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Develop TP to repair the transmission of the GAZ-31029 car and a groove two-plunger lift

  • Added: 03.12.2019
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Development of TP for repair of the GAZ-31029 vehicle transmission and the assembly drawing of the groove hoist.

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1 Research part

1.1 Transmission Study

1.1.1 Transmission purpose

1.2 Characteristics of GAZ transmission

1.3 Project Feasibility Study

2 Process Part

2.1 Main transmission faults and methods

eliminating them

2.2 Removal of transmission units

2.4 Restoration of the main transmission units

2.6 Transmission Maintenance

2.7 Process Flow Diagram

3 Organizational part

3.1 Workplace Organization

3.2 Organization of technical control

3.3 Vehicle Repair Safety

3.4 Industrial sanitation and hygiene

4. Design part

4.1 General arrangement and operation principle of the bench

4.2 Strength calculation



The main task of road transport is to fully and timely meet the needs for the transportation of passengers by improving the quality and capacity of the entire transport system.

Improving the efficiency of road transport rolling stock is particularly important in this regard. More intensive operation of the rolling stock requires its high technical readiness and, therefore, well-organized maintenance and repair.

Maintenance shall ensure failure-free operation of the vehicle units, systems and assemblies within the limits established by the frequency of impacts.

The use of modern equipment during maintenance and repair does not exclude the performance of general locksmith operations, which should be owned by each repair worker. Car repair fitter should have a clear understanding of the main methods and methods of restoring parts, repair technology, including assembly and testing of cars and units after repair.

In the increasingly widely implemented restoration of automotive parts, a wide variety of technological methods are being used: surfacing, metallization, electrolytic build-up, the use of polymer materials and many other clear ideas that are also necessary for locksmith repair.

In Russia, a planned preventive system for the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport has been adopted. The car maintenance and repair system provides for two components of the operation: control and execution. The planned and preventive nature of such a system provides for the execution of the control part of operations at certain runs or intervals and the subsequent execution of the executive part of operations determined by regulatory and technical documentation.

The repair is a set of operations to restore the serviceable and operable state, resource and failure-free operation of rolling stock and its components.

Repair is carried out both according to demand and forcibly according to the plan after a certain mileage or operation time of the rolling stock.

The high requirements for mechanization of maintenance work, due to the need to improve technological processes and increase operational efficiency, make the tasks of loading and using technological equipment, ensuring its reliability and efficiency especially relevant.

The efficiency and stability of the use of technological equipment depends more on the technical condition, timely and systematic maintenance and repair. Measures to maintain the operability and durability of samples of technical equipment should ensure the maintenance of the equipment at a sufficiently high level, provide the greatest effect, with minimal labor, material and energy costs. The content and scope of work is determined by the type of maintenance and repair of the equipment. Types of maintenance and maintenance are considered to be a set of works to maintain the equipment in serviceable condition, performed with the same periodicity.

In this course design, we determine possible failures of the transmission of the GAZ31029 car. We draw up a process diagram, for a faster determination of the sequence of repair work, we also select a bench that will simplify the transmission repair process.


During course design, I studied the device, methods of repair and maintenance of the GAZ31029 gearbox. There was also a stand for repairing the transmission, which helps to ease the working conditions of the locksmith, reduces the labor input of repair, and in particular disassembly work during the repair of the gearbox. When using the device, the highest rates are currently provided.

In this course design, the gearbox of the VAZ21099 car was considered, in particular, the features of the device, the main malfunctions and ways to eliminate them were considered, and we also considered methods of repairing the main parts and units of the gearbox.

A technological process for repairing the gearbox has also been developed, according to which it is easier to navigate the repair sequence, and which are increasingly being used in car repair enterprises .

Emphasis is placed on safety, industrial sanitation and other technological indicators.

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