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"Development of the gearbox design" machine model 262PR1


The course project is carried out with the aim of systematizing, deepening and consolidating the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the formation of independent work skills in solving professional problems

 The course project consists of an explanatory note and a graphic part. The graphic part includes a section-unfold along the shafts of the gearbox, as well as a structural grid and a rotational speed graph. Metal-cutting machines are the main type of factory equipment designed for the production of modern machines, devices, tools and other products, therefore, the quantity and quality of metal-cutting machines, their technical equipment largely characterize the production power of the country.

Metal-cutting machines, machines for the manufacture of parts of other machines, mainly by removing chips from the workpiece with a cutting tool. Much of what is produced as a result of human activity today is done on metal-cutting machines or with the help of machines made with the use of such machines. Their range is very wide - from manually operated planers to computerized and robotic systems. More than 500 different types of existing metal-cutting machines can be divided into at least ten groups according to the nature of the work performed and the cutting tools used: split, turning, drilling, milling, grinding, planing, gear machining, broaching, multi-position automatic, etc.

Metal-cutting lathes are the most common in the national economy.

This group includes: universal lathes, screw-cutting lathes,

turret, frontal, carousel, lathe-copying, automatic lathes, special-purpose lathes.

The aim of the course project is to develop the kinematic structure of a lathe.

Project's Content

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Additional information

Drawings content

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