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Design of SDCM maintenance and repair base


The purpose of this diploma project is to design the base of maintenance and repair (maintenance and maintenance) of construction, road and communal equipment (SDKM). In addition, the diploma project includes the development of a stand for disassembling and assembling engines. During the development of the maintenance base and R SDKM, the areas of the main buildings are calculated, the layout and location of the equipment of the repair workshop, and the layout of the general plan of the enterprise. The developed bench is designed for disassembly-assembly of V-shaped engines weighing no more than 1400kg. Fastener, on the developed bench is intended for the YaMZ-236 engine, which is installed on many SDKM. During the development of the bench, all its main components are calculated, in particular strength calculations. The explanatory note contains 135 pages, 8 illustrations in the note and 9 sheets of the graphic part.

Project's Content

icon 2010_Задание_Боголюбову_АС.doc
icon Доклад.docx
icon Направление на рецензию.docx
icon Рецензия.docx
icon Пояснительная записка.docx
icon Ген. план..cdw
icon Корпус редуктора.cdw
icon Общий вид стенда.cdw
icon Операционные эскизы.cdw
icon План мастерской.cdw
icon Рама стенда.cdw
icon Редуктор.cdw
icon 1. Колесо.cdw
icon 2. Червяк.cdw
icon 3. Вал.cdw
icon 4. Крышка.cdw
icon 1. Муфта.cdw
icon 2. Заготовка.cdw
icon 3. Патрон.cdw
icon Спецификация к раме.spw
icon Спецификация к редуктору.spw
icon Спецификация к стенду.spw

Additional information



Certificate Project Statement


1. Design of SDCM maintenance and repair base

1.1 General information about maintenance base and R of SDCM

1.2 Composition of maintenance base and R of SDCM

1.3 Description of base workshops

1.3.1 Workshops of main production

1.3.2 Auxiliary production

1.4 Feasibility study of design and calculation of basic parameters of SDCM maintenance and repair base

1.4.1 Selection of operating mode and determination of working time funds of the repair enterprise

1.4.2 Determination of labour intensity of repair works

1.4.3 Determination (calculation) of the number of employees at the repair plant

1.4.4 Calculation of MT and R base areas

1.5 Calculation of workshops

1.5.1 External washing compartment

1.5.2 Disassembly compartment

1.5.3 Cooking compartment

1.5.4 Control and sorting compartment

1.5.5 Assembly and fitter-fitting compartment

1.5.6 Electrical Equipment Repair Department

1.5.7 Bus assembly compartment

1.5.8 Frame-boiler room

1.5.9 Aggregate compartment

1.5.10 Machine Assembly Compartment

1.5.11 Copper-radiator compartment

1.5.12 Cabin-tin compartment

1.5.13 Bypass compartment

1.5.14 Woodworking compartment

1.5.15 Fuel equipment repair department

1.5.16 Engine repair and assembly department

1.5.17 Test station

1.5.18 Mechanical and locksmith compartment

1.5.19 Maintenance and Diagnostic Department

1.5.20 Blacksmith department

1.5.21 Thermal compartment

1.5.22 Washing compartment

1.5.23 Galvanic compartment

1.5.23 Welding compartment

1.5.24 Metallization compartment

1.5.25 Painting compartment

1.6 Auxiliary production

1.6.1 Tool Compartment

1.6.2 Main Mechanic Department

2. Development of engine disassembly/assembly bench

2.1 Purpose and description of the developed bench

2.2 Calculation of worm gear box

2.2.1 Kinematic calculation of the drive

2.2.2 Material Selection

2.2.3 Definition of permissible stresses

2.2.4 Design calculation

2.2.5 Check calculation

2.2.6 Contact strength calculation under maximum load

2.2.7 Calculation of worm wheel teeth for bending endurance

2.2.8 Maximum load bending strength calculation

2.2.9 Calculation of the worm for stiffness

2.2.10 Thermal calculation of worm gear box

2.2.11 Selection of lubricants

2.3 Gear Shaft Design

2.3.1 Calculation of the main parameters of the shaft

2.3.2 Shaft strength calculation

2.4 Calculation of engine attachment beam for strength

3. Development of the coupling manufacturing process

3.1 Part purpose, description and processability

3.2 Mechanical properties and chemical composition of part material

3.3 Definition of production type

3.4 Economic justification of procurement selection

3.4.1 I variant. Stamped workpiece

3.4.2 II variant. Procurement from rolled stock

3.5 Determination of machining allowances

3.6 Calculation of cutting modes

3.6.1 Selection of cutting tool

3.6.2 Determination of cutting depth

3.6.3 Supply Selection

3.6.4 Calculation of cutting speed

3.6.5 Definition of cutting force

3.6.6 Calculation of caliber-bracket for size Ø84 h

3.7 Development of part machining accessory

3.7.1 Description of the accessory

3.7.2 Calculation of clamping forces

4. Safety of life

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Description of Harmful Production Factors

4.2.1 Hazards during operation of machines, mechanisms and equipment

4.2.2 Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the working area air

4.2.3 Noise and vibration level at the workplace

4.3 General safety requirements at the repair plant

4.4 Characteristics of premises of the repair enterprise

4.4.1 Calculation of artificial lighting of mechanical and locksmith compartment

4.5 Electrical safety

4.5.1 Safety of electrical installations operation

4.5.2 Technical methods and means of protection

4.5.3 Organizational and technical measures to ensure electrical safety

4.6 Repair Safety Conditions

4.6.1 Safety requirements before starting operation

4.6.2 Safety requirements during operation

4.6.3 Safety requirements upon completion of operation

4.7. Ergonomics of workplaces

4.8 Fire safety and measures to predict and prevent the most likely emergencies

4.8.1 Fire safety

4.8.2 Measures to predict and prevent the occurrence of the most likely emergencies

5. Calculation of cost and price of repair of construction and road machines

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Initial data

5.3 Calculation of the value of fixed assets

5.4 Calculation of raw materials, basic materials and spare parts cost

5.5 Calculation of the annual salary fund of employees

5.5.1 Wage Fund for Industrial Workers

5.5.2 Salary Fund of Auxiliary Workers

5.5.3 Employee Salary Fund

5.6 Calculation of shop expenses

5.6.1 Maintenance of buildings, structures and equipment

5.6.2 Maintenance costs of buildings and structures

5.6.3 Depreciation deductions for renovation of buildings, structures and inventory

5.6.4 Costs of invention, testing and rationalization

5.6.5 Life Safety Costs

5.6.6 Unaccounted expenses

5.7 Shop expenses

5.8 Calculation of workshop expenses per conventional repair unit

5.8.1 Calculation of equipment maintenance and operation costs

5.9 Calculation of cost of repair unit

5.9.1 Production Cost

5.9.2 Total cost of repair unit

5.9.3 Selling price of conventional repair unit

5.10 Conclusions on the Project Feasibility Section


List of literature


Dear members of the state certification commission. A diploma project is presented to you on the topic: "Design of the SDCM maintenance and repair base. Development of engine disassembly-assembly bench.

The purpose of this diploma project is to develop a basis for maintenance and repair of construction, road and communal machines. In addition, the diploma project includes the development of a stand for disassembling and assembling engines.

During the design of the MT and R base, the following were determined: the operating mode and funds of the enterprise's time, the labor intensity of the work, the calculation of the number of people working at the enterprise, the calculation of the areas of the main buildings and structures, the choice of equipment for the repair workshop, the layout of the repair workshop with the equipment located in it and the layout of the general plan of the enterprise. The designed base is capable of performing 200 overhauls (brought to the T130 tractor) per year with a single-shift operating mode of the enterprise .

On the basis, in addition to the repair shop, the warehouse of materials and the administrative building, there are (sheet 1) parking lots for equipment awaiting repair and repaired, as well as parking lots for cars of workers, employees and customers of this enterprise; mud sump, pump and water storage tank, which serve for the secondary use of service water (which is designed to reduce workshop costs); fuel and lubricants warehouse with filling station to provide equipment with all necessary materials; there is also an emergency shelter. The layout of the master plan makes it possible not to intersect the equipment during its repair, which creates convenience when transporting it throughout the enterprise .

Repair shop (sheet 2) has all necessary workshops for major repairs. There is also a maintenance and maintenance section on the base, which has all the necessary equipment for all types of scheduled operations.

The designed stand is designed for disassembly-assembly of V-shaped engines (sheet 3).

The stand is a welded structure made of rolled steel. To rotate the engine, in order to completely disassemble it, a worm gear with a manual drive (sheet 3) is used. The use of a manual drive is due to the fact that during disassembly and assembly operations it is not necessary to rotate the engine repeatedly. Also, the manual drive provides better positioning of the engine. The use of an electric drive, for example, would entail a complexity of the design, and therefore would increase the cost of the bench.

The engine is fixed on the bench (sheet 3) by means of bayonet-type attachment, which provides quick and easy fastening operations.

The bench frame is equipped with wheels (sheet 3) for easy movement, and twisting supports for its installation in a fixed position. The supports also ensure stability of the bench at full load.

The mounting device of the bench is intended for YaMZ236 engine. But using replaceable fasteners on the stand, any V-shaped engines weighing no more than 1400 kg can be installed. Replacement of fasteners occurs quickly, as splined connection is used. Also, this connection provides high reliability of motor attachment.

During the development of the bench, all its main units are calculated, as well as the calculation of shafts and the engine attachment beam for strength.

In the technological part of the diploma project, the process of manufacturing a toothed coupling (sheet 8) was developed. During the development, it is determined: the procurement material, the type of production, the economic justification for the selection of the procurement, the allowance for processing, the calculation of cutting modes, the device for processing the part is developed.

The BZD section describes harmful production factors, provides general safety requirements at the repair plant, characteristics of the premises, calculates artificial lighting, describes electrical safety, provides safety conditions for repair work and ergonomics of workplaces, describes fire safety and measures to predict and prevent the occurrence of the most likely emergencies.

In the economic part of the diploma project, the cost of the selling price of repairing SDKM is calculated. During the calculations, he determined that the cost of overhaul (brought to the T130 tractor) is 531163 rubles, and the selling price, including VAT, is 720789 rubles, which is 3.65 times less than the cost of a new tractor (according to advertising, the cost of a new T130 tractor is 2628190 rubles for 01.03.2010). Therefore, I concluded that repairing the existing car is more profitable than buying a new one.

Thank you for your attention. Student Bogolyubov graduated from the report.


The purpose of this diploma project is to design the base of maintenance and repair (maintenance and maintenance) of construction, road and communal equipment (SDKM). In addition, the diploma project includes the development of a stand for disassembling and assembling engines. During the development of the maintenance base and R SDKM, the areas of the main buildings are calculated, the layout and location of the equipment of the repair workshop, and the layout of the general plan of the enterprise.

The developed bench is designed for disassembly-assembly of V-shaped engines weighing no more than 1400kg. The fastener on the bench under development is intended for the YaMZ236 engine, which is installed on many SDKM. During the development of the bench, all its main components are calculated, in particular strength calculations.

The explanatory note contains 135 pages, 8 illustrations in the note and 9 sheets of the graphic part.


The diploma project is developed in accordance with the technical building.

The purpose of the diploma project is to develop a base for maintenance and repair of SDKM and a stand for disassembly and assembly of engines.

The maintenance and repair base (maintenance and maintenance) is developed in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers of construction, road and communal equipment. Modern technology needs quality services. Maintenance and R bases are designed to ensure timely and high-quality scheduled maintenance. In addition to qualified personnel, the technical equipment of these bases plays a huge role.

The designed enterprise meets all these requirements. At the facilities of the enterprise, the entire range of repair work can be carried out to restore the operability of the equipment, as well as scheduled maintenance work. All necessary equipment is available to support the process.

Engine disassembly-assembly bench meets all requirements for it. These requirements include: low material consumption during manufacture, ease of movement and installation, ease of engine fixation, long service life. The stand also has a high degree of unification, it is possible to disassemble and assemble most V-shaped engines produced both in our country and abroad. This is ensured by replaceable devices for fixing the engines, as well as the ease of their replacement.

1. Design of SDCM maintenance and repair base

1.1 General information about maintenance base and R of SDCM

The technical condition of the machine during operation changes under the influence of the environment, the material being treated, interaction with other objects, as well as under the influence of internal processes that occur in the machine during the performance of working functions. Therefore, organizational, technical and technological measures are necessary to maintain, preserve and restore the technical condition of the machines in order to fulfill their functions at the proper level. Thanks to these measures, the operability of the machines is ensured. The operability of machines is understood as its condition in which it is able to perform the specified functions, with parameters set by the requirements of technical documentation .

Serviceability is ensured in two ways:

maintenance (maintenance);

restoration (repair).

Maintenance of construction, road and communal machines by periodicity, list and labor intensity of performed works is divided into the following types:

EO - daily service;

TO-1 - first maintenance;

TO-2 - second maintenance;

TO-3 - third maintenance;

CO - seasonal maintenance of the machine with engines.

According to labour intensity of performed works, repairs and their types are divided into the following types:


planned maintenance;

turnout maintenance;

remedial repairs;

warranty repair;

preventive repair;


The technical condition of machines, their units and assemblies without disassembly is determined using diagnostics, which consists in determining the required operations, predicting the technical condition and evaluating the quality of the work performed.

The designed maintenance and repair base of SDCM performs all the above listed types of works. The base has a sufficient machine park and special appliances. The design capacity of the base is 200 overhauls per year (brought to the tractor T130/T170/T10) at a single-shift operation mode.

1.2 Composition of maintenance base and R of SDCM

Diagnostics, maintenance, repair of all types and restoration of worn and damaged machine parts will be carried out on the basis of MT and R SDKM, during the design of which it is necessary to provide a certain composition of workshops, compartments, sections to ensure the required production volume.

The composition of the base workshops is characterized by the volume of work and the volume of production. The designed enterprise can be divided into main and auxiliary production.

The main production includes the following workshops:

Disassembling with compartments:

external washing;

disassembly of machines and units;

digesting and washing;

control and sorting.

Assembly with compartments:

picking and fittings;

assembly of machines and units;

repair of electrical equipment;

frame-boiler room;


Motor with compartments:

repair and assembly of engines;

fuel equipment repair;

test station.

Kabinozestyanitsky with departments:


copper radiator;




Repair of parts with compartments:

mechanical and locksmith;






Diagnostics and maintenance.

Auxiliary production includes:

Department of Chief Mechanics with branches:

mechanical repair;

electrical repair;

repair construction;

central compressor station.

Instrumental with offices:

mechanical and locksmith;


tooling and distribution storerooms.

In addition to the main and auxiliary production, the repair plant has the following warehouses:

spare parts;

parts awaiting repair;




petrol, oil and lubricants;


central tool;

units awaiting repair;

repaired units;

site of machines awaiting repair;

site of repaired machines.

1.3 Description of base workshops

1.3.1 Workshops of main production

According to the method of their calculation, all the main production workshops of repair enterprises are divided into three classes, which are mainly different from each other by the calculation unit:

I class - workshops, the calculation of which is based on the time norm per repair unit;

II class - workshops, the calculation of which is based on the weight of the product and the capacity of the equipment, i.e. the calculation is made by removal from the equipment unit, kg/h.

III class - workshops, the calculation of which is based on the value of the coated surface (m2, dm2) and the duration of the process.

Class I workshops include departments: external washes, disassembly compartment; digestive; control sorting, picking and locksmithing, electrical equipment repair, bus assembly, frame boiler, aggregate, machine assemblies, copper radiator, cockpit-tin, wallpaper, woodworking, fuel equipment repair, engine repair and assembly, test station and diagnostics and maintenance.

Class II workshops include departments: blacksmith, thermal and washing.

Class III workshops include: galvanic, welding, metallization and painting.

Class I workshops are designed for disassembly and assembly of machines, units, cockpits and empennage. In addition, in the assembly shops, work is carried out on the control, sorting and adjustment of parts, testing and adjustment of units and machines. In the cockpit and locksmith and mechanical shops, work is carried out to restore and manufacture parts. The annual production program is expressed in the nomenclature and number of repaired machines and units, as well as restored and manufactured parts.

External wash compartment. The compartment is designed to perform external cleaning and washing of machines coming for repair.

Disassembly compartment. Disassembly compartment is used to disassemble machines into units, and units and assemblies - into parts.

The cooking compartment. The compartment is intended for degreasing of large parts and assemblies, removal of coke, scale and bitumen from their surface.

Control and sorting department. Control and sorting compartment is intended for control and sorting of parts of disassembled units and machines entering major repairs.

Picking and fitter-fitting department. It is intended for picking of parts into units and assemblies, as well as for fitting of mated parts in order to facilitate assembly of units and machines.

Electrical equipment repair department. The compartment is designed for overhaul and testing of units and devices of electric equipment of road machines. If there are batteries, their repair is also carried out in this compartment.

Busbar compartment. The compartment is designed to perform works related to removal and installation of rubber from wheels of motor graders, fasteners and other wheel machines. Sometimes in this department there is a simple repair of the cells.

Frame and boiler room. The compartment is designed to perform defects, overhaul of running trolleys, mounted equipment and other metal structures of road construction machines.

Aggregate compartment. The unit compartment is designed to perform works related to repair, assembly and testing of all units, except engines.

Machine assembly department. The compartment is intended for general assembly of machines from finished units and assemblies.

Medical radiator department. The compartment is intended for repair of radiators, fuel tanks, fuel and oil pipes and bushings filling.

Kabinozestyanitsky department. The department is designed to perform overhaul of cabins, plumage and other tin works.

Wallpaper compartment. The compartment is intended for repair of cushions and seat backs.

Woodworking department. The department is intended for mechanical treatment of wood, carpentry and assembly work on wooden parts of cabins, frame seats and other units. The department also performs the work necessary for its own needs of the repair enterprise.

Fuel equipment repair department. The compartment is designed for overhaul and testing of diesel power system devices: nozzles, fuel pumps, fuel filters.

Engine repair and assembly department. Compartment is intended for repair of engine main parts and its assembly.

Test station. The test station shall run-in and test out-of-service engines in accordance with the specifications approved for this engine type. Run-in and test should be considered as the final stage in the process of engine repair. During the test period, friction parts are run-in, the engine is prepared to receive operational loads and the quality of the repair works is finally checked. The test station is structurally part of the engine shop.

Mechanical and locksmith compartment. The mechanical and locksmith department of the repair enterprise is intended for mechanical and locksmith treatment of parts of road machines and engines repaired and manufactured for repair.

Department of Diagnostics and Maintenance. The department is intended for maintenance and diagnostics of construction, road and communal equipment.

Class II workshops are designed to perform blacksmith and thermal, as well as washing operations in disassembly and washing departments. The main calculation units of these workshops are the weight of the product and the capacity of the equipment (i.e. removal from the equipment unit in kg per hour). The annual production program is set by the number and nomenclature of machines to be repaired with the specification of the parts to be repaired and manufactured, indicating the weight of parts or forgings, the coefficient of repair or manufacture. According to the thermal workshop, the program is divided into types of treatment. The washing program is represented by the number of units or assemblies washed in washing machines.

Blacksmith's department. The compartment is intended for repair of worn-out parts by pressure methods, production of reinforcing pads for frames, caterpillar trolleys, booms of excavators and other machines. The department also performs forging and stamping both for the main production and for the needs of the tool shop and the department of chief mechanics (OGM).

Thermal separation. The department is designed to perform thermal work both in the repair and manufacture of parts of the main production, as well as work related to the orders of the tool shop and the department of the main mechanics.

Annealing, normalization, cementation, tempering, volume quenching and quenching with high frequency currents are performed in thermal compartment.

Washing room. The compartment is intended for degreasing of parts, removal of coke and contaminants from their surface.

Class III workshops are designed for galvanic, welding, metallization and painting works. The main design units of class III workshops are the size of the surface to be covered (m2 or dm2) and the duration of the process. The annual production program is set in the form of the nomenclature and number of repaired machines and units, as well as the specification of the restored and painted parts.

Galvanic compartment. The galvanic department of the repair enterprise is designed to perform work on restoring the surfaces of parts with wear-resistant coatings (chromium plating, quench), as well as for applying protective coatings made of zinc and copper.

Welding compartment. The welding compartment is designed to perform surfacing of worn out parts, brewing cracks, welding of damaged metal structures, billet parts by gas cutting of metal, as well as to perform a number of works related to the needs of the department of the main mechanic and tool shop.

Metallization compartment. The compartment is designed to build up worn-out parts and seal cracks at the body parts or shells after brewing cracks of the water jacket of the head or cylinder block of the engine.

Painting department. Paint compartment is intended for painting of cockpits, cowls and machines assembled before their final delivery to the customer.

1.3.2 Auxiliary production

Tool room. The tool department of road machine repair plants is usually an integral part of the tool economy of these enterprises.

Tool compartment is intended mainly for repair and sharpening of tool, as well as for repair and manufacture of devices. Normal and special tools repair enterprises purchase from tool plants.

Tools and accessories that are not supplied by these plants, but are necessary for the repair of machines, are manufactured in the tool departments of the repair plants themselves.

The instrument department of the repair enterprise includes:

mechanical and locksmith section;

sharpening section;

interim warehouse;

office space.

The locksmith and mechanical section is intended for the production of locksmith and machine works for the repair and manufacture of tools and devices.

The sharpening section serves to sharpen and refine the cutting tool manufactured by the compartment, as well as the one in operation. The intermediate storeroom is designed to store tools and accessories that require repair, as well as to store materials necessary for instrumental work.

Instrument-dispenser storeroom (IRC) is intended for storage and dispensing of devices, measuring and cutting tools.

Chief Mechanic's Department. The main mechanics department at the repair plant is intended for the maintenance and repair of metal cutting machines, hammers, presses, lifting and transportation and power equipment, etc., as well as the maintenance and repair of buildings, various structures, communications of the plant and the manufacture of simpler non-standard equipment.

The Department of Chief Mechanics consists of the following units:

mechanical repair department;

electrical repair compartment;

repair and construction department;


transformer substation;

boiler room.

Repair and mechanical department is intended for mechanical and locksmith works for equipment repair and maintenance during operation.

The electrical repair department repairs and maintains the electric power and electric lighting facilities of the plant .

The repair and construction department is intended for the repair and maintenance of water supply, sewerage, steam networks and installations, ventilation units, various wooden structures, floors, windows, doors, etc.

The compressor, which is managed by the chief mechanic, provides compressed air to the production needs of the repair plant.

Transformer substation is designed to provide power to the repair plant in the required quantity.

The boiler room provides heat for production, administrative and household premises and warehouses.

Warehousing. The plant for overhaul of road vehicles has the following plant-wide warehouses: spare parts, basic and auxiliary materials, metals, chemicals, paints, lubricants and fuel, waste and industrial waste, finished products, repair stock, timber, calcium carbide and oxygen.

Development of engine disassembly/assembly bench

Purpose and description of the bench to be developed

The developed bench is intended for use at repair plants for disassembly and assembly of engines during their repair.

The stand is a welded structure made of rolled steel. To rotate the engine, in order to completely disassemble it, a worm gear with a manual drive is used. Engine attachment is performed by means of bayonet-type attachment providing fast and easy attachment.

The frame of the bench is equipped with wheels for easy movement, and twisting supports for its installation in a stationary state. The supports also ensure stability of the bench at full load.

The developed bench is designed for the YaMZ236 engine. But using replaceable fasteners on the stand, any V-shaped engines weighing no more than 1400 kg can be installed. Replacement of fasteners occurs quickly, as splined connection is used. Also, this connection provides high reliability of motor attachment.

Development of the coupling manufacturing process

Part Purpose, Description and Processability

The clutch is designed to transmit the torque without changing its value and direction, as well as to compensate for radial, axial and angular displacements of the connected parts.

The coupling is a sleeve with teeth, which are cut through one. For fixation on the shaft the coupling has a key slot.

The part is of medium manufacturing complexity, but does not require special machine equipment and does not have high requirements for manufacturing accuracy.

Calculation of cost and price of repair of construction and road machines


Modern technical service of SDCM, provided by repair enterprises, should be characterized not only by guaranteed quality of works, minimum terms of their execution, but also by reasonable cost and selling price of repairs. This section provides a feasibility study of their activities.

Absolute technical and economic indicators characterize the type of production and the capacity of the enterprise. The absolute indicators are: the volume of fixed assets, the annual labor intensity of work and the production program, the total and production areas, the average annual number of production and auxiliary workers, etc.

Specific technical and economic indicators characterize the values ​ ​ assigned to a unit: one production worker, one ruble of the cost of construction and equipment, etc.

These indicators are used to analyze the work of the enterprise, objectively compare several proposed options, as well as for comparison with similar ones.

For repair enterprises, the calculation indicators are the cost price and the selling price of the conventional repair unit.

As a conventional unit, we take overhaul of the T130 tractor with a labor input of 740 people. I accept the number of conventional capital repair units as equal to 200.

Conclusions on the technical and economic section of the project

Conclusion: the results of the calculations show that the cost of overhaul of a conventional unit is 531163 rubles, and the selling price is 720789 rubles, which is 3.65 times less than the cost of a new tractor (according to advertising, the cost of a new T130 tractor is 2628190 rubles as of 01.03.2010). Therefore, repairing an existing car is more profitable than buying a new one.

Note that the cost and selling price of the repair unit can be reduced:

by using material of failed parts;

reduce the cost of technical water by using water for a second time;

reduce the duration of the heating season for the southern regions of the Russian Federation;

Increase the use of leasing (temporary rental of machinery and equipment)


The basis of maintenance and repair of construction, road and communal equipment developed during the design, as a result, meets all the requirements for it by the manufacturers of equipment. The successful layout of the enterprise plan provides a high expediency factor, which affects the cost of building the enterprise. The placement of transport routes allows not to intersect the equipment when moving around the base, which creates convenience during scheduled work.

The payback period of the base, taking into account the cost of construction, as well as taking into account the profit from one major overhaul, and subject to reaching the design capacity is about 5.5 years. The period received is small, taking into account the cost of investments of about 90mn. rub.

The designed stand meets all the requirements for it, during the design. In the case of small-scale production, the stand will have a low cost, which favorably puts it in comparison with competitors of Russian and imported production. The stand has high consumer qualities, such as: ease of movement and installation, ease of operation, as well as high resource.

Drawings content

icon Ген. план..cdw

Ген. план..cdw

icon Корпус редуктора.cdw

Корпус редуктора.cdw

icon Общий вид стенда.cdw

Общий вид стенда.cdw

icon Операционные эскизы.cdw

Операционные эскизы.cdw

icon План мастерской.cdw

План мастерской.cdw

icon Рама стенда.cdw

Рама стенда.cdw

icon Редуктор.cdw


icon 1. Колесо.cdw

1. Колесо.cdw

icon 2. Червяк.cdw

2. Червяк.cdw

icon 3. Вал.cdw

3. Вал.cdw

icon 4. Крышка.cdw

4. Крышка.cdw

icon 1. Муфта.cdw

1. Муфта.cdw

icon 2. Заготовка.cdw

2. Заготовка.cdw

icon 3. Патрон.cdw

3. Патрон.cdw

icon Спецификация к раме.spw

Спецификация к раме.spw

icon Спецификация к редуктору.spw

Спецификация к редуктору.spw

icon Спецификация к стенду.spw

Спецификация к стенду.spw

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