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Finished Diploma - Boiler House Gas Supply (DE Boilers)

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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DIPLOMA, boiler room, gas _ and pipe count, and all that stuff..))) Open, teach, understand and defend. Everything ..))

Project's Content

icon Диплом. Проект производственно-отопительной котельной в п. Инзер (Башкортостан).doc
icon Чертежи.dwg

Additional information



1 Initial data

2 Design part of the project

2.1 Drawing up of the main thermal diagram of the boiler house and its calculation for three characteristic modes

2.2 Selection of unit power and number of boilers to be installed

2.3 Calculation and selection of auxiliary equipment of thermal circuit

2.4 Determination of diameters and standard sizes of the main main pipelines

2.5 Determination of hourly and annual fuel consumption of boilers

2.6 Selection of fuel supply scheme and its equipment

2.7 Calculation and selection of traction devices

2.8 Environmental protection measures

2.8.1 Calculation of toxic emissions into the atmosphere

2.8.2 Calculation and selection of chimney

2.9 List of automation, protection and control equipment

2.10 Safety and fire prevention

3 Special part of the project

4 Calculation of technical and economic indicators


List of literature used


The construction of new industrial facilities is very difficult, if at all possible. But at any time, in any economic situation, there are a number of industries, without the development of which the normal functioning of the national economy is impossible, it is impossible to provide the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for the population. Such industries include energy, which provides comfortable living conditions for the population, both in everyday life and in production.

Recent studies have shown the economic feasibility of maintaining a significant share of the participation of small production and heating boiler plants in covering the total consumption of thermal energy.

In addition to large production, production and heating boilers with a capacity of hundreds of tons of steam per hour or hundreds of MW of heat load, a large number of boiler houses with units of up to 1 MW and operating on almost all types of fuel are installed.

In this diploma project, a project is being developed for a production heating boiler house in the village of Inzer, RB, which uses the natural gas of the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline as fuel.

The boiler plant is designed for heating and production purposes.

The boiler house is supplied from the central water supply.

Air intake for burning is carried out from the street and directly from the boiler room.

Heat supply system, for heating and ventilation needs, closed. Regulation qualitative with a temperature of 90 - 70 wasps. Feed of coppers is made by chemically purified water with a temperature of 60 wasps.

2.6 Selection of fuel supply scheme and its equipment

As the main type of fuel in the production and heating boiler house in the village of Inzer, the natural gas of the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline was used.

Gas supply of the boiler house is carried out through GRU installed at zero elevation in the boiler house. The inlet gas pressure on the GRU is 0.6 MPa. The boiler burner is supplied with gas from low pressure GRU (required gas pressure upstream of the burner 0.0038 MPa, 380 kgf/m2).

GRU is a gas distribution unit for automatic reduction and maintenance of gas pressure at a given level.

GRU functions:

1. Pressure reduction to the specified parameters,

2. Maintaining of this pressure at GRU outlet in automatic mode,

3. Disconnection and termination of gas supply at pressures exceeding the specified parameters,

4. Removal of gas from significant mechanical impurities.

5. Accounting of gas consumption.

The GRU set includes:

1. Gas filter - for gas cleaning from mechanical impurities (dust, scale, dirt).

Gas cleaning is necessary to prevent erasure of sealing surfaces of shut-off devices, sharp edges of orifice plates, pulse tubes and throttles from contamination.

The degree of purity of the filter is characterized by a pressure drop, which during operation should not exceed the specified parameters.

2. Safety shut-off valve (PSV) - for complete automatic shutdown of gas supply at increase or decrease of gas pressure downstream the regulator by 25%.

The valve is adjusted to the upper assigned pressure limit by compressing the spring of the upper limit, and to the lower limit by compressing the spring of the lower limit.

Valve is installed after filter in front of regulator.

3. Pressure regulator - to ensure automatic reduction of gas pressure and maintaining its value at a certain level regardless of the change and fluctuation of pressure in the inlet gas pipeline.

At the request of the "Safety in Gas Industry" regulations, the pressure fluctuation behind the regulator shall not exceed 10% of the specified value.

The role of the regulator in the boiler house is the pilot regulator RDUK2 (pressure regulator universal Kazantsev). To obtain pressure after the regulator 0.0038 MPa, the pilot KN-2 was used.

To obtain the required pressure after the regulator it is necessary to:

to increase pressure - screw the pilot's cup;

to reduce pressure - twist the pilot's cup.

4. Safety relief valve (UCS) - to release a certain amount of gas into the atmosphere at possible short-term pressure increases (by 10% of the operating pressure) downstream the regulator, to avoid gas disconnection to the boiler room by safety shut-off valve (FCV). Adjustment of UCS for actuation is performed by adjusting bolt.

5. Bypass is a bypass gas pipeline for gas supply through it during inspection or repair of GRU equipment.

6. Discharge and blowdown lines - to release gas into the atmosphere from the safety discharge valve and blow down the gas pipelines and to equip them from air or gas if necessary.

7. Measuring instruments - pressure gauges showing, for measurement of pressure to the filter, regulator and beyond; thermometers for measuring gas temperature.

8. Pulse tubes - for connection of individual components of equipment to each other with controlled points of gas pipelines, as well as for connection of measuring devices to gas pipelines at controlled points.

9. Metering unit - to take into account gas costs.

The accounting of gas costs in the boiler house is carried out by a self-recording device, which receives a pulse from a differential pressure gauge. The differential pressure gauge, in turn, takes pulses from the narrowing device - the diaphragm.

The principle of operation of the differential pressure gauge is based on changing the pressure difference before and after the diaphragm and further fixing of this difference on the recorder. The diaphragm is a ring of high-strength steel, carefully treated with the edge of the inner ring - so as not to create significant local resistance. The diameter of the inner ring is less than the diameter of the flow pipe, therefore, a throttling effect is created in this place, i.e. a narrowing of the diameter of the passage leads to an increase in the flow rate, as a result of which the pressure decreases behind the diaphragm and since this narrowing holes at a certain inlet pressure can pass only a certain amount of gas, so the decrease in pressure behind the diaphragm will be strictly dosed. Each input pressure value corresponds to its own certain pressure decrease - this corresponds to a certain flow rate. ΔP is fixed on the differential pressure gauge, which is equipped with a recorder.

The internal gas pipelines in the boiler house are open, branches to the boilers have two disconnecting devices, one of which is installed directly at the gas burners.

The boiler room is equipped with SA - GVK safety automation systems, which provide control over gas combustion and normative functioning of production processes.

Gas burners.

Gas burners of grade G - 1.0K operating at low gas pressure are installed on boilers.

Nominal gas flow = 100 m3/h.

Gas burner G - 1.0K is designed for burning natural gas. Burner consists of gas-air part, primary and secondary air swirlers, mounting part. Twisting of the spirit in the burner by both registers is carried out in one direction. The flame stabilizer is a conical ceramic tunnel.

Burner ignition is performed with closed air vanes: shut-off device is smoothly opened on gas pipeline, after gas ignition - primary air vane, and then preset mode is set with the help of secondary air vane and control device on gas pipeline. In order to avoid flare failure during start-up, the burner thermal power shall not exceed 25-50% of the nominal, and the gas pressure shall be greater than the secondary air pressure. Flare opening angle 67-75 ° С.

Drawings content

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