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Customs Warehouse - Fire Fighting System

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Fire extinguishing system of warehouse transshipment logistics complex (customs terminal)

Project's Content

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Additional information



A. Explanatory note

1. General Data

2. Fire fighting measures

3. Internal automatic fire extinguishing system

4. Calculation of the sprinkler network under the floor

5. Calculation of sprinkler network in the intra-rack space

6. Selection of fire pumps

7. Power supply and protective grounding (bushing)

8. Organization of production and maintenance of assembly

B. Graphic part

No. p/n Name of Mark sheet - sheet

1 General data. PT-

2 Plan of sprinkler network in intra-rack space, first tier PT-

3 Plan of sprinkler network in intra-rack space, second tier PT-

4 Plan of sprinkler network in intra-rack space, third tier PT-

5 Plan of sprinkler network in intra-rack space, fourth tier of PT-

6 Plan of sprinkler network in intra-rack space, fifth tier of PT-

7 Plan of sprinkler network under PT-

8 PT- Feed Piping Plan

9 Fire fighting pump plan. Diagram of fire-fighting pump pipelines. PT-

Attached Documents

10 Specification of equipment, products and materials

on 4 sheets. PT. WITH

Fire extinguishing

Explanatory Note

General Data

• In this section of the project, the internal automatic fire extinguishing system "Warehouse transshipment logistics complex (customs terminal) Rosan" was developed, at the address: Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsky district, the territory adjacent to St. Petersburg Ring Road in the Utkina Zavod area.

• architectural and construction part of the project;

• Water supply specification

Fire fighting measures

In accordance with NPB 1102003, automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing is provided in the warehouse building.

Internal automatic fire extinguishing system

In accordance with NPB 882001 *, the process storage building belongs to the 6th group of rooms, with stationary racks. A warehouse with a height of more than 10 m, and therefore the intensity and area values for calculating water consumption should be increased at the rate of 10% for every 2 m of room height, and accepted respectively - 0.85 l/s * m2 and 306 m2. The warehouse building is heated, it provides for two water-filled automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing systems - an automatic fire extinguishing installation under the coating and an internal stack.

Sprinkler, water-filled installation under the floor is equipped with sprinkler

SVN 15 sprinklers with a diameter of the conditional passage of 15 mm with installation of a socket downwards. But

mine temperature of thermal lock opening 680С, in-rack sprinkler

the system is equipped with SVN12 sprinkler sprinklers with a nominal passage diameter of 12 mm with a socket installed downwards. Nominal temperature of thermal lock opening 680С

Control units of sprinkler unit UUS150/1,2VVF.04.02 are installed in the fire fighting pump room. Control units use control and signal valves "Class." Operation time of the control unit is 10 seconds. To prevent false actuation signals, a delay chamber is installed in front of the pressure switch.

As an automatic water feeder, a make-up pump (jockey pump) is provided, connected to the fire water supply through an intermediate membrane tank with a capacity of 80 liters. The CHV Booster HydroPack 1 CHV 460 pump unit provides pressure in front of the 40.0 m control and alarm valve. The auxiliary water feeder is automatically disconnected when the main fire pump is turned on.

The estimated amount of water in the aggregate, for the duration of operation of fire extinguishing plants under the coating and in-rack is equal to 60 minutes, is equal to 1126.44 m3. This calculated amount of water is intended to be stored in the tank, with the possibility of automatic replenishment of water during the entire fire-fighting time, provided by two inlets from the water metering unit, by a pipe 219 of diameter.

The minimum volume of the tank is equal to the calculated amount of water minus the incoming water to the tank during a fire:

1126.44 - 678.24 = 448.2 m3

The required head in fire extinguishing systems under the coating and in-rack is not provided by the city public water supply network and during fire extinguishing creates a pump NK 250500 manufactured by Grundfos, 2 workers and 1 backup. Fire signals are output from liquid flow annunciators installed on supply pipelines. Automatic actuation of working pumps of sprinkler units is carried out by the signal of electric contact pressure gauges (ECM) located on the pressure pipeline of the automatic water feeder - make-up pump (jockey pump).

In network of sprinkler fire extinguishing, pipes steel electrowelded Ø57x3.5 - 325х6.0 GOST 1070491 and also pipes steel water pipeline Ø15x2.5 - 32х2.8 GOST 326275 are used. Pipeline laying is provided with slope to drain devices. In the upper points of pipelines there is a pipeline with a valve for air discharge from the system.

Installation of networks is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0185.

Pipes are attached according to 4.90469 and 5.9007 series.

Storage shelves shall be equipped with non-combustible material screens.

Screens shall cover all horizontal sections of racks, including gaps between paired racks. The screens and bottoms of the crate shall have holes with a diameter of 10 mm arranged uniformly with a spacing of 150 mm.

Distance from sprinkler sprinkler socket to screen plane must not exceed 0.25 m, distance between sprinkler socket and top of stored loads - not less than 50 mm. Sprinkler sprinklers shall be protected against mechanical damage during handling operations.

In the room of the pump station for connection of the fire extinguishing unit to mobile fire fighting equipment there are pipelines with outward branch pipes equipped with connecting heads.

The principle of operation of the water fire extinguishing plant: The entire system before the fire is at a pressure of 0.4 MPa, created by an automatic water feeder installed in the pump station. If a fire occurs in the warehouse premises protected by the sprinkler plant, and the air temperature increases more than 68 ° С, the heat lock of the sprinkler sprinkler is destroyed. In this case, the pressure over the signal valve drops, the valve operates, and water enters the fire center. Simultaneously with the actuation of the signal valve from the universal pressure annunciators installed on the control unit, a signal is output to disconnect the ventilation equipment, and from the liquid flow annunciator - a signal about fire. After actuation of the signal valve, the pressure in the supply pipeline drops, and when the value of 0.3 MPa is reached from ECMs installed on the automatic water feeder, and a signal is output from the pressure switch for actuation of the working fire pump. At absence of one of the working fire pumps the standby fire pump is switched on.

Calculation of the sprinkler network under the floor

4.1. Initial data for calculation:

4.1.1. Room Group (Annex 1 NPB 882001 *) - 6

4.1.2. Irrigation intensity (Table 1 NPB 882001 *) - Jop = 0.85 l/s * sq m

4.1.3. Area protected by a single sprinkler (Table 1 NPB 882001 *) - Fop.comp. = 9 sq.m.

4.1.4. Design protected area (Table 1 NPB 882001 *) - Frach = 306 sq.m.

4.1.5. Fire extinguishing unit operation time (Table 1 NPB 882001 *) - 60 min

4.1.6. Distance between sprinklers (Table 1 NPB 882001 *), not more than 3 m

4.1.7. Distance from sprinkler to walls, not more than 1.2 m

4.1.8. The distance from the sprinkler to the floor (item 4.13. NPB 882001 *) not more than 1.5 m

4.2. Calculation of water consumption by the plant:

4.2.1. Total required water flow rate (Q), l/s:

Q = Jor * Frass

Q = 0.85 * 306 = 260.1 (l/s)

4.2.2. Design quantity of simultaneously operating sprinklers (N), pcs:

N = Free/Short

N = 306/9 = 34 (pcs.)

4.3.Selection of sprinkler:

4.3.1. Required sprinkler capacity (qtor), l/s:

qtor > Jop * Fop.clock

where: Jop - irrigation intensity, l/s * m2;

Fop.comp area irrigated by sprinkler, sq.m.

qor = 0.85 * 9 = 7.65 (l/s)

4.3.2. Required head in front of sprinkler for its protection of standard area (Nor), m:

Hole = (Jop * Fop.acch) 2/Hole

Hole = (0.85 * 9) 2/0.77 = 76 (m)

4.3.3. Water flow through sprinkler at design head, l/s

q = Kop * VHop (Item 6, Appendix 2 NPB882001 *)

q = 0.77 * V76 = 6.71 (l/s)

We accept for further calculations an irrigator with a nominal diameter of 15 mm.

4.4. Hydraulic mains calculation (performed as per Fig.1)

4.4.1. Head losses in the ACS control unit are determined according to the diagram of pressure nominal losses for friction against water flow

Qkvs is a water consumption through KVS = 34.06 p/a

NKVs = 0.1 m

4.4.2. The total head for the plant operation will be:

Ngotl = Ndl. + Local + Ngeom. + Nkva + Nor - Npod

where: Ndl. - head loss at design length (calculation is summarized in Table 1)

Non-local - local pressure loss, m = 0.1 Ndl

Ngeom. - highest pipeline height = 14 m

Hole - required head in front of sprinkler

Npod - head of main network overpressure in front of pump

Total required head:

NTl = 32,33+0,1∙32,33 + 14 + 0.1 + 76 - 3 = 122.66 m

Calculation of sprinkler network in the intra-rack space

5.1. Initial data for calculation:

5.1.1. Room Group (Annex 1 NPB 882001 *) - 6

5.1.2. Irrigation intensity (Table 2 NPB 882001 *) - Jop = 0.32 l/s * sq m

5.1.3. Area protected by one sprinkler - Fop.comp. = 2.00 sq.m.

5.1.4. Length of design section Aor.acc. = 15m

5.1.5. Distance between sprinklers, not more than 1.6 m

5.2. Calculation of water consumption by the plant:

5.2.1. Total required water flow rate (Q), l/s:

Q = nJop * Aop. calculation

Q = 5 * 0.32 * 2.2 * 15 = 52.8 (l/s)

Where n is the number of screens by height, and B is the largest width of combined racks

5.3.Selection of sprinkler:

5.3.1. Required sprinkler capacity (qtor), l/s:

qtor > Jop * Fop.clock

where: Jop - irrigation intensity, l/s * m2;

Fop.comp area irrigated by sprinkler, sq.m.

qor = 0.32 * 2.00 = 0.62 (l/s)

5.3.2. Required head in front of sprinkler for its protection of standard area (Nor), m:

Hole = (Jop * Fop.acch) 2/Hole

Hole = (0.32 * 2.00) 2/0.47 = 0.87 (m)

5.3.3. The normal head upstream of the sprinkler (item 7 of Appendix 2 of NPB882001 *) is 1 m.

5.3.4. Water flow through sprinkler at design head, l/s

q = Kop * VHop (Item 6, Appendix 2 NPB882001 *)

q = 0.47 * V1.00 = 0.47 (l/s)

We accept for further calculations a sprinkler with a nominal diameter of 12 mm.

5.4. Hydraulic mains calculation (performed as per Fig.2)

5.4.1. Head losses in the ACS control unit are determined according to the diagram of pressure nominal losses for friction against water flow

NKVs = 0.1 m

5.4.2. The total head for the plant operation will be:

Ngotl = Ndl. + Local + Ngeom. + Nkva + Nor - Npod

where: Ndl. - head loss at design length (calculation is summarized in Table 2)

Non-local - local pressure loss, m = 0.1 Ndl

Ngeom. - highest pipeline height = 10 m

Hole - required head in front of sprinkler

Npod - head of main network overpressure in front of pump

Total required head:

NTl = 0,7945+0,1∙0,7945 + 10.889 + 0.1 + 1.00 = 12.86 m

Selection of fire pumps:

6.1.To create design head H = 122.66 m at water flow rate for automatic fire extinguishing under coating 260.1 l/s and in-rack 52.8 l/s, we select two working pumps of NK 250500 type with the following parameters:

- at a flow rate of 1150 m3/h;

- head 80 m water

- power 300 kW.

- impeller diameter 510 mm

At the same time as the fire pumps are switched on, all pumps of other purpose supplied to the main and not included in the automatic fire extinguishing system shall be automatically switched off.

To drain water, the floors and channels of the pump house shall be inclined to the collection pit.

Pump units and control units according to GOST 12.4.009 shall be painted red.

Power supply and protective grounding (bushing)

According to PUE of water fire extinguishing and fire alarm unit in part

reliability of power supply is assigned to electrical receivers of the 1st stage

rii, therefore, the power supply of the water fire extinguishing unit is carried out from

two independent AC power supplies.

To ensure the safety of people, a reliable gap must be provided

flushing (charging) of electrical equipment of water fire extinguishing units (in accordance with

according to PUE requirements and passport data for electrical equipment used


Organization of production and maintenance of assembly

Installation of the water fire extinguishing unit shall be carried out in three


on the first - check of embedded devices, openings and holes in

building structures and building elements; route layout and installation of reference

structures for pipelines, brackets for boards, panels, etc.; laying pipes in

constructed foundations, walls, floors and floors;

on the second - installation of pipelines, sprinklers, panels, valves, pumps, etc., and

connection of electrical postings to them;

on the third - individual and complex adjustment of automatic fire control units


During piping installation the following shall be provided:

strength and tightness of pipe connections and their connection to fittings and instruments;

reliability of pipes fixation on support structures, possibility of their inspection, as well as

flushing and blowing.

Holes and welds are drilled in pipelines to install sprinklers

couplings or nipples depending on the place of sprinklers installation, burning of holes

is not allowed.

After installation, all pipelines are washed. Flushing works shall be executed by acts presented during commissioning of the plant.

The condition of cables before laying shall be checked by external inspection. Except

this, the integrity of the insulation of the cores must be checked.

The control cabinets shall only be attached to the walls by detachable connections.

Regulations for maintenance of electrical installations should be developed by the customer at

Location and in accordance with applicable manufacturer's regulations and instructions.

Drawings content

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