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Diploma - 16-storey house.


Diploma of Moscow State University. The house is a two-section prefabricated panel. 16 floors. The average floor area is about 367 m2, the living area is 78-77 square meters. There are calculations of LBC.

Project's Content

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Additional information


After a long stagnation in industry since 1997, the city of Ryazan tended to increase the number of new jobs. The stabilization of the economic situation of the population caused an increase in demand for housing.

The Ryazan City Council, headed by the mayor of the city of Ryazan, decided to resume financing one of the most important branches of the city economy - capital construction of housing.

The region has its own factories of reinforced concrete products and brick factories, so the main direction of design was the construction of residential buildings from prefabricated reinforced concrete and residential brick houses.

This diploma project considers a residential 16-storey large-panel house. The advantages of such a house over brick is that, subject to the technology of construction, it is not inferior in strength to monolithic and even more brick, as well as the construction time of such a residential building is shorter than houses with brick structures. The construction of this residential building involves less labor and capital investments than the construction of a residential brick house.

The site allocated for this construction does not require any special foundation design. Soil has design resistance not lower than R = 235 MPa mainly loam and sand. Small foundation foundations are accepted.

The main structural system is a wall with transverse internal bearing walls. The spacing of the walls is accepted: 3.0m and 3.6m. Slabs are laid on a room, which avoids neat seams on the ceiling. External wall enclosing structures are represented by hinged three-layer panels with effective insulation. As well as the latest technologies will increase the architectural expressiveness of the facades and diversify the face of the city streets.

Modern construction materials will allow the construction of buildings of increased comfort .

The new district will not only solve the housing problem of many citizens, but also create additional school, preschool and jobs.

Architectural part

Master Plan

The projected starting 16-storey 2-section residential building is located in the new microdistrict of the city of Ryazan.

The construction site is located in the middle part of the quarter, which is bounded by Moskovsky Shosse and Vesennaya Street

On the territory of the quarter there are already two modern 16-story buildings.

The relief of the site is calm. The relief organization project provides for the natural drainage of water from the territory of a residential building. Improvement elements use asphalt pavement for driveways and tile pavement for sidewalks and pavements.

Around the perimeter of the building, gravity drainage is provided from 15 wells with water discharge to the city storm sewer.

In the quarter there are CTP, TP, main (for residents) and guest parking for 40 cars.

The area under construction covers almost 8892m2, including landscaping areas, playgrounds and parking areas for cars.

The building under construction covers an area of ​ ​ 730.52 m2 and has an orientation of the main facade to the north-east, which corresponds to the meridional orientation, which provides the longest solar insulation of the building of the second climatic region.

The master plan complex includes a playground for children, which is provided with the necessary elements for children's games. Near the playground there is a platform for drying laundry and knocking out carpets, which occupies 60 m2.

Master Plan Technical and Economic Indicators

Area - 8892m2

Building area - 731m2

Landscaping area - 4060m2

Area of roads and paved sites - 4100m2

Building factor - 0.08

Territory utilization rate - 0.54

Greening coefficient - 0.46

Architectural and Planning Solution

A 16-storey 2-section residential building was designed according to a typical design in prefabricated structures for 128 apartments. Including:

• 2 rooms - 64 or 50%

• 3 rooms - 64 or 50%

Each section has an unnamed staircase with ventilation shafts and two elevators with a lifting capacity of 630 and 400 kg - one passenger cargo, the other passenger, leaving the elevator hall, separated from the corridors by partitions with doors.

In both sections, a garbage duct is designed, placed in near elevators with intake valves on each floor and a garbage chamber in the basement room, which has access to the courtyard.

Apartments designed in accordance with SNiP requirements

Access to the balcony or loggia is provided in each apartment. The apartments provide for the location of separate bathrooms. Kitchens and bathrooms with larger sizes are designed.

Bearing walls are arranged so that they separate apartments from corridors and from each other, increasing comfort in terms of sound insulation.

On the technical floor there are elevator rooms. Elevator rooms do not have adjacent walls with living spaces.

The house is equipped with two separate entrances facing the courtyard, one for each section, through which residents get to the first floor. The height of the floor is 2.8m from floor to floor.

Water enters the building through the central water supply of the microdistrict, sewerage is connected to the central sewerage network of the city, as well as all other engineering networks of the building.

Building characteristics:

Durability - II

Degree of fire resistance - I

Building class - II

Orientation is meridional.

The ratio of the working (residential) area of ​ ​ apartments to the total (useful) will be:

K1 = 5120/9024 = 0.57

K1 values correspond to standard: K1 (0.50.75)

The construction volume of the above-ground part of the building is 35453m3. Then the coefficient characterizing the economic efficiency of the building, equal to the ratio of the building volume to its living area, will be equal to:

K2 = 35453/5120 = 6.92 m3/sq.m

The compactness factor of the plan, equal to the ratio of the perimeter of the outer walls to the total area, is:

K3 = 136.2 m/730.8 m2 = 0.186 m/m2 (norm. K3 = 0,160,25).

Coefficient characterizing the degree of saturation of the building plan with vertical structures, equal to the ratio of the structural area of ​ ​ the vertical structure to the building development area:

K4 = 74.2/730.8 = 0.11 (norm. K4 = 0,10,2).

Technical - economic indicators by object:

Construction volume - 35453 m.kub.

The given total area (with public) is 11696 m.kv.

The total area of ​ ​ apartments given is 9024 m2.

The reduced living area is 5120 m2.

The total area excluding summer premises is 9568 square meters.

The area of ​ ​ summer premises is 1088 m2.

The ratio of the construction volume to the reduced total area is 48.51

Ratio of the outer wall area to the total area given - 0.06

Number of people settled - 448 people

The total area per population is 26.1 persons/person

Architectural and structural solution of the building

The designed building has 16 floors. It is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete and has a arceless scheme with transverse and longitudinal bearing walls. The main pitch of the transverse bearing walls is 3.0-3.6 m. Enclosing structures - curtain wall panels made of ceramic concrete.

The accepted structural diagram of the building provides strength, rigidity and stability at the erection stage and during operation under the action of all design loads and impacts.

Two transverse inner walls are designed with separate panels, the inner longitudinal walls are arranged so as to combine the transverse walls if possible. Vertical loads from floors are perceived and transmitted to the foundation of the base by transverse and longitudinal walls at the same time.

A prefabricated reinforced concrete foundation is designed under the building. Foundation base at elevation 155.20 (- 3.30). The base, according to Geotrest, is composed of refractory loams with sands of sand and sands that are dusty, medium-density, wet, as well as large-shell sands. The groundwater level is located at a depth of 7.9 m. Design soil resistance of the base is accepted as 2.50 kN/mq. on the weakest soil - the sands are dusty.

Basement walls located on the soil side shall be protected by continuous dressing waterproofing, roll waterproofing is arranged under the basement floor. First of all, an external pond is arranged to divert atmospheric water from the territory of the construction site. After the construction of the underground part, arrange a waterproof pavement with a width of at least 1.0 m.

Under all foundation slabs we arrange concrete preparation with thickness of 100mm from concrete of class B7.5.

Floors are covered by slabs per room resting on three sides. The floor consists of one-layer solid plates with a thickness of 140 mm, factory made. Loggium slabs have a non-rectangular shape, also factory-made from frost-resistant concrete.

Load-bearing walls are connected to each other by above-opening bridges and slab disk.

For the mark of 0.000, the level of the clean floor of the first floor is conditionally accepted.

The following floor structures are provided in this project:

Living rooms, aisles - panel parquet on mastic with cement cloth bracing and soundproofing slabs.

Kitchen - linoleum on mastic in terms of cement cloth bracing and soundproofing slabs.

Bathrooms - ceramic tiles on cement sand mortar, waterproofing on polystyrene foam slabs.

Staircases-ceramic tiles on cement sand mortar.

Loggia - ceramic tiles on cement sand mortar.

Horizontal roof with internal drain is designed. It is made of the following layers:

protective layer of gravel buried in heated layer of roll material

• three layers of frizole

• polyethylene film

• 10 cm polystyrene foam

• vapor insulation - 1 layer of polyethylene film

• leveling cement - sand bracing

• concrete insulated paving slab.

Stairs are made of prefabricated elements.

Tape foundation - prefabricated railway blocks and basement panels with a thickness of 500 mm.

External walls - railway curtain panels with insulation from mineral wool mats and a ceramic concrete bearing layer, factory made with a thickness of 325 mm.

Internal load-bearing walls - prefabricated railway plates 180mm

Partitions - brick - 120 mm

Slabs - prefabricated single-layer solid slabs with a thickness of 140 mm.

Openings window-binding double, paired, painted with oil paint

Door openings - wooden, factory made

Central heating-steel pipes, radiators-cast iron section type.

The calculations on thermal, lighting and acoustic parameters of the given structures are given below.

Building Finishes

We do not produce interior decoration of apartments.

Only general-purpose rooms are to be finished: maintenance, common corridors, staircases, elevator halls and the lobby.

1. Technical sub-field - cement - whitewash - whitewash

2. common corridors, elevator halls, lobby - ceramic tiles - decorative plaster - water-emulsion painting

3.Glossy cells ceramic tiles - polymer cement color - oil color.

attic, technical rooms - cement - whitewash - whitewash.

We finish the facades with torcret - mortar, then we paint with the necessary color.

Fire fighting measures

Building of I degree of fire resistance. The adopted main building structures - non-combustible, provide fire resistance limits provided for in Table 1 of SNiP 2.01.0285 "Fire Standards."

Floors and coverings, stairways - prefabricated reinforced concrete. Evacuation is carried out along the smoke-free staircase of the 2nd type with air overpressure. The stairs are naturally illuminated through windows in the outer walls. Sections are separated from each other by fire walls. Elevator halls are separated from floor corridors by non-burning partitions with doors with narrows. The basement has two dispersed evacuation exits to the street. Basement ventilation is carried out by special ventilation blows. The building provides smoke removal from corridors on each floor in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0586 and fire cranes. The corridor is divided by fire partitions of the 2nd type standing at a distance of 13 m.

Stairs go to the roof. Clearance of not less than 10 mm width is provided between stairs marches. In the attics of the building there are exits to the roof, equipped with a stationary staircase.

All apartments have loggia. On the loggia are equipped with fire stairs.

Lightning protection is provided on the roof.

Staircase doors - self-closing, with seals.

The evacuation exit is the exit of the first floor directly through the lobby.

The ring passage around the building is designed with a width of 4.5m at a distance of 810m from the walls of the house.

Environmental measures after construction

The designed residential building does not require special environmental measures. The discharge of internal effluents is provided for in the city fecal sewage network. Storm water removal from the territory is carried out by closed drainage to the city drainage system. A possible source of noise inside the building is elevator and air conditioning plants. To reduce noise from elevator installations, measures recommended by the specifications for the installation of elevators are provided, the structures of elevator installations are cut off from the load-bearing structures of the building.

After the completion of construction, landscaping work is provided.

Site landscaping

Tree planting: landscaping of the site is provided for by the following types of tree species:

• ordinary linden

• Siberian larch

• common mountain ash

• different types of shrubs

It is also provided to bring the vegetable layer and where it is necessary to sow lawn grass.

The total area of ​ ​ lawns is about 2834 m2

Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

Heat engineering calculation is performed in accordance with SniPom II379 * "Construction heat engineering. Design Standards. " We calculate layered constructions consisting of several layers located parallel to the external surfaces of the fence.

We determine the resistance to heat transfer of the wall of a residential building in Ryazan in a panel of expanded concrete with a thickness of 0.235m, a mineral wool hard plate on a synthetic and bitumen binder with a thickness of 0.05m and a textured layer of plaster with a thickness of 0.04m.

The characteristics of the materials are given in the figure .

According to the table of Appendix 3 given in SNiP (gr. B) we find for normal operating conditions; = 0.41 m2 * C0/W, = 0.06 m2 * C0/W, = 0, 93m2 * C0/W.

By the formula

Where R = 0,114 m2 * C0/W - for walls, floors and smooth ceilings of heated buildings;

R = 0.04 m2 * C0/W - for walls and beads of attic floors

= 0,114,+,0,235/0,41,+,0,05/0,06,+,0,04/0,93,+,0,04 = 1, 58m2 * C0/W

We will determine whether the wall of the residential building meets the climatic conditions of Ryazan with thermophysical requirements

We determine the thermal inertia characteristic of the wall by the formula

D=R *s +R *s +R *s

Here, according to CNiP, for the plaster layer s = 10.05 W/m2 * C0, R = 0,043 m2 * C0/W, for the insulation layer s = 0.48 W/m2 * C0, R = 0.83 m2 * C0/W, for the ceramic concrete = 5.93 + 3.84/2 = 4.88 W/m2 * C0, R = 0.57 * M2/C0

D = 10.05 * 0,043,+,0,48 * 0.83 + 4.88 * 0.57 = 3.61 i.e. wall refers to medium-massive structures.

We determine the required wall resistance to Rtr0 heat transfer = (tvtn) * n/tn*rv

Rtp0 = (18 + 27) * 1/4 * 0,114 * 1.1 = 1.41 m2 * C0/W, where 1, 1 increasing factor;

Since R0 = 1.58 m2 * C0/W > Rt0 = 1.41 m2 * C0/W, the wall therefore satisfies the climatic conditions of Ryazan.

Check the possibility of water vapour condensate falling on the inner surface of the outer walls if relative humidity of the inner air

= 60%, tv = + 18oC, tn = -27oC

By these calculations we have R0=1.58 m2*os/W

= tv - (tv - tn) * Rv/R about =18 (18+27) * 0.114/1.58=14.80C

According to Construction Norms and Regulations we find corresponding to temperature +18os value of a limit of elasticity E =20.6kpa

At relative humidity of internal air = 60% actual elasticity of water vapour e = 20.6 * 0.6 = 12, 3kPa. Therefore, the temperature for which the water vapor elasticity is 12.3kPa is maximum and will be the dew point.

According to Construction Norms and Regulations we find that the elasticity of 12.3 kPa corresponds to temperature a dew point of =10.2 wasps. Since the temperature of the inner surface of the outer wall corresponds to a temperature of = 14.8 ° C, i.e. higher than the dew point, there will therefore be no condensation of water vapors on the inner surface of the wall.

In addition to the outer wall, there is contact of the floor with the outside air, so we calculate this section of the fence.

We determine the heat transfer resistance of the slab section of a residential building in Ryazan in a package of reinforced concrete with a thickness of 0.22m, a mineral wool hard plate on a synthetic and bitumen binder with a thickness of 0.12m and a textured layer of plaster with a thickness of 0.015m.

The characteristics of the materials are given in the figure .

According to the table of Appendix 3 given in SNiP (gr. B) we find for normal operating conditions; = 2.04 m2 * C0/W, = 0.06 m2 * C0/W, = 0, 93m2 * C0/W.

By the formula

Where R = 0,114 m2 * C0/W - for walls, floors and smooth ceilings of heated buildings;

R = 0.08 m2 * C0/W - for attic floors

= 0,114,+,0,22/2,04,+,0,12/0,06,+,0,015/0,93,+,0,08 = 2, 42m2 * C0/W

We will determine whether this structure of the residential building overlap meets the climatic conditions of Ryazan with thermophysical requirements

We determine the thermal inertia characteristic of the wall by the formula

D=R *s +R *s +R *s

Here according to SNiP, for the plaster layer s = 10.05 W/m2 * C0, R = 0,016 m2 * C0/W, for the insulation layer s = 0.48 W/m2 * C0, R = 2.0 m2 * C0/W, for reinforced concrete

s = 18.95 W/m2 * C0, R = 0,012 m2 * C0/W

D = 10.05 * 0,016,+,0,48 * 2.0 + 18.95 * 0,012 = 1.35 i.e. overlap refers to medium-mass structures.

We determine the required resistance of the site of overlapping to Rtr0 heat transfer = (tvtn) * n/tn*rv

Rtp0 = (18 + 27) * 0.75/2 * 0,114 * 1.1 = 2.11 m2 * C0/W, where 1, 1 increasing factor;

Since R0 = 2.42 m2 * C0/W > Rt0 = 2.11 m2 * C0/W, therefore, this overlap area satisfies the climatic conditions of Ryazan.

Check the possibility of water vapour condensate falling on the internal surface of the floor area if relative humidity of the internal air

= 60%, tv = + 18oC, tn = -27oC

By these calculations we have R0=2.42 m2*os/W

= tv - (tv - tn) * Rv/R about =18 (18+27) * 0.114/2.42=15.550C

According to Construction Norms and Regulations we find corresponding to temperature +18os value of a limit of elasticity E =20.6kpa

At relative humidity of internal air = 60% actual elasticity of water vapour e = 20.6 * 0.6 = 12, 3kPa. Therefore, the temperature for which the water vapor elasticity is 12.3kPa is maximum and will be the dew point.

According to Construction Norms and Regulations we find that the elasticity of 12.3 kPa corresponds to temperature a dew point of =10.2 wasps. Since the temperature of the inner surface corresponds to a temperature of = 15.55 ° C, i.e. higher than the dew point, there will therefore be no condensation of water vapors on the inner surface.

Since we have a warm attic space, the floor above the last residential floor is simply plaster on both sides with a textured layer 0.015 m thick.


Designed external enclosing structures meet all heat engineering requirements:

They have sufficient thermal protective properties to better maintain heat in the rooms during the cold season or protect against overheating in the summer

Do not have too low temperature during operation on the inner surface, which is significantly different from the temperature of the inner air, in order to avoid condensation in it and cooling of the human body from heat loss by radiation

They have air resistance not exceeding the established limit, above which air exchange will reduce the thermal protective qualities of the fence and cool the room, causing people near the fence a feeling of discomfort

The normal humidity mode is maintained, since humidification of the fence worsens its heat-protecting properties, reduces durability and worsens the temperature-humidifying climate in the room

Calculating Natural Light at a Side Light

Use the natural light factor to estimate the lighting conditions created by the light source. We use the graphical method developed by A.M. Danilyukom.

We summarize the results of the calculations into a table.

K.E.O. = (n1 * n2/100 * q + R * K) * r * r0, where:

K.E.O.- coefficient of natural illumination, we find by formula,

n1-number of light rays by vertical plane, determined by Danilyuk graph I,

n2- number of light rays by horizontal plane, determined as per schedule II of Danilyuk,

q is a coefficient taking into account the uneven brightness of the cloud sky, determined depending on the angle Q between the work plane line and the line connecting the point under investigation with the optical center of the light projection,

R is a factor that takes into account the light reflected from the opposing building, if any, R = n1 * n2/100 where n1, n2 is the number of shadow beams, respectively,

K - coefficient, which takes into account relative brightness of the opposing building, is accepted as per table SniP,

r - the coefficient taking into account the increase of K.E.O. in lateral illumination due to the light reflected from the internal surfaces and the underlying layer adjacent to the building depends on the parameters of the room in question,

r0- total light transmission coefficient, accepted as per table SniP.


In this room, according to the calculation, it is necessary to use combined lighting, it is mandatory to hang lamps against the wall opposite the window opening.

11. Calculation of overlap for shock noise.

Impact noise is calculated in accordance with SNiP II1277 "Noise protection."

We determine the insulation from the impact noise of the intermediate floor, which consists of a load-bearing reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of 140mm (2400kg/m3), a continuous layer of wood fiber slab with a thickness of 50mm (250kg/m3), cement concrete bracing with a thickness of 20mm (1200kg/m3) and linoleum coating with a thickness of 3mm (1100kg/m3).

Define the value of the surface densities of the slab features




for the value m1, we construct the frequency response of the required reduction of the reduced impact noise level.

We find a load on the soundproofing layer M = 273 + 1500 = 1730Pa

Where 273 Constant load, 1500Pa temporary load on the floor.

Dynamic modulus of elasticity of wood fibre plate b = 1.4 * 106 Pa, static modulus - E = 3 * 105Pa.

Thickness of elastic gasket in compressed state

D = d0 * (1- M/E) = 0.05 * (11730 * 103/3 * 105) = 0 0498m

Where d0 is the thickness of the elastic gasket in the uncompressed state.

Find K = b/D = 1.4 * 106/0.0498 = 2.81 * 108Pa - stiffness factor of the elastic base.

We determine resonant frequency of oscillations on elastic base

f0 = 0.05 (K/m2) 1/2 = 0.05 * (2.81 * 108/27.3) 1/2 = 160 Hz

To construct the calculated frequency characteristic of reduced impact noise reduction, at the value = m1/m2 = 336/27.3 = 12.3 we use the following formula;

The amount of variances is 55 dB. The average deviation is 55/16 = 3.44, which is more than 2dB, we shift the normative curve upwards by 6 dB. The average deviation is 31/16 = 1.98 < 2 dB, thus the impact noise insulation is + 6 dB, which provides the regulatory soundproofing requirements for residential premises + 3 dB.

Find the index of the reduced impact noise level

Ly = Lyo - dLy = 706 = 64 dB < 67 dB, which is the norm for interstage floors.

Ly - index of reduced level of impact noise under overlap

Lyo - index of reduced level of impact noise of floor slab

Ly reduction of reduced level of impact noise by sound-insulating layer

Ly- standard index of the reduced level of shock noise received as per table SNiPa.


The received floor structure has a sufficient shock noise insulation index.

Literature under the section "Architecture"

1. SNiP 2.01.01 _ 82 "Construction climatology and geophysics"

2. SNiP II _ 3 _ 79 * * "Construction Heat Engineering"

3. SNiP II _ 3 _ 79 "Construction heat engineering" from 11.08.95 (as amended)

4. A.V. Zakharov, T.G. Maklakova "Architecture of Civil and Industrial Buildings"

5. "Methodological instruction to compile the architectural and construction part of the diploma project." Sebekin I.M.

6. "Civil Building Master Plans." Tutorial. I.S. Rodionovskaya.

Construction - technological and economic part


Of great importance in construction is the correct organization of construction production. The use of network and linear scheduling models, including in this project, provides the possibility of optimizing the scheduling plan, as well as allows you to accurately describe the adopted construction technology, the relationship between the work and individual executors, the fulfillment of the normative period with the maximum possible combination of work at the site.

The scheduling of the construction of the facility in the form of a linear or network schedule is intended to determine the sequence and timing of civil, special and installation works carried out during the construction of the facility. These deadlines are established as a result of rational linkage of the deadlines of certain types of work, accounting for the composition and number of core resources, primarily working teams and leading mechanisms, as well as specific conditions of the construction area, a separate site and a number of other significant factors.

According to the calendar plan, the need for labor and material and technical resources, as well as the timing of deliveries of all types of equipment, are calculated in time. Work dates are used as starting points in more detailed planning documents, such as weekly schedules and shift jobs.

No less important for productive work is the organization of in-line methods of work. The use of an in-line source allows you to use specialized teams of workers of a given professional composition, equipping with a supplied fleet of machines. The flow method allows to ensure a systematic, rhythmic production of finished construction products on the basis of continuous and uniform work of labor collectives (teams, flows) of constant composition, equipped with a timely and complex supply of all necessary material and technical resources.

The use of flow methods is a natural organizational form of execution of construction and construction works by constantly operating, stable in the composition and number of working construction organizations.

As part of the diploma project, all the following sections are developed in a strict sequence. Sections reflecting the features of erection of buildings and structures in precast reinforced concrete are described in more detail.

The basis for the design of the work should be industrial methods of their implementation, comprehensive mechanization and flow of construction processes, the use of new technologies, structures and materials.

According to SNiP 3.01.0185, the PPM for performance of certain types of works includes:

- Job instructions for installation of precast reinforced concrete and operating quality control diagrams, data on requirements for basic materials, semi-finished products, structures and products, as well as used machines, accessories and accessories;

- work execution schedule;

- construction plot plan of the facility;

- explanatory note with necessary calculations, justifications and feasibility indicators.

Construction conditions:

• City of construction - Ryazan (wasteland development 200 m from the existing building - 16 storey building).

• Calendar dates for commencement of works - 1.03.03 (March 1, 2003).

• The standard construction period is 12 months.

• Prefabricated reinforced concrete is supplied from J.B.I. plants located 20 km from the construction site.

• Cargo is delivered at an average distance of 20 km by road at an average speed of 50 km/h.

• Minimum estimated stock of building materials - 3 days.

• Source of water supply, power supply and other resources - urban communication networks previously extended to the new microdistrict.

• Temporary buildings and structures - container type inventory facilities.

List of scope and labor costs of civil works

A. Determination of approximate cost of civil works.

The considered multi-storey building in precast reinforced concrete.

The height of the building is 50.4m, width 14.4m, length 52.8m.

Building volume - 50.4 * 14.4 * 52.8 = 38321m3.

The average cost of civil works, taking into account overhead costs and planned accumulations per m3 of the building, will be 2100 rubles.

The cost of the entire building will be approximately:

38321*2100 = 80474100 rub.

B. Approximate production and labor intensity.

For this building, the approximate production will be 3700 rubles.

The leading technical and economic indicators are: estimated cost, production and labor intensity.

Cost/Output = Labor.

Approximate labor intensity = 80474100/3700 = 21750 (human days)

Specification of prefabricated products


Bill of Quantities and Labour

Estimated cost and labour

We determine the estimated cost and labour intensity taking into account the cost conversion factor from 1998 to 2002.

Next, we evaluate the results and make an appropriate adjustment.

Evaluation of results


• The estimated cost as a result of direct calculations is approximately 1m3.

• Average production for civil works for this type of building shall be within the limits of 3000... 3700. The result is too high and needs to be adjusted.

• Labor intensity based on the results of the calculation is underestimated. Check volumes.

The optimal labor intensity will be 78345472/3700 = 21251 people. - days

The actual labour intensity is 9082.1 days,

difference 21251 - 9082.1 = 12540- days - refer to unaccounted works.

12540/21251 = 0.58 > 0.1 percent of unaccounted works exceeds the permissible value, we make the corresponding adjustment of labor intensity.

Labour intensity adjustment: Distribute labour intensity from conditions

• Unaccounted work should account for 10% of all labor input.

• The remaining labor intensity is distributed in sections, so that the production is within the permissible limits.

Also, in addition to the total labor intensity statement of the main works, we compile the total labor intensity statement of the special works.


We have received all the necessary indicators to draw up a work schedule.

Material and

Semi-Finished Material Requirements List

The statement is drawn up according to SNiP IV -282 volume 2 collection 7

Routing for floor installation

The process sheet was developed for installation work on the construction of a standard floor from prefabricated structures. This routing is considered within one section of a typical floor.

Scope of work:

• installation of internal load-bearing walls,

• installation of elevator cage,

• installation of external wall panels,

• installation of plumbing cabins and ventilation chambers,

• laying of slabs,

Technology and organization of the construction process.

Source Data

We compile a calculation of labor costs.

Calculation of labor costs.

We draw up an hourly schedule for the work.

The work will be carried out in-line by one specialized team. We divide the floor into two grabs equal in scope of work.

The capture area will be: 185.4 m2

Calculation of hourly schedule parameters

We accept a comprehensive team of 28 people. Consisting of:

• 2 welders

• 1 crane operator

• 10 installers

• 3 masons

• 5 sealants

• 7 handymen

Work is carried out in two shifts.

Next, we compile a shift schedule. The graph is presented on the next page.


Total key figures by Job Instruction:

Description of work execution technology (installation recommendations, mechanisms, winter conditions). Description of other construction processes

Tooling List

For installation of prefabricated wall structures of standard floor.


1. Installation of prefabricated elements of the standard floor should be carried out in accordance with the process sequence of installation of structures specified on the sheet.

2. The mounting fixture shall be removed only after welding of all permanent links in accordance with the design connecting the release element to the adjacent fixed structures.

3. Attachment of lower grips of braces of indicated 1 is performed in process holes Ø60/Ø130 of floor panels. Lower grips of braces indicated by P and W are fixed to screw grips previously installed in process holes of floor panels.

4. The XI struts temporarily attach the ventilation units only after installation of the floor panels of the retaining ventilation units from above.

Mounting fixtures and equipment.

1. Fence along the perimeter of the slab.

2. Stairway fence.

3. Permanent railing of the flight of stairs.

4. Elevator shaft floor shields.

5. Panels above floor openings.

6. Sealant box.

7. Floor searchlight tower with welding post for 1 unit.

8. Safety overhead valve device (PVU - 2).

9. Crintainer with hernitic cord, heat insulation inserts, mounting links.

10. Container for mounting equipment.

11. Tool box.

12. Brakes.

13. Installation slice.

14. The tailgate.

15. Solution box.

16. Scoop shovel.

17. Broom.

18. Reika's the answer.

Load-gripping devices and mounting equipment.

1. Load gripping devices.

Main load-gripping device - Universal cross-arm with remote removal of hooks with lifting capacity of 15t.s. is intended for lifting panels of external and internal walls, floors, partitions, volume elements of elevator shafts, plumbing cabins, etc.

It provides slinging and the possibility of installation in the installation position of structures with different arrangement of lifting loops and their disassembly from the work place of the installer.

Universal crossbeam (Fig.1) consists of suspension - 1, racks with units - 2, chalky branches - 3 and equalizing ropes.

Suspension consists of two cheeks connected to each other by fingers. With its upper finger it is hung on the hook of the mounting crane, and on the two lower ones the holders with blocks are fixed.

Holders with units are attached to suspension by connecting rings, which ensures their rotation in horizontal plane relative to suspension within 120 °.

Slings forming chalk branches are thrown over the blocks, which are connected in pairs by equalizing ropes and safety bridges interacting with them. On ends of chalky branches there are hooks with carbines for their uncoupling.

Technical characteristics.

Lifting capacity, kgf - 15000

Number of slings installed in collars with units - 2

Sling movement along the collar unit - one-sided

Number of chalky branches with hooks - 4

Length of chalky branches, mm - 6500

Total cross-arm length, including suspension with units, m - 7.76

Maximum allowable total vertical deviation angle

chalky branches of each sling, deg. - 40

Weight of universal crossbeam, kg - 195

Panels with shifted center of gravity are slung so that flare branch with equalizing rope is directed towards displacement of panel center of gravity.

Hooks are hooked on lifting loops of inner wall panel so that yawns of hooks are located on one of its sides. This allows the installers to disassemble without bypassing the panel. Removal of hooks from lifting loops of panels is performed after their installation and temporary or permanent fixation in design position. Hook disengagement is performed at loosened slings by tie-rod, which is engaged with eye of hook carbine and pulled down in direction of sling branch. The carbine, turning, first opens the hook, and then unfolds the hook and removes it from the lifting loop of the panel.

2. Brace for installation of panel walls,

Designed for temporary attachment of panels of external and internal walls (Fig. 2.) . The brace consists of telescopic rod - 1 with locking pin - 7 and two grips. Grip is made of screw with hook - 2, safety bushing - 3, limiter - 6 and nuts (internal - 5 and tension - 4)

The weight of the brace is 20.3 kg.

Brace is used together with strubcine attached to one of its grips for temporary attachment of separate panels of internal walls.

3. Installation connection

Designed for temporary attachment of internal wall panels (Fig.3). It consists of a grip, a coupling clutch - 1 and a strubcine - 2.

Grip consists of hook - 6, tightening coupling - 7 welded to screw, safety bushing - 8 and tension nut - 9. Tightening clutch is a pipe section, in one end of which an eye is mounted, with the possibility of its rotation, and a nut with a screw is attached to the other. The strubcine has a U-shape.

Screw stop - 3 is fixed to one of its sides, and axle - 4 is installed in the upper part of the string, which is mounted in the lug of coupling - 5.

The weight of the mounting link is 6.6 kg.

4. Mounting support

Designed to ensure the stability of the panels of the internal walls during their installation (Fig. 4), it is a triangular welded frame of pipes - 1 with two fastening struts - 2, rigidly welded to the frame at a height of 0.35 and 0.96 m from the support shoes - 4.

Attachment of mounting support on mounted element is performed by screw stop - 3 located on fastening struts.

The weight of the mounting support is 15.5 kg.

5. Inventory Loop - Capture

It is intended for temporary fixation of mounting devices in places where there are no lifting loops on panels of internal walls. It is a strubcine - 1, to which a special loop - 2 is welded. Installation of the inventory loop on the panel of the inner wall is carried out using the clamping screw - 3 (Fig.5).

6. Strubcins.

They are used for temporary attachment of wall panels and are used together with braces. Depending on the size of the yawn, strubcins are used:

• 140 – 260 mm. - during installation of internal wall panels of the elevator shaft engine compartment.

• 210 – 350 mm. - during installation of the internal walls panel of the staircase and elevator assembly.

Summary of requirements for construction machinery

Installation Instructions:

• Installation of the unit - sections shall be carried out in accordance with the work execution design, job instructions.

• Values of permitted deviations of construction parameters are accepted according to accuracy calculation in accordance with GOST 21779 - 82.

• All metal elements shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with SNiP 2.03.II - 85 and SNiP3.04.03 - 85.

• Mortar and cement-sand paste shall comply with the requirements of CH29074, SNI2281, SNiP 2.03.0184 *, SNiP 3.03.0187, "Guidelines for the construction of stone full-assembly structures of buildings with high storeys in winter conditions."

• The design grade of solution at installation to accept M150.

• Perform all roofing operations in accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87

Winterization instructions.

• Installation of the house in winter conditions is extended for the construction period at the average daily outside air temperature below 5 ° С and the minimum daily temperature below 0 ° С.

• Winterization shall be carried out in accordance with the Work Design and Job Instructions.

• Installation of structures in winter conditions shall be carried out in a heat-free manner with the use of mortar or cement sand paste with anti-frost additives, ensuring the growth of the strength of the mortar in the cold without heating. This should be guided by VSN15981, VSN-42-75, VSN14177, VSN-31-66.

• Winter use of mortar and cement paste without anti-frost additives is prohibited.

• When using solutions with anti-frost additives, account should be taken of the restrictions in the field of application and percentage content in concrete and solution of various additives established by SNiP 3.03.0187.

• Seam solutions shall be prepared on quick hardening Portland cements or on Portland cements of 400 grade and above.

• The grade of the mortar for sealing shall be taken equal to the design (summer), i.e. M150, if installation of structures will be carried out at the average daily ambient temperature up to 20 ° C and one grade higher than the design, i.e. M200, if installation will be carried out at a temperature of 20 ° C and lower.

• Solution strength in horizontal and vertical joints for different stages of building readiness shall be not less than specified in Table:

• Considering the possibility of significant dispersion of the values of the strength of the mortar in winter, it is necessary to temporarily heat the 1st-3rd floor before the installation of the 9th floor, 1-5 floors before the installation of the 11th floor and 1-9 floors before the installation of the 15th floor.

• All necessary data on the solution and various factors affecting the solution hardening process shall be recorded in the special logs.

• Especially strictly control the thickness of horizontal joints and the alignment of structures.

• Sealing protection of joints shall be performed in accordance with VSN-1585 and SNiP 3.03.0187.

• During thaw onset and spring thawing, careful monitoring of winter-mounted structures shall be arranged.

• The author's supervision shall issue recommendations on measures ensuring the strength and stability of structures during the spring thawing period and in the future - until the solution and concrete reach the necessary strength, as well as determine the conditions for the further continuation of construction work.

• Panels shall not be installed on a layer of frozen solution.

• When arranging joints of panels of external walls, special attention shall be paid to thorough cleaning of joint cavities from ice.

• Perform roofing works in winter in accordance with SNiP 3.04.0187.

The preparation of the construction site includes: clearing the territory - we cut off the vegetable layer, uprooting the stumps of the tree roll, leveling the site; Surface water removal - we perform collapse along the boundaries of the construction site; creation of a geodetic survey basis - the position of red lines or survey axes on the ground is determined and fixed.

Earthworks - we produce a passage of a pit with two bulldozers, part of the soil is stored for backfilling, and part is taken for vertical planning to another construction site.

In parallel with the earthworks, auxiliary works are carried out: the construction of a construction town, temporary access roads, places for warehouses.

Then installation of underground part of building and arrangement of inputs is performed.

Foundations are mounted with a car crane.

Roofing works are carried out in one stream: we sequentially perform work on insulation of the roof (from backfill insulation) and the installation of waterproofing carpet (from roll material).

Prior to finishing works and flooring, plumbing and electrical works are carried out. Finishing works precede the arrangement of floors. External utilities are supplied during excavation and foundation construction.

Network, Schedule Scheduling, Work Demand Schedule

Work is organized in-line, and it is necessary to take into account the simultaneous performance of a number of works and the combination of professions.

Zero-cycle work is carried out by one grip, when performing work related to the construction of the building box and further finishing work, we divide the object into four grips.

Duration (rhythm) of each type of work on grips is determined by the time of execution of the leading mechanized process at the considered stage of construction of the facility.

Duration of fully mechanized works, days,


tim= --------- ,


where Zm - the total costs of machine time for works, mash. - see;

And - working in shifts of work, A=2;

n is the number of machines involved in the work per shift.

In the case of non-mechanized (partially mechanized) work, the duration of work ti, days, is determined by the formula


ti= ----------- ,


where Tr - labor intensity of work, human days;

N is the accepted number of workers per shift;

A - shift of work.

If the type of work in question includes mechanized and non-mechanized processes, then a duration greater than that calculated by these formulas is accepted.

The work is carried out in-line. In order to implement the in-line method, the entire item of work at the site is grouped so that each type of work can be performed by a link or team of workers of a given professional composition. This takes into account the simultaneous performance of work and the combination of professions.

The combination of different types of work over time is achieved by dividing the object by grips.

The planning of the territory is carried out by two bulldozers.

The trenches for the foundation are excised by one excavator.

Installation is carried out by one tower crane sequentially by grips.

Finishing and commissioning works are also carried out sequentially by gripping.

We draw up a summary statement of labor intensity of the work.

The determiner card is located on the next page.

Card - Determinant


The construction plan is a drawing that shows a sample of the construction site arrangement during the construction period of the main period.

The need for temporary buildings and structures is determined by the estimated number of workers, employees, ITR, MOS and security workers.

The estimated number of workers is taken equal to the maximum number on the schedule of the needs of workers at the facility when calculating the areas of the dressing rooms, and equal to the maximum number of workers per shift when calculating the areas of other objects of the temporary construction camp.

The normative area of ​ ​ the territory of the temporary town, calculated per worker, should lie within 836 m2.

Rooms for workers heating shall be located at a distance of not more than 150 m from workplaces. Power stations shall be removed from toilets and waste collectors at a distance of not less than 25 m and not more than 600 m from workplaces.

The first-aid post should be located no further than 800 m from the workplaces.

The distance from toilets to the most remote places inside the building should not exceed 100 m, to workplaces outside the building - 200 m.

In the town there should be a place for rest and smoking of workers.

Due to erection work from the warehouse, open storage areas are required.

The calculation of water demand is made for the period with the highest water consumption for industrial, economic and fire protection purposes.

The fire-fighting (permanent) water supply network shall be looped and shall be equipped with fire hydrants at a distance not further than 150 m from each other. The distance from hydrants to the building shall be not less than 5 m and not more than 50 m, and from the edge of the road - not more than 2 m.

General requirements for the design of temporary power supply of the construction facility: provision of electricity in the required quantity and the necessary quality, flexibility of the electrical circuit, reliability, minimum losses in the network.

Temporary transformer substations should be located in the center of electrical loads and not further than 250 m from the consumer. Temporary in-line one-way roads have a width of the carriageway of 3.5 m and rounding radii of 12 m.

When designing the construction plan, it is necessary to provide for environmental protection measures: preservation of the soil layer, compliance with the requirements for dust and gas content of air, purification of domestic and industrial effluents, and others.

Calculation of temporary building areas:

Temporary buildings are the above-ground auxiliary and maintenance facilities necessary to ensure the production of construction and construction equipment. Temporary buildings are built only for the period of construction. Temporary buildings, unlike permanent ones, have their own characteristics related to the purpose, design, construction methods, operation and financing procedure. To destination temporary buildings are divided into production, warehouse, administrative, administrativnobytovy, inhabited and public.

The need for temporary buildings and structures is determined according to the current standards for the estimated number of workers, ITR, employees, MOS and security workers.

Calculation of areas of temporary buildings and structures

Construction Site Water Supply

Temporary water supply at the construction site is designed to provide production, household and fire protection needs. When designing temporary water supply, it is necessary to determine the need, select the source, outline the scheme, calculate the diameter of the water supply, tie the route and structure to the construction site. Permanent water sources and networks should be used as much as possible.

The water supply system shall be designed for the period of its most strenuous operation, i.e. it shall provide the consumers with water during maximum water intake hours and during fire extinguishing.

Construction Site Water Supply

Provision of 3 types of requirements

For temporary water supply networks, speed values ​ ​ are taken greater than for a permanent water supply: V = 1.5 m/s, which allows you to accept pipelines of smaller diameter.

Temporary water supply networks are made of steel pipes.

Water consumption for fire protection needs can be taken in the following quantities:

with a building area of ​ ​ up to 50 hectares. - 20 l/s.

For every 20 hectares. + 5 liters ./sec.

Power supply of construction site


1. Provision of energy in the required quantity of the required quality;

2. Flexibility of the electrical network;

3. Reliability of the electrical network;

4. Minimization of power supply costs.

Design Order:

1. Perform calculation of electrical loads;

2.Selection of electric power source. Determination of number and capacity of transformer substations;

3.Discovery of the object of the first category requiring backup

power supply;

4. Place transformer substations, power and lighting networks, inventory electrical devices on the SGP.

The purpose of the network is permanent and temporary power supply networks for power supply to power and process consumers.

The initial data for the organization of temporary power supply are the volumes, terms and structure of construction and installation works, areas of temporary buildings, structures and closed warehouses, the size of the construction site, types and capacities of construction machines, etc.

The design of temporary power supply is carried out in the following order:

- determine the electric power consumers, the amount of required electric power per shift for each consumer and the total required power of electrical installations or transformer;

- appropriate type of transformer is selected, its location is installed on the main plan and temporary electric network is designed.

1. Total power of motors for construction machines and mechanisms (Pc):

-BK 404M tower valve - 1shook- 71kW,

- the C867 elevator - 2 pieces - 24 kW,

- painting unit - 1 piece - 4 kW,

- various small mechanisms and tools - 5.5 kW

Rs = 104.5 kW

2.Summar capacity of welding transformers (Pcv):

- TC500 of Rs = 32 * 2 = 64 kW,

3. Power for internal lighting (Ditch):

closed warehouses

2 W/m2 * 40 m2 = 80 W = 0.08 kW

repair shop

15 * 25.23 = 378.45 W = 0.378 kW

offices and offices

15 * 48 = 0.72 kW

Ditch = 1.178 kW

4. Power for outdoor lighting (Ron):

main passages and passages

210 * 5 = 1050 W = 1.05 kW

secondary passages and passages

210 * 2.5 = 525 W = 0.525 kW

security lighting

2 * (70 + 30) * 1.5 = 300 W = 0.3 kW

open warehouses

7 * 50 * 2 = 700 W = 0.7 kW

installation lighting

760.3 * 3 = 2281 W = 2.281 kW

Ron = 4.856kW

5. Requirements for technological needs for the electric heater the power of Rt = 500 kV • And

We choose transformer substation - SKTP560 1 piece.

С = 560kVA.

Local estimate for civil works

Local estimate for special work.

Local estimate for improvement.

Object estimate.

15. Technical - economic indicators.

1. Building volume - 37483 m3

2. Building area - 13154.4 m2

3. Total labor costs for all works - 23.828 people - days

4. Total estimated construction cost - 82.964.090rub.

5. Estimated cost per unit area of the building - 13.983 rubles/m2

6. Estimated cost per unit volume of the building - 2213 rubles/m3

7. Average production of one worker per day

• In civil works - 3687 rubles/person-days

• In special works - 1792 rubles/person-days

• In total, the object - 3482 rubles/person-days

8. Normal duration of construction according to SNiP - Tn = 360 days.

9. Actual duration of construction - Tf = 352 days.

10. Construction duration indicator -

PPS = Tf/Tn = 352/360 = 0.98

List of literature under section:

1. SNiP "Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures."

2. SNiP IV282 (vol. 2) "Collections of element estimate standards for construction structures and works."

3. Teplichenko V.I., Terentyev O.M., Lapidus A.A. "Technology of construction production, course and degree design."

4. ENiP 4-1-1 "Installation of prefabricated and construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures."

5. Teplichenko V.I., Terentyev O.M., Lapidus A.A. "Technology of construction processes."

Drawings content

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