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Workshop of house building products in the KUB-2.5 series - diploma

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Thesis project. Workshop of house building products in the KUB series - 2.5: Diploma project in the specialty "Production of building materials, products and structures" (270106)., 20-12. - Pages 114 of tables - 39, figures - 7, sources - 41, drawings 9lists

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2.1 Selection and justification of construction area

2.2 Characteristics and nomenclature of products produced

2.3 Classification of precast concrete enterprises

2.4 Composition of the enterprise and operating mode

2.5 Process System Diagram

2.6 Selection and justification of production flow chart 21 2.7 Characteristics of raw materials


3.1 Process Description

3.2. Process Calculations




6.1 Device and principle of operation of the RTM-device


7.1 Plot Plan

7.2 Class of structures

7.3 Space Planning Solutions

7.4 Structural solutions of the building

8 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLINESS OF THE PROJECT 82 8.1 Analysis of working conditions at the design site

8.2 Occupational Safety Measures


Workshop of house building products in the KUB series - 2.5: Diploma project in the specialty "Production of building materials, products and structures" (270106)., 20-12. - Pages 114 of tables - 39, figures - 7, sources - 41, drawings 9lists.

Prefabricated - monolithic universal system KUB 2.5 allows you to ensure the construction of residential buildings, buildings of the socio-cultural zone in a single structural key, according to a single technology for the manufacture and installation of structures. The system is a linkage frame consisting of multi-storey, expandable rectangular columns that fit easily into the interior of any room, and solid slabs .

The purpose of the project is to design a process line for the production of precast reinforced concrete for the structural construction system KUB2.5.

Analysis of the economic indicators obtained in the project indicates the feasibility of building a workshop of house building products according to the KUB series - 2.5


The housing market is one of the most dynamic segments of the economy. Any changes in the social, economic and political spheres immediately affect the housing market. Therefore, builders and designers face a very difficult task: to find a construction algorithm that, with minor changes and labor costs, would always "keep up with the time" and meet the needs of consumers. The KUB2.5 system helped to find a universal construction algorithm that allows you to change design plans in the course of work.

The monolithic universal system has been developing since 1986. and is a better continuation of the CUBE series. It allows you to ensure the construction of residential buildings, buildings of the socio-cultural zone in a single constructive way, according to a single technology for the manufacture and installation of structures. The system is a linkage frame consisting of multi-storey, expandable rectangular columns that fit easily into the interior of any room, and solid slabs .

The purpose of the project is to design a process line for the production of precast reinforced concrete for the structural construction system KUB2.5.

To achieve the objective, the following objectives must be achieved:

- fetch structures;

- Study and characterize raw materials;

- justify the choice of the construction site;

- develop the layout of the workshop;

- select the production flow chart;

- perform process calculations;

- describe the production and quality control of finished products;

- calculate the economic efficiency of construction.

2.1. Selection and justification of construction area

According to the design assignment, the construction of the precast reinforced concrete production line for the structural construction system KUB2.5 is provided at the site located in the industrial zone of the Zavodsky district of Novokuznetsk, namely in the area of ​ ​ the construction base of EVRAZ ZSMK OJSC.

Source supply sources:

- crushed stone and sand are supplied from the crushing and sorting factory of Ostrovskaya station, by rail.

- cement is delivered from the Kuznetsk Cement Plant by rail.

The source of heat supply is the West Siberian CHPP.

Transformer substation installation is provided for power supply of the workshop.

Water supply from the networks of EVRAZ ZSMK OJSC.

In accordance with SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology" and SNiP 2.01.0785 "Loads and Impacts," the construction site is characterized by the following climatic conditions:

a) Design winter temperature of external air of the coldest five-day week is 39 wasps; the coldest day of 42 wasps.

b) Standard wind speed head for the III wind region at an altitude of up to 10 m 45 m/s.

c) Standard snow load for the IV snow region 150 kg/m2.

d) Standard depth of seasonal ground freezing is 2.2m.

e) Seismicity - 7 points.

f) Winter temperature inside enclosing structures is not less than 20 ° С.

Workers will be recruited from the local population, delivery by municipal transport to the place of work.

The engineering and technical composition of the enterprise is from graduates of technical schools and universities.

2.3. Classification of precast concrete enterprises

Precast reinforced concrete enterprises are divided into three main types:

- specialized - industrial reinforced concrete plants, house-building plants and plants of volume-block house building;

- universal plants and mills for the production of products and structures for various purposes and a wide range of nomenclature;

- combined plants, in addition to the main production, there are workshops or areas for the production of products that are the same in nature of production, but have a different purpose (for example, a volume-block house building workshop in the house-building plant system).

Prefabricated reinforced concrete enterprises should be equipped with modern high-performance equipment using the latest achievements in the field of concrete technology. These enterprises are designed to increase the volume of production of products while improving their quality with minimal monetary costs, labor and materials. Volume increase

production of prefabricated reinforced concrete, increase of labor productivity is possible when using the most modern highly mechanized and automated lines, high-quality materials.

It is advisable to create and develop new and reconstructed enterprises by using highly specialized technological lines and units designed for the production of mass products and multi-nomenclature plants equipped with unified technological equipment and mechanized equipment and tools.

When designing prefabricated reinforced concrete enterprises, it is necessary to expand the use of in-line and conveyor production schemes.

It is necessary to strive for a specialization of production, in which the highest efficiency of production and maximum increase in productivity are achieved.

The main areas of enterprises for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete, the productivity of which determines the capacity of enterprises, are: molding units, hardening chambers, units combining the functions of molding machines and devices for accelerating hardening. Thus, the main production area should be understood as the moulding redistribution in which the main technological operations for the production of finished products are carried out.

The production capacity of the enterprise is calculated according to the technical and design standards of equipment productivity, the use of areas, the labor intensity of production of products, the consumption standards of raw materials and materials.

2.6 Selection and justification of production flow chart

When designing the organization of production of reinforced concrete products, it is necessary to choose the most rational method of their manufacture, process flow chart, main technological equipment, molding modes and optimal thermal moisture treatment.

The essence of the aggregate flow technology lies in the fact that the mold with the product moves from post to post with an arbitrary interval characteristic of one or another operation, thermal moisture treatment is carried out in pit chambers of periodic action.

The advantage of this technology lies in the fact that this flexible maneuvering technology makes it possible to manufacture products of a wide range with different geometric dimensions, perform certain operations at a separate station, reduce transport operations when supplying raw materials. However, the movement of molds from post to post leads to excessive weighting and causes the formation of cracks in non-solidified concrete, there is a fraction of manual labor.

Advantage of aggregate flow technology:

- replacement of obsolete equipment takes place without significant overloading, with low costs;

- reduction of energy communications;

- organization of clear post-operational control.

The disadvantage is that the use of a bridge crane leads all posts to high-risk areas.

The essence of conveyor production lies in the fact that the entire technological process is divided into separate elementary operations, which are simultaneously carried out at separate posts of the conveyor. At the same time, all forms simultaneously move along a closed technological ring with a forced rhythm, which is determined by the duration of the longest operation at any post. The conveyor method is an overestimated metal consumption.

In bench production method, moulding of articles takes place in stationary non-movable molds, and equipment moves from one mold to another. The bench method is recommended in cases where the dimensions and weight of the structures exceed the dimensions and carrying capacity of the vibration platforms and bridge cranes, the thickness and reinforcement of the products do not allow compacting the products on the vibration platform, but the use of deep and hinged vibrators is required, as well as in the manufacture of products of a wide range, small batches and large-sized non-transportable structures.

When making articles in cassette forms, as well as pre-stressed structures, bench technology is the main one.

Advantages of bench technology:

- relatively low metal consumption of molds, since the mold is stationary and is not calculated for strength during transportation;

- damages and deformations of the freshly molded article are excluded;

- low capital expenditures;

- economical in the manufacture of products in small series of limited nomenclature.

The semi-conveyer production scheme is an open line consisting of a mold preparation conveyor, a molding of the article and separate periodic heat-moisture treatment chambers. This method combines the advantage of aggregate flow and conveyor technology.

The project adopted the production of ladder marches in a cassette installation, and the production of floor panels, ventilation units and columns on a three-post semi-conveyer line, since the semi-conveyer method - at low capital costs and simple technological equipment, allows you to obtain a high removal of products and reduces the labor input of production.

3.1 Process Description

3.1.1 Molding shop

The production of slabs, columns, ventilation blocks of the prefabricated monolithic riggless framework KUB2.5 is organized according to semi-conveyer technology and is located in the span of the main body with a length of 144 m and a span width of 18 m. The production of staircases is organized in the same span using cassette technology.

In the span, it is planned to place a molding station equipped with a concrete stacker SMZh - 166A and a vibration platform with a lifting capacity of 15 tons SMZh - 200.

Transfer of moulds from the post to the post and transportation of finished products along the span of the workshop is carried out by a bridge crane.

Prior to moulding, mold at mold preparation station is cleaned by means of pneumatic scraper from concrete residues, surface of molds is lubricated with emulsion grease by means of pneumatic rod and mold is assembled.

Form is fed from preparation station to reinforcement station by means of bridge crane, where reinforcement frame is laid. Rebar supply

frames from the reinforcement workshop to the reinforcement station are carried out using an electric trolley for the import of reinforcement.

After reinforcement, mold is fed to forming station, where it is installed and fixed on vibration platform. Concrete mix is fed from concrete mixing shop into concrete laying bin by belt conveyor.

Concrete mix is laid in mold by concrete laying. After forming, the concrete mixture is compacted by means of a vibration platform.

After compaction of the concrete mixture, the mold with the articles is installed in the TVO chambers, where the article undergoes a full heat treatment cycle: aging of the articles; temperature rise; isothermal heating and cooling. The duration of the TVO cycle 10 (3 + 5 + 2) depends on the concrete grade and the thickness of the steamed article, and the maximum heating temperature depends on the type of binder, when using Portland cement 900C .

After heat treatment the mold with articles is discharged from the chamber and fed to the smelting station. At the smelting station, the mold is disassembled and the finished product is taken out, which is subsequently stored on a specially designated area in the workshop for cooling .

All lifting and transportation operations in the span are carried out by two bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 15 tons. The mold is then cleaned, lubricated, collected and the cycle repeated.

Export of finished products to the warehouse is carried out using self-propelled trolley SMZh - 151A, lifting capacity of 20 tons, for export of finished products.

3.1.2 Concrete mixing shop

Concrete mixing shop is designed for preparation of structural concrete and mortar mixtures and their delivery to the main body at molding stations

reinforced concrete products in the amount of 25 thousand m3 per year and shipments of commercial concrete in the amount of 20 thousand m3 per year.

The design of the concrete mixing workshop with two concrete mixers SB138A with a loading capacity of 1,500 liters was developed on the basis of the standard design.

The workshop is designed according to the vertical scheme and consisting of the following divisions:

- overbunker;

- dosing;

- mixing;

- separation of mixture dispensing;

- separation of emulsion lubricant preparation;

Filler is supplied from the warehouse by an inclined-horizontal belt conveyor, materials are distributed by a rotary funnel through the bins compartments.

Cement from the warehouse is supplied by pneumatic transport and is distributed through the cement catcher using screw conveyors.

The stock of aggregates and cement in consumable silos is accepted in accordance with the standards of technological design of precast reinforced concrete enterprises.

The silos provide for control of the level of materials and collapse of arches of sand and cement when they are discharged from the silos.

Control of the workshop mechanisms is carried out remotely-automatically and remotely from the control panel located in the dosing department.

Concrete is supplied from the workshop to the places of consumption using a belt conveyor. Rotary feeders are installed under them to supply concrete from concrete mixers to belt conveyor.

3.1.3 Reinforcement workshop

Reinforcement nets and frames are prepared in the reinforcement workshop adjacent to the molding workshop, which occupies a span of 18x144m with an elevation of the rail head of the crane track of 8.15m and a bottom of building structures of 10.8m.

Production of reinforcement products consists of the following main technological operations:

- workpiece (straightening, dimensional cutting, bending of grids and individual rods);

- welding of individual grids and flat and volumetric frames.

Reinforcement harvesting. Reinforcement steel coming in the bays is treated on automatic machines:

- smooth, with a diameter of 4 to 10 mm and a periodic profile with a diameter of up to 8 mm, at the installation for straightening and cutting of reinforcement steel SMZH357 (minimum length of cut rods - 500 mm);

- smooth, diameter from 6 to 16 mm and periodic profile - on the correct-cut machine GD162;

Installation of bays on bay holders of graft-cutting machines is performed by cantilever crane.

Measuring cutting of reinforcement steel coming in rods is carried out on machines for cutting reinforcement steel SMZH172B. On the same machines, short rods are cut, necessary for narrow grids and frames.

It is flexible assembly loops and separate cores it is carried out on the SMZh173A machine.

To reduce the waste of reinforcement steel during cutting of rods, the design provides for a machine for butt welding of the MSO - 202UHL2.

Welds grids and wireframes. Welding of grids and frames with width up to 500 mm and diameter of reinforcement up to 16 mm is carried out on a single-point machine of the MT-1818 type, width up to 1200 mm from rods with diameter up to 18 mm - on a MT-2102 machine.

Wide grids are welded on MTM - 160UHL4 machine.

Bending of grids - on the machine for bending grids SMZh - 353A.

Warehousing and assembly of rebar products according to grades and types is provided in separate areas in racks and containers.

Reinforcement articles are transported to molding shop by self-propelled trolley. All lifting and transportation operations in the reinforcement shop are carried out by a bridge crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons.

The layout of the process equipment of the reinforcement workshop excludes the counterflow of the movement of reinforcement steel for processing and finished reinforcement products into the molding workshop.

3.1.4 Finished goods warehouse

The finished product warehouse is an open two span crane rack 36x60m, one of which is existing.

Reinforced concrete products are stored in the warehouse.

Each span is equipped with two bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 10ts.

The finished product warehouse area is 2409.4m2.

3.2 Process calculations

Technological calculations were made in accordance with the requirements of the technological design standards of enterprises for the production of products from prefabricated reinforced concrete ONTP 07-85. [1].

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