas

6.4 Occupational Safety Instruction for Crane Drivers

6.5 Safety requirements before starting operation

6.6 Safety requirements during operation

6.7 Emergency Safety Requirements

6.8 Safety requirements upon completion of operation

6.9 Nature, scope and intensity of expected impact of multifunctional boiler house on environmental components during operation

6.1.1 Calculation of dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere

6.1.2 Determining the boundaries of the impact zones and the influence zones of the boiler house

6.1.3Molnieprotection of boiler room

6.1.4 Building lightning protection and protection area calculation

6.1.5 Fire fighting measures

List of sources used

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix I

Appendix K

Appendix L

Appendix M

Appendix H

Appendix P


The gas supply project of the city of Livny, Oryol Region, with the design of a multifunctional boiler house, was carried out on the basis of a design task.

This project has developed a two-stage gas supply scheme.

The circuit includes low and medium pressure networks.

The source of gas supply is the existing GRS. The pressure at the outlet of the GPU is 0.3 MPa. Gas pressure at the point of connection to the gas distribution network, design is 0.3MPa. To reduce the pressure from an average of 0.3MPa to a low of 0.0013MPa, there is an installation of a gas control station in the amount of 4 pieces.

To reduce the gas pressure from the middle (0, ZMPa) to the middle (0.02MPa), a gas control point of the cabinet with the main and reserve reduction line GRPSH132HU1 with the gas pressure regulator RDG50N is provided.

Unit GRPSH132NU1 with gas pressure regulator RDG50N is provided on the outer wall of the designed multifunctional boiler room. Blowing-off and waste gas pipelines are provided in GRPSh132NU1.

Gas is supplied to the boiler house from the external medium pressure gas pipeline.

The boiler house has 4 Vitoplex 100 hot water boilers and 1 Vitomax 200 steam boiler. Boilers have efficiency = 95%.

Combustion products are discharged through a chimney located on the north side of the boiler house.

The boiler room is provided with mechanical plenum and exhaust ventilation, which provides 3-fold air exchange, without taking into account the air necessary for combustion. Exhaust fans are selected with power margin. In the event of an accident in the boiler room, they switch to high speed and remove air in 10 times the volume .

Fuel redundancy is not provided for by the design, since the boiler room does not belong to the first category.

Materials of gas pipelines accepted:

for internal gas supply - electric welded straight-joint as per GOST 10705 - 80 (group B); for external gas supply - polyethylene.

Automation of the boiler room is provided.

The technical and economic comparison of variants is given.

It is calculated in local and object estimates and a consolidated estimate of the cost of construction of gas pipeline networks.

The network and consumption schedules of labor and material and technical resources for the construction of the gas pipeline in this locality were calculated.

Scattering of pollutants in the atmosphere was calculated.

The duties of the employee, employer and the state, as well as safety requirements during the construction of the facility are listed.


Improvement, intensification and automation of technological processes lead to the need to improve the quality of consumable heat carriers. Natural gas meets these requirements most than other fuels.

The rational use of gaseous fuel with the greatest realization of its technological advantages allows to obtain a significant economic effect, which is associated with an increase in the efficiency of the units and a decrease in fuel consumption, easier regulation of temperature fields and the composition of the gas medium in the working space of boiler plants, as a result of which it is possible to significantly increase the production intensity and quality of the obtained products. The use of natural gas as a fuel makes it possible to significantly improve the living conditions of the population, increase the sanitary and hygienic level of production and improve the air pool in cities.

In our difficult times, with a troubled crisis economy, the construction of new industrial facilities is very difficult, if at all possible. But at any time, in any economic situation, there are a number of industries without the development of which the normal functioning of the national economy is impossible, it is impossible to provide the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for the population. Such industries include energy, which provides comfortable living conditions for the population both in everyday life and in production.

Most of the gas is burned in heat generators for heating and hot water supply, therefore, their efficiency in using the generated heat and gas consumption will depend to a greater extent.

In heating and hot water supply systems, about 70% of individual heat generators and boilers of low power operate on solid fuel. In the coverage of household heat loads of rural settlements, the share of heating furnaces is large. Currently, domestic enterprises manufacture a fairly wide range of gas-powered devices, but their operating parameters are lower than foreign ones. Increasing their efficiency will make it possible to save 2-3 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year.

The growth of gas consumption in cities, towns and rural areas, as well as the scale of distribution networks, pose new and difficult tasks for gas engineers related to the development and reconstruction of systems, improving their reliability, and protecting the air basin.

The use of natural gas as a fuel has a number of advantages over other fuels:

• The cost of natural gas production is significantly lower than other fuels.

• Labor productivity in its production is significantly higher than in coal and oil production.

• High heat of combustion, makes it advisable to transport gas through main pipelines over considerable distances.

• Complete combustion is ensured and working conditions of maintenance personnel are facilitated.

• The absence of carbon monoxide in natural gases prevents the possibility of poisoning during gas leaks, which is especially important when supplying gas to utility and household consumers.

• Gas supply of cities and settlements significantly improves the state of their air basin.

Of course, there are shortcomings and negative properties of the explosion - and the fire hazard of natural gas, but all this does not reduce all the advantages of natural gas.

1.2 Main natural and climatic characteristics of the construction area

Characteristics of natural conditions for this construction area:

- I Climatic area for construction - II B;

- Wind pressure area - II;

- Standard value of wind pressure - 30 kg/m2;

- Area by snow loads -III;

- Design value of snow cover weight 180 kg/m2;

- Design ambient temperature for the most

cold five days with security of 0.92 (26) ° С.

1.3 Volume Planning Solution

The multifunctional boiler house is a building made according to a frame scheme. The supporting frame of the frame building is transverse reinforced concrete frames and longitudinal elements connecting them. Static work of frame is frame-link.

The building is one-story.

The dimensions of the building along the axes (1-5) 24 m, (A-B) 12 m.

Total height 5.345 m.

The area of ​ ​ the boiler room is 288 m2.

The total building area of ​ ​ the site is 391 m2.

The multifunctional boiler room is provided on a foundation of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slab arranged on a sandcap 1100 mm thick.

The foundation for the chimney is columnar monolithic reinforced concrete.

The building is equipped with a plastic door of 2780x2500 mm, which provides free installation of boilers, two plastic doors of 2100x1050 mm.

Twelve 1800x1000 mm windows and twelve 1200x1800 mm windows function as easy-to-throw structures.

The ratio of window area to space volume is

28.1 m2/1540 m3 = 0,031 (3.1%), which meets the requirements of SNiP II3576, rev.1, para. 3.16 [52].

The designed boiler house has a single architectural and compositional solution of the facades, and is also inscribed in the existing building. The boiler building is made of economical structures and finishing materials.

Internal surfaces of enclosing structures of rooms are painted with moisture-resistant paints in light tones.

In boiler rooms with obvious excess heat, the heat transfer resistance of external enclosing structures is not normalized, with the exception of enclosing structures of the zone with permanent stay of the workers (to a height of 2.4 m).

Window bindings are designed with single glazing. The area and placement of window openings in the external walls is determined based on the condition of natural illumination, as well as taking into account the requirements of aeration, to provide the necessary area of ​ ​ opening openings. The coefficient of natural illumination at lateral illumination in boiler buildings and structures is taken equal to 0.5, except for automation boards, for which this coefficient is taken equal to 1.5, which meets the requirements of SNiP II3576 [52].

The coefficient of natural illumination of the rooms of separate water treatment plants is adopted in accordance with the construction codes and rules for the design of external water supply networks and structures. Permissible sound pressure levels and sound levels at permanent workplaces and at control and control boards are accepted in accordance with Sanitary Standards for Design of Industrial Enterprises.

The selection of carriers in the enclosing structures of buildings and boiler houses is made in accordance with the Technical Rules for the economical consumption of basic construction materials.

The facades of boiler buildings are painted with silicate, perchlorovinyl and other resistant paints. Structures of channels, floors and foundations for equipment are designed for loads from movement and provide the possibility of free movement of lifting mechanisms.

1.3.1 Roof structure

The roofing of welded roll materials shall be arranged in accordance with the pre-developed measures for fire protection and fire safety control during construction and installation works, as well as in accordance with SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings" [13], and the "Guidelines for the use of welded roll materials in roofs" bitulin HP I 170 "and" 50 bitulin. "

Roofing works are performed by specialized teams under the technical supervision and supervision of engineering technicians. The roof can be installed at ambient air temperature up to 20 ˚S and in the absence of snowfall, ice and snow.

The following shall be performed and accepted prior to the commencement of insulation works:

- all construction and installation works in isolated areas, including grouting of seams between prefabricated plates, installation and fixation of branch pipes and cups for passage of engineering equipment, unsepted wooden bars for fixation of insulation layers and protective aprons;

- base for roof on all surfaces, including cornice sections of roofs and places of adjoining structural elements protruding above the roof. The contact of roofing materials with solvents, oil, oil, animal fats is not allowed.

If the materials are exposed to a long-term temperature below 15 ˚S, then before use they must be kept for four hours at a temperature of 15 ˚S to 25 ˚S.

The base for the roof is a cement sand brace from M100 mortar. Temperature shrinkage seams with a width of 510 mm are arranged in the brace, dividing the brace into sections of not more than 6x6 m.

Put 150200 mm wide strips of "HP I 170 bitulin" with coarse-grained sprinkling down on the seams and glue them pointwise on one side of the seam.

In places of roofing adjoining walls and other structural elements, transition sides are made at an angle of 45˚ with height of not less than 100 mm from cement sand mortar. The walls in these places should be plastered with solutions M 50.

After laying the bracing, the roof is primed with a composition of grade V bitumen and kerosene prepared in a ratio of 1:3 (by weight). The primer is applied either with a sprayer or with brushes. Primer consumption is 0.30.5 kg/m2. Before applying the insulation layers, the base must be dry and not dusty.

1.3.2 Insulation layers

Roofing carpet is made of two layers of built-up ruberoids:

- top layer of "Bitulin HP I 170" roll material with polyester fiber base.

- lower layer of "bitulin class I 50."

In places of height differences of roofs, abutments to parapets, walls and others, additional layers of "HP I 170 bitulin" with coarse-grained sprinkling are needed. Endova is reinforced by a width of 500750 mm (from the bend line) by a single layer of "bitulin HP I 170," glued to the base under the roll carpet along the longitudinal edges.

When sticking insulation layers, the longitudinal and transverse overlapping of adjacent panels shall be at least 80100 mm. Use "elastosil" sealing mastic, UT32 for sealing of roofing carpet abutments. Galvanized roof steel 0.6 mm thick GOST 1990490 [15] is used for compensators of deformation joints, finishing of eaves overhangs.

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